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Everything posted by Inquisitionist

  1. Nice use of Lucky Number by Lene Lovich during last night's bowling scene. Although it was released in the late 1970s, it has always felt like a very '80s song to me.
  2. Col. Flagg elevated every episode he appeared in. RIP, Edward Winter.
  3. The HBO movie is actually called Confirmation, and Alison Wright plays Virginia Wright, married to Clarence. I wouldn't say Wright gave shameless plugs to her shows -- WTF else would she (or any actor) agree to do this crap? ;-)
  4. Ah, thanks. Too much time between watching the ambush episode and the finale. ;-)
  5. Who was Joan, who showed up 3 times last season? The actress is listed again for the next two episodes? Meanwhile, the actress who plays Pastor Tim's wife Alice does not yet have any IMDB credits for season 4.
  6. Philip planted the recording device in the mail robot when it was in for repairs after Gaad (I think) beat it up out of frustration. Martha had told Clark where it was being worked on. I'm not aware of a recording device in the copy machine. The issue with that machine is that copies are being made without logging in -- again Martha's work for Clark.
  7. Sorry if I missed discussion of this earlier in the thread, but I'm just now catching up on the end of S3. It was not clear to me what tipped off Oleg that Zinaida was working for the Soviets. It seemed to be tied in some way to the directive Arkady read to his staff prohibiting assassinations on American soil -- which would include Zinaida, I assume, but that doesn't seem like enough info to conclude that she's on the Soviet side. What did I miss?
  8. LOL! But that wouldn't necessarily explain why they have no family in the U.S. I wonder what P&E told the kids about this lack in the past. That they were both orphaned only children who fell in love at a support group for orphaned only children?
  9. The actress playing Young Hee, Ruthie Ann Miles, currently has IMDb credits for episdoes 5, 9, 10, and 11.
  10. Thanks for pointing out who she is as I wasn't familiar with the actress. But her role doesn't strike me as generic in the least. I was impressed by how individualized and specific Young Hee came across in the few scenes Elizabeth had with her.
  11. Did Florida secede? :-) I don't think it enhances the storytelling to give the audience no reason for Elizabeth's infiltration of Young He's Mary Kay empire.
  12. Both flashbacks and more recent incidents have shown Alicia having a very good sexual relationship with Peter.
  13. Somehow, I would not have been surprised if Patty Duke had passed away 40 years ago. But to survive all the tumult in her life until age 69 and then die from a ruptured intestine seems so bizarre.
  14. She did testify, but the reports about her breaking down in tears and admitting she'd been coached to lie all seem to trace back to Sonny Fox, who said Patty told him this. Can't find any direct attribution to her.
  15. Oh, man, Patty Duke. Wasn't expecting that news. Although with all the tumult in her life, that she made it to 69 is a little remarkable in itself.
  16. CISPES! Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador I recognized the brochure because I had friends who were active supporters of that group back then and the name always stuck with me. Great prop for Pastor Tim.
  17. I don't think religion threatens her. I think she's reached a point where she has trouble reconciling how people she otherwise respects can believe in it. I can relate to that, so I actually like that aspect of Alicia. It's something we rarely see on TV.
  18. David Lee has always been a cartoon character to me. Among all the craziness of how law firms DON'T work depicted on this show, the idea that this family law weasel would be co-named with Diane Lockhart is one of the most laughable for me. And the idea that he could pull of that embezzlement the show seems to have forgotten about, without anyone knowing, is eye-rolling. Alicia changed her name over 20 years ago -- it's been HERS for a long time. The Kings have always struck me as a little retrograde, however, about women's naming decisions. Almost all the married women change their names and are called Mrs. in court, even though I think the professional standard is to use Ms. (IMO, Mrs. is a social title, not a professional one. It doesn't matter on the job whether a woman is married or not, just as it doesn't for men. Hence, Mr. and Ms. -- no marital status associated with either title.) Of course, the exception to The Mrs. Rule on this show is Diane Lockhart, whom the writers seem to view as the token "out there" feminist. I could have done without seeing his gnarly toes up against Alicia's head.
  19. Seriously, have the courtesy to post the name of the person you're rushing here to "eulogize."
  20. Ken Howard made Jefferson babe-a-licious in 1776. I also got to see him in a one-man show about Tip O'Neill in the Boston area a few years ago. He was terrific. RIP.
  21. Missing from where? And missing since when? The blood evidence was all found the first night of the investigation, I thought. The inconsistencies in the defense's "theories" are staggering, but they're not the ones that had to prove anything, alas. Someone else will correct me if I'm wrong, but the I thought the odds were that the DNA could have belonged to anyone else.
  22. Apparently, the pizza was flown in from NY. This is thin crust pizza in Chicago.
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