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Everything posted by sharkerbaby

  1. Asked to leave?! I didn't realize she was asked to leave - yikes - I'm guessing that's not a common outcome.
  2. Hahahaha, I found this line so ridiculously funny, Thanks for the uncontrollable giggle fit.
  3. Perhaps she elected for her own personal reasons not to participate and he, the other wives, and TLC are respecting her wishes. If that's the case, rather than calling it dishonest perhaps it should be framed as being respectful.
  4. I could be wrong but for some reason, I thought they did have guardianships determined, drawn up, and in place. I could swear they had talked about this issue during the whole adoption of Robyn's kids saga. I figured maybe Christine had named say Janelle but since Janelle was also going needed to enact a "back-up plan" and name Robyn temporarily. Absolutely agree with this and just wanted to highlight it. Judging the past using today's lens is such a common and unfair practice and it happens ALL the time. I personally am saddened but not particularly surprised by it considering how judgemental and intolerant of other's perspectives, beliefs, and life circumstances that is frequently on display. I only saw Angela as well and she was "holding" Lenny in her belly ;) - she was very pregnant.
  5. alright, so if it's just so silly and insane to even think it would ever happen, what's the big deal to simply repeal the law regarding cohabitation? why not just take it off the books and remove all doubt? I'm in agreement with those who say just because the AG says today they won't pursue it doesn't mean they or someone else won't tomorrow because regardless of what anyone says as long as there is a law against it, the government has the legal backing if they choose to wield it. And just to clarify and reiterate, no one is asking for polygamy (or any of its variants) to be legal or even sanctioned, nor are they asking to be able to legally marry multiple people (or recognized civil unions), just that adult cohabitation not be illegal. And for the record, I would be vehemently opposed to legalizing polygamous marriages in any way shape or form.
  6. You can thank your friendly neighborhood feminist for the murder of chivalry and other gentlemanly behavior.
  7. This is just way too voyeuristic for me. I feel a little gross
  8. I'm guessing Master of Social Work. Not the med school track she was initially aiming for but still very respectable. And honestly, how many 18ish year olds go into college expecting to pursue one path and find their interests actually lie in another direction? Not faulting her one bit for a change in direction.
  9. I read the article as her wanting them to be "a thing" not that they ever were "a thing".
  10. Amen. I thought I remembered last season excessive complaining about the wife's flat acting, lack of chemistry, dull personality, etc, etc so I looked back at the first 3 or so pages of this thread and indeed criticism after criticism - some even along the line of 'she's no Leah', 'should have brought on Leah'! So they do and what do some people do? Aghhh why'd they kill the wife? why bring on Leah? what were they thinking? .... It's almost funny in its irony.
  11. I'm sorry you took offense I in no way meant anything as an "attack", highlighting an insensitivity - perhaps, an attack - no. As an olive branch, I have removed the offending phrase with apologies.
  12. Did you read the reason behind the selection of a semicolon? "A semicolon is used when an author could've chosen to end their sentence, but chose not to. The author is you and the sentence is your life." I find it to be a unique, clever, and powerful symbol. Frankly when people find themselves in mental or emotional turmoil, the call of "quiet" can be quite alluring; finding the strength to reject that voice and carry on with life should be celebrated. I look at it more as suicide awareness vs prevention. It's a manifestation of personal triumph and perseverance.
  13. my wish.... dwts: juniors does not happen
  14. I believe and I certainly hope she was playing it up for Sierra's benefit because if not and she expected to be handed the LA in front of everyone then she hasn't really paid attention to the Survivor modus operandi. I can think of no time when the show has "outed" anyone as having an advantage and thereby indirectly putting a target on their back. Even when players openly get them vie a bidding war it is left up to the player to decide for themselves to openly bid for and win and advantage therefore "outing" themselves.
  15. Thank you Wings. You seem to be a lone voice in this so just wanted to jump on your bandwagon. I co-sign to all of this. I love Caleb's style and would much rather see them portraying themselves as the authentic, down to earth, hometown, rustic individuals that I believe them to be.
  16. I relate to this show so much and love it for that very reason. I could be Katie in practically every way except that I am a part time vs full time SAHM. Even my 15 yr old can see elements of our life in it. Yes it is over the top, yes it can be trope-ish, yes it expands on stereotypes, but you know what... that's what for me makes it relate-able and funny it's a TV version of "a lot of comedy is funny because it has an element of truth to it" So much this!
  17. Are you referring to the fact that she wrote it as one word? If so, she is correct, Disneyland is one word.
  18. Please elaborate on this. I don't follow any of the Brown's outside of the show and this site so I haven't seen anything that would give this impression. If that's the case even though Mykelti is quite young she still has an heart and emotions and I'd feel terrible for her if this bears out to be true.
  19. ack! my mistake, I can barely keep my own family straight I don't know why I thought I could somehow keep the Brown kids sorted. Thanks for the correction Red!
  20. Maddie didn't live w/ Caleb prior to marriage. She lived w/ a family friend and worked in their pawn shop (That's what I heard anyway).
  21. I got the impression he was bothered by it but they all realize there isn't really much they can do about it and accept that for what it is (kids growing up and making their own decisions).
  22. MissLindsey... Go Green! sorry about the threadjack, that response is ingrained, now back to your regularly scheduled program
  23. I have to say (and I'm surprising myself here) Maddie's solo was quite good. Until recently, I've been pretty meh on Maddie and her dancing but since she returned from her movie shoot I've been able see more of the draw. I wonder if maybe my lack of interest or more recently my appreciation has been due to the choreography. I've been uncharacteristically pulled into her dances since she returned from her movie shoot and wonder if that's perhaps because they are being choreographed by someone other than Abby or Gia? Similarly, while I've always enjoyed Kalani's dancing, I enjoyed it far more when she was working with her home studio teacher.
  24. I thought they were making reference to the Jonesyee cult led by Jim Jones. The kept referencing "drink the kool aid" which is a phrase derived from the method of death employed my most of the cult members when they committed mass suicide at the direction of their leader Jim Jones in the late 70s.
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