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Everything posted by Aryanna

  1. I feel bad for guys as far as this is concerned. If it's a female teacher with an underage boy it's supposedly ok because it's a hot fantasy. But if it's a male teacher with an underage girl then it's just creepy. Wrong. It's creepy both times. This is a case where I think movies and TV have shaped the way society views it when it actually happens in the real world. If it's a female teacher society views it as something that probably shouldn't happen but not all that bad. But if it's a male teacher then it's "Execute Him!" I read about these teacher/student crimes at least once a month and often more frequently than that. 9 times out of 10 the news story is about a female teacher and male student.
  2. In addition to this (and this is especially true of old TV shows and movies) people sitting down to eat a leisurely breakfast and it's already light outside and the sun appears to have been up for some time. What time does the work day start for these people? Is it not 8am like most normal people?
  3. Ah, the context helps explain it. In the ad they always play it just looks like an airline pilot (I think he's dressed like a pilot instead of a security guard) with his dog in a high rise conference room for some reason. But if there's a longer version with more context then that would explain it.
  4. I had forgotten that. You're right. It is so odd to think about where they come in the timeline as opposed to when they were actually written. AotI was published in 1915 and AoWP was published in 1936. More than 20 years later. I would think it would be really hard to get your mind back to where Anne was at the end of AotI after 20 years.
  5. NuMandy's style is nowhere near as good as old Mandy's. Her outfits are not very cute. And since Mandy is supposed to be a designer that kinda matters.
  6. We had a pool when I was a kid and I remember it being a lot more work than mowing a lawn. I've also heard from people who have owned pools that the two best days of having a pool is the first day and the day you sell the house. And I've been told that they don't really increase the value of the home.
  7. What's with the commercial with the guy dressed as an airline pilot feeding his dog in what looks like a conferenc room in a high rise office building? None of that makes sense.
  8. Yeah, spend the next few months building a swimming pool instead of spending 10 minutes driving her to Jessica's house. She yells at him "Dad-uh. Can you take me to Jessica's house." All he does is sigh and then she growls at him. And on top of all that, they used a horrible song.
  9. Kimmy seems to wear heels a lot for a woman who's pregnant. I've never been pregnant but I can't imagine that being healthy or comfortable to be wearing heels in that condition.
  10. Anne had a little bit more edge than DJ. And I don't intend that to sound mean. Anne was very tenacious with winning people over who didn't like her. The little girl who plays Max's gf seems so much more mature now than she was before.
  11. Yeah with the 1 season layoff, a new Mandy and Eve only being a recurring character, it's just not the same. Not too surprising that ratings are suffering.
  12. Yeah, I can't ever imagine getting an edible arrangement and going "Oh great, you got me little, tiny pieces of fruit...on sticks. Yaaaaay."
  13. I thought that there were companies who's business was to stage houses and kept warehouses of furniture just for staging. Am I wrong in this thought?
  14. I've seen some people hate on TV shows where people wear their shoes inside the house. I don't really mind that much. I wear my shoes inside often. Especially when it's cold in the house. I'm cold a lot. But yeah, shoes on the bed is a big no-no for me. If someone sits on my bed with their shoes on, I tell them to take them off. Then they say that they'll just hang their feet over the side so their shoes won't be on the bed. But if you don't force them to remove their shoes, they always end up back on your bed.
  15. I was coming here to post this. You beat me to it...like 20 hours ago.
  16. I agree on all accounts. But I just like it. For the longest time I thought it was a Chanel commercial. It's not. So yeah, it fails as an ad.
  17. Awwww...c'mon you guys. It's been a few weeks since someone posted here. Don't let this thread die.
  18. I saw part of it on TV not long ago.
  19. Mel Gibson being undercover selling Christmas trees.
  20. Like I said, I could be wrong. And I doubt anything will be done or it would've been done already. But the script is copyrighted as well as protected by the screenwriter's guild and the episode is copyrighted as well. If you were to create a "reality" show about a soup restaurant and call it Soup Nazi, you would have a good chance of receiving a cease and desist from the creators of Seinfeld.
  21. I like that commercial. **pouts...hangs her head in shame**
  22. I don't think that's enough of a difference for the show to legally be in the clear. But I'm not an attorney so I may be wrong.
  23. That's an interesting point. Die Hard came out in July. That would be like calling Lethal Weapon a Christmas movie because it takes place at Christmas but it came out in March.
  24. The Bohemian Rhapsody commercial freaks me out because the mustache is ON the lips. Not above the lips. It just looks weird and I hate it.
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