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Everything posted by Aquarius

  1. Her name is Julie. This episode was named for her. ;-)
  2. I'm on board the zombie-hate train too. Just do. not. get. it. I love ghost stories and most supernatural stuff. But zombies just do not interest me. Some shows I've never watched but hate: Duck Dynasty Any of the Real Housewives franchise Swamp People the Odd Couple remake Justified Sons of Anarchy 24 Breaking Bad
  3. All that, yes. And the complete difference in their face and nose shapes is very distracting. It's highly implausible that a girl would gain so many inches of height between age 15 and 19 . . . but okay, maybe. However, her face isn't going to reshape so completely.
  4. First time I've seen that. It's awesome. Thanks for posting it.
  5. Nothing creeps me out more either (well, maybe clowns or those old fashioned dolls). But whaaa? What commercials are using them? Are they a CGI thing? (I ask so that I may avoid them.)
  6. I thought that was her daughter - ? Didn't she say something about her daughter having moved to California and she doesn't get to see them very often? I don't remember a son or son-in-law at all. I actually found the episode sort of interesting. It explains where the "rulebook" came from - Grammy Carl, of course, makes sense as most of the rules seem to hers - but what I don't understand is why Grammy Carl would have compiled the family recipes that included the in-laws of her children. Right? Nancy mentions the "grammies" (Carl, Tabor, Fuller) as all being her grandmothers. Which would make them all related by the marriage of Nancy's parents. I know there's no such thing as an "ordinary" family, but that collection of people seems very Nancy-centric and not what people normally consider their extended family. (I mean from Grammy Carl's perspective, of course). I loved Nancy's little side trip to the historical museum, just because that's just the sort of thing I would do if I came from a place with roots. I loved the little model of her grandmother's (?) family's general store. So cute! That ham souffle was weird, but what I thought was the weirdest part was the ground up ham. I don't believe I've ever seen ham go through a meat grinder before. It seems like a lot of trouble if you're just going to more or less make a casserole with it. (Because a classic souffle that was not). And although Nancy was very sing-songy and loud (it seems to get worse when kids are present), I thought she seems genuinely fond of her granddaughters and I thought that was nice to see.
  7. Make no mistake, in no way do I believe that however Caleb/Norma went down, that she seduced him. What I envision is more of a "Flowers in the Attic" type progression, where boundaries are crossed inadvertently and due to extreme circumstances something inappropriate occurs. (And I do think the original sex act in "Flowers in the Attic" was a rape - but what happened to precipitate it and afterward was very convoluted and co-dependent). I also don't think Norma is in any way trying to seduce or tempt Norman sexually now, I think she is looking for love and comfort, but in effect that is what she is doing. That type of lover-like intimacy just breeds inappropriate feelings, especially in a disturbed young man starting his sexual prime. I can just see the thing with Caleb going down pretty much the same way. To me, Caleb seems more befuddled by why Norma ran off than not, and he also seems to me that he is biting back some details when he speaks to Dylan about it. I wonder if that is an attempt to not make a bad situation worse for Dylan by implicating his mother in what happened . . . I don't know, I think Caleb is a tool for not leaving like Dylan asks him to, but it seems that is more about a fascination with Dylan (which to me is understandable given as he just found out about his existence) than any strong personality trait that won't accept no for an answer. He's stayed away from Norma, for example. And it seems to me there is something a little equivocal about Dylan's requests, too - he seems to be interested in Caleb no matter what he says. That's what I am seeing, anyway.
  8. I don't find it hard to believe that a woman who has taken to spooning with her nearly adult son for comfort might have done some inappropriate things with a brother under similar circumstances. And that's what I love about this show - it just keeps you guessing what exactly is going on.
  9. I thought it was a pretty good episode. I loved when Norma was yelling at Norman after finding him peeking at the girl in Room 4. It made me laugh when she said, "And it's - weird!" Bwah! I fear for Dylan (whom I love). In fact, being completely unspoiled for anything about this episode, when I read the title on my Comcast guide my first thought was he was a goner. Regarding what happened with Caleb. I never completely believed Norma's version, and I agree with those above who think the show is setting up something different than what she said. There was something so off about that scene when she told Norman about her brother. Yes, she was going to meet Abernathy and thought he was going to kill her. But I always thought was more important about the timing is that Norman was ready to leave on a grown-up date to the prom. I got the sense that bothered her most of all, and her confession came mostly out of a desire to ruin Norman's night, and bring the focus back onto her. And sully the mere notion of sex for Norman in a twisted kind of way. It was just so strange. And then when she found out Dylan spoke to Caleb, she was so keenly interested to know what Caleb said. I just don't know there . . . Caleb is creepy, for sure, though. I don't know how Dylan stands to even talk to him, knowing what he does, and I can't imagine how a person would come to terms with understanding that he is the product of incest. The fact that all this is piling on Dylan and he is trying so hard to do the right things, as he sees them, while Norman gets more twisted, is a nice contrast. It's one of the things I think is very well done about this show.
  10. Wow. I have no experience whatsoever with the French version, and in fact had not heard of this show until I saw the ad during Bates Motel before it. But seriously, are Camille and Lena supposed to be identical twins?? They barely look like sisters! I like the premise of this show and I might keep watching. I liked the cast, too. I just hope it doesn't get too stupid too quick. </diminished expectations>
  11. Oooh! Yippee! I hope the prize is a lifetime supply of Yoplait!
  12. I hate that Kayak commercial. I thought at one point the mother was shown on the stairs, hunched over and gasping for air (nice). I figure they're going for the asshole demographic. It must be a big demographic given how many commercials seem to be targeting it.
  13. Ah, so THAT'S how he died! Doesn't sound like much of an accident though . . .
  14. I can't wait to hear what they call the medication, and what animated figure they develop to sell it. Or maybe they'll go the "doctor diagnosed me with a DISEASE!" route.
  15. Not to mention, in no way did she show anyone that a woman can be tough like Janis was singing about. Fickle, hesitant, dramatic - but not tough.
  16. I should know never to read this forum with a mouthful of water (or Diet Dr. Pepper). You owe me a keyboard!
  17. I don't know about you, but I prefer a fungal infection with conviction.
  18. Nah, we should reach for the cupcake-flavored yogurt instead. Because that's JUST LIKE eating the cupcake. Well, they won't let us die in an accident, so there's that.
  19. Or just ask your doctor. But be sure to let him or her know of any medical conditions you have.
  20. I thought the whole thing with "Marlboro Man" was the cowboy mystique. He was nothing more than the modern cowboy . . . I thought he was even shot in such a way that de-emphasized his individual features and emphasized his cowboy-ness. Profile, hat over his eyes, etc. I also always thought they picked the next one based on how generically cowboy he looked, not based on any individual good looks.
  21. Thanks for the warning! I will not watch this after dark, as Giada's teeth frighten me as it is.
  22. I live under a rock, apparently, so when it aired on PBS Thirteen, I thought it was a mini-series. I hung around until the end because it was pretty, and I wanted to see how it ended. I was so upset to find out it was a series, and there was more! I just couldn't go on with it.
  23. Yes, but the big difference is that Justin's show was always "in the works." Coming in October, no, January, no, March - but stay tuned. And indeed a show was produced. Absolutely nothing has been said about Lenny's.
  24. Boredom, mostly. I will watch it OnDemand if there's nothing else on. I will watch almost anyone in a kitchen. It may be a sickness.
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