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Lava VaVoom

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Everything posted by Lava VaVoom

  1. I was taken to Penzey's in Philadelphia on a date some years ago. It was beyond heaven! The fragrances in the store were delightfully overwhelming. I can't remember what I bought -- sage, I think -- back then I was on a tight budget. It's worth a trip if it's near you.
  2. It is not a secret that RosieO has only a one-year contract.
  3. I saw her on the Q. She began her hour with a screech and a wiggle that measured 5 on the Richter scale. She never mentioned the View, she was her usual self, and her wigs looked cute. The Q hosts are trained to maintain control at all times, and Sherri couldn't take the hour over, no matter how hard she tried. She talked about how all the women in her family wore wigs all the time, so she grew up with it. Sorry to disappoint anyone, but it wasn't a disaster. Sorry to disappoint anyone, but it wasn't a disaster.
  4. Who decided Nicolle does the "shilling" because she's the "new kid on the block?" SMH
  5. Why did it take me so long to find this thread? What has always bugged me is the table with THREE chairs in the kitchen. The four of them cannot sit together and chat over coffee; someone (usually Sophia) always had to sit at the counter behind them. I know you couldn't show anyone sitting with their back to the camera, but still . . .
  6. Rosie Perez: Nobody Else Likes Boxing Rosie Perez: There's More to Life than Boxing (stop me before I kill again)
  7. Rosie Perez: All boxing, all the time. Ugh.
  8. DWTS is an ABC show, so we're stuck with them. I do not believe Rosie is "muzzled." I believe she has grown and changed, and the Rosie we watched a few years back is gone. Nicolle is still a cypher to me. I still can't see who she is and don't know what she is passionate about. I can't see her "losing it" over anything; she's too measured and intellectual. I have NO interest in watching her on Morning Joe. If TPTB wanted sparks this time around, I doubt they'll get them.
  9. Nicolle Wallace: Bitsy She Ain't
  10. Subliminal message: Sherri Shepherd is not the powerhouse star she thinks she is. Is anyone surprised?
  11. As much as I like Joy, I'm not interested in seeing an evening of Monica Lewinsky jokes. I like her much better as an interviewer. I'd like to see her write a book.
  12. Then I will direct a post to you, uesNY, because I strongly disagree with your perception of liberals. I am willing to listen to Republican (or Libertarian, etc.) points of view, but so much of what I hear is BS and can be easily debunked with facts. When I see shrieking and wailing over "lattegate" on certain news stations, I find it difficult to be open to anything else they might say. If Nicolle is going to parrot party talking points and not back them up with facts, then she will lose credibility with me. At the moment I'm willing to give her a chance because I respect her basic intelligence.
  13. She did not. It was written by her publicity firm.
  14. Whoopi has repeatedly stated she does not drink. She does not "imbibe" alcohol or come to work drunk.
  15. Honey and peanut butter are a magical combination too.
  16. I hope that when Whoopi gets dressed each morning, she thinks, "whom shall I piss off today with what outrageous outfit?" You go, girl.
  17. Sherri's dress is also many sizes too big for Jenny.
  18. All things considered, it must be tough to be a performer and expected to "up your game" every time you appear on this show, without even knowing if you'll make it through to the next round or not. You give a dynamite performance during the audition. Then what do you do? I'm thinking of variety acts mostly, not singers and musicians. How do you handle the bigger and better things required for Vegas that you may not have rehearsed or planned for in your act, or maybe even can't do?
  19. I can't decipher what she's saying, but no matter, because most of those names are unknown to me. Guess the 11th isn't also Jenny's last day. Sounds like Miss Shepherd isn't willing to share the spotlight even a teensy bit.
  20. 48 acts (looking forward to seeing the Bollywood dancers who won the Today show competition). That means we have 11 more of these to go through before they winnow the final 12 to the final four? This show will end in October? Of 2015?
  21. Sal is very close to and the godfather of his ex-girlfriend's little daughter. I've always wondered if he is the child's real father and they chose to keep that fact a secret from Sherri. Maybe she found out the truth in CA, and that precipitated the breakup. This is pure speculation on my part, nothing more.
  22. This is sport for New York audiences. Kind of like the way Roman emperors threw people to the lions for the crowd's entertainment. Nick didn't take it personally.
  23. Emily West left me speechless. She hit it out of the park tonight. I liked Jasmine Flowers just because I like Jasmine Flowers and not the frenetic salsa brats. I read about the Willis Clan and nothing I read suggests they're Quiverfulls. What they are is mediocre. Also nothing about this show indicates they're seeking great amateurs. Some of the acts are, but the producers clearly are thinking of an entertaining Vegas variety show. Many acts are known quantities invited to "compete." The show is "America's Got Talent," not "America's Got Great Unknowns." Stage presence takes time and effort to develop.
  24. What was the reason for the "Girlfriends Pray" tee-shirt? Was she sending someone a message? About the birth of the baby? She has never worn anything like that before.
  25. That terrific male singer may have made it through under his real name and in his street clothes, but I'm not sure. You'd have to check the list of 40-something performers who did get through.
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