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Everything posted by JenMcSnark

  1. So now I'm going post and get vilified for it, but here is my honest opinion. 1) Many of us are actually vilifying the so-called producer(s) who reported this. They did NOT witness anything as they were not there per all the statements; they did not even view the camera footage before making their "complaints". This seems to me like they were conspiring with their friend, Corrine, to try to do damage control after the fact to save face (and hopefully the 2nd reality show she was hoping for) with Corrine's boyfriend, probably her parents, and the general public. 2) Corrine's insecurity and/or crying during filming of Nick's season are irrelevant to this situation IMO. And one/both could have been completely scripted for Nick's season. 3) Personally, I think it is very convenient for Corrine to say she doesn't remember anything. This bothers me. 4) Corrine was by all accounts the clear aggressor. I'm sorry, but I believe that girls who are the aggressor and then cry rape or assault afterwards are heinous. This really does hurt all the women out there who are TRULY being sexually assaulted/raped! 5) Again, personally, the fact that all the potential drunks on this show sign a contract (presumably while they are sober) that states that the show is not responsible for any sexual acts, std's, etc., does not make the show a villain to me. In fact, it's the opposite. These people go into filming KNOWING what is expected of them and that they have signed a contract AGREEING to potentially risk these things for money and the chance to be infamous. Corrine is not some teen who doesn't have experience in the world, as much as she likes to act like she is an oversexed child. She is an adult of 25 (I think) who's father is very wealthy and a successful businessman. You cannot convince me that her daddy did not have his attorney pour over that contract before his little darling signed it. She knew what she was in for. She knew the role she was signed to play. She cannot now blame everyone else because she got too drunk and put her pussy in someone's face. 6) For me, I do feel like the performers should not be over-served, however, they sign up for this and agree to it. By at least one account, Corrine was very unhappy the next day when they wouldn't let her drink. 7) I'd say Corrine was all in and then got burned. Badly burned and I actually feel do feel sorry for her and wish this hadn't happened. But it did happen. And she has no one to blame but herself. 8) And poor Demario, by virtue of his being an ass and idiot on the Bachelorette got set up for disaster and he has suffered the worst out of this entire thing. Yet he has been handling it much better than I would have imagined and to me, he has the ring of truth. 9) If the video is released and/or viewed by some impartial person(s) and it does show Corrine incapacitated and assaulted, they I hope she gets justice.
  2. I thought this part is interesting (bolding mine) because I totally believe Jasmine would have stepped in. And, per the other article by Jasmine that was quoted, Corrine said "hi" to Jasmine as she walked by when Corrine and Demario were in the pool 'rubbing and fingering' (which can and often does, go both ways so Demario's statement that this occurred does not automatically mean he "raped" Corrine). Her account corroborates about 3 other accounts that I've read that say Corrine was not passed out and that she was the aggressor. Those accounts also referred to her 'saying hi to a friend as she walked past the pool'. I simply love and admire this post SO much! This IS truth and there is no argument against this, except probably by the drunk drivers and intoxicated people who won't accept responsibility for their own decisions and actions.
  3. Regarding Jasmine's statements, say what you want about her but girl put her name to it. And she actually was defending Corinne on social media both during and after Nick's season and has many photos with Corinne. She said that they talked out whatever issues they had during the show while it was filming and that they've been friendly ever since, if not besties. So I believe her account.
  4. Well, color me very surprised. I read the thread a couple days ago and went from high to medium when I saw that she didn't, in fact, choose Peter. I actually really like Peter (although it could totally be the resemblance to Sebastian Stan) and Rachel. Today I find myself quite sad about her ending up with Bryan. Not because it's not Peter, but because I just can't get past the "sloppy seconds" comment (which would have been a deal breaker for me - especially since he said it on national television) and the famewhore nature of that horrible show he was on which someone posted upthread. Yuck. There were so many guys who I really like on her season! She seems to have had a good lineup to choose from and went for someone in the bottom five IMO. :'(
  5. I agree. I don't really get huge rings myself but sometimes I think they look good on others. But yeah, usually with a specific outfit or look, not everyday. Personally I prefer a square cut.
  6. As an amateur photographer (very amateur) I think this is a case of horrible filter/editing. But it's really unfortunate. Not just a 79 year old, but a 79 year old man's hand. I didn't mind the ring from a distance, but obnoxious is a good word to describe it in that photo. But it is her style and I probably wouldn't be calling it obnoxious if someone gave it to me.
  7. I don't have any problem with the shirtless dancing. When I was Rachel's age, one of the clubs in my town had a weekly "male stripper" night and we went at least once a month. It was some good, clean fun!
  8. I find myself really liking several of the guys. Peter is one of them, and I did think that he wasn't that into her last week. However, this week I felt showed him differently. I think he may be into her, but I also think he really is a gentleman. He didn't speak out about kissing Rachel when the other two blurted it out. And I think that's why he looked reluctant to tell the truth during Never Have I Ever. I could see his mind racing because he probably doesn't think it's gentlemanly to kiss and tell but then quickly realized that if he lied, Rachel would obviously know and wonder why he didn't tell the truth. As for the naked selfie, he kind of hesitated on that too if I'm not mistaken. But he didn't name any name and the only person he called out was himself. So no worries. The question would have been entirely different if Ellen asked if they had ever RECEIVED naked selfies from someone. I bet he would have lied and said he hadn't if that question had been asked. On the couch when Rachel was on top of him, I thought he seemed way more comfortable with her than he did last week...it's like he is allowing himself to open up a little bit. And his kissing her at that time seemed much more reciprocal. I thought he was into it as much as she was this week. Didn't like Eric. He was too cray cray for my taste with all that blustering and yelling and get your name out my mouth. I've actually said that (cringe) and I think it's much more effective when said once with sufficient menace. lol I also really dislike people who pee in bodies of water, but I just couldn't help loving everything else about Alex. Even the purple pants. Still really loving and admiring Rachel, but totally agree that it was fucked up to pick up that rose when asking "Frederick" to walk outside with her.
  9. Actually he's been a special assistant coach for the Lakers for quite some time. He worked a lot with that horrible center (whose name escapes me right now...I've blocked him from my mind) who was an entitled little beezy IMO. Kareem is very introverted and, yes, somewhat different. I (and quite a few people) feel that is why he isn't front and center for any team. He has definitely said himself that he chooses to be his own person and do things his own way, which possibly does make for a difficult working relationship. But I do believe he is valued by the organization. #LakersNation
  10. I loved that! I told my daughter I need to work this into conversations. lol
  11. And, as my daughter (who would love to be a professional gamer but, alas, has to make use of her degree in public relations) pointed out, many military men and women spend their downtime playing video games. So Tara can also suck it with all that 'I'm busy saving REAL lives' bullshit.
  12. I'm pretty sure Floyd would disagree. I mean, if they can't relax the rules a little to let Floyd unload his bike when he is near death, I think Tara can finish a damn video game without the gamer laying down for her. And if any of the other gamers had gone easy on their opponent, Joey and Tara would have been the first people crying about it!
  13. I don't know how much it matters, but the Sacramento/NorCal area was preempted for Giants baseball that week. Arrow was on Friday.
  14. I couldn't stand Paulie but remembering this makes me very sad for his parents regarding him being on Hell's Kitchen. It may have been a source of comfort for them to re-watch the series, but that's what they are going to see. Him being a dick and saying he'd rather have his girlfriend than his parents. And IMO it's quite possible that his stint on Hell's Kitchen worsened his already present issues.
  15. I completely agree with this post! 100% And if you think that some gay people are not transphobic, think again. Maybe Varner didn't even realize that he was a little bit transphobic, but he is definitely not helping himself with his twitter statement and interviews. His twitter statement - which he and his PR people had almost 9 months to create! - again went with the 'thought he was out to his friends and family' angle. This stinks to me of being sorry that it blew up in his face. I do believe that he wasn't thinking clearly due to starvation and stress, but those things that he said came from somewhere inside him and carried at least some of his true feelings. And I do believe that he was mad that he was blindsided and then mad that Zeke didn't immediately fall in line with voting Ozzie off. So he thought by exposing Zeke's "deception", either Zeke or Ozzie would be gone. Anyone but him.
  16. I'm only doing this once. Although it did give me a good laugh as I did not know that Meri also had a lien for her trash/recycle pickup. Oh, but they're rolling in the dough! Edited to add: RMS is a mortgage company in Clark County. You can google it and find their website.
  17. Here's an article about Jenna Elfman. Apparently she did a Reddit Q&A to promote the tv show she's on but most of the legit questions were about Scientology. And it appears the Cult had a bunch of people create Reddit accounts to ask her fluff questions like Why are you still so beautiful? A bunch of new accounts were created directly before the Q&A and then disabled right after. lol!
  18. I'm watching playoff hockey, so I'm getting Survivor during intermissions, but can someone explain his statement that he thought everyone already knew? I mean, then why was Zeke deceitful if he had already confided in everyone? I don't get it. This is just so heinous.
  19. I think Mace might be the most obvious. He expressed regret that he wasn't truly the hero that the world thought of him. That's why he was so desperate to keep taking the juice that made him "inhuman". So I do think he is Inhuman in the Framework. But even if not, he's the leader of the even more heroic Resistance.
  20. I personally was tearing up during the dance, but it could be that Rashad's father was very much like mine. But I truly felt such a powerful emotion coming from both Emma and Rashad and that is what made the dance for me. It was so moving and I honestly think I would have felt the same if I had not seen the practice package and the hug at the end. YMMV of course. And on a far more shallow note, I now want Emma to dump Sasha and be with Rashad forever and ever. Edit: Awww damn. Just watched Sasha and Simone and now I don't want him to be dumped. Another dance that I thought was very moving and beautiful regardless of the hug at the end. Sasha and Simone made that very joyful.
  21. That could be true. I still think it's a little much. I, personally, never felt the need to put my hand on my daughter's face. But definitely mileage varies. I will admit that I can't stand her and always felt sorry for Jon and the kids. So I'm predisposed to think the worst.
  22. Collin is clearly just in front of her. According to the pap who took the shot, she was doing more than shushing him and it was more of a slap. Possibly she didn't mean to do it. In fact I would say she didn't because she is usually very careful about her public persona and she knew the paps were there.
  23. She is smacking him in the face and yelling at him because he said hi to a paparazzi. She's always treated Collin very badly. All the boys + Alexis really, but especially Collin. Breaks my heart.
  24. It seems to me like Aida created the framework in such a way that she could have Fitz. Inside the framework is the one place where she can truly have love and the person SHE chooses. I think that's why she killed Radcliffe in real life and Gemma in the framework. Radcliffe's biggest regret was losing his wife and of course Fitz couldn't have Gemma alive in the framework or he wouldn't be with Aida's persona, Madame Hydra. That was the other thing Aida regrets I think...being 'controlled' by Radcliffe. We saw how he marginalized her and treated her as just a tool/toy. As Madame Hydra, she controls everything and has Fitz. I'm sure once Aida got her hands on RealGemma, she would have immediately killed her as well.
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