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Everything posted by Aquarius

  1. It's like a miniaturized Prince in heavy-metal drag . . .
  2. I just keep wondering - are they going to have another season of FNS? And if they do, how are they going to handle the Lenny Question? I think it's clear now that Food Network is not working with him in any way . . . probably hope he'll just disappear . . . and he does seem to be forgotten overall. But a new season will bring up the question of what happened to last year's winner. I wonder if they'll just give up the show altogether, given the lackluster performance of their winners overall from the last six seasons or so.
  3. Yes, she certainly loves her cowboy/cowgirl paradigm. I loved how Ladd likes chocolate pie. Just plain old chocolate pie. Don't be giving him any chocolate silk pie, or chocolate chiffon pie, because it won't fly. My question is, how would Ladd know the difference, exactly, if he wasn't told? Either he's a culinary neanderthal, or he's not. I would imagine to a "Cowboy", a choc'lt pie is a choc'lt pie, thank you, ma'am.
  4. Yes! This is what I meant by Jim becoming a meat puppet. He died and then jumped into the body of poor Sam, who died in a motorcycle accident right in front of Melinda. Yes, he jumped into a recently vacated corpse right in front of his wife, whose fucking life's work was getting spirits to move on to the other side because they didn't belong here any more. Since apparently Jim was a fucking snowflake exception to the rules of the afterlife that Melinda worked tirelessly to get others to accept, no matter the depth of their own earthly ties. Because. He. Just. Loved. Her. So. Much. Gah! Melinda saw him as Jim, and I think he saw himself as Jim, but the rest of the world saw him as Sam. You know, the poor recently deceased-but-not motorcycle dude. Who Melinda took up with very shortly after the loss of her husband, whom she loved so very much. So the whole thing was so very WTF-ish that even the show abandoned it the next season. Fast forward five years, Jim has his own face back, with Sam apparently forgotten, and he's in medical school and he and Melinda have a son who shares her gift Cancellation followed shortly thereafter. Much to the surprise of no one. But nope, I'm not bitter.
  5. Sigh. Wasn't that awesome? I LOVED Melinda and Jim. Then the show had to ruin things forever for me by turning Jim into a meat puppet. I will never forgive, I tell you. Never!
  6. Truly. There are just some things that don't need to be shown. Ever.
  7. I don't know. I got the distinct sense that Ree crapped up that slice of pie solely for the "his and her" effect. Because that's the way they roll around there.
  8. Yikes. What market is GoDaddy trying to go after? The mean and cold-hearted?
  9. Since I keep seeing Allison Dubois when the CSI: Cyber commercials come on, I guess I'll have to add Patricia Arquette to this list.
  10. I don't think this is absolute. I don't focus on stories about people like me because I KNOW what it's like to be me. I wouldn't say I like to see myself represented onscreen. I like engaging character-driven stories and I can engage with a wide variety of characters and stories. Gender, race, sexual orientation, marital status - none of the things we use to 'define" ourselves - really matter to me when I am engaging with a story.
  11. My husband and I watched the compilation of the Super Bowl ads on demand last night. I dropped by here to say I loved the Liam Neeson one (although I'd never buy what he was advertising). "Scone for Lie-em." Hee.
  12. I caught this today. Watched it all the way through waiting for some kind of point. Other than the dad's clearly a douchebag and his daughter hates him, there was none. Not a shred of evidence that he was involved in the other daughter's murder. Not a single, even fleeting, moment of insight on either side. Nothing. Why would this even be broadcast?
  13. Yeah, it's 2015, no need to put a ring on it first!
  14. I didn't watch most of the Superbowl, so I didn't see that Nationwide ad in real time. But I just looked it up and it is HORRIBLE. Besides the depressing subject matter, there is just something jarring in the sort of casual way it's presented. I can't explain it properly but while the subject matter is depressing, the commercial itself is sort of cutesy. Down to the fake cooties jumping around the bus. Way to cheapen something incredibly tragic, there, Nationwide.
  15. Those people are seriously looking for things to offend them.
  16. I'm glad they downplayed the "romance" aspect of the show, too. Especially after seeing Damaris and her "gentleman" together - what a strange vibe they have. I can't define it exactly but it makes me uncomfortable to watch them. It's none of my business and to each his own, except when you put it on television and want me to watch. As to her recipes, I agree, there's really nothing I've seen that makes me want to run out and try it. I've learned a few different techniques for tasks I already knew how to do a different way, so there's that. She's likable enough but she underwhelms me.
  17. It is clever, but I got so annoyed at the tagline that I can't say I enjoyed it. "Welcome to the Sisterhood of Motherhood." After all those DADS are featured caring for their infants? What? DADS can't use Similac? Nice try, but you fail, Similac.
  18. I go between feeling that way and feeling that she's just so incredibly full of herself. Her last book really pissed me off and made me think she was full of herself. The stuff about the restaurant reinforced that. But now, seeing her marriage fall apart, I am starting to lean the other way. Maybe she's so incredibly full of herself because she's not comfortable with herself. If so, I wish her all the best and I hope she finds peace.
  19. I have to thank you for this. Because seriously, every time I thought about that Budweiser ad, people would come in and dust and chop onions like nobody's business. But now I can hold on to that thought. Although truly, it's not the guy so much as the Clydesdales . . . damnit! Someone must have started dusting in here again!!
  20. I'm just always happy to see interracial couples of any kind. I remember when this was a television taboo and I am just so glad we're more or less beyond that. And I don't see any racism in that ad. Stupidity of a different sort, yes, but racism, no.
  21. And I just can't get over how HAPPY the poor thing was to see her! It makes her seem cruel. Not someone I want to emulate.
  22. I agree with every word of this post. And I know I'm not old. Even if the kids on my lawn are annoying me more every day . . .
  23. I miss when Americans weren't such wussies and we only took headache medicine for full-grown, adult-sized bangaroos.
  24. I don't know why, because usually I like Denzel Washington, but The Equalizer ads fill me with rage. "Old man's gotta be the old man, fish has gotta be the fish." Ack!
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