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Everything posted by silverspoons

  1. This is what i thought as well. Colt at 14 would need a representative payee which usually the surviving parent. Social security won't give the money to a 14 year old. His mother making it a joint account is actually nice. She would have the right to spend the money on his care, paying for food, power bill, housing and never give him a penny so if she let him have some or choose how to spend some mean she is not as controlling as being shown. I'll wait to see what happens at the hearing on Monday to see what story to believe, if here is some counseling ordered, case dropped, charges press on...
  2. How old are the kids suppose to be? I thought the first episode said they were 6 but as episodes go on, they seem like they are 4th grade (age 10ish)? Our family usually gives new sitcoms a chance but we are having a had time getting int this one.
  3. It seems like fewer and fewer colleges have PHd's teaching anymore or at least at the intro course levels. David has said he wanted a job with prestige. I saw an interview where he answered why he just did not take a job at walmart or food service or anywhere that is hiring, He said it was hurt his resume and he was holding out for a job with a title. I guess he got a job with a title but I bet he would make more as a bartender then as adjunct professor. I know the adjunct at of local college and university make $1500-2500 a class per semester. The $2500 goes to upper level or classes with labs. I doubt he is making enough to save, support both of them and send money to her family. Im sure he has some money coming in from elsewhere? Those tours he does or one of those business with his BFF.
  4. It is pretty hard to find a duplex in Las Vegas that is in a safe area that is reasonable cost. There are plenty of places with casitas or mother in law apartments. I actually thought the house layout was not bad for their situation. Colt has his own floor, the 3rd floor and it had a bedroom, bathroom, walk in closet, and another room (it looked like he had a computer and music stuff in it), his mom had the 2nd floor with 2 bedrooms and a bathroom. I'm trying to figure out what is off about Colt's edit. the no sofa, yet the kitchen looks very lived in (like someone has lived there awhile). He said he is a world traveler , I know that can mean different things to different people. Is he the type that has worked, saved, taken extended trips and then comes back to his mom's to live and save up again? He seems to work if the edit is true behind the airport so I don't think he is at some career type computer job that he is making the big bucks at.
  5. Jephite cheating. I don't think I could forgive that especially while pregnant. I can understand he was overwhelmed and needed space or a minute to think. His solution of, I needed to get the old me back and having sex with other women is pretty hard to forgive. He has said that his father was in and out of his life , going back and forth to Haiti while his mom had a bunch of kids to raise alone. Seems like he is already starting a bad cycle. I wanted to see Shawnice and Jephite make it but I think she might be better off having him be a great father and an ex husband.
  6. Given the last house was bought very cheap so they could build equity and redo, I would think they went looking for a bargain. I dont see rent as the type that would buy a picture perfect house for full price. Are there lots of foreclosures or short sales where they live. I know there is not one in my area, because of lack of inventory everything is selling. When we were buying our last house , I saw my dream cape cod house (I live in the desert so this style is rare here). It was a short sale and we got it approved after a few months. Two days before closing I went to look at the home because I wanted to change a rail for safety purposes right away. I was shocked, the kitchen was full of water and it had been there for awhile. We asked the bank for some money back to fix but they refused so we backed out. I always wondered if it was the old homeowner vandalized the home in anger or a freak pipe issue (it was 90 degrees out so there was no freezing). The realtor leaned towards the homeowners coming back because the fireplace insert was taken out too. I was always kind of sad driving by that home but one day was able to talk to the people who bought the home. Turns out the water had sat lng enough to cause mold and they had to rip out a big chunk of the kitchen and dining area and it cost them over 20k.
  7. I'll admit we were carving pumpkins last night so I was not paying full attention. Did they give a reason for driving and not having the cars shipped or driven out for them? I have moved cross country a few times and am planning to do so again in 2019 and if I had a larger budget, my first choice would be to ship my car (or sell it and rebuy) and drive one nice rental car or fly and have everything put in a moving van. I wonder if the road trip was pushed by TLC? Why are they going to live through renovations? Why not rent a Airbnb? I cant imagine Jen working 24 hr NICU shifts and having to come home to the noise of a renovation, plus kids and dogs.
  8. The last two "seasons" they had the preview over and over of the father's truck on fire (making us think something really bad happened) and then then preview of Alex serious health news. TLC is editting the previews for drama. My thought is that the Johnstons don't have the same producer power as some of the other families. When I saw the preview about buying a new house and losing it all, it made me not want to watch. I remember they had a modes track home in the first season. Then they bought their dream fixer upper. I felt kind of bad for the older kids about how long the remodel took. Trent said it was their forever home, and I thought the older kids will be close to college when it is done but I respected paid off, do it yourself project. Moving to a big new house turns me off.
  9. Ashley said that Anthony was going to look at the gender on Sept 1st and that was exactly 5 months (he had thought it was 6 months but calculated wrong) so I would guess she is due around Christmas? and Danielle said that she was 2 weeks behind Ashley. I wonder if one of the reasons that Danielle and Bobby are so happy is cost of living/money. I saw his home cost him under $150k, they both have decent jobs so hey must have a good chunk of disposable income. Danielle and Bobby have a 3 bedroom suburban home and yard, so having a baby is not as stressful as Living in Chicago or Boston where cost of living and housing is s expensive. It is stressful having a baby but for Danielle and Bobby there is not much change or worry in their lives. The other 2 couples have to worry about finding a bigger place to live and the costs.
  10. The only way I see possible is an old grandfathered plan and his parents own a business. My husband owns his business and we bought our healthcare before the changes and I know several other business owners in the same position. the rates are sky high but if I wanted I could add my adult son to our plan (at an crazy high rate) . I know another business owner that did this, they added there 30 year old son to the business health plan. when his wife was having twins. Our plan is what people remember 0 ded, $10 copays but we pay more then a mortgage for it. Do we know what Jonah's parents do? It would be a better explantion that he has been working a second job and get insurance via that. I know it is a story and it is probably going to someone make Jonah the father on the birth certificate because of the forms. I would think Amy would be eligible for baby your baby maternity coverage if this is her second kid and she is living on retail only income. Im disappointed that they share a delivery day. I was really looking forward to a crazy episode of just Glenn and his wife and Dina, so many possibiities.
  11. I would like to see more of the new comers as well. Nicole is being filmed again. so we will see more of her for sure. I doubt Jorge is going to be to filmed in Jail. I don't know if it is good for Karine not to be filmed by TLC. I got the feeling Paul was on better behavior when he was being filmed.
  12. I enjoyed the episode and tried to overlook Eddie running the store and the pacifier/age. I first thought why at 15 would they hire him at a higher end sales job? Don't most 14-15 year old have to start at grocery stores, fast food etc (plus at least when I and my kids worked you have to be 16 to handle large sums of money or do cash outs?). I hope the mattress job is not a regular on the show. I would rather see cattleman's ranch as the workplace set. As for the pacifier I agree agree about the age but I think the point was that the baby's father is a dentist and it is not right for a dentist's baby to use pacifier? When I had my first child I weened him off he pacifier , and came to find out that he needed it. he was born early and had a speech issue and using the pacifier helped strengthen muscles! I had no idea pacifiers did more the soothe. My child was a droller and after a few more months back on the pacifier the drooling slowed and he speech progressed. I also hope this is the last we see of Jessica's book. I was hoping to see her more as the super mom at the school. I'm surprised she has not been more on the kids for getting straight A's , or practicing the piano or entering spelling bees and other competetions, I would have thought she would have searched out every scholarships and made them start to enter.
  13. I also am liking the show. I decided to watch since I went to Catholic school for 13 years and was curious how realistic the show was. I actually like the show because the Mom is not the stereo type mom. Im interested in seeing where the show goes.
  14. The show was ok. I guess i thought we would see more familiar faces. I didn't like that they had to pair up after 24 hours. I think it would have been better to have a week of dating, maybe everyone had to do a 30 minute speed date and meet and talk to everyone once before choosing. I guess the show is suppose to be he opposite of married at first sight? It is suppose to be based on who you think it hot and then see if that works? Ill give it a chance. I think I'm more interested in happily ever after.
  15. Kevin :( Does anyone know what type of Cancer and what his prognosis is? So sad.
  16. If you reach 25 and are not married it is looked down upon. There was a redesign of the singles wards about 5 years ago and all under 25's are suppose to go. Marriages happen so fast. In areas outside of UT/ID/AZ , it is harder to find a spouse because these singles wards are few and far between. . I feel like she has some self esteem issues. If you are not a twig or at least average height it is easy to feel out of place as a young women in the LDS faith. My daughter went through her yearbook with me the other day, her school is almost 100% LDS and out of over 1,000 young woman it is hard to find maybe 10 that are not skinny. Sports, dance and cheer are pushed and girls go like 5 days a week for hours. My daughter is very short and that is another rarity. 5'7", long light brown or blond hair, and 120lbs is the average. I know several Samoan girls had eating disorders and it was sad because they were so beautiful plus it is hard when your family is constantly having buffet style food with tons of family over. I have Samoan neighbors that sell BBQ and it is so good, it is very tempting, can't imagine if it was free and around me everyday.
  17. My gut says the drama is made up or overblown. I live where there is a big Samoan Mormon population (enough that they have their own wards in the church). They help each other like I have never seen. Families take care of each other with food, housing, and basically all support. I;m not saying that she does not work, but if she does, I bet her sister takes care of the child care and other family members help with cooking and cleaning. As far as the race issue? I don't think the dad is really against it. I have actually only seen one younger(meaning in the last 8 years under 25) Samoan wedding where it was 2 Samoans. This is only from the piles of wedding invites I got because of the neighborhood I lived in, and yes marriage under 25 is beyond common, in fact, most people are married by 21-22. Many of the young people are dating people of different backgrounds and marrying them. I could be because the high school is only 5% Samoan and 97% Mormon so the odds are that you marry someone non_Samoan? Also if the word Mormon or LDS bothers anyone on this board please tell me. and I will type this. During the last conference the Mormon church prophet said the church is no longer to be called Mormon or LDS, but only the church of Jesus Christ of latter Day Saints. It is a lot longer to type so many times and I have seen most of my neighbors struggle with this change and almost give up on it.
  18. So it is basically a rerun of their story (like they do on 90 day fiance?). I was excited for new episodes. Auntie's Advice podcast had said the new season premiered tonight and I was looking forward to it.
  19. For someone that wanted a family and a stay at home PTA mom, Bobby bought a house in a low rated school district? If they are pregnant maybe they are moving to better schools.
  20. Where can I watch season 4. It seems to have disappeared from youtube?
  21. I don't think Jon is the biological dad either but I do think she had visited him before or the first meeting was staged. Half the fun of watching these shows for me is figuring out the editing and what is true and what is not. Lots of "reality" TV is filmed near me and is so edited and half truths and TLC (or sharp or figure 8) is the worst at telling the truth. I don't think we would have the whole grandma on SM talking about the relationship and it sounded so real to me. The grandma said her son was still married to someone else when Rachel got pregnant with Lucy. Why wouldn't Rachel want Jon to be the dad instead of being in another stressful situation with a baby daddy that has 4 other kids and an (ex) wife. The fairy tale is you have a daddy from birth that lives with you till you leave for college and that is what Rachel wanted. She did not get the fairy tale father with her first child and she wanted it with Lucy. I have wondered if she used some of that money that she raised to get the real dad's rights terminated? I can actually understand her wanting the fairy tale (not sure if Jon is really a prince). My gut prediction is Jon gets to come here and then gets into some sort of fight(s) quickly and the fairy tale ends. Not to generalize but I live in a landlocked city in the southwest like Rachel, we are currently having the world senior games and many Europeans are here and there are lots of things done differently here that they complain about or just think is wrong or weird. Of course most just have a conversation about it. I can see Jon being mad about our low funded school system, disrespectful youth on the street, public transit, the cost of healthcare, or just the availability of certain products. I cant see Jon living here for years without getting angry about something.
  22. Thanks, I was wondering what was going on. I hope she gets it sorted out. So that link is from the hackers. Im surprised hackers want to be known or is it some trophy to say you did it?
  23. I haven't checked on the Bates' in awhile and I went to check Alyssa's instagram , have all the pics been deleted or has she changed it?
  24. I get the feeling Rachel likes Jon because he would stand up for her. She has talked about past men not treating her well and cheating. I think she is embaressed or tries to hide that Jon still has a temper but she likes that if she is out with him that he will yell at anyone that disrespects her.
  25. He had a vasectomy. It was on the show. I thought he had some frozen before the procedure , kind of like Jim Edmonds on RH because Kim said she might want another in the future.
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