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  1. For me, it's the incessant giggling... Sonja pulls it off more maybe because she's older and she and Luann are sort of "crazy broads"? Or we kind of knew her a little bit before she ramped it up? (in her first couple of seasons she was kind of eccentric but not really oversexed)
  2. Is one of them the new Danielle from RHONJ ???
  3. His podcasts are my favorite!!!!!
  4. Did they ever say why she’s called Pumpkin???
  5. I *can’t* when Raquel is having a panic attack & they give her sparkling water and she chugs it. I love sparkling water but I sip it; I feel like if I chugged it it would either squirt out my nose or make me die coughing! also I looked up the Napoleon Suite at Vegas Paris and it was approximately 7k a night but LVP probs got it for nothing. On the other hand, Casa Havasu is $380 per night, which is damn good for six bedrooms!
  6. For some reason I thought Leah got kicked off and banned forever you mean everything on the internet *isn’t* true? SMH https://www.vulture.com/2022/10/leah-mcsweeney-ultimate-girls-trip-elephant-poop.html
  7. Did anyone watch her show The Real Blac Chyna? She definitely has some legitimate trauma, but she’s mad at the world. The fact that she’s a mom worries me a bit
  8. I think she’s as fake as the day is long, just saying snarky or shit-stirring things for attention and camera time.
  9. I just hope that he won’t have trust issues and feel like Barb also “abandoned” him mind you, I don’t even know what the right answer is. I get that a teen w/behavior issues is *too much* for a senior citizen. He might have even wanted to go to the Land, who knows?
  10. True. I haven’t smoked in forever, but it brings back (great) memories of just lighting up whenever you feel like it! also, Daisy kinda holds her cig more like I’ve seen a guy hold one. Most girls I know would hold it between two fingers. Don’t mind me, I notice weird shit. also I want every last piece of the Free People Daisy Jones collection but my only child is getting married this year so no frivolous spending for quite awhile!!!!! I need to just stop looking at it.
  11. Did anyone catch when Jackie was talking to the new girls and said, “you haven’t looked at me once…you should. It’s good social skills.” Because correcting adults’ behavior is such great social skills? I find her fascinating to watch…she’s kind of like Ramona in that sometimes it seems like she has no idea how to act like a person
  12. Omg “blah blah blah fish cakes!” It’s been a hot second since I’ve heard that one!!!!
  13. Is her name “Jordan” or “Jordana”? Her mom called her Jordana Are we all, Chloe included, just completely annoyed by Chris at all times???
  14. That’s what I wanna know!!
  15. First of all….when old people used to say to me, “ I don’t understand that (song, tv, fashion, whatever)” I would get annoyed and think they just didn’t care to pay attention & keep up with the times… however, at my advanced age (54 as of Sunday) i thought Rachel’s chin tattoo was dirt at first… and Jessica is A REAL ESTATE AGENT IN THE METAVERSE? The hell? Do we *need* a house there?? and doesn’t that kinda seem like a level that you get to when you’re playing on Sims or something? so fine. This show is *so* not for me. But I refuse to watch Murder She Wrote instead, so…
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