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Everything posted by me5671

  1. No tribal council?! What an absolute load of crap. The Purple tribe lost the challenge. It is completely unfair that their Tribal Council was cancelled as if that challenge had never occurred. It makes no sense at all and leaves a bad taste in my mouth as a viewer. So, we have sat through 5.5 hours of Survivor so far and only seen 2 tribal councils. Yikes. This season is off to a slow, disappointing start.
  2. Couldn’t agree more. Especially about Bhanu. Like you said, it’s not Jess’s fault she’s short. But even if she was the worst challenge performer in the world, it wouldn’t justify bellowing in her face like that. Bhanu’s screaming at her was unhinged. Passion, my ass. That was a precursor for abuse. Glad Jess is off the island and away from those a-holes on the Purple tribe.
  3. Hmmm… idk what to think about this show. I like it, but the references to making a “good deal” vs a “bad deal” irritate me. Since you have no idea what’s in your case, oftentimes taking a deal is the better move even if in the end you have a higher-value case. For example, I’d rather have a guaranteed $300,000 than a 1-in-3 shot at a million but the other 2 cases are like $75 and $250. A high, guaranteed payout is worth more in this scenario and taking the deal is better than risking it and walking away with almost nothing, even if it turns out your case had the million. Not so in this show however. You pretty much have to keep opening cases because if you don’t and you have the top prize left on the board in your case, you are automatically eliminated. The whole “good deal” vs “bad deal” reference ignores this logic by focusing entirely on whether the money in your case happened to be more than the deal you took. Since you have no idea what is inside your case apart from opening more cases, that’s silly to me. I would hate when Howie would tell people they made a “great deal” at the end of the show because sometimes taking the guaranteed money is still better than taking a big risk, hoping for a giant payout but also leaving a healthy chance of walking away with a pittance. The format of the show doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. I’d rather watch Deal or No Deal straight up.
  4. Glad to see Mh’iya safe for a change, but it was more because there were so many lackluster performances than her really knocking it out of the park. Only Plane and Sapphira shined in this, honestly. I don’t know what some of these other queens were thinking. Many of them handicapped themselves right from the start with poor choices of celebrity to impersonate. Most notably, the Gold Tooth Fairy and Jane Goodall obviously. But even though they ended up being safe, the choices of Amelia Earhart and Meaghan McCain were predictably bland and unfunny. I love the snatch game, but this one seemed below average overall with just a few standouts.
  5. Eh, the therapist’s reluctance to testify was kind of silly and lazy writing. I could see patients getting nervous if the therapist were testifying AGAINST one of her fellow patients, but that’s not what was happening at all! The therapist was testifying in order to help convict THE PERSON WHO MURDERED HER PATIENT IN COLD BLOOD. I can’t imagine many patients feeling uneasy about that. I’d be glad that my therapist would be willing to stand up and speak on my behalf if I couldn’t do so for myself. Bye Jack McCoy! You are an amazing, iconic TV character and will be missed. That was a fitting end for him. He sacrificed himself before he would even consider sacrificing his integrity or the integrity of the office. Very on-brand for the character. AND, he devised a way to do it that would out-maneuver the corrupt mayor, once more proving he is as intelligent as he is principled. whoever they bring in as the new DA is going to have awful big shoes to fill.
  6. Sigh… I’m rooting for Julie but I wish she had taken a bigger shot there. She now knows that Austin and Drew want her out. She also knows that, while Dee is loyal enough to let her know about the plan to vote her out, she wasn’t loyal enough to not actually vote for her. So Dee is at least as loyal to Austin as she is to her, if not more so. Julie is definitely smart enough to see that she needs at least one of Austin/Drew out next. I just don’t think she’ll get another opportunity like this to make it happen. Sorry to see Emily go home. She played great, but no one on the yellow tribe had a realistic shot at winning given their track record in challenges.
  7. Well, BB has had some truly horrendous winners, so whoever pulls out the win here won’t even be close to the worst winner ever. However, this has been one of the least enjoyable seasons to watch of all time. NOTHING HAPPENED lol. Cirie and co. predictably and boringly dominated the pre-jury phase. Their group imploding and Cirie’s alliance with Jared being exposed (though still not their relationship) was pretty amusing, but it led to this utterly predictable and maddening jury phase where Matt and Jag bro out and dominate the competitions to make it to the end. *Deep sigh*. I hope FBJ goes home this week for blowing the one chance we had at a different result. What a terrible move. I wonder if she had a full normal week to think about things rather than be HOH in the double elimination episode if she would have made the same choice.
  8. Between the nonsensical multiverse twist, the pointless reset week twist, the momentum-destroying zombie twist, and now this live eviction at 10pm, I feel like this was the most poorly planned out Big Brother season. Mostly because they tried to supersize the season to counteract the writer’s and actor’s strike, but still. Should have added players to the game in that case.
  9. 100% agreed. Yikes. Remember, too, that Emily started off pretty rough in terms of gameplay. Who knew that she’d turn out to be the second-best player on the entire tribe?
  10. I am fascinated by how poorly Cameron has played this week. He’s won both HoH and Veto, but has done nothing with those powers to move get himself further in the game. He was *just* nommed last week by Felicia, but rather than target her he is doing the dirty work of Cirie, who is obviously tightly aligned with Felicia. If anything, winning both comps just increased the target on his back, which was already pretty large.
  11. Man, Michael is such a comp beast. He had to win veto this week to stay in the house and he did! This plan of his shows that he will do anything and use any angle to win. He is playing a cold, emotionless, take-no-prisoners kind of game. I don’t think we’ve seen someone play the game this cold and emotionless since BB6 Maggie .
  12. Ditto, both actresses knocked it out of the park in this episode. I am impressed with how the show is handling these heavier topics while still keeping it funny. There were several funny little moments in this episode mixed in with the drama and touching moments. Well done.
  13. Still laughing about Daniel’s comment at tribal about hoping that Mike dies long before he does. What was he thinking?! Between that and his time spear-fishing with his supposedly bum arm, I was floored at his lack of social game. Seems like a decent guy, but just a horrible Survivor player. Speaking of people who seem nice but are just awful at playing Survivor, let’s talk about Chanelle. The last time her tribe went to tribal council, she foolishly risked her vote which led to the tie vote that ultimately cost her an ally. This week, rather than risk and lose her vote, she decides to throw it away by voting for Mike even though there was no indication anyone else would be voting that way. Immediately upon coming back from the immunity challenge, she and Daniel correctly noted that their necks were on the chopping block. Yet she throws a vote on Mike? What was she thinking? That could have really cost her. It was a close vote, and if Mike caught on that she voted for him he could have booted her on the re-vote. She might as well have gone for the shot in the dark rather than throw away her vote and burn a potential ally.
  14. Wow… Melanie has been back for only half an episode and already the plot has become infinitely more interesting than it had been in her absence. Hope the writers learned the lesson: Melanie and Layton make this show. Neither should have such an extended absence from the show again.
  15. I totally agree with this. Daya has such an awful attitude, I swear. She looked down on Maddy when she was there and now she’s doing the same to Jasmine. And to be honest, I feel like they both were awful. If I HAD to say one was better than the other, I’d give it to Jasmine. She was dreadfully unfunny, but at least she tried her best. Daya was unfunny and LAZY. I can’t believe she wasn’t roasted by the judges for literally copying her answers off of Bosco. That kind of intellectual laziness is the opposite of what Snatch Game is supposed to be.
  16. Good episode. Well acted, some interesting twists. Did anyone catch what Pike’s last words to Layton were? I couldn’t quite make it out even with the sound turned way up.
  17. I was also so happy when Mr. wonderful pulled his offer. Frankly, he should have done it much sooner. He came way too close to making a deal with that nut. Daymond caught on quicker and pulled his offer the first time he tried to bring Robert back in. Just totally bizarre behavior. Oh! And when he pulled out his notecard to “make sure he covered everything” while Mark was talking to him and giving him advice? Unbelievably bad pitch. The product is selling currently, but with him running the business I am not confident that will continue.
  18. So much word to this. But hey, at least the Brigade jettisoned one member early. That was sorta fun. This season is BB12 if the Brigade had marched to the end perfectly intact and if Rachel Reilly had been eliminated in week 2.
  19. Amen to that. And the show recognizes it too. Danielle lost that season because the jurors got to watch those diary room sessions before voting for a winner. The producers added jury sequester after that season as a direct result of her loss.
  20. Haha, totally. I was thinking this exact thing watching today’s episode. What were the rest of the clowns in Friendship thinking Maggie’s season? We can (and have) debated the wisdom of members of CO putting the needs of the alliance above their own self-interest. However, I think we all appreciate that there are good reasons for their willingness to put the alliance above themselves. History, representation, etc. Clearly, there is a higher purpose for them. The Friendship though? Everyone in that alliance not named Maggie threw away their game for the ridiculous higher purpose of Cappy: a short dude with a temper who they knew for all of two weeks. Looking back on this season in 10+ years, I think most will understand and appreciate the sacrifice 5 of the 6 CO members made in order for the 6th member to win. Looking back on the Friendship though? That alliance gets only more laughably ridiculous the more you think about it.
  21. I agree and it makes me sad. If Tiffany stays loyal to cookout til the end then her chances of winning this game go way down. It’s early yet, but I don’t see her beating X or Kyland in the endgame for example. I don’t think it’s best for her game personally if cookout steamrolls the rest of the house, yet she gives no indication that she will go against the big alliance at some point either.
  22. I agree... that twist sounds terrible, unfair, and ridiculously arbitrary. So it's probably real.
  23. You’re right. They cut the feeds a ridiculous amount now. I think it’s because of the outcry against the out and out racists from seasons past. The lesson Big Brother should have learned from said public outcry is to teach the houseguests not to behave that way. The lesson Big Brother took from it instead was apparently to hide it better. Just speculating, but the feed cutting seemed to start ramping up after BB15 and then got ridiculous after Jackson & co’s season.
  24. Yes, Sarah Beth. I’m sure all five of Travis’ fans are very upset right now.
  25. Man, I have NOT missed seeing Chris and Paige on my TV screen. Their scene really brought my blood pressure up. So sick to watch him lie and manipulate her with such ease. After all he put her through, after how for the past 8 weeks he showed her with his actions how little he cares for her, all he had to do was show up on decision day and recite a few platitudes to make her light up. He offered her a tiny bit of hope and that was all it took to rope her right back in under his control. It was revolting to watch how easily he did it. Good for Dr. Viv for speaking up. And Pastor Cal should STFU with his equivocating bullshit. "They've both pulled each other back and forth so many times..." No, dude. That's not what happened at all. It was more like Chris pushing her away and then pulling her back in at will. Like he was playing with a yo-yo. Good riddance to Chris. I sincerely hope Paige finds a backbone and some self-esteem. She deserves so much better.
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