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Everything posted by Aryanna

  1. Well that's too bad. I loved her in that role.
  2. Alex is back to being herself after having a good episode last week. They're really dumbing Haley down in an effort to make Dylan seem normal and capable. Can't do that writers. After you began an arc (sort of) making Haley grow and start to become responsible and after you've spent 10 seasons or whatever it's been making Dylan dumb as a post, you can't just rewrite who these characters are. Phil is physically out of it (sick) again. And on the job. We've seen this before. Ty Burrell has again taken a turd of an episode and made me actually smile or laugh at some of his terrible plot. I always enjoyed Jay and Claire's interaction at work but this whole bosses' daughter/undermining my authority plotline has gotten old. If Jay truly does exit the business, I hope they give him something to do other than have Gloria yell at him. Pair him up with Cam or Phil. Those stories are usually pretty good.
  3. Not just you. Also, what do we have to do to get this show it's own full blown forum with each episode getting it's own thread? It seems like this show should be worthy of that.
  4. I agree. This episode was a swing and a miss. Why did Pops just let the kids go off with the cousin and expect them to be any different than how they are? He should've gone with them if he wanted them to learn to be grateful for the life they have. Just sending someone out to learn a lesson with no input or instruction is setting them up for failure. It would be like telling a 15 year old to go learn how to drive a stick shift on their own with no instruction. What kinda shape do you think the car is gonna come back in? And the Bev storyline did nothing for me. I'm really starting to like Schooled better than this show.
  5. The cancellation from ABC and the year off really hurt LMS. In the year that it was off the air, some of the actors moved on to something else. I looked at imdb though and don't see what's keeping Molly Ephraim from being on the show. Her last credit was for a movie released in November 2018. I guess Amanda Fuller didn't have anything else going on but Kristin is my least favorite of the sisters and I liked her better when she was played by the girl in season 1.
  6. Did you watch the second season? I couldn't bring myself to do it. They just took all of the joy out of Anne. She was always an optimist and a dreamer who wanted the best out of life. This show turned her into someone who dwells on the horrors of the world and laments and worries. Why take Anne and turn her story into something dark and gritty? It's ruined it.
  7. I'm not talking about characterization or acting. I'm talking about looks. Which Anne actress most resembles how she was described in the book. Despite my love for Megan Follows and her portrayal of Anne, I think she's a little too pretty. I think Amybeth McNulty probably resembles how Anne is described in the book more than Megan did.
  8. Think about it this way though. Greg buying an $800 smoker benefits the family because they would all eat the food he cooks on it but I doubt Katie or the kids would notice or taste a difference that an $800 smoker would make as compared to preparing the food some other way. So even though Greg would get to sleep on the new sheets, I don't think he would feel or care about it enough to get the benefit of it. Do they charge you if you take that stuff? I've seen that on TV shows and movies before and have wondered if they really do expect people to take that stuff so it's factored into the room cost or if you're not really supposed to take it and they charge you for it.
  9. Dylan has always been stupid. Haley was showing improvements as a character but now they've made them both so dumb I foresee these characters continuing to have multiple children because they don't know what causes them. I'm so tired of the Gloria is tough as nails because she grew up in Colombia thing. Alex was actually a pretty decent character this episode. Why couldn't they have done something like that with her many seasons ago and built on it?
  10. lol I agree but at the same time I can see what they're doing with the thing between Graham and Sophie. It's supposed to be the manifestation of the subtext of the relationship between Will and Angie. But it would be nice if these children were written a little more as children instead of little adults. I can understand one precocious child in the cast but to make them all that way doesn't work.
  11. Have you guys noticed that Mandy's storyline of being a designer has taken a backseat? It's not so prominent this year. And I liked that for Mandy. It was actually interesting and I could someone like Mandy having a natural talent for that but having to learn the business side from her dad.
  12. Right, those people saw that you had the capability to do a good job. But just because someone can carry food from a kitchen to a table without messing the order up too bad doesn't mean that they would be good at managing people, good at finances, good at taxes and all the other things that go into the business side of a restaurant. That would be like Mike pulling one of the cashiers at ODM and making them manager of the store or the company.
  13. So who among us is going to take the bullet? Who's gonna watch all 5 seasons of this (if it really does last that long) and come back and report to us what the mystery is about the plane?
  14. She did have that job for a minute. But didn't she also get that because she was old friends with JTT? I don't know. It just irritates me that the character acts like she did it all on her own but she went from being a waitress to management based on her relationship to successful people instead of actual ability or merit.
  15. Yeah, none of that's healthy. I think this show is written by people who don't have kids or don't know any kids because they're written as adults in little bodies. If they're in first grade or second grade or whatever then Graham should think girls are gross and Sophie should be into squishees and slime and such.
  16. Yeah, she was a waitress in that greasy spoon for a couple of seasons.
  17. Does it bug anyone else that the only reason Kristin has her job is because of her dad? She runs a little restaurant inside her dad's store. But she acts like she's achieved so much and has done it on her own. It shouldn't but it just bothers me.
  18. So trying to guarantee you'll be on the air until summer 2024. It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for them. Micheala must wear a padded bra because when she was in the bikini on the beach she hardly had any bust. It looks like she wears the wrong size bra anyway. Olive has been going on and on about the peacock. Why didn't we see it before? NBC. Peacock. NBC has been behind the whole thing. How do Ben and Grace survive? Does either one of them have a job now? And if they do, they never go to it. I can't last 5 seasons. I really don't know that I'll be back for season 2. I know that the coming seasons will be lots of rabbit trails that have little to do with the mystery of what happened to the plane and a bunch of relationship drama.
  19. Can there be a grace period for editing a post? I recently made a post and hit an errant key before posting. I went back immediately to fix the mistake and then saved it and it put that tag at the bottom that said edited... It had only been posted a couple of seconds before I edited it. Maybe it shouldn't but it bugs me. I get it if someone goes back an hour or so later and edits it that it should say that the post has been edited, but if it gets edited in the first several minutes to fix a spelling mistake or punctuation error or something, it shouldn't put that tag on there. It makes it look like I've changed the content or the intent of my original post when I haven't. Like I said, maybe it's just a pet peeve that shouldn't bug me but it does.
  20. I thought he came around because of what Lainey said to him.
  21. I don't think I can last for 5 seasons. And I don't think the story has enough to make it last that long without a lot of filler. Which we've already had filler episodes in the first season. This episode didn't really move the story forward. They pull us in with an interesting concept but the creator and the writers need to know that they're gonna have to give us little payoffs every now and then to keep us interested.
  22. They've been hinting about the empty seat on the plane next to Saanvi like it's another mystery that needs to be solved. If it turns out to be nothing more than a guy stood her up then that's weak.
  23. I'll be sad to see it go because this is truly a fun show. I love when new episodes come out. I can understand ending it at 5 seasons but I wish that they would have more episodes per season. With this and Hollywood Darlings being canceled I'll have to look elsewhere for a 90s/TGIF fix.
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