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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. I don’t believe you can “make” someone apologize unless you’re willing to accept insincere words, but you can damn sure make sure he knows you think you deserve one...
  2. I can understand being destroyed if someone you “loved beyond reason” said something like Luke said, but would you be destroyed if it was someone you had known less than a week? I think I would be like screw you, two fingers up and I’m out of here. I wouldn’t think I’m being verbally abused. I would just chalk it up to that guy being an asshole. I don’t think I would sustain long term damage. Now if my ex boyfriend I almost married said that, or my husband of 20 years, absolutely. I think this is why I think Kate is somewhat responsible for what is happening to her at this point. She is not responsible for the garbage coming out of Luke, but she did sign up for this knowing it was possible that her partner might not find her attractive and she is choosing to stay and defend him despite two experts and close friends questioning that. She has meekly defended herself but she has not told him in no uncertain terms to keep his nasty opinions of her to himself nor even asked him to apologize. She keeps giving him a pass and it’s so frustrating to watch.
  3. I think we all agree on that. I just think it's a step too far to call him abusive.
  4. I have a hard time calling what Luke is doing abuse. Most what we are discussing here focuses on comments he has made, namely, "I feel repulsed and dead inside", and "I am not attracted to you", and "I think you are drinking too much". Two of these things he is talking about himself; he is not calling her names or doing anything to her. Is it nice? Hell no! But I don't think it's abusive. The alcoholic comment is a manipulative lie, but I still don't think it's abusive. If anything, it's anger inducing and it still says more about him than her..... I still think he came on this show for a paycheck only. I think if he was attracted to the girl the producers chose, great; if not, just play nice and ride it out until the six weeks are up. It's gone horribly wrong for him though because he is not attracted to the girl chosen but she likes him, and she is not content to ride it out but is pushing him to be a real husband. I don't think he considered this possibility and is handling it totally wrong. He is still trying to play nice (hence, the hugs, smiles, etc.) but can't actually stand Kate smothering him and pressuring him and it's coming out. Those stupid "experts" knew what he was when they chose him, hence the title "hustler" at the beginning. I think they set this couple up for drama only with no real expectation that it would work. What is working is that everyone is talking about it, so the show got what it wanted.
  5. It didn't seem out of place to me either the way it was presented, coupled with the fact that Wendy kind of shrugged off that the boys at the theater are earning $1 an hour more than her...... The motor cycle thing was so funny, but I kind of wish they had flashed to what was actually happening vs. how Timmy remembers it. I'm guessing it was just Joey popping wheelies on his bicycle........ It's not just boys that are gross - I live with a 14 year old girl, and at 11/12 she was also guilty of suspect hygiene. Let's just say the hair was frequently dirty and stringy, and if not explicitly told to brush teeth and put on deodorant it would not happen....... I liked Eddie trying to cover his eyes as he picked up his change while the girls were walking by at the end...... Who knew 7-11 would sound much cooler when called "The Sev".....Ha!
  6. Or possibly because he was on tv. There is no way on this earth I would be sharing my sexual fantasy with the entire world....Now that sounds like I am super freaky. Fantastic......😝
  7. Yes she is but the real question is why? She can’t be that invested in a three week old relationship where the guy told her on day 5 he was repulsed by her. I know people think she would get a bitch edit if she leaves but unlike Heather and Davina who are not warm to begin with, or Sheila and Amber, who come off a little cray, she is neither of those things. I think it would be hard to make her out that way. Has anyone here heard the term negging? I think Luke is the king of it.....
  8. I think the “experiment” ended when Dr. Cilona exited stage right. It became a reality tv soap opera only when it moved exclusively to Lifetime...... Despite that, I think it’s pretty telling that two of the three couples from season 1 were successful (I know about Courtney & Jason possibly splitting but they were together for years so I still consider it a successful pairing). I agree that forcing people to say we want to stay married on D day is really stupid when the audience can see that it is not going to work any longer than the reunion show(or possibly as soon as the last drop of champagne has been chugged). It just makes them all look stupid.
  9. I agree with all of this. She is constantly trying to give him the benefit of the doubt even while saying he's told her many times he isn't attracted to her. These people just met. This is not some long standing relationship. It's barely a relationship. She even used the words "turned the corner" because he told her some sad story. She seems delusional about this situation, and barely mad that he says these things to her. Normal reaction to being called an alcoholic? Being pissed. She doesn't seem capable of generating any sort of reaction. The smart thing to do would be to play somewhat nice but move out. Then pretend to "try" for the camera (a la Danielle from Danielle and Cody). Or even, stay in the airbnb but go about your life and wait for Decision Day. I don't care. But no, she is constantly hanging on him, giving him chances and puppy dog eyes. It's her attitude that makes her seem pathetic. Girl needs to get some gumption and confront him. Not just say "we turned the corner" and "you just don't know how to say things right."
  10. Yeah he's definitely not going to hold your hand and slide down the mountainside with you on your rumps a la Bobby and Danielle........
  11. The thing is that she is damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t. I mean, even her own friends were giving her the side eye over her continued defense of him, despite the fact that she told them that he basically called her an alcoholic and has said he’s not attracted to her many times. MANY TIMES! why is that necessary!?! It’s like, do you even hear yourself? Maybe some still feel sorry for her, but I think it’s just sad and pathetic. Her friends were looking at her with pity too. If it was me, I would rather be painted a bitch than lose my pride on tv by staying with that asshole.
  12. I don’t really have anything to add beyond what everyone else has stated. Luke is a shithead. That is all.
  13. Thank you so much for sharing this - it brought tears to my eyes. My daughter isn't autistic, but she is bipolar and has Intermittent Explosive Disorder on top of being a 14 yo girl in the middle of puberty. To say it is rough sometimes is an understatement. Sometimes just having people who know how to calm someone with these issues goes a long way from keeping it from escalating to something even worse. I think that's why I love Zahid so much on this show. He helps Sam. And why I understand Elsa's need to intervene so often. When she says in one of the first episodes that she was stressed every time her phone rings, I knew exactly how she felt. When my daughter was in third grade I changed my ringtone to the dog barking because it was the least stressful ringtone. I was afraid there was always an issue on the other end or a call from school. (There usually was). Thank you for sharing an uplifting story. There are good people out there who are a huge help to people with mental illness. They don't get enough credit.
  14. I know there were sheer sections but I thought the sequin fabric was great and the dress was pretty. In terms of repeat technique, in my mind shear panels > fringe.......
  15. Oh hell no. I can’t believe another one of Sean’s fringe nightmares won! I thought that mess belonged in the bottom! Talk about a One-Way-Monkey! If they wanted an origami jacket to win it should have been Cynthia’s! The real winner was Irina even though she used As Seen On TV Mermaid Pillow fabric. That dress was amazing. I also loved Dimitry’s. How was that just safe?!? And explain to me how one of the judges (correctly) hated Sean’s and everyone loved Irina’s, but Sean’s ended up winning? What is the point of having 15 guest judges if their opinions are irrelevant? I mean, it’s getting ridiculous how many guest judges there were! And it was even more ludicrous how random they were! Wendy Williams?!! Danica Patrick?? Of course, Lifetime, nothing screams high fashion like NASCAR! What a joke. I can’t wait for this show to go back to Bravo. Does Django have something against boobs because once again he has managed to make his model’s look horrific. Instead of smashing them down like last week they were droopy and weirdly draped. He has got to go soon....
  16. This is my biggest problem this season. First it was the Chartists. This week: Victoria cures Cholera! Every week it seems an outsider is trotted in that no one but Victoria believes and of course they turn out to be right... I guess I am a party of one over here who didn’t shed a tear over Skerritt. I really don’t like these side stories. I can’t believe Victoria would have rushed to her side, but since someone said upthread that the real Skerritt lived to a ripe old age, I guess, sure, why not? I keep thinking I’m going to dump this show but for some reason I can’t quit it. Maybe because I do like Victoria and Albert. I just wish the show would be more historically accurate and spend less time on other people....
  17. It was Kate mocking him, but perhaps that was before she knew he had invited 50 people. Unless she has enough glassware to start a catering company they were going to need the solo cups for all the people Mr. Repulsed invited....
  18. I agree. At worst, he was being pissy. I would characterize that more as high strung. It's still not a good look, but I don't think he is mentally ill or anything. Difficult, immature and over the top, sure. They both seem happy with each other though so I hope they can work through it. They seem to be able to have a calm, mature discussion with each other, so that's at least a good first step. At this point, I honestly think I would rather deal with AJ than Luke or Will......
  19. It’s not just that there’s no headboard- it doesn’t look like there is anything other than a metal frame. It just looks unfinished. Also, even weirder, it looks like there is no other furniture in the room other than a mattress in the corner. It just gives off flop house vibes......
  20. I agree. I’m sort of waiting for Kristine to go off on Keith for being lazy, but he seems pretty willing to do whatever she wants, even deferring to her before answering Dr. Pepper. He’s definitely all in on Happy Wife, Happy Life philosophy!
  21. Add me to the list of people disturbed by the headboard-less bed! Even worse - the entire room seems devoid of any furniture besides the damn mattress! What kind of janky Airbnb is that?!? Meanwhile, Keith and Kristine’s headboard looks like it actually belongs to a queen - is that purple velvet??? Mr. Repulsed and Dead Inside can take his 10,000 friends and depart my tv screen, like yesterday. Gag. He gave her a kiss like I would give my child and you would have thought he had made out with her for an hour based on her reaction. She is deluded if she thinks anything is going to happen between them. And how low does your self esteem have to be to stay with someone who said you repulsed them? I know, I know, contracts, blah blah blah.....you know it’s really bad when even “I never want to eat alone again “AJ says I would have left.....speaking of..... AJ is a lot but they seem good together. It’s nice to see people getting along. I wish the show would do a better job matching people so we could have more of that and less train wrecks!
  22. Her face might resemble Margot Robbie, but the dress and hair says Mother of the Bride......She is a very pretty girl, but her style reads so old!!!!
  23. I think this is the problem too, but she is confusing because she wants him to take care of her, but at the same time she is still calling herself "independent". I think Will is confused too. What if he asked for an independent woman, and now she's like "you're the provider like my dad". I think it's just too early in their relationship to figure out how any of this will work out in the long run. I think splitting bills evenly during the experiment is really the only fair thing to do since they don't even know if they will stay together after the 6 weeks is up. If they agree to stay together (and I don't think they will), that is the time to really figure out how you will divide expenses, not when you barely know the other person's last name and you're shacked up in a temporary Airbnb. Perhaps that CC bill was paid for by "Happily Ever After?"???
  24. I believe I qualified my statement earlier by saying a woman in her 20’s, 30’s or 40’s. I was not meaning anyone who is retired, and I’m not really taking extenuating circumstances into account either, just non working for no reason. And quite honestly, I would have a hard time respecting (or understanding) a non working able bodied young “child free” woman, so the “just” was unconsciously intended. My original point was that other than crazy rich people you just don’t see this happening nowadays. I have no problem with Jasmine’s (or anybody’s really) desire to be a SAHM. I do have a problem with her expecting this stranger to pay her bills practically two minutes after they met. That whole conversation was weird, and she has crazy expectations about Will.
  25. Couple things struck me after watching this episode. Midge’s frustration with Susie for her boneheaded rant at Sophie coupled with her constant refrain of “It’s your job as my manager” over the last couple episodes (along with the crappy accommodations on the tour, etc.) make me wonder if Midge is going to eventually outgrow Susie. I liked the juxtaposition of Noah telling Abe that “tits up” is a euphemism for death while it’s a rally cry of courage for Midge and Susie....
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