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Everything posted by Aquarius

  1. Huh. Too bad about Damaris' show. But I'm curious, on neither her Facebook page or Twitter did I read that she was leaving Food Network altogether. I'm not great with these things. Did I miss something?
  2. I hate it because "turkey jerks." Is a "turkey jerk" even a thing? Do I even want to know?
  3. And then some. It's a good thing we're not sitting in an actual room together, because I'd smack that smug right off her face.
  4. I don't quite know where to put this, but I'm putting it here since I first learned about it on the commercials thread. But the woman that Peyton Manning forced to eat his balls and anus while at the University of Tennessee is from my town. http://patch.com/new-jersey/hackettstown/peyton-manning-details-20-year-old-sex-abuse-allegations-made-public-0 It's quite the discussion on the town forum . . . I was so glad I could add some substantive information to "it's a money grab!" due to what I'd found out here.
  5. It's DQ. And it's ostensibly a "cupid cake." But I swear they're saying "pubic."
  6. BHWAH! I'd forgotten all about that one. But, yeah. Oh, come on now. You know I have to add, for me, it's salami. :-)
  7. He does. I love how the dog shakes off his disguise at the end.
  8. You mean like it's a "cured meat product" now, rather than a cured meat? No one can be sure, but as it is still labeled "pepperoni," I would think that's still what it is.
  9. Smart. Very smart. Yes, it's still airing. Just saw it today and time has not softened me toward it one iota. Still HATE it. But glad it brought you out of hiding. :-) Welcome back!
  10. It's such a non-sequitur, too. Soup and sandwich and wonderful salads and - DAN IS BACK! - fresh ingredients. It's so weird.
  11. OK, the commercial for OsteoBiflex with the dad embarrassing his son with his dancing was sort of cute and funny. Sort of. But now there's one with a mother embarrassing her daughter with her rad yoga (?) moves. And with a similar line: "You know it's working by the look of sheer embarrassment on her face." Sooo . . . the purpose of improving your joint motion is to humiliate your children in public? No other benefits like say, increased fitness, less pain, more fun? It's all about getting back out in public and moving your booty in ways designed to make your offspring cringe? What if you don't have any children to humiliate? Or don't care to humiliate the ones you have? Does that mean OsteoBiflex doesn't want your business? I just don't get it.
  12. I thought this was the boob who hit a food truck. If you do, it's not likely that you're drinking Bud Light anyway, so the premise is still sound.
  13. I watched Manson's Lost Girls, hoping to learn something more about the girls. That's why I stay semi-fascinated with the case. I've never gotten any satisfying explanation about what was so wrong with these people that some little no-account psycho could get them to kill for him. Not even for monetary reward - for some disjointed and bizarre idea of "helter skelter" and kicking off a race war. To be fair, I've never done LSD or experienced hallucinogenics of any kind (other than the unfortunate side effect of one prescription medication). But that can't be all there is to it, the drugs. It just doesn't account for the influence Manson had over them. There has to be more to their makeup that made them fall for it. I was hoping to get some new insight into that. I got to see the girls kiss; I think that's the only new thing here. Disappointing.
  14. My first thought was, "How the f@3k is Turkish airlines going to fly me to a fictional city from a comic strip??"
  15. Read this as "I just saw a used condom commercial . . . " After seeing monkeypuppybaby (my eyes!!), I'm pretty sure nothing in a commercial could surprise or horrify me any longer. But I'm still glad I read it wrong. :-)
  16. Ree isn't sexist much. Ree is sexist always.
  17. "I shall spend my life finding answers to these questions." I'll save you some time. It's because you are a stupid douchenozzle. Done.
  18. They needed to use the song "Beth" by Kiss. Beth, I hear you calling/but I can't come home right now. Me and the boys are playing/and we just can't find the sound. Just a few more hours/and I'll be right home to you. I think I hear them calling/Oh, Beth, what can I do? Near as I can tell, this was the best scenario they could think of. Which says to me, after the emissions-faking disaster, VW has hired a team of idiots to do their advertising.
  19. Dear Hormel, The product you are attempting to sell me is "pepperoni", not "pepperona." There is no such thing as "pepperona." So I can only conclude that your bastardization of one of the songs from my childhood soundtrack is meant as cruelty, pure and simple. I am on a low carb diet for life, and we could have had a long, mutually advantageous association, but as of now I have officially stopped buying your product. Sincerely, Aquarius
  20. That's a great point, anneofcleves! I should submit it to Ree for her next installment of "International 16-Minute Less-than-5 Ingredient Wonders"! Simply scrumptious.
  21. I watched the "five" ingredient episode OnDemand last night, and it is official. Ree is loony-tunes. I can see oil not counting, but vinegar?? Would wine not count? Any sauce that comes pre-made isn't an ingredient? HERBS AND SPICES??? Even FRESH herbs, that you have to wash and chop, they don't count? So, basically, your common "ingredients" are proteins, vegetables (except herbs), dairy and starches. There's not a whole lot in the history of home cooking that uses more than those four in combination with the freebies. Keep the vegetable count down to two and you're golden. Not hard when you're feeding vegetable-phobic cowboys. Hey, I made a THREE ingredient sauerbraten for my husband's birthday earlier this month. It was pretty tasty. It was a variation on this recipe - I substituted ginger, cinnamon and brown sugar for the gingersnaps so they don't even count as an ingredient, although I am counting the wine. http://allrecipes.com/recipe/221361/traditional-sauerbraten/ And who knew? My pulled pork is a ONE ingredient dish! The rub usually has about 10 dried herbs and spices in it, but they don't count. The wonder of it.
  22. This! He lied even when called out on it. Not cute in the least. I thought FN spoiled the judging by showing a shot of Colby fanning cupcakes or something, that I didn't remember from previous episodes. I was very glad I was wrong. Valerie was hysterical with that "hot dog" ice cream. I guess it was the gift that kept on giving, LOL. I could only imagine how bad that must have tasted! I was glad to see Peggy do so well, after her misstep with the chili in the eclairs. And Rebecca's cake! THAT looked like a professional pastry chef had made it. Not to take away from Yashimabet's little chocolate cakes, because those were incredible looking as well. I loved the little butterflies. I think at this point she may end up winning. She seems to have a lot of baking poise, if you know what I mean. I can't bake to save my life. So I am continually amazed at what these kids create, even if they bring every recipe they've ever seen with them.
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