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Everything posted by CrazyInAlabama

  1. I'll post my comment on the remedial courses on the small talk thread.
  2. This morning's rerun where the man sold a car for $2100 to a 21 year old woman (who looks twice as old), she never paid for it, claimed the 'as is' car was all kinds of broken, and one night the car breaks. However, the car was never paid for, and never reregistered into her name, and that was because her license was conditional. She had at least one DWI, could only drive between work and home, and when the car breaks, it was in front of a bar. The mechanic that looked at it said it was full of pot, pot roaches, trash, and the legal papers that said she was suspended because of the DWI. I disagree with the judge, who gave her the car, some money back, and now she can drive anywhere her drunken self wants to. I hope it will get registered, and titled in her name before she gets loaded, drives over and kills a few people, and the idiot ex-cop buyer gets sued for everything. At least where I am, the 10 a.m. showing is usually the new one, but it's the rerun of the sofa/babysitting kerfuffle case, and it was boring the first time around. So much for new episodes.
  3. I looked at the applesauce website, and they proudly announce "9 flavors", but only list 7 on the inventory. I hate simple goofs like that. The flavors didn't look that interesting either. I wonder how many of those glass jars end up delivered with shattered glass? I also can't imagine the weight of the glass, and shipping. The shipping costs have been the downfall of many mail order products. I hate it when people cry, and whine about how their money supports so many people. I'm sure the $250k the owner invested in this project would have been better spent supporting people, than making applesauce for grown ups. Anyone who puts their dog in a onesie deserves to get chewed on. And I'm sure that there are people that put the dog in the onesie, and leave it on for long periods of time. I laughed so hard I was crying at Kevin wearing the Tata Towels through the entire presentation. Lori was the perfect shark for this, and I'm sure it will be a big hit on QVC. Maybe they can get Kevin to demo it on QVC? The car seat carrier looked like a great idea, but how many people will get it, and forget it at home, or misplace it in the car, never to be seen again? Also, how long before some of the big manufacturers of baby carriers incorporate this into the handle permanently? My guess is not long.
  4. Of course, on JJ it's entirely possible that she occasionally ate chicken processed by Purdue, and has a doctor's appointment. I hope if the plaintiff does complete her education, and it is pre-med, that it includes dumping certain types of loser men, and not looking back. A word of warning, on my schedule there is a dog breeder case on the new episode Monday. I may skip that part.
  5. In the alumni pictures, considering the rumors about Tina being mad at Kelli, I bet that if that's Kelli and Judy on the right, then Tina's one of the blondes on the far left.
  6. I'm always suspicious of the beach renos these days, and the regular HHReno. edition has had a lot that reno a house, and then rent it out immediately. This episode might have been legit, but I'm getting more cynical about many of the shows now. Plus, if you intend to manage it yourself as a rental, buying and redoing something where you already live is a great idea.
  7. There are some type of lock boxes for porches already. There was a sad news story where a child's chemo drugs were stolen off of a porch, and the insurance company replaced them, and someone donated a lock box that is left open for the prescription packages, and then is locked by the postman, and the box is chained to the porch. There are also mailboxes where you pull the bottom slide out, and the entire base is a secure mail box storage, until you open the bottom with a key. Sad you have to do this to protect your property. One solution I use for straws is when I get one of the bigger fast food straws I keep it, rinse it out, and reuse it. I bought a couple of the straw cleaners, and that keeps them clean. I also bought some of the plastic, BPA free mason jars and lids, and spare straws, so you can reuse those many times, and clean them with the straw cleaner, but usually holding the straw opening under the tap cleans them out very nicely. To me the biggest issue with the straw on the show is that there are very comparable products including the case, on Amazon, and they're available, and cheaper. Some reviewers said if the drink top is stiffer plastic, then the plastic bottom of the straw is hard to get through the hole.
  8. My guess is that just as everyone who is a home health aide, and claim to be nurses, and most 'teachers' on here were once a teacher's aide, that the medical school was one of those medical assistant schools, and many of the students don't even graduate, or ever get a job. Besides, she'll be too busy popping out bundles of joy with him, and then trying to support herself and the kids when he moves on to the next one.
  9. My guess is not only did the buyers rent that house in the past, but maybe some of the friends and family at the ending party did also. I've known families to rent the same place when they find one in the location they like, and at the right price. It was a nice reno, but kind of bland. I wonder if they homeowners will now rent it out too? I suspect a lot of the bland, beach look ones are rentals, and I bet all of the couches are pull out beds too.
  10. I'm just glad that my time without cable doesn't mean I missed all of the cuts that will have to happen in the next two weeks. Since they don't seem to be rerunning anything this year, maybe they'll have a marathon the day of the last episode. The next two episodes must be half cuts, since there are so many to go.
  11. Since I had zero cable for 3 days, thanks for the dynamite recaps, and I'll look forward to all of these on reruns. I can't wait for the cruise, and the quinceanera to rerun.
  12. My hard heart melted when Diana said she was donating her walker to charity the second she didn't need it any longer. I hope she's running around like a 20 year old now. Sadly, I bet Ashley didn't just gain 25% of her weight back, to 500 lbs, but I bet she's gained a lot more.
  13. In the nutso knife wielding tenant, I love how daddy dumped his little nut case on that man, and then after he moved out tried to say it wasn't a legal rental. I'm sure he didn't care about that when he bounced his son out of his house. I bet the woman who could never get a car registered had something with DUI's where she could only drive with an interlock device, or something, and having someone as stupid as the defendant buy the car was the only way she could drive. I'm sure that type of crime will involve zero insurance for her, unless the state has a high risk pool for people who shouldn't even be driving anyway.
  14. I think they wear thicker make up because they're on the camera on the field, during the CMT filming, and for photos. That's a great team picture this year.
  15. I wonder how Roni is doing now? I hope she's doing great, and so are her kids, and she's not anywhere near Michael. And I'm hoping the reason Michael disappeared wasn't because he moved back where they were from when she did, and now she has to put up with him. I hope he gained every ounce back that he lost.
  16. I didn't know they would do both knee replacements at the same time. I love Diana's story, and how she has the best attitude ever. I hope she's one of the <5%, and lives happily ever after. I suspect Ashley R. didn't stop at gaining 100 lbs back, and has gone way above 500 lbs.
  17. Anyone who has been a patient in the facility that allows this woman to work there should sue the facility, and I bet there's an attorney that will take that case. I love how people come on a show like Dr Phil, and think no one will watch it, and arrest them.
  18. And Joshua's daddy bought both of their ties too. So Joshua's daddy knows everything, and didn't live there. I think the defendant/landlord felt sorry for man baby Joshua, when he carved up the kitchen, and but was crazy for not calling the police, and getting him ousted immediately. Joshua seems like a bunny boiler to me, and his father obviously thinks if he tosses enough money at Joshua, he won't move home to the basement someday, but he's dead wrong. . So man baby Joshua moved because he couldn't drive, and had an accident? How nice that daddy found him another place to live, and I bet he walks to school now too. JJ gave man baby Joshua his security deposit back, $400+, so next time the idiot landlord will call the police on nutcase roommates. He's lucky Joshua moved out, and didn't take a knife to him in the middle of the night. Corvette and Abandoned dogs-They were together for six years? What an interesting couple. Looking the in mirror at the d. would make me depressed too. He left the dogs behind because he was depressed? Not a reason. And the D. buys vehicles off craigslist, or picks up abandoned vehicles on the street and never register them? What a couple of losers. D. gave a corvette to the p., for her birthday, and then 'stole' it. Apparently it's some kind of salvage title scenario. The corvette was broken, has no title, and is still sitting on her property, so maybe she has a different definition of stolen than I do. I hate both of these people, because my guess is their appearance on here was nominated by the p., to get money to fix the corvette. American Bullie, and Cane Corso? Those are the dogs he abandoned, and I can see why the landlords aren't signing up for him as a tenant with his dog. Ending, no money, and get out of my face. P. can't have car in her name, so they broke the law and put it in the D.'s name. Plaintiff, bought a car anyway, put it in defendant's name, and plaintiff drives it anyway, and isn't on the insurance policy. Bet it's the usual story, another person with no license, no insurance, and no brains. The defendant is obviously stupid too, because I bet every insurance agent in the country is searching her name in their data bases to cancel her policy, which means the registration will be suspended, and the police will be pulling the car over very soon. The plaintiff's grandson drove the car too, got pulled over, and the car was impounded. Then the defendant got the car out of impound, because it was legally hers, sold it, and the plaintiff wants her money back on the car. I hate everyone in this case, including the grandson, and I bet he doesn't have a license either. Defendant, and plaintiff are lucky they didn't have Byrd after them with the Fly Swatter of Justice. Rerun-Former guy d. sued by p. for pictures she did of d., and wasn't credited on the liner notes. I hate the p. who says the d. wasn't out yet, and she just outed her on national TV. Nothing but a cheap bid for the plaintiff to get publicity for her artwork, and it's all ugly. Rerun-As is horse sale, and plaintiff thinks she could get a refund. Not happening. No pre-purchase exam, aka vet check. The only reason the d.'s might want to buy the horse back is the plaintiff is probably not going to care about the horse, and I bet either the daughter lost interest, or didn't have a clue about riding, and the horse is now having behavior issues, or they injured him in some way. I bet the woman who evaluated the horse before purchase is in big trouble with the plaintiff. Poor horse. Because of the hurricane, and the possible cable or power outages, someone please do a dynamite recap of tomorrow's new episode with another idiot doing a naked selfie, and her hubby sent it to his ex-gf, and the wife was fine with that. Must be friends with the ones on the rerun last week with the sex videos sent to the ex and the current gf was fine with that too. The following rerun tomorrow (at least according to my less than accurate cable guide) case of the little dog getting severely injured was too sad the first time. So tomorrow's rerun is another sad dog case, that viewers might want to skip.
  19. I'm sure when he's in the hospital that entire teams of care givers make sure he's clean. They deserve a medal. When I saw the back story on James K, I think in an article, that trailer that they were in at the beginning of the original episode was rented, and they'd only been there for two months since his last hospital stay. I hate to think how dirty and nasty a place can get if they live there for a long while, and I don't want to know what their place in Houston looks like by now either.
  20. I watched most of this episode on the marathon the other day, and noticed when the huge amount of missing money was mentioned, and the ideas for having real physical control over the money, and cameras in the office, the accountant was absolutely thrilled. There is no way he would have been happy about more control if he was the thief. I strongly suspect the owner had been financing her lifestyle off of the unreported cash, and the boyfriend knew all about it. I'm sure her mother suspected it too, but was too gutless to say no to her daughter's demands for money, or to admit to anyone that her daughter was a thief, and a tax evader. I hope the IRS had a bunch of calls about her, and the missing money, and shaky accounting, because if anyone needs a thorough audit, it's the business and the owner.
  21. I couldn't stand Aristotle, and didn't see anything unique about his products, and thought they were very overpriced. I don't think this company will ever be a decent investment, and wonder why Marcus liked them. I would have walked when he wanted them to do the project with a store, and they did nothing.
  22. My guess is he's the only defendant we've seen all week with a driver's license, and he thinks that means he's licensed for everything. I've never seen a tree that big taken down like that, outside of a documentary about lumberjacks, and they were in the middle of the forest, not someone's backyard. I wonder if the authorities in Minnesota are reviewing their records to see what kind of license that fool has, before he kills someone. I'm guessing his investigations aren't licensed either.
  23. The second season of Top Chef: Just Desserts simply wasn't as good as the first season, and I think even if they didn't have the criminal conviction, and mental breakdown of another contestant, the show had run it's course. Zac Young really seems to know his stuff on this show, but it's hard to standout next to Carla, and Lorraine since they're such huge personalities, and often their costumes and makeup are better than his.
  24. I can't stand the flip or reno shows that use either rose gold, or the brass. I just don't like the look, and think it looks cheap. Also, I've noticed they'll mix the brass or gold with other colors of faucets and bathroom fixtures and that looks terrible to me. I had a friend who bought the former model home from the first owners, and every fixture was real brass, and every bit of it tarnished. Fortunately they got a great price for the house, because they eventually had to replace every faucet, cabinet hardware, door hardware, and the shower stall because the tarnish was disgusting. So when I see the more expensive, trendy brass or gold, I know that it's not going to be the in things for long, and it will always remind me of my friend's house.
  25. The thieves weren't ashamed, and the parents still didn't care about what they did. When the idiot d. mommy says her son showed her the $2,000, and she believed he earned it, and she let him go shopping. The parents are definitely the reason the son and his idiot friend thought stealing thousands from the grandmother was just peachy. Who keeps 15k is cash in the house? Even in a safe that's stupid. I bet the idiot grandson never paid a penny back, and never will. I hope the grandmother realizes that saying how much cash she has in her house, and that the safe is portable is an open invitation to every thief in town to drop in, and I bet she's related to a bunch of them too. The grandmother p. is just as stupid as the parents, and the grandson, and his idiot friend. They just came on this show is to get the $5,000 if they could, too bad idiot grandson remembered how much money he gave his fellow criminal, so they only gave them $3k. The new case of the squatter did have significance for me, because the defendant Michelle Dominick looked quite a bit like someone I worked with a long time ago by the same name. That was weird. I don't know why they kept calling her a previous tenant, because she still left her stuff there, and the dogs, and had no intention of moving out, or paying rent. Another scammer who plays the system. The tree guy was stupid, but I bet he thought JJ wouldn't notice the deck rail. However, I wouldn't call that siding, so I'm wondering what was really going with that boring case.
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