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Everything posted by Aquarius

  1. No, it's not. Check out the FAQ about the cost of the services and the partner - Look Different.
  2. Raising the GiGi juice to you too, Lura! Let's just all agree that we shall never, ever serve green pea mimosas here. Blech!!!
  3. I'll have you know, thanks to all of you here, I strode into my workplace bathroom today singing, "Cholera's a beautiful thing!" So not cool. I'm filing that under "TMI."
  4. I'm pretty sure Alton's marriage came to an end first. It was just done very much on the down-low. Every time I see this thread title, I read "Girling His Way to Fame." Which is unfortunate given his accomplishments but there it is.
  5. Listening, breathing, being, laughing . . . it's his #realface. I haven't been watching Star Salvation but I'm keeping up here. (I will probably tell my husband who's coming back right before they swing the Doors of Doom open to reveal the big surprise - it's a pleasure I need to reserve for myself as the show itself has sucked away all the others). From what I understand Hashtag is now calling himself "Southwestern Young Gun." I play poker with a guy just like him who also calls himself "Young Gun." We cheer when this idiot is taken out of the game. So I see it as a nickname.
  6. Lura! I swear, I would be here right with you, but I can't catch Nancy live most times, and she's not OnDemand any more! As the crow flies, as goes the local vernacular, where I grew up is not all that far from where Nancy is, so I love to watch her. She's sort of comforting to me - even with the sing-songy tone she pronounces words more or less the same way I do. I'm also fascinated by the things you list. As soon as I catch a new-to-me episode I'll be back to post, I promise!
  7. I'm too lazy and uninspired to look for in OnDemand, but I could have SWORN that Dom leaned back behind Alex and said "Adios" or "Au revoir" or whatever he said directly to Emilia. There was something about it that I just remember as being the equivalent of "You're toast, bitch!" Which considering his less-than-stellar appearances seemed a little presumptuous of him, to say the least. I completely allow that I might have been blinded by my newly developed Dom-hate. They showed both Emilia and Michelle taking a swig of wine. Overall, though, Emilia didn't seem wasted. And allow me to add how much I hated Michelle's "I'm the last girl among all you boys!" HAAATE! It's not an arm-wrestling competition, a-hole. The "boys" don't have an inherent advantage. Ever check out the FN lineup during "cooking hours"? Most of the shows are hosted by "girls." That was supposed to be a "viral video." Given that performance and everything that followed, methinks it was more "viral" than anything else and not in a good way.
  8. It is pretty sparse. Although I notice that Jay is there, selling that car, LOL.
  9. OK, you've convinced me. Eddie doesn't have to sleep on the couch any more. And that reminds me, I thought Duff was totally useless on the episode. I mean more than normal. I thought Dom directed it at Emilia based on her reaction. But I was probably wrong. I still think he's a tool though. LOL!
  10. I thought that Eddie and I might have to separate after he said something along the lines of having a pizza on the CiCi's menu being the ultimate prize. There are no words. It's a good thing he was flashing his smile and did that little butt-wiggle thing. I'm just going to make him sleep on the couch for a night or two. LOL. I agree that he came off really well playing off David Alan Grier. But it did start to get a little irritating. My husband missed the setup for the second challenge and he asked what Eddie's advantage was for having won the mentor's challenge. I told him that near as I could tell, it was David Alan Grier. I am among those that thought Emilia's meltdown was scripted. I can't think of a single thing we've seen in her edits to that point that led to that . . . performance. She didn't even give a good reason why she thought that would work. It seemed fake, fake, fake. Which leads me to Jay. I am not seeing what they are going so ga-ga about with him. The edits must not being doing him justice, because he keeps getting reactions like "Exciting!" and "Riveting!" and "I just want to watch him forever!" Usually all I can remember about his presentations is the shouting and in his talking heads the nasty comments about the others. And the semi-crazy eyes. Dom in now the mayor of Tooltown as far as I'm concerned. That "Adios!" comment to Emilia seemed a lot more mean-spirited to me than anything she said about him. Tush really does clutch the pearls, doesn't he?
  11. As I said, I believe you read it. And no, Giada doesn't have to broadcast anything. But when she writes a book which in her own words includes the answer to the what she claims is the #1 question she's asked - how she stays so thin - and doesn't include that tidbit of information, I cry foul. She's broadcasting things selectively. You want to put your personal habits in print, including showing me how you do your hair, brush your teeth, wash your face, etc., then you really should mention the fact that you might very well be so thin because of your digestive issues. And yes, what works for one person won't necessarily work for another. That was sort of my point. I don't judge anyone for how thin or heavy or tall or wide they are, until they write books claiming to have the answers and they're leaving out possibly critical information. As for the gossip sites, I hope that's all just gossip. If it is, I feel sorry for Giada, her husband and daughter. I liked the way Giada was dressed during last night's episode! She looked attractive and nicely put together. Without a boob window or a belly shirt in sight!
  12. Every time I've tried to find something OnDemand lately, I've been subjected to those fucking little pieces of phlegm making fart noises in response to inane interview questions. HAAATE.
  13. I have a formerly feral cat who turned 18 some time in April. She's had what I've been convinced is kidney failure (based on prior experience) for going on three years now. We treated our other cat for two and half years for it before we had to put her down three months shy of her 18th birthday. I won't treat Merlot, our current cat, because she is sooooo stressed about the vet and disruptive things in general. I've literally been crying every vacation (when I've had a snoot-full) about losing her for three years now. My husband is beyond tired of hearing it, LOL. I should have done the bucket list route - I'd be absolved of any guilt for going on two and half years!
  14. You may have read all that, I don't doubt because Giada's stories tend to be all over the place. But I have the book - the book DOES NOT SAY THAT - the book talks about her wonderful portion control and yoga, etc. I've also read interviews with her where she said that she exchanged agave syrup for sugar and she just "watched the pounds melt off." Who knows what to believe? I do know that she has her philosophy engraved on chandeliers in her restaurant and it doesn't talk about any digestive issues or extensive medical testing or even allows for different metabolic rates. ("I eat a little of everything but not a lot of anything"). I've also read articles where she was controlling Jade's portions of lamb chops at age 3 or 4. Lamb chops - not popcorn, not chocolate, not cotton candy. Lamb chops. Needless to say, I know what I believe. (It doesn't come out of a hatred of thin women, either. I happen to be one. I get and stay that way by limiting carbohydrates, so Giada's philosophy is bunk by me.) And YES, Giada was a sore loser. Ab-so-lute-ly.
  15. I no longer like Dom as I used to, but I completely agree that Michelle was a terrible teammate too, indecisive and useless. She acted like Dom's souz chef, rather than a full partner. Then went all martyr about it. I think that's why she got the lecture from Anne. I used to dislike Jay because of the Lenny similarity. Now I just dislike Jay. He's too loud and he doesn't seem genuine to me. I can't even remember what he and Emilia made for the challenge, or what the judges' reaction was. I am underwelmed by both of them. Indeed. EXACTLY! And as much as I enjoy Bobby, if he wore the male equivalent to Giada's wardrobe, I'd be leading the snark brigade about it here. That would be awesome!
  16. And how she stays so THIN! You forgot the most important thing - the question EVERYONE who meets her asks, according to introduction to her book. Barf! Personally, I never got all the "Giada is so gorgeous!" hype. To me, she's always looked nice, but average. Her features are too harsh for "gorgeous." I think she has one of those faces that the camera loves in certain lighting and angles, but in real life is sort of pointed and witchy, for lack of a better word. For instance, in the candid shots in this article, Shania Twain looks as beautiful as she always does, and Giada looks much different than her glamour shots. http://greatideas.people.com/2014/07/22/shania-twain-giada-delaurentiis-las-vegas-restaurant/
  17. I've given up trying and I cry unabashedly. I am so thankful that my husband understands and accepts my jello-like consistency about animals.
  18. This isn't a change. He did the same on FNS when Christina was eliminated. I remember it distinctly because it was the only evidence that I saw that #douchenozzle had any redeeming qualities.
  19. They're wrong, of course. Even Cleetus had enough sense to move on from this trainwreck.
  20. My ex-step-mother-in-law (her divorce, not mine) once asked me why I named my cats like strippers. Ha!
  21. My parents, too. The one I got was two years older than I was. But it was a gift.
  22. Being as they had a team to serve the courses, I think they could have pulled off lighting the desserts table side. A nice retro jubilee, maybe, or some modern twist on bananas Foster. Lighting things on fire always makes for good TV, too. YES about Jay's shouting. There's just something so fake and sales-y about him that really rubs me the wrong way. BILLY! MAYS! was the Oxy-moron of whom you speak, and yes, I see that similarity. I've felt like that ever since he repeated the "cauldrons of red beans and rice!" line in two presentations in the first episode. He made it sound like a pitch for the Veggie-Matic rather than something I'd want to try.
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