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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. I like this - it makes sense with them having access to all of that stuff in the funeral home, and they have shown themselves to be ruthless when necessary. If they knew Tim was investigating them it's possible they poisoned him to get him out of the way. I just can't remember what they knew and when. I don't think the prodigy has anything to do with this other than to reveal that Jan was lying to Charles. And can someone explain why Mabel and Oscar were sleeping in Charles apartment along with Oliver? The gag with Jane Lynch was awesome. I loved her mimicking Charles. I am going to miss this show after next week!
  2. I thought the same, but Michaela confirming it makes me think otherwise. I guess we'll see.....
  3. I am sorry for your loss. And I agree with your assessment of the interviews. Reality shows love that stuff for the draahma, but it feels misplaced on a show like this.
  4. Isn't that the truth! After reading the bios, I'm most interested to see Zayden, Chasity, Aaron, Shantall, Coral & Praije. I am prepared to actively hate Katie. And my expectations are extremely low for Kristina just judging by what she is wearing in her photo despite her background....... But I guess time will tell. I'm just glad it's back!
  5. Hilarious! My favorite was the continuation of the Gut Milk being shown..... I also liked when one of the superfans said he had to leave because "I have to go to work, you know?" and Oliver offhandedly says "I don't believe that at all" or something like that......It really doesn't sound funny here but Martin Short's delivery made me laugh.
  6. The ongoing Gut Milk references are killing me! I actually did a spit take when they were talking: Charles: This Gut Milk......is so good! It's 13% alcohol! Oliver: I know! I think it's making my abs grow! HA HA HA!!!!! Seriously, I hope they keep the Gut Milk humor coming! Oliver eating the expire hummus also made me laugh ;-o I like the grumpy detective - the backstory with her podcast loving wife explains her disdain for our trio at the crime scene. And I love the trio. Individually they would be kind of annoying, but together they are magic. This show just keeps getting better and better!
  7. Gah! What the hell happened to this show!?!! They have completely neutered it and turned it into another stupid cake contest! It has been a yearly ritual in our house for my son and I to watch Halloween Wars. We started several years ago and he is now 12. We made it 15 minutes with this garbage before we turned it off. I hate to say it, but I’m actually sad they ruined this show. We deleted all the episodes and stopped recording it. Another FN show turned to crap……
  8. Sure, but it just begs the question……
  9. We just watched it and it was enjoyable. I agree everyone seems like they are more powerful than the live versions, particularly the witchers and Tetra. What Tetra achieves in this cartoon would severely deplete the mages in the live action version, and have we ever seen Geralt project fire from his hands??? On another note, Vesemir comes across as much more outgoing than Geralt. His relationship with Illyana was quite touching for a cartoon. I liked when she said "I'm 70!" and he said "So am I". Kinda makes me wish Theo James was playing him in the live show ;-p I guess this provides backstory for how witchers are created, and for Vesemir, as well as his origin story with Geralt, but I too wish we could have seen how Geralt ended up there, and why was he bald??? He definitely seemed like the standout candidate from the witcher kids though!
  10. Thank you! It was driving me insane that she did that! If she really wanted revenge on that person catfishing her she had to visit literally ANYONE but Blue Michelle! And during those 24 hours watching her try to defend herself was kind of painful. She should have opened a group chat with everyone except Blue Michelle and pleaded her case vehemently! Instead, she whined to a couple people and relied on the fact that, well, of course they will believe me since it actually IS me! The truth is that the Jersey girls did a great job, and she did a crappy job which is why it went down that way, and then she made a tactical error in who she visited. She probably wasn't going to last long anyway, but man, to know some fake people make a better version of yourself has to feel pretty shitty......
  11. I feel like after all the dumb shit Jake has wasted money on, it was her turn ;-p
  12. One of the bits that made me laugh! "Have we ever been there together?" Cut to the Show Opening....... Add me to the Anti-Gina list. Could have lived without seeing her again.....other than that, perfection for me. I'm gonna miss this show and these characters. It is one of the last scripted network shows I watch. Anyways...... NINE NINE!!!!
  13. Thank you for saying so eloquently what I have been thinking. I am always uncomfortable with the speculation on sexual preference. There is no "right" way to be straight or gay, and I cannot fathom why someone who is actively trying to stay in the closet would expose themself to this level of scrutiny by lying and applying for this show. It just makes no sense. Luke is not gay. He just didn't want to be married to a blonde white girl and went about it the worst way.
  14. I completely agree with this! And I also find interesting some that were not a success - Keith & Iris, Dave & Amber, Olivia and Brett and Jake and Haley come to mind. All of these couples generated a ton of discussion without worry for the emotional or physical health of the individuals involved (well, maybe Amber, but I'm not going there again!). Even Erik and VA and Ryan and Clara fit that category for me. Sometimes the will they/won't they couples are the most interesting. But I hate when it's obvious to anyone with eyes and ears that some individuals should have been quickly moved to the un-matchable pile, and then to see them put with someone deserving of a real chance, it's just unpleasant to watch. And even more unforgivable, it's totally boring because we all know it's not going to work before the end of episode 2 or 3 and we still have 15 more unbearable episodes to watch.....Gah!
  15. From your keyboard to the producers ears........I know the drama draws some people in, but it also turns some off (me included). I think they need at lease two couples that have a fighting chance of being successful. It's just gross otherwise. You would think they have a vested interest in making more successful couples because that gives them more people for Couples Cam.......
  16. 100%!!!!! This show has a history of casting people with a plethora of issues that would be better dealt with by a (real) therapist, and then the "experts pressuring the healthy adult they were matched with to just be understanding and help them, or my favorite, "balance out" the other. That is completely unfair to the person who came into this process in a good place ready to be matched. They are not their spouse's psychologist or therapist - shoot, at this point, they are barely acquaintances! People who are this emotionally damaged should be weeded out early. Although in Michaela's case, I think she did a good job hiding the crazy.......
  17. @Retired at last I feel the same way. It's why I stopped watching 90DF. At least on that show, the people picked each other. I just couldn't stomach it because some of them had kids who are at the mercy of their stupid parent who hooked up with a local on vacation. Those selfish people are messing up not just their own lives but innocent kids who have no choice. Now this show infuriates me because some are sincere, but they are being matched with people who would be better served by therapy and/or some medical intervention. I do not get any entertainment from seeing these people fucked over by the production company. And I know they signed a contract and if they were smart, they should be aware this is a possibility, but they are legally bound to these assholes. And it just feels like the crazies have been dialed up to eleven the last few seasons. I really wish they would at least try to vet these people better and match some of them for success, but I think we have reached the point of no return in the life cycle of this show........
  18. I keep hoping the Cinda podcast is after she purchased their story from them with some of her $30 million dollars and now they are living large...... The "Love Oliver" text cracked me up. I am glad the dog is ok. "We're going with the turkey". "Embrace the Mess". Loved it! I knew there was no way someone wouldn't spill the beans on Mabel. I liked the way they did it - it's believable that the son would remember the kids. I still think it's not completely believable that they don't remember the girl who was pushed off the roof and died though. The awkwardness of Steve Martin at that date was fantastic. I cracked up when he couldn't figure out what to do with his hands after her comment about the clasped hands being untrustworthy. His comment about dating Jesus was so cringey and hilarious. Sting singing about Tim Kono was everything. I love this show!
  19. Boom! Truth! I loathed her the first time around and this did nothing to change my mind. Her superior attitude when talking over LC and Diamond just because she is married was ridiculous. What kind of logic is it that someone who is dating someone exclusively shouldn't expect fidelity? She is trashy, crass and a straight up bitch. I know a lot of this is semi-scripted, but I believe Jessica's hurt was real at her thoughtful gift being rejected. Jessica has apologized and apologized and seems very much over it all. It's just petty and childish to not let it go. The Barnetts are turds. Completely. Like, Lifetime movie crazy. The way Matt ran away from Jessica because he was afraid Amber would see him talking to her says it all. She is carrying his balls in her purse and he knows it. He better watch his back if he ever decides to leave her...... This show continued to treat Kenny and Kelly as afterthoughts once again, which was funny. Rory, Diamond and LC got more screen time than them. I think they're just too normal for this nonsense. I mean, Kenny shows up with a fiance and it's no big whoop. Meanwhile, we have Damien and Gigi and his "friend" Francesca - what kind of photo shoot did she come from? Was it an ad for an escort service? What was that "outfit"?!? This plot seemed completely manufactured by Netflix and it made all three of them look like asses. I think it's time for Gigi to move on - she's been embarrassed by this show enough. I mean, jilted at the altar, filmed sliding down a muddy hill on her ass running away, and now her man showing up to her show party with another girl. What producer did she piss off to get this treatment? Personally, although this was very much on brand for this franchise, I would rather they just do a spin-off just featuring Lauren and Cam. They might be my favorite reality tv couple of all time. What gems they are!
  20. It was terrible. I was horribly distracted by the distorted facial features on the girls - I get that they actually feel like that especially after seeing the exaggerated cartoon of themselves, but why did they stay like that the rest of the entire episode? I just don't think their regular awkwardness translated very well in cartoon. And the animation itself was pretty bad.
  21. Same. They seem horribly picked and mismatched. I keep coming here to check the comments to see if I feel like it warrants watching the episode, and every week, I'm like, I don't think I need to do this.........I guess I'll wait for the boston season spoilers to start coming out and maybe I'll pick it back up then. The only thing I honestly miss about this show is interacting with everyone here! ;-p
  22. I thought that was hilarious too and when the leg broke off and he panicked and when he put it in his pocket I laughed out loud! That whole scene was the best part of this episode for me. "You are being recorded" is surprisingly awkward to work into conversation! I don't love the fantasy sequences with Oliver, but I loved the stripped down version of Sting singing "Don't Stand So Close To Me" as he now moves into Oliver's list of potential killers......speaking of, Oliver describing what happened with the Chorus boys in his Splash musical was cringey/kind of hilarious. I feel like less is more with him. I also loved seeing him sitting at the piano drinking the Gut Milk ;-0 Another small moment that made me laugh was the conversation between the guys about calling vs. texting Mabel. "They don't like it when you call" is pretty true, and their befuddlement was funny, as was Charles' sequences of texting fails - duck you autocorrect! I wonder how Amy Ryan fits into this, and how long until the guys realize Mabel knows more than she's let on? I feel like someone in the building is going to out her soon because there have to be some people that remember her being there for years running around with Tim and Oscar. It kind of begs the question of why Oliver and Nathan Lane don't remember her because they've been in the building long enough to remember the Hardy Boys group as kids running the halls, right? You would think they would remember a girl being pushed off the roof and falling to her death....... This was my favorite episode so far - I can't wait for the next!
  23. Yeah, it didn't bother me because Mabel is the one doing all of the cursing, and it kind of makes sense because of her age and background. The older lady at the memorial I think just to show she's a tough New Yorker? That one felt a little more forced and out of character to me. The gore is pretty mild. The bigger head scratcher to me was the Martin Short's son in New Jersey, which although I acknowledge we haven't seen the mother, they look in no way related at all. I am loving this though. I wish there was more stuff out there like it.
  24. One of my favorite scenes was the beginning and the conversation of how to say "no big whoop". I laughed when Holt says "The Whoop is big after all!"
  25. I felt exactly the same about SYTYCD. It also happened when American Idol lowered the age to 15. And now the same about this show. For some reason, adding teens is the beginning of the end of shows for me. This was my summer favorite. Now I find myself dreading it when it shows up in my queue. It's the last thing we pick instead of the first. I have hated these Covid seasons. I miss the energy and excitement of actual crowds. I love seeing the people I normally root for, and it's pissing me off seeing them shoved aside for these kids. I have started fast forwarding all of them, like, yeah yeah, they're great and I'm sure they'll all hit a buzzer. Zzzz......... If there was one or two I wouldn't care, but they have taken over the whole show. I say no thanks - I wish they would get off my lawn Ninja Show! ;-p That Drop Zone needs to be retired ASAP. How did this thing make it onto the show??? They should have named it the Head Splitter...... I still love Adam Rayl.
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