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Everything posted by Aquarius

  1. On a shallow note, she might also consider directing attention to finding a pair of pants that fit.
  2. I like how the kids BS about things, with the exception of Colby. Something about the way he's always saying things like "Well, I like my dough unbaked" and "Well, I really don't like a lot of color on my baked goods" just rubs me the wrong way. Yeah, kid, you meant to not bake it properly because you like improperly baked goods. Sure. Actually, I hate to say this about a kid, but he just rubs me the wrong way in general. He seems like quite the special snowflake. Duff is great with the kids. The way he interacts with them makes me smile. I never really cared much for Ace of Cakes or Duff in other shows, but here, I sort of love him. That must have been some scene during the elimination. Everyone, including Duff and Valerie, seemed to have tears in their eyes, and it looked like Valerie had a couple running down her face. I'm glad they edited out whatever caused all that emotion. It was hard enough to watch what they showed, with the kids being all upset. And then Duff saying, "That's the worst it's ever been." I'm glad they mostly keep that stuff out. I don't need to watch that. My husband keeps asking me who my favorite is. I still don't have one, but Peggy is so cute I want to put her in my pocket and take her home, and I love Alex P.'s droll delivery.
  3. Two things that bothered me about this episode. First, the "Duff's pie-hole" challenge. It reminded me of gym class counting toward a grade point average - why should the more athletically inclined kids get an advantage in an endeavor that is not athletic? Although, I loved when one of the contestants said, "I thought this was a baking competition?" You go, girl. That was great. Second, that kid from Maine was bordering on whiny. Last season, the reason I loved this show was that not one of the kids was like that. Hearing this kid whine about how he wanted the blueberries, waaaannnnted the blueberries, realllllllly wannnnnnntttttted the blueberries - well, that almost harshed my mellow. But I'm willing to forgive, for now, because as seen above, the kid did have a basis. But he's under observation as far as I'm concerned. I felt very sad for Alex A. and his chocolate soup. (Although, how cute - "It's chocolate soup!" Only a kid!) I don't quite understand what he did wrong but it was a pretty big failure. I still feel sad for him because he seemed really nice. How did that one girl's ice cream go from those lumps of cold butter to that beauty shot of perfectly formed scoops? And that kid who loved crusts made of half-cookies (yeah, right?), how did the shots of his pie look so perfectly formed? I sense some food styling behind the scenes. I also liked how flummoxed Duff and Valerie were by the winner's (Beth?) understated reaction. I love how these kids don't know yet how they are expected to act, and just act genuinely. It's delightful. I loved this show last season. I hope this season will be similar,
  4. That day? I think my doctors schedule that many an hour.
  5. Yes! I just hope Ree doesn't bust out "scrummy" any time soon. Something will go through my TV if I ever hear that.
  6. Ball-SAM-ic is bad. But halah-PEEN-yo drives me crazy. If you can get the Spanish "j" and "ñ" sounds, you can get that the "e" is not the long English "e". Not. That. Hard.
  7. That's great! I love the exasperated "Mom!"
  8. Eh. Part of me thinks they should all be glad of Steve Harvey's f-up. When's the last time most people KNEW who won the Miss Universe pageant, let alone who was first runner up?
  9. Absolutely hate this spot for Crest 3-D Whitening strips. Like throw something at the TV kind of hate. "I'd say someone's making quite an impression." Unless this chick is a goddamned tooth model, WTF does her boss care if her teeth are bright white or not??? http://www.ispot.tv/ad/AAPk/crest-3d-white-whitestrips-whiten-for-the-holidays
  10. I love that Temptations commercial! The music is perfect - "What do I have to do to make you love me?" - and those cats look miserable in the way that only cats in costumes can. Although I do think the turkey costume is very cute. :-)
  11. That's so cute! My husband has a pet voice sort of like Watson's dog voice. I always make fun of him for it. I hope this commercial comes on one day when we're watching together, as I should be able to get some mileage out of it. :-)
  12. I don't either. Especially since he says, "Really? I feel like I just woke up." Is Grandma demented and she just THINKS she's a drifter pretending to be her? It really makes no sense.
  13. Oh my gosh, that was the best! Thanks for posting it!
  14. Admittedly, I don't have a lot of experience with other people pooping, but really, who poops with their knees together?
  15. Ha! "There are no corners!" Love it!
  16. It has something to do with the flu being a big deal. On the longer commercials they use a tagline like that.
  17. Hee. "You need money? Is it a money thing?" Love it.
  18. I've always wondered who that was! If that was Nancy, I agree, she was one hot mama. I can see it. About the Thanksgiving dinner episode. Was it just me, or did she not do too much the day ahead? Baked a pie, brined a turkey, and then "Yay! All done!" Except the vast majority of the heavy lifting was done the next day - the stuffing, the turkey, the potatoes, the succotash. It was weird. I am low carb, so potatoes are out. But good news, cream and cheese are okay, and I think I'm going to try that soft-whipped cream topping with horseradish on some whipped turnips. I've never seen that before and it looked really good.
  19. One of my favorite forum misheard commercials of all time is back. "You didn't have to hose us like you did, but you did . . . " Let the holidays begin, good folks of the PVT forum!
  20. I am sorry about your aunt, peacheslatour. Sounds to me like a pretty good hole to fill, though. :-)
  21. i watched I'm Not Ready For Christmas. It was cute. I like Alicia Witt and I also like the actress who played her sister, whose name escapes me. My only quibble is that the title has absolutely nothing to do with the movie. I will never remember this movie by its title.
  22. Well, I guess some people are smarter than the fucked up others. But to me, looking like you're half an inch from planting a big wet one on your son's lips is going beyond parental affection. At least the kind of parental affection I'm comfortable with. And this is going back years. It's not some sort of PC affectation I've picked up in recent times.
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