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Everything posted by Bruinsfan

  1. The basic premise sounds interesting enough to me, but watching Andrew Zimmern stuff his face with bugs and offal while making moans of ecstasy was very nearly enough to put me off eating altogether.
  2. I lost it when they cut to the captain under the red light rotating on the turntable. Anything after that was just (chicken) gravy. The update was a lot more high-energy than usual, between Leslie, the repeated dogging of Ben Carson, and Jost's recovery from his flub. I liked it, and hope they can continue. I wish they'd skewered Azalea Banks as well during the Iggy Azalea sketch - maybe had Shasheer in some truly horrendous wig and had her remark that her hairdresser must read Twitter. The porn stars thing is getting pretty old (though I chuckled at "arivadonkey!") but Chris was the real saving grace for it this time around.
  3. Make it once an episode and I may sign on.
  4. It might work better if there were an Asgardian technology angle on it, or maybe something derived from studying the tesseract.
  5. When he announced that he'd find Kelly Burkhardt and Viktor said he'd look forward to hearing from him, my immediate thought was "Dude, if he finds Kelly Burkhardt NOBODY is going to be hearing from him ever again!"
  6. I hope they reveal that their father is Magneto Jones from Hamburger: The Motion Picture.
  7. I loved just about everything in it. I don't know how Laurence Fishburn finds the time to do this sitcom, Hannibal, and film shoots for the Man of Steel movies, but I'm glad he manages to do all of them.
  8. I'd forgotten this too, if I ever knew it. Dear Lord, what must she have taught the kids in her class? "You girls don't need to pay attention during the Math and Science lessons; just practice tidying up the classroom so you'll be able to do it right when you're housewives."
  9. I'll give Chloe Bennett props for making Skye much more sympathetic and tolerable this season, but that big argument in front of her with the escalating tension and periodic cuts to something subtly unnatural going on were so reminiscent of the round robin argument scene in The Avengers that I expected Captain America to pop up and ask Skye to put down the scepter. Could Marvel maybe get some of the Agent Carter writers to moonlight on this series, since they seem able to bring both originality and subtlety to their work?
  10. Aisha Tyler is always good for an interesting discussion too. But Yvette Nicole Brown is still my #1 choice, particularly when paired with a fun cast member she can bounce ideas off of.
  11. I just don't understand the architecture at all. Putting aside the handy ramps for living raiders to scale, why the hell would you put support buttresses outside a wall on the same side as any expected pressure that would be trying to knock the wall down? Unless there was some pre-existing foundation that the beams are set into, I just don't see how that makes sense.
  12. TV does seem to be making wonderful progress in correcting bi erasure these past couple of years.
  13. With you on Mad Men. While in the abstract I'm happy that there's a place for glacially-paced period dramas on TV, I've regretted the hour lost every time I tuned in. And if a show can't get me to watch by featuring James Wolk as a sympathetic gay man in short shorts, there's no hope for it.
  14. Let's face it, who's more likely to be prepared for keeping their kids alive in the Zombie Apocalypse, little Ashley's yuppy parents who practice aromatherapy, or the ones who homeschooled Keziah so they could teach her about the coming End Times while stocking their bomb shelter?
  15. It was too stupid for me to take in large doses, but I must admit one of the best laughs of my life was had when their response to Bananarama's "Venus" video was "WHOAH, Satan's got back!"
  16. This. Someone who's lived in relative comfort really wouldn't have any way of knowing what Carol is capable of. Hell, the cannibals with armed guards stationed at the approaches to Terminus weren't prepared for how hardcore she's become. It's possible Deanna may think Carol is analogous to herself, the real brains of the outfit, but she'd have to be psychic to figure out that she's more Ellen Ripley than Artemesia.
  17. I only like them if they're evil, like Christina Ricci's Wednesday Addams or Divia from Forever Knight.
  18. Good grief, you mean there are people out there who want more of that stilted melodrama? If not for the fact that I loved nearly everything else about the series, the radio program scene in the finale would have had me diving for the remote to change channels.
  19. Finally a real reason to prefer those and granite countertops - hard surfaces against which one can bash zombie brains!
  20. For the most part I agree. I don't know that they necessarily have a force of armed soldiers hidden away or anything, but if Aaron and his hubby were able to operate out in the wild alone and stalk CDB unseen until they decided to reveal themselves, there are definitely people more competent than Not Adam Scott in Alexandria. I'm still not sure if the latter is playing a role and the whole excursion was a test, or if he's Exhibit A of why nepotism is a bad idea and Deanna is happy to have more capable people show up so her harebrained son won't get himself and others eaten while playing Call of Duty: Zombie Edition in real life. You know how a lot of the hair on your ankles gets worn down by having socks tight against your skin? Maybe that funky shirt that was plastered to Rick's chest 24/7 for a couple of months had the same effect.
  21. Is it just me, or does he seem more and more like a freak every time we hear some behind-the-scenes tidbit about him?
  22. I suppose technically Xavier could just be making everyone see him as his old self, although the new body being confined to a wheelchair is a bit of a stretch.
  23. As far as I'm concerned, 9 to 5 gives her a lifetime-long reason to be there. And let's be fair, Jennifer Lopez is front and center every year and the closest she'll ever get to winning an Oscar is wearing a gold lamé dress.
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