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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. Not really, as far as I can tell Diggle talked to Laurel and shared some of Oliver's vodka with Roy in a bonding moment but the only time he and Felicity spoke is when she brought Laurel back to the lair and announced to Diggle they (she and Laurel) were back on the mission.
  2. I can imagine few things I'm less interested in watching. (Laurel and Ray are too of them though.). I grew out of kitchen sink drama a long time ago, and I have no interest in two idiots. (Also, I hated Romeo and Juliet.).
  3. Of course she did Because she's awesome. Boxing lessons teach you stuff like that.
  4. The fact that Ray is at the wedding means that he's Felicity's +1. And that just spoiled all my excitement for the episode. I have a feeling I'm going to end up hating everyone on the show by the end of the season.
  5. Laurel stumbled a bit at the beginning but she was AWESOME. Diggle stayed behind to work the comms so she could go out with Roy and that's when they failed. Felicity propped Ray, flirted with him when he said he was fighting to save her, helped Laurel lie to Lance and convinced her to get back to being BC when she had given up. I started to enjoy Oliver with Maseo and Tatsu but then they went back to Starling City and I was hating it again.
  6. Diggle stayed behind to work the comms while Laurel went into the field. Yeah, cuz that makes sense. I hated how they're willing to destroy Felicity to make Laurel and Ray happen. If I'm going to have Buckle Canary and Atom man, I need something I want to watch for. There was nothing, nothing in this episode. Mostly it put me into a rage.
  7. Felicity propping Ray and Laurel, Laurel fighting while Dig stays in the lair, stupid stuff with Oliver -- I don't know wh at that show is but I have no interest in watching it. They've done the impossible, they've made me dislike Felicity.
  8. If they want to spin-off Ray, they shouldn't do Raylicity. It's not nearly as good as Olicity (a creepy imitation) and look at what happened to Sara when she started sleeping with Oliver. Give Ray something that will make people like him instead. Also, watching Ray and Felicity building his suit suddenly became much less fun. I don't think they did InstaArsenal. Roy came in with street fighting cred, got mirakuru'd and has spent the past year learning skills. When he started, he already had more experience than Laurel does right now. But it wouldn't be a white collar crime because she would have beaten someone up or killed them or blown something up. Wouldn't that place her in the regular cells of Iron Heights, where it seems every prisoner is given a key to get out as they arrive.
  9. Did he fall on his head when he went over that cliff? I don't see how he can team up with Malcolm Merlyn, who has caused Thea to murder Sara and just sent him to his "death". Ra's apparently has a code of honor but you can't trust Merlyn an inch. And since he's just learned how quickly life and happiness can be snatched away from you, there's no reason that I can see to push Felicity away again. There are only so many times you can go to that well (once, IMO) before it runs dry. And since Felicity is only going to start falling for Ray after Oliver gets back (instantly it seems) and Slade is in 314, that only leaves 1 episode for her to get attached to Ray, attached enough to seriously consider him even if Oliver rescues her from Slade. That would have made sense. Justice Canary + Raylicity gives me nothing I want to watch for. Yeah, Roy, Thea and Diggle are okay but not enough to make me sit through those two storylines.
  10. Felicity seriously thinking about Ray only works if Oliver rejects being with her again. Amell saying that Oliver comes back a little humbled suggests the opposite. I can't believe they are so in love with Ray that they would mess up Olicity like this for a character people still don't like all that much. Wait, I can, they've made Laurel Insta Canary.
  11. Sinceriously. There is nothing there that makes me want to watch the rest of the season. Don't they get it, that there's enough trouble with Laurel becoming Buckle Canary, that when you add Felicity seriously thinking about Ray, they're crashing two of the supports the show stands on. I can take the first but only if I get some good Felicity/Team Arrow along with it.
  12. Yeah, or works with them both. First with Merlyn and then ends up working with Ra's. So far, this seasons Big Bad arc has been a miss for me. From the Variety interview I'm with Oliver. Why couldn't they have left it at that and developed Laurel more slowly? Unless it's a question of whether KC leaves the show at the end of this season or not, this has been done all wrong. No. Just no. And if stalking and yelling at her for mentioning his fiance is love, count me out.
  13. I don't think she is because it seemed like they made very sure to make her blue dead: shot with 3 arrows, fell off the roof, lay in the foundry for a day then in the freezer and then buried. It seemed like the EPs were really trying to make the point that Sara is DEAD, DEAD, DEAD, and gone. It reminded me of the Hitchcock movie Torn Curtain, where Julie Andrews' and Paul Newman's character try to kill a man and he keeps getting up so they knock him on the head, shoot him etc over and over till he finally dies. I think they need to get a p.r. person to sit down with Katie Cassidy and work out her answers in advance. She gave 100% of herself to throwing that glass when Sara showed up. And 100% of herself to pulling rank to get out of the DUI and than blackmailing to get her job back. Other than that... ? I don't know much about Kate Spencer as Manhunter. Did she own her dubious methods? KC certainly doesn't own Laurel's. Sara didn't have a choice to be on the island, and maybe she didn't have a choice to work for the LoA but she certainly had a choice about fighting for vulnerable people and taking on the villains of Starling City, not to mention going into the burning building to save that child. Does KC really believe that Laurel is somehow better than Sara for SWFing her sister? Saying "“Wow, I didn’t expect this! It’s genius that they came up with this.” says more about her than it does about the writing.
  14. I think it's because The Glades is where the blue collar crime is situated (as opposed to the white collar crime which was around Merlyn Global). Drug dealing, extortion, B&Es, mugging ... the Glades is where it's easiest to do that sort of thing.
  15. It's an OTT reaction but then so was trying on Caity's mask during shooting last season and getting excited about how she looked in it as she told the Calgary con. Personal stuff like that is better left secret. I'm amused at "Cassidy gushes to EW." Surely gushing isn't the usual descriptor in an interview? I would so take those classes -- boxing, advanced Tech and How To Use Your Shoe As A Weapon. We'll have to see how it looks in the whole episode but the way she took down the bad guy in the clip, it's just the same fight skills as Sara. Maybe they want to give her both for extra credibility. To be fair to The Flash writers, Iris was taking a journalism class in the fall term. And she started the blog from it and kept going because she was excited about it herself, not because the direction was pointed out to her and she wanted to do something with her rage. These are supposed to be it. When reaction was negative for AK's statement about the Laurel arc, MG started saying it was Roy and Laurel who were stepping up in these three episodes. Although there was also a spoiler about Roy showing Thea how he grew up.
  16. At least Felicity is getting more in this than she did in Suicide Squad, where she had one brief scene taking cocoa to Diggle. I think KC hates Olicity because that was supposed to be her role, being the hero's love interest. At the moment, however, she's happy with all the attention she's getting from Laurel becoming the Black Canary. Not to mention the only woman on the show worthy to be taken to the TCA, now that Sara is dead. But she's not smart enough to be subtle about it. As 10Eleven12 said, the best thing would have been to talk about the great fans and compliment SA and EBR for how they play their roles. Calling fan comments bullshit and saying she's "there to do a job [she's] passionate about" (really, is that why you weren't doing interviews last year?) instead of propping the show as a whole which is what SA does, just makes me want to stop reading her interviews. Isn't that an oxymoron, or something? She has a big heart. That's all that matters. And shoes that come apart easily.
  17. I see MG's dilemma, somewhat. He's got a part of the show who wants to see Laurel as the Black Canary, and another part that is dreading it. How do you get both parts of the audience to tune in? I remember when Tim Minear used to post on the Angle board at TWoP. Good times, except when he got upset about something. But it seemed easier to talk to him than the 10,000 tweets and tumblir requests MG gets every day. Now you've made me sad because I'm thinking of Oliver and Sara being there, trying to fight and yet hide that they can. I remember that Sarah Michelle Gellar's stunt double said in an interview that if she were as thin as SMG, she never would have had the power to do the stunts. Even more, he should have let them be happy for more than 10 seconds before he blew them up, literally and figuratively. Then at least there would have been Olicity scenes to remember and hang on to while Oliver is gone and Black Canary and the Atom are rising. I hope the dream is not a nightmare and that was just SA teasing (trolling). There needs to be something good to hang on to before it gets wrapped up in May sweeps, if it even does then. (Two years of Castle I will never get back, even more of Bones.)
  18. I think it depends on what cues one looks at. I won't repeat it here but if you look at the posts on the relationship thread, it's generally felt that it had been building since the start of season 2. Oliver's relationship with Sara was more of a FWB than in "in love" one, at least on his side.
  19. Dear Andrew, soap operas are find and good in their way but everyone has to have some happiness for longer than 4 minutes or else it gets boring. From wewatchfortheplot review above: While in theory it might have been done better with Laurel, I don't think Katie Cassidy would have been up to it. (I'm afraid they're still going to do it though as Laurel's Canary arc continues. The other problem is that while Ray is a newcomer on the show, Felicity is still closer to him than she is to Laurel. Much closer.
  20. Since they both have long blonde hair, if they both could fight, how would the audience be able to tell them apart? Oh, right, the glasses. I didn't mind it so much with Sara because Sara had all sorts of cred. But this scene, where Felicity is hiding behind Ray and then clinging to his arm while Laurel is beating up bad guys doesn't sit right. And why is Felicity clinging to Ray? If anyone should be used to guys fighting in front of her, it's Felicity.
  21. Victoria has better weather than Vancouver because Vancouver is close to the mountains and when the clouds hit them, they dump all their rain so it's kind of a joke that Vancouver only gets two sunny days a year. It does look awfully nice in that picture. I wonder if it was taken before Christmas. It's too cold here to snow right now. Which is still better than it is on the east coast with the storm hitting.
  22. I didn't even notice the jacket when I saw the picture, it's such a gorgeous pic with great composition. He's coming back in one of the sweeps episodes but it looks like this picture was taken earlier, or BC stays green for a long time in the winter
  23. Wow, Laurel's a good fighter. Even better then Ray. Poor Felicity hiding while Laurel, Ray and Quentin do the fighting. Yeh, it's going to be a Laurel episode. Although I liked the line "See, that's why I need a technosuit." Someone above mentioned a worst case scenario? Although I do like the idea that the supervillain they fight while Ray is there is an Atom villain. Maybe yourself right at home, Ray.
  24. For me, it comes from Laurel. Maybe the point of the wig is if anyone bad guy gets his hands on it, it will just come off and she can escape. The flying hair doesn't make sense though. But nothing, nothing bugs me more than those fingerless gloves, unless we get a scene of Laurel burning off her fingerprints to hide her identity. In my mind, along with all the other equipment Oliver must have teleported down into the basement is a dry cleaning machine. I just hope Felicity isn't the one who has to clean them though because she's the girl. Give the job to Roy who's the probie. A major problem that I have with Malcolm Merlyn is that since Moira was executed, there hasn't been anyone who could stand up to him and it's been pretty boring to watch him ride roughshod over everyone. I was hoping Thea would channel her inner Moira and play him, but no, he's still playing her, not to mention brainwashing her. Oliver set out to protect him for Thea's set and even now he didn't tell Thea was daddy dearest was up to (i,e, setting her up to be killed by Ra's). The scene with Felicity glad he's on the To Die List and Diggle pulling out a second gun was great though. I hope they keep that attitude because frankly, right now they're wasting MM and John Barrowman.
  25. Yeah. And also that it would be so sad if she just went home and all by herself sat in the dark and cried. The Felicity who is light and strength would try to find something to distract her that she could succeed at rather than give way to grief. If there is no "this" without Oliver, then there must be some tech thingy she could get right.
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