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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. Not to mention all the times Firestorm didn't merge. I think he's also there to make room for Constantine, even though the team is pretty small at the moment and something different other than his relationship with Amaya and bro-ing with Ray. I guess it's also possible NZ requested less time filming.
  2. Yeah I hope there's a bit more of that going forward. Laurel's death was one of her main storylines for the last 2 seasons. I enjoyed this episode. I probably preferred last week but I have nothing bad to say about this one. Loved the Disney references and Sara's disbelief and Ray enjoying the song (of course) and the Cinderella lines. Tala Ashe continues to shine as Zari. Whilst not that subtle, her storyline was done a lot, lot better than Supergirl or Charmed and I liked the day player actors. She and Sara having conversations about it was lovely as well. Yay for Bechdel test passing. They don't always agree with each other but they are coming to understand each other. Heh, "Nark Mode" and Sara just being "Yep" about it. I like Constantine more than I thought he would, although it still feels very awkward to have him magic the demon etc back to hell every ep, but him and Mick squaring off was good. And yeah, they're leaning heavily into the loner stuff with him. "No silly costumes" no one with that hair has any high ground to stand on mate. Time Bureau subplot was ok, but I don't buy them being funded by the DOD. It really doesn't seem like Rip to do that and it's not like anyone could stop them if they managed to fund themselves via lottery or something. But I guess we needed Nate to have this subplot with his father. They had focus last week and nothing this week and will have more in the future. I think that's a good way to handle a TV couple (see Brooklyn 99 re Jake and Amy). I think they really need Ava to interact with others and have her own part in other subplots to justify having JM as a regular this season. I don't love AvaLance but that's more to do with last season than this one. I really wish we'd found out ep1 Ava was a different clone to Beebo ep Ava, that would help explain things. Speaking of, this show continues to pay homage to the One Blue God as well they should.
  3. I agree they probably aren't going to be showing them soon but I was replying to speculation that if/when they do show up there might be an "are they still together?" bit of teasing. Or maybe not. Will, Maya and JJ teaming up to find their parents would be awesome. I've been a bit worried that Dig will get offed at some point so I'd love for him to be just "missing" in the FFs. Nice house, whoever it's supposed to be for.
  4. I think they should become more villainous on Arrow, but LOT will eventually be working to change their ARGUS in a potentially similar way they changed Vixen's life. I wish Dig and Lyla would occasionally have a different storyline though, the same fight over and over again is as bad as Oliver making unilateral decisions without consulting Felicity over and over. I can see Malcolm being involved in the crossover in some way. And I guess we never saw a body so they can bring him back without any fuss if they want to but he wouldn't have Thea to meddle with or argue about her taking down his legacy. I wouldn't be surprised if they aren't when they first show up, even if they're still together, just to drag the FFs out more. It would really suck if both Olicity and Thea/Roy have broken up off screen on the future though.
  5. I thought this was the best out of the three that have aired so far, although that isn't much competition. The repeated "how did we not know Mom was a witch?" thing was unforced and funny. I liked Maggie and Macy bonding. The pledge storyline is boring but using magic to make a great party is relatable. I'm still frustrated with Mel. I get her being annoyed with Harry but she's a complete novice at witchcraft, arguing with him all the time isn't productive and the sledgehammer/flashing arrows dialogue even the Supergirl writers would cringe at isn't helping. I get why they want to do it but it isn't effective. It would have been more interesting if Maggie was the lesbian sister or the sorority were the ones leading the charge against the professor/demon character. It's a lot of lazy stereotypes and lipservice at the moment. I did like Mel saying she'd never had to be in the closet before. I think they're going with the "traditional" definition of "hasn't had vaginal penetrative sex with a man", though IRL its a lot more fluid this days. Interesting that they had Mel having slept with a guy, though I guess that was so Macy would have her awkward confession. I'm assuming that will be one of her plotlines going on, though I hope it's not with her current LI, they have no chemistry and even discounting the magic related emergencies, she doesn't seem that in to him. Harry's bit of backstory was welcome, the "you're just like her" did feel a bit sudden but I suppose they need it to be a thing when the Elders arrive. Harbingers Not!Halloween costume was cool.
  6. Well its better than the blind item that some were speculating was an SA/EBR/CJ triad.
  7. That's about where I am. They give her the bare minimum storyline to have KC on the show but it often makes no sense. Pairing her up with Dinah makes sense as the two meta screamers but not in terms of these characters and they aren't giving much depth to that story so far either. It would be more amusing/interesting to see BS try but fail at being a DA in the few minutes allotted to her or more about E1 vs E2 or Quentins rather an once again insta!everything. In S3 I took that as a sign they wanted/needed her as BC but didn't really want to spend a huge amount of time on it so they brought in Nyssa's "two weeks with me will make you a super fighter" shtick.
  8. Most likely. Especially as it would solve that baby/no baby nonsense that was going on.
  9. No grounds at all, just continuing on from Maya could be Thea/Roy's or BS's daughter (no father mentioned in the post). I don't think it's in any way likely at all just discussing it as part of a "twist".
  10. I remember it being for 7x4 in her description. Maybe she has a really "awesome" move in a fight scene or one line she thinks is kickass. When she joined in S5 she was pumped about a particular episode and it was just a generic girl power type line. She also tends to go OTT in her public (and I guess private) praise of the writers so there's every chance it won't be much and she's trying to prove she knows which side her bread is buttered. Or alternatively the description doesn't matched the big bits in the episode, again. True, anything's possible and we'd (supposedly!) be all "oh wow, how does that happen?!!" If Oliver and BS have a kid, well don't many of us on this board would be. We don't have a huge amount of evidence she's an Olicity kid but it seems highly likely she's in the FFs. Then again MG's "shocks" weren't really that shocking for most of either but a future Olicity kid would be for most people watching.
  11. I think there's a good chance he and possibly Felicity will be revealed to be alive though maybe not for a while. Will's whining didn't seem tragic really, though we're meant to think it was for the moment. I'm really annoyed about the Thea/Roy presumed bad ending because as you say, it's unlikely that Willa will be back. It makes me frustrated for their send off last season, which I'd resigned myself to when it was announced CH was coming back. It's possible they had time to have a cousin for William and he/she will show up, especially if the FFs do continue until the end of the series. Maybe it's Maya. ;)
  12. That would be interesting. There was a lot of flack over them having the relationship arc and double wedding stuff in Crisis and they might have it again this year. Definitely agree with all of this. Really don't want another "get over it" backlash. She has every right to be pissed and it is realistic there would be some issues and tension but I hope not a full on living apart scenario.
  13. Hmm, I tried this even though I gave up on TVD and TO years before they finished so I wasn't familiar with adult Hope. I did like it but I thought it was also rather bland, generic school drama with this universe thrown in. That said I'm going to give it a few more episodes and see if it gets more interesting. I like the Hope actress and it's nice to see Alaric. Landon did nothing for me good or bad and I guess that's going to be a big on going storyline this season.
  14. I won't enjoy it if it just comes across as angst for the sake of angst, but this was what I was expecting from earlier talking points that his decision wasn't going to be swept under the rug etc and that's a good thing. And it happens to most established couples on angsty drama series. I just hope it's better than the BMD and S5 which followed it with everyone acting like Felicity should just get over it or pretending like they'd never been more than colleagues.
  15. Hah, love it. So many people can't understand why Diaz is the villain they've chosen to carry over. I'm surprised at the amount of Felicity/EBR and Olicity publicity so far this season, definitely enjoying it though.
  16. It seems like most of it apart from the secret parts could just have been copied and pasted from the last synopsis, like the "unlikely ally". I'm assuming the secret Felicity finds out is about Emiko to parallel Thea but equally it could be something to do with what's happening in prison.
  17. True but it's a shame it didn't seem to get much of a bump from the +7 ratings.
  18. Yeah, I wonder if there's been a staffing change. It's not just wall to wall noobs.
  19. Hmm, that seems more like Sara's arc to me and Oliver's on Arrow not BS. I suppose it could be but not as they're currently writing her, I think they'd have to give her more consideration than they can be bothered to. Whilst Insta!DA is annoying it shows that they don't really want to write about her struggles coping with an entirely different world or how she feels about E1Quentin vs E2Q who died with the cake or the different Olivers or Saras etc. E1LL was supposed to be a genuinely good awesome person but the writing and the acting failed to convince me so I don't think they're going to convince me this LL is awesome and strong either.
  20. Could be, we don't know how long she's got left on her contract either. That and she's actually got a storyline of her own to talk about. It would be interesting to know if there was a reason why she stopped though.
  21. It might depend on if LOT keeps the ARGUS big bad storyline fixed or change it like they did Amaya's fate. It would be interesting to see ARGUS become overtly nastier and how/if Lyla and or John figure into that. Be angst as he'll. Though that is what Arrow likes.
  22. I assumed that William would be reunited with Olicity at some point because apart from every other reason, they won't want to miss the theoretical drama of Will coming out to his famous playboy dad and *sigh* having Curtis involved as well. Not that Oliver would react badly.
  23. Praise Beebo this show is back! I loved it after being concerned about the magic and Constantine, it started out well at least. Loved "The British are coming!" Bit similar to the Napoleon watching ABBA, tantalising glimpses of awesome missions. The evil unicorn and its 'sparkle sauce' was just LOT all around. I loved Sara and John's non sexual/romantic relationship. Avalance was okay though I'm still not loving it it is nice to see Sara happy. I was a bit frustrated that Nick's haemophilia wasn't mentioned in the storyline with his Dad but hopefully it will get brought up later. I loved his and Mick's mutual and compatible trips together and Ray making out with a tree wtf? I know KL wanted to leave but it's a little frustrating that Wally was quickly shoved into the back half of the season and dismissed with he's just taking a vacation. I wonder if he's going to be brought up again or if it comes up on the Flash.
  24. I don't know, the Arrowverse in general loves repeating itself, though this show has the least problem with that. I think it's likely to be tied to Constantine though both because of the ending and they went to the trouble of making him a regular and constructing the season around him in terms of magic.
  25. Well they could be like the LOA, supposedly deadly warriors who turn into people with the fighting ability of slow toddlers when it counts. I'm cautiously more interested in them than 3D at the moment but I guess we'll see tonight. I think they wanted LL off the show and brought back KC for BTS reasons, there's not a lot of effort into her story so far. I don't think they really wanted a new BC because Dinah was/is pretty half assed. But I don't think they'd have had her at all if they knew KC was back as a regular. Now they have two screamers they're somewhat struggling with. I doubt they're getting rid of Dinas, especially if she's in the FF at all and KC will be the last one out of the building.
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