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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. If Maseo is on the phone to Chase, does that mean he returned to Ra's and left Oliver with Tatsu om the mountain? And does Nanda Parbat have its own cell tower? I like this idea; I hate to think they fight over his douchiness again. Giving Thea agency is something I can really get behind. Felicity doesn't actually have to be in a scene with Thea to fight Oliver over this and she's always been good at drawing lines and sticking to them.. Why do Laurel's storylines always come down to "Which option would you hate less?" -- Laurel becomes InstaCanary, or we spend three months watching her fight and fail? -- Laurel gets genetically altered by Star Labs, or she dies and the Lazarus Pit revives her with the Canary Cry? - Should Quentin forgive Laurel instantly and be proud of his brave daughter, or do we spend the rest of the season with a Laurel-trying-to-make-it-up-to-him storyline? Frank Chen was the businessman. But I thought that Tatsu is Japanese, and Chen is Chinese. Because she has a big heart, and she's Laurel. (Really I wish I hadn't watched Downton Abbey last night because Laurel is so much Lady Mary.) I don't think Nyssa offering to train Laurel is a worst case scenario, as long as they do it in Nanda Parbat.
  2. I really like the idea of The Return being to Lian Yu rather than Slade just magically showing up in Starling City. But man, it must have been cold shooting on the island in December. I would be disappointed in Slade as a Big Bad if he didn't still have contacts outside the prison. Or maybe Douche DJ learned about his father being there and deliberately went after Thea in a convoluted plan to get Malcolm to get him out. David Ramsey has said that the EPs are really good about letting the actors have input into their characters and the show. At this point I think they're just so happy KC is finally taking an interest in her part that they're going to let her have it. The buckles are silly but if they don't address the leaving behind of fingerprints I'm going to be very disappointed. Billy Joel on Vienna So for him, the two points are 1. it's a place of exchange and 2. don't worry so much about the future because it will come out right in the end. And after all the talk of Vienna, I really, really want to go there now ....Sacher Torte, kave mit schlag, beautiful rooms, and so much music.
  3. EBR said in an interview that she's using Argon oil now. I thought it was for her skin (which is how I use it) but maybe she meant for her hair.
  4. It was a joke that misfired (I hope it was a joke, the show owes Geoff Johns tons) but it's also her go-to line when asked that question, I suspect because she doesn't have another answer.
  5. I wonder how the EPs feel about it or if they're just happy to have Arrow referenced in her appearances and twitter feuds.
  6. She was sitting crying in ep 5 because she couldn't go home since her mother was there, and then Ray with his usual lack of boundaries walked in and poured himself a drink. (She has a bar in her office? Being a VP is fine enough but you're really got it made when you have your own bar.) But in this episode she didn't cry until Ray came in (again) and they got into the Anna stuff. And even then I thought she was just choking back tears as she left as opposed to opening crying her office.
  7. "I don't want to be a woman you love" would be awesome; it would make perfect sense as Rebecca getting angry that Malcolm spends all his time on deals instead of being with his family and it would up the guilt factor when she dies as he's refusing to take her call. I'm worried for Akio's life too. It would explain Maseo and Tatsu's estrangement; 50% of marriages break up after the death of a child. Redundant -- I do not think that words means what you think it means. Idiotic would be more accurate, although dangerous would work too.
  8. I think they are giving Felicity the emotional beats with Ray because they are trying to tie him in to the Arrow universe so that fans will be saying "we love this guy, please give us a show with him. He's hot, he's supportive, and he's a superhero!" IIRC, there are only two times Felicity has cried in her office: in SOOFS when her mother was at her place so she couldn't go there, and now in Left Behind because as BKWurm1 said, she was trying to bury herself in her work until Crazy Eyes went crazy on her. Okay, she shouldn't have said it but he shouldn't have reacted like that, he's had 8 months to process Anna's loss and Felicity's had 8 hours. So all these comments about 'why does Ray still keep her around, she's an emotional mess?' are unfair. The other thing is that with only one person in the scene (e.g. Felicity going home to cry), it's kind of dead. Roy got to talk to Thea,which was great in the sense that he couldn't tell Thea that Oliver was the one he was mourning for and why, and Diggle got Laurel, partly so that Laurel would become a more sympathetic character (the hug worked, much better than if they had talked about losing siblings) and they didn't have to pay AMA for the appearance.
  9. Ming Na Wen looks fabulous and I'm so glad she's finally getting recognition for her acting (still bitter that she was always the last in line on ER behind guest actors) but I bet she works a lot harder at the gym than I do. I wonder if Sara will killed off when she was because she was getting too popular. Another year of her Canary and it would have been even more difficult to sell Laure's BC. She doesn't have to attend events with him, she chooses to attend those instead of doing Arrow events. Although Arrow wasn't going to get her on the red carpet at the Golden Globes. (Another year, fingers crossed.) She was far more passionate about her fashion blog than Arrow last season, and now that she's finally involved in Laurel becoming the Black Canary, what she's most interested in is the costume. I get the feeling that if she got a fashion show on TLC, she'd be off Arrow in a shot.
  10. Isn't 312 when Laurel and Roy want to bring Malcolm into the Team? The trilogy promotion is confusing. From what I can gather, the Brick trilogy is 310 - 312, although someone said he was in 313 as well. The Black Canary trilogy is 311 - 313, but they were talking up 310 because that's when she first appears as Justice. (And now I have a picture in my mind of Laurel's Canary as a Greek statue along with the other gods, Athena, Poisidon, Apollo, Artemis, Zeus, Hera...) I have a hard time reconciling an episode that is pretty much about Laurel (Canaries) with sweeps week. By then, feeling about her will have consolidated -- if the arc worked for you, you'll watch to see the new Black Canary; if it didn't you'll won't want to tune it.
  11. I find it so heartbreaking that these men were executed because they had PTSD from the war they fought for their country. Mary's problem: how to hide a diaphram. Edith's problem: she forbidden to see her daughter. Tom's problem: he doesn't fit in. Given what's happening to Edith and Tom, I still don't see why I should care at all about Mary. I thought they knew that Gregson was already married. But it doesn't matter because the point of Edith's story is to torture Edith and thus prove how superior Mary is. The police looking into Greene's death now seems like a WTH? plot to mess with Bates again. I care even less this time. The Czarist regime wasn't a pleasant one to live under but it's nowhere near what the Communist regime did. 7 million people in the Ukraine alone were starved by Stalin (some reports say up to 12 million) just to bring them under control. And that's not counting what they did to their own people and to the countries around them. They made the French revolution look like an afternoon picnic. I find Bunting rude and self-absorbed, with no consideration for how Tom might feel as she antagonizes Sibby's family, (I can't imagine what he sees in her) but that's minor compared to her willful ignorance about what was really going on in Russia as she waves the Communist flag. In the face of those who lost their homes and their families. Even if she disagrees with their regime, that's no excuse for a complete lack of any desire to understand what they are going through. Maybe some of those guest Russians had tried to treat the people on their estates well.
  12. One of the reviewers, I think it was Robert Doughtery at TMN, said that Oliver didn't choose celibacy this season, he chose monogamy. He's just not together with her at the moment. I think (hope) Oliver's player days are over because there's more drama to be mined if that's the case. I just don't trust the EPs not to think that monogamy is boring and start Oliver playing again. That's been the TV trope for a long time and it's only now that it's starting to change.
  13. I will never forgive Robert and Violet for convincing Strallen to leave her at the alter. Could anything be more humiliating? I also can't forgive them and JF for convincing Strallen to leave her at all. Anyone would know that for a woman of that time even a marriage of convenience is better than being a spinster. The scene the morning after the aborted wedding after seeing Mary served breakfast in bed and when the maid says Edith should have breakfast in bed and Edith says "married women have breakfast in bed; spinsters get up for breakfast" was so sad. As it is with Mrs. Drewe. No matter how hard Edith tries, JF prevents her from having any happiness. She fell in love; he disappeared. She realized she was pregnant; but as an upper class woman couldn't have a baby out of wedlock. Mary's and Sybil's babies are in the Downton nursery surrounded by loving family; Edith's baby needs to be hidden away. She finds a family who will raise her baby close by so she can at least see her; Mrs. Drewe prevents it. I don't think you can argue Edith as a whole character because JF is so determined to give Mary everything and leave her nothing. Edith could be Mother Teresa and Titania all rolled up in to one and she still would get nothing on this show. Added to that, Robert and Mary treat her like trash. Robert's continued snarks about the Drewes getting tired of Edith makes me want to smack him. Repeatedly. If she is allowed access to her baby at the end of the season, you can bet JF has written it to be because Mary arranges it. These are people who have been making alliances rather than love marriages for as long as they can look back on their geneology. It wasn't so long ago, probably in Violet's youth, that you married for alliance and property and to produce an heir, and had your love affairs on the side. Even as recently as 1981, Charles married Diana was because she had the right genes and she was a virgin, not because he loved her. As astute as Violet is, she should have known it would be better for Edith to be married and early widowed than to remain a spinster.
  14. No, it doesn't make sense to me either. There are varying reactions to Laurel but one of the reasons some people didn't like her was because she treated Diggle and Felicity like the hired help. The scene with Diggle in Left Behind helped mend their relationship (and remember we thought it would be about them bonding over a sibling's death?); a scene with Felicity in which Laurel doesn't treat her with disdain or superiority would help too. I think that's what it is, or Felicity talking to Laurel about the hazards of putting on a costume and Laurel for once not acting like Felicity has no right to be in her screentime. It seems like every time they want the audience to like a new character, they put him with Felicity (i.e. Barry, Ray). According to MG, EBR's superpower is making Felicity super rootable,. Maybe they think that will rub off on her scenemates. If they continue to have Laurel treat Felicity as she has up to now (the scene in Left Behind excepted), it's going to rebound on Laurel, just as Felicity and Oliver fighting over Laurel will. And they very badly want Laurel to be liked right now. Remember the backlash against Sara when she and Oliver lunged at each other? Sara was better liked than Laurel is, and there was no spoken Olicity yet. They don't want that for Laurel, the remarks about InstaCanary and the costume are bad enough. To paraphrase Irving Berlin's Sisters, "Lord help the sister who comes between Felicity and her man." Even platonically.
  15. Okay, now that I've heard Stephen Amell sing, they really do have to do a musical episode of Arrow. (Damn him, he can even sing well.) Is that Ksenia Solo in the picture with him? I hope he can talk her into a guest spot on Arrow. As a villain, I hope.
  16. From ash818's The Man Under The Hood I think she nails the character of Laurel, even better than the show's writers who can be all over the place. This is how I see Felicity and Laurel They get along, they support each other, but they will never be BFFs because as people, they are just too different. They could talk about nail polish and hair dye but it would never get beyond the superficial because they see things differently. If Joanna were to show up again, I wouldn't expect her to get along with Felicity as well as she got on with Laurel, just as Sara's relationship with Felicity seemed uncomplicated even though Sara was sleeping with the guy Felicity had feelings for. ------ I don't know what MG will do but I think to put Felicity and Oliver at odds over Laurel would be a huge mistake. The show needs Felicity and Olicity fans to support Laurel and I can't think of a better way of tanking that short of having Oliver sleep with Laurel again than to have Laurel be the reason Oliver and Felicity aren't having Welcome Back From The Dead (Again) sex. Actually, I think Oliver sleeping with Laurel would be less of a blow than Felicity fighting with him over letting Laurel fight in her new costume.
  17. At 28, you should be out of the 'ingenue' category. I wonder how SA is feeling, if he's happy the show is getting the publicity or wishing he'd never started it in the first place.
  18. Didn't Oliver already way that line to Slade in 2x23? "You helped me make the hero I am today." Not to say they wouldn't repeat it for Barrowman.
  19. I was hoping that Felicity would remain the one intelligent person on the team, the "moral center" as MG said, the one to say 'we can't trust Malcolm Merlyn", smart enough to know that even if she does side with Laurel about fighting, it's not worth getting into a big fight with Oliver over. Because he just came back from the dead. Someone needs to have a mature relationship on the show besides Diggle.
  20. But why would Felicity go from "I'm not going to help any of my friends get killed" to "Oliver, you have to let this incompetent woman fight because she has such a big heart"?
  21. Also the stone that weighs Fellicity down as she sinks beneath the surface of the water. Ugh. Hopefully Felcity is still away from the lair while Diggle and Roy argue with Laurel about that. But if Olicity doesn't happen because Felicity sides with Laurel, witness protection won't be enough. Also, way to ruin Felicity since in Left Behind, she's all about keeping people from getting hurt. Unless Oliver is an idiot, which is not to say that he isn't, he should be getting Thea away from Malcolm He had her as leverage while Oliver still thought it was about connecting with family, not turning her into an assassin. PTSD from 2B and Corto Maltese. If the Oliver's return is neither happy nor intense*, is it "Hey, bro, glad you're back. Now here are the changes we've made while you were gone..."? *I keep thinking of the line "The Count is neither sad, nor sick, nor merry, nor well, but civil count, civil as an orange, and something of that jealous complexion.." ETA: more Vienna lyrics At least he didn't quote Simon and Garfunkle "Slow down, you move too fast; you've got to make the morning last"
  22. The EPs "didn't know what they got till it's gone." Maybe they still don't know. Ouch. And looking at the pictures of Katie Cassidy, Erin Andrews and Chrissy Teigen with their blonde hair and pale dresses, they look so much alike. Katie and Chrissy even have the same hairstyle. It's kind of freaky.
  23. It sounds intriguing, although I wish he would pay more attention to Arrow. He's got three shows on now, two pilots and is hoping for an ATOM on too, Indirectly, I think it says a lot about the success of Arrow though. I think no one has more TV shows on the go right now except maybe JJ Abrams. That archery video is amazing. Thanks,bethy. Someone needs to sent that to SA. With his competitiveness, he'd go nuts.
  24. I just saw the second episode of Play It Again, Dick. And holy smoke, Jason Doehring shirtless doing chin up and chin up! We need to get him into the foundry to do the salmon ladder.
  25. You/re right, It's The Great Moving Chest Wound.
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