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Spencer Hastings

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Everything posted by Spencer Hastings

  1. Paige (Because she's useless and makes JJ boring) Maggie (Because she's lost her mind over Daniel) Brady (Because he's a moron)
  2. When they got off the bus, I like that Alison got off last so that she could turn around and run again. I don't think I'd want to return to that pedophile filled town. She looked so taken aback when she realized Spencer runs the show now. But then she took her power right back when she likes to Holbrook. I blame the Liars because they should have known better than to let her speak first. I had to roll my eyes when Holbrook was like "Why didn't you come to the cops?" Even if she were telling the truth, the last two cops she spoke to were NAT Club Garrett and Mr. I'm Not Afraid to Plant Evidence and Stalk Teenagers Wilden. I don't believe for a second that Ali was protecting Aria, paying her respects to dead girl, or even a little concerned about her mom. Again, I don't trust anyone who plays dead for two years while her friends are being tortured and framed for murder. Also, I'm throwing Jason in as the latest twin theory. It would explain the inconsistency of his character, as well as the fact that he was in New York and Rosewood at the same time. It also explains the summer where he "couldn't remember anything." I can see Jessica protecting the twin that hit Ali in the head and later telling him that she can't protect him after finding out Ali is alive. She probably sent Good Jason to keep track of Ali and protect her. Bad Jason is the one she can no longer protect and the one who killed her. Bad Jason is also the moron in the skull cap.
  3. I cringe when she's on my screen because I know she's up to no good. She's so shady. They're trying to make her seem like the victim but she's the reason the girls are even in this mess. I don't trust anyone who plays dead while she watches her friends being tortured from afar. Nope.
  4. I would have laughed if Adam, Iceland girl, and John had orchestrated this entire thing. But Adam seemed really bummed out that he didn't get as much attention as he was hoping for.
  5. Are we allowed to talk about the girls' Twitter discussions? I know it wasn't allowed on that other board but Meghan, Chelsea, Maggie, Kelley, Analissa, and Andrea's twitter discussions could be an entire show. Meghan doesn't particularly like Kelley and she's said pretty much everything said here. It made me like her a little more and it shows me that she isn't taking this seriously at all!
  6. Do we know for sure that Amy's last name isn't Duggar? She said her parents got married when she was 19. It's entirely possible that Deanna gave her the Duggar name, especially since she and Terry had a rocky road. My siblings and I have my mom's maiden name because she and my dad didn't get married until I was 22. They were together and blissful during all of those years but my mom wanted us to have her last name since he wasn't giving her his!
  7. When she gathered everyone for her special announcement, I couldn't help but wonder how many of them were thinking she'd gone and caught herself a baby.
  8. I'm going to be mad as hell if Shanna is Big A. I could not think of anything more anticlimatic than that. Can someone point me to the nearest tumblr that tells us how and why this isn't plausible? Stupid. That's the only word I can use to describe it. I knew she was ~shady!~ when she showed up at the hospital claiming that Ali sent her. We didn't see Ali call you, homegirl. I love how Paige was initially "Ain't nobody got time for that." during Mona's meeting until she saw Melissa walk in. I could see her face change to "Well, I got a little bit of time."
  9. My friend just had 4 baby showers. One for her mom's family, one for her boyfriend's family who live quite a distance away, one for her friends in her current city, and one for her friends in her hometown. Everyone was kind of spread out and they all wanted to attend, so people just threw them for her in places that would be convenent for all of the groups. Three wedding showers isn't all that much when people are spread out.
  10. I always wonder if sites like "Free Jinger" and the comments about her snarkiness from fans may have put a bigger target on her back. Jim Bob and Michelle must know what people say about her and her free spirit. I wonder if that influenced how much she tries to "keep sweet" now.
  11. This episode was strange to me. Like many of you, I was expecting more of a shocker that never came. I could be wrong but I think there is a reason for that. When they first met Sammie, they approached her in the same manner as other Catfishers. "Are you Sammie? Why did you do this? What was your reason?" When she was answering their questions, I turned to my sister and said "Her social cues are way off." I think someone must have noticed the same thing because they backed off really quickly and said they would digest everything before meeting up again the next day. Then as soon as they got into the car, Max pointed out that something was off about her interactions (such as not knowing something is wrong until she's told its wrong). That more or less told me that he suspected she wasn't exactly playing with a full deck. Tracie was still pissed up until that point and then she immediately softened. When they met up with her again, their demeanor was completely different than it usually is during the second meeting. Instead of antagonizing her like they tend to do, they really tried to get to the bottom of why she was behaving this way. There was no real interrogation and no dirty secrets were revealed. They weren't even concerned with the "this is wrong and creepy" anymore, but instead steered the conversation to "you're really likable and talented on your own." The way they spoke to her and told her all of the good things about herself reminded me of the way that I would speak to my students on the higher end of the spectrum or those who may be developmentally delayed by a few years. Sammie seemed very young. People her age don't make twitter accounts for celebrities or plaster their bedroom walls with posters of Nickelodeon stats. I'm not diagnosing her but something seemed "off" to me. I also found it interesting that Max and Tracie both got on Twitter to alleviate some of the hate being thrown Sammie's way. Max doesn't typically do that kind of thing (and sometimes he joins in on the jokes about the Catfishers).
  12. Camila Banus is ripping my heart out in these scenes. It's too bad that this is truly her first time to shine. She's made me cry a couple of times since Gabi confessed. She's doing an awesome job. Her scenes with Rafe were heartbreaking. I said yesterday that their relationship is the most natural on the show and I stand by that.
  13. I like to roll my eyes at the Duggars as much as the next heathen snarker but I'll be darned if I didn't tear up for Jill. I obviously knew it was coming and that she's been engaged since March, but I am a big softy! That song montage at the end absolutely destroyed me. I remember watching the first Duggar special when I was very young so I kind of feel like we've grown together. I had a similar sister-mom upbringing so I feel a sense of camaraderie with these girls. Jill deserves all of the happiness in the world and I think Derrick is an awesome match for what she needs. I really hope that Derrick's family influences her more than the other way around. He seems to be extremely aware of what Jill likes and what the Duggars expect. He's trying very hard to play by the rules. I liked that his mom was so emotional about their engagement and that she said "I'm glad to have a daughter." Michelle's reaction to that was interesting, like she remembered that while she hoards children, others don't have daughters to pass off onto others or overwork. I hope Cathy shows Jill what it's like to have a true mother-daughter relationship. I hope she enjoys being a daughter who gets to be spoiled!
  14. Camilla really sold her scenes. If she'd had decent material, I may have actually liked Gabi. The scene where Rafe walks in and Gabi loses it again....I fell apart! She made my throat ugly sob. As much as I hated the Hernandi kids showing up, CB and GG have such a good onscreen presence as siblings that is unlike any other on the show. I really believed them in that moment where the concerned big brother walks in and his little sister just collapses in his arms because that's the safest place she can imagine even though she knows she's disappointed him. I'll miss their relationship, it was one of the most realistic and genuine feeling on the show. You don't get that sibling feeling from Sami and her siblings or JJ and Abby.
  15. I was so happy to see Fred back. He was perfect and the show was missing a lot of its energy without him. I loved his banter with Grayson. I hope he returns to LA and gets Stacey back as well. I knew that they'd send Grayson back in a body that would cause the drama. At least the inmate he returned in is cute! Good luck getting your job back though. Unless this inmate is a lawyer who was wrongly arrested and then shanked in jail. Which, you know, this show would totally do.
  16. I really liked the pilot for the most part. While the repeated references to the world were unnecessary, I think the writers are very much aware of the fact that many adults from the previous generation would be tuning in and examining this episode closely. I saw this episode as Ben Savage handing the reigns off to Rowan, while reminding those of us caught up in nostalgia that this is HER show now, not his. I basically substituted show in the place of world. It was still a bit heavy handed but I see where they were going. I understand why they needed to clear that up because people will be watching and expecting it to be about Cory but he already met the world. This show isn't for us is what I got out of it. But I'm still going to watch! The child that plays Riley is such a great combination of Cory and Topanga. Casting couldn't have found a more perfect girl. She said in an interview that she studied Ben's mannerisms and it shows.
  17. I'm in the same boat as the Duggars. Pen/pin, been/bin/Ben all sound the same to me. My friend Penny is from up north and she would tease me so much at first because of how I said her name. I don't understand the difference! Michelle seems to be absolutely in love with Ben. She keeps going on and on about how sweet he is. It's strange to me. He's just a corny kid who is focused on how hot Jessa is but clearly he is the bees knees to Michelle. Looking back on it, I almost feel icky thinking about how quickly she jumped between them in that tiny truck! Derrick's mom is so not here for the dog and pony show. You can tell that she thinks the group chat thing is so ridiculous. And she couldn't push her way through those howlers fast enough to get to her husband! I like her. It's hard to judge Beneasa and Dill based on what we see, but I think that they're both going to encounter their share of problems. Derrick seems to have gotten an excited teenybopper in Jill and I think that it'll be interesting to see them when their cutesy crush wears off. Ben and Jessa, on the other hand, look like they're trying very hard not to climb on top of each other during the TH's. When they get over how pretty the other person is, I don't even know what they'll talk about.
  18. Buahaha! I love the title of this thread! I'm glad we have a place to go after TWOP shuts down!
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