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Everything posted by Aquarius

  1. I just hate Sofia Vergara, but I don't care if that's her son. She's walking a fine line between smothering mother and Sante Kimes. Okay, I exaggerate A little.
  2. i was rooting for Kimberley once Beca was eliminated, because I sort of have a girl crush on her, and I continue to think she was the most consistently good baker after all. I was absolutely rooting for her after seeing all the finalists' home videos - she and her boyfriend are so adorable, and like someone said upthread, she had the same incredible smile as a child. But, I am okay with Frances winning. She hung on, keeping true to her own vision while listening to the feedback. She had mostly good bakes. with some great ones,. She got the Hollywood handshake. And while all the wedding cakes were disappointing, I think hers was the best. What I loved about this episode was the garden party with the past contestants! Rob! Howard! Ali! Christine! Glenn! Beca! Beca is absolutely beautiful with her hair down. She picked Kimberley, which yeah! Makes me love her all the more. Christine is awesome, I love her too. I think she picked the winner, no? And Glenn . . . I know he picked Ruby, because the others gave reasons,and he just said "I think it will be Ruby" and then flashed that Glenn smile. :-) It was all good. I don't regret having watched a minute of it.
  3. True, he's not complimenting her. He's being a jerk. But I get the impression it's because he's Peter Pan, and he's a tool. That's what he does. Ye-ah!
  4. It's as equally as reductive to assume Ruby's behavior is due to her being so bright, beautiful, and willowy. I'm sure the whole thing is more complicated than that. And she wasn't silent about Beca's elimination as it related to her. She was slient during the elimination - they all are. But her comments after the elimination were most certainly about herself - she was so sure it was going to be her, etc. Of course no one knows how much was edited out, but that is what came across.
  5. Now I know it's not possible that she's local to you. Cuz she lives on a ranch in the middle of nowhere. ;-)
  6. Their tagline was "Having the flu is a big deal" or something like that. Back when it was a gigantic man suffering with it. But you're right, I don't think they say that anymore.
  7. The woman is pregnant. The house is in flames. The cat is sitting on the bed beside the woman. The man is standing with a box, exhorting the woman to leave, but she can't, because she's mesmerized by the shoes. The man says, "But you've never even worn them!" She replies, "That's the point!" He takes the picture, posts it to LetItGo. LO AND BEHOLD, a couple swoops in, the woman swipes the shoes, and they disappear. So my questions: How the fuck can the buying woman swoop in and take the shoes, when the original owner couldn't? Why didn't the owner just get up and take the shoes and leave? Are pregnant women incapable of carrying shoes out of burning buildings? Or is the cat somehow significant to her inability to take the shoes with her? She's not carrying anything but the child in her womb. She's got arm room for both the shoes and the cat. I really just don't get it.
  8. I have never seen mousse, pudding or trifle quiver like that slice of Charlotte Royale did. If I did, I would not eat them. I disagree about the gel; I think probably it gives the cake a texture I would not be eager to try. So I stick to my original opinion. It looked dreadful.
  9. Dreadful is the word. Even when Paul and Mary sat down and shared the "perfect" one - I almost barfed at the way the slice quivered. It was unholy. I couldn't imagine putting my fork anywhere near that thing, let alone letting any of it get near my mouth. YUCK! I was so sad to see Beca go. And so mad to see Ruby making all her faces, even after they announced it was Beca leaving. I don't hate Ruby but boy she rubbed me the wrong way during that elimination and in her comments afterward. She is starting to seem really disingenuous. I don't want to be spoiled so I've been avoiding even searching for any of the contestants names, let alone looking at the blogs or whatever. But once we find out who wins I will do so, and give Ruby's writings a chance. I want to be wrong about her. I would be happy to see either Kimberley or Frances win. I have loved Kimberley since week 1. Frances has really grown on me. Those cauliflower canapes looked an absolute delight!
  10. I will! I can't stand Peter Pan. The way he acts in the commercial is how I've always thought he acts.
  11. I made the broccoli-cheddar soup from the Halloween murder mystery episode. It was quite good. In fact now that it's soup season I think I'll make it again.
  12. That commercial reminds me that I never ever ever clapped to save Tinkerbell. HAAATE that whole stupid story.
  13. I have to personally thank you for starting my day off with this. :-)
  14. From anneofcleves' link above. http://thepioneerwoman.com/confessions/new-york-what-i-did/ I don't know if I want to know. But can anyone explain the tagline? "Plowing through life in the country . . . one calf nut at a time." Please tell me this means something different than I think it does. Please.
  15. If it's the episode I remember, she's Marie Antoinette. She kept saying, "Let them eat cake!" in that annoying way of hers.
  16. Yes to all of this. I've heard a lot of television chefs say it's not worth the effort of making puff pastry - might as well buy it as there are good quality ones on the market and the effort is astronomical. I believe this includes Martha Stewart and since that woman makes eeeevvvverrrryyythng herself, that carries a lot of weight with me. Some things are just not worth the effort. The only thing to make sure is that it's not high in trans-fats. Pre-made puff pastry is a big offender in trans-fat. It had to be Glenn, which makes me sad, but it was the right choice. I will miss him. I'm through with Ruby and her wincing, apologies, etc. I don't hate her in the least but I don't want to see her win. Although it was cute that she spent the week playing with her new cat Rupert rather than practicing her baking. I was surprised that Kimberley did so poorly on the technical. Her eclair nuns didn't look like that were that bad. I was glad Beca placed first in the technical, though, because she's Welsh and I am of Welsh ancestry, and the more I see of her the more I really like her. I hope she's wrong about the atmosphere changing, however. I don't want to see it getting all competitive and cutthroat. Because that would make it like any stupid cooking competition on US television.
  17. So, Lenny's going to be there? I kid, I kid.
  18. According to Kay Jeweler's, it is now "engagement season." Huh. Learn something new every day.
  19. A man I worked with, who was from Australia, would always bring a trifle to any company potluck we had. No instant pudding, no Cool Whip. His had berries soaked in fortified wine, proper custard, real whipped cream. I think some sort of sponge cake. Absolutely addictive. We would always ask in advance of any potluck, "Is Keith bringing a trifle?" Ahh. It's been years and I still miss that trifle. :-)
  20. Awww. I was sad to see Howard go, although I sort of thought he was going to go this week. Those little peachy buns were so cute, too bad they didn't taste like peaches. I was glad to see Glenn stay, though. I love him and want him to stay as long as possible. I don't think he has a snowball's chance in hell of winning, though. His survivor's guilt this week at Howard's going home instead of him seemed very sincere and was touching. It's part of what I love about this show - the contestants all seem like such decent people who, while each hoping to win, are still pulling for each other. During the judging, they always show the reaction shots of the other contestants, and they all seem distressed and upset when one of the others is getting bad feedback. I was always suspect of this as a trick of editing. But this week, during the judging (I can't remember who was being judged), they showed Beca with her hands sort of criss-crossed on her face in agitation. Then they showed a shot of the person taking their tray of buns away from the judging table, and Beca was in the wide shot in the same position. So now I think it's not a trick of editing - those reaction shots they show are true. Makes me love them all the more. I laughed at a couple of things during the episode, damned if I can remember what. One thing I laughed at was the conversation about hemp - I don't know if Mary was putting on but I really got the idea she had no idea what that conversation was about. And then when Howard presented the loaf, she said so dryly, "It looks as if it's quite healthy for me." I just love the British art of understatement. Ruby does wear on me a little with the "Oh, I know this is so bad" - "Well, it's quite delicious" - "Oh really? I'm just so surprised." I don't think she's surprised. I don't think she's fishing for compliments, but I don't think she believes the work is as bad as she's letting on. I'm glad Mary called her on it during the judging, and then again later. Star baker for the second time, actually. I don't think I've ever seen Frances' hair pulled back. Beca pulls hers back and Kimberley usually wears a headband. But I think Frances has always had hers down.
  21. From what I understand, she does/used to do that through her blog. And then gives away all her old crap to the attendees. That's probably a very uncharitable interpretations, but Ree rubs me the wrong way.
  22. I could be wrong, and I don't care enough to find out, but i could have sworn that I've seen Martha Stewart use brown sugar in stew. Or maybe it was on America's Test Kitchen? I do know for a fact that I saw Kevin Dundon put brown sugar into a tomato sauce, so I don't know if that's the done thing in Ireland. Either way, I don't think the color of the sugar really makes a difference. In the scheme of all the crap she was dumping into that sauce, the molasses won't matter.
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