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Spencer Hastings

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Everything posted by Spencer Hastings

  1. I wasn't nearly as upset about Knight as I was about Diem because he came along after I'd dropped off the MTV wagon for awhile. I didn't know much about him. I don't even know how it happened, but my face just started pouring water from my eyes as soon as I saw Jemmye and Preston crying. Those emotions were so real and it's jarring when we remember that these are people with real relationships, who have just lost someone that had a big impact on their lives.
  2. Knowing this show, they would drop that too.
  3. Another random question: why didn't Rachel ever contact her family? She mentioned thinking of going to visit them but wouldn't they want to know that their suicidal daughter was back with a grandchild?
  4. Ugh. That was absolutely a "we better wrap this thing up" ending. The one year later thing felt completely disingenuous. I got a good laugh over the Returned Bureau. Shark jumped, 6 times. How many people had their questions answered? Anyone? *cue cicadas chirping* Pastor James is smooth talking and dreamy. I found myself wanting to give Rachel to him myself. Anything else I can get for you while we are in this dimly lit bedroom? This was definitely the last episode. It's been an honor snarking with you all.
  5. I wish they'd stuck with wherever they were going in the season 1 finale. They obviously got a renewal and tried to do too much with it. It's a shame because I do like this show. I would be surprised if this went to a third season.
  6. According to Erika Christensen, . I definitely think that Zeek dies, but maybe he does have the surgery after all and ends up Link to spoiler:
  7. I like that Victor is being cautious about Julia and Joel reuniting. He has probably seen this song and dance at a more extreme level with his past and when he moved into his forever home, his father still moved out and the family was broken. I thought it was realistic that he didn't trust that everything would be okay. I wish they would have spent time on that instead of the career day stuff. That would have made for a more interesting episode and brought some closure to Victor's adjustment story (that they kind of abandoned). We knew the baby would be named Zeek. We knew this. I knew this. It was said before we even got confirmation that Amber was pregnant. We knew it would be a Zeek the way that we knew Kristina would call Max "buddy" 4 times in one episode. But gosh dangit, I audibly wept when she told Zeek to meet Zeek. Gutteral noises, tears falling, the works. Sarah and Zeek also had a nice moment. I cried when she said she wanted her dad to be there. My dad is getting older and I often think about how I need to get this marriage thing done so that he can be at mine. Sarah is unbearable sometimes but I could relate to that. I'm such a sap. Next week is going to destroy me. I was hoping that they'd put me out of my misery earlier so that I could equally disperse my tears over a few weeks, but it looks like they are just going to go all out next week.
  8. I blocked out the "Chris" moment because holy crap, how heartbreaking. I also got up and started distracting myself with cooking because I couldn't handle all of CT's positivity. "She just has a tummy ache" and "It'll be a nice welcome home present." Such real moments of hoping for the best that we knew he probably didn't believe himself. He loved her so much, I hope he has an amazing support system.
  9. I didn't cry over this episode, but my eyes sure did burn something awful. It was heartbreaking to see CT out and drinking and then watch him turn into a panicky mess once he realized Diem was at the hospital. I was so sad for him when the producers wouldn't let him go even though his only mission was to be with her. I don't understand why they wouldn't just take him. Her last talking head was rough to watch.
  10. I did not even realize how much I want a CSI show of Spencer and Caleb being awesome until now. I wouldn't need any other characters, just Spencer and Caleb kicking butt and taking names.
  11. Tahj Mowry cracks me up. He's easily the comedic relief of this show. I'm thankful for Tucker and his black man comment. And Bonnie. I love Tucker and Bonnie. Derek Theler is too good for this show. He's just so pretty...and muscular....and pretty.
  12. When Caleb was so desperate to get rid of that knife, part of me started thinking he was A. He's the most illogical candidate for many reasons but I was so suspicious. This show is getting to me. Also, why is Hanna not freaking out over the fact that Holbrook's dad thought she was Alison?
  13. There's only room for one Pastor in town. I don't think it's that he can't--he just doesn't want to for whatever reason. For all we know, Pastor Tom could shut his whole operation down.
  14. I TOLD Caleb not to go in that kiln. I told him. I didn't even feel bad when he got shut in because I freaking told him. He's dealt with demons and past Caleb and undertakers but he doesn't know not to go in a kiln alone?! They deserve what they get.
  15. Fred shooting Pastor James so nonchalantly was easily the funniest moment of the series. Fred has become one of the best characters on the show (who am I kidding, he's the only one who was ever given a personality. Quite a few, in fact).
  16. They probably don't tell Lucy because she can't act inconspicuous. When Toby was supposed to be A, Keegan's acting got considerably more creepy and jilted. Lucy would give it away in every single scene. Ian Harding literally looked like the cat who swallowed the canary and liked it. Lucy would totally ruin it.
  17. Maybe they will put in more do-rag Toby flashbacks to show the parallel. We are owed that much, at least.
  18. But why would they show the viewers the dummy but not the liars? It's one thing to want is to think she's dead but to create a dummy with no body found seems like a waste of time. Says the 27 year old still watching this show....
  19. Yeah, the attacker was holding Mike's phone. Mona probably just wanted her computer back, haha. I also found it strange that there were no traces of blood in the video but at the crime scene the place was covered.
  20. Mike is A. This started when his screwed up family returned to Rosewood. Aria has gotten off relatively easy because she is his sister. Aside from pushing her over, locking her in a box, and now trapping her in plastic (which she was too dumb to get out of quickly), A has been good to her. Because he's her brother. Mona suspected as much and got close to him. Then she got dead. His cries were cries of guilt because he is mentally insane and actually belongs at Radley. But none of this makes sense as to why or how A pulls stuff off so my theory is debunked already. Stupid show. I did think that was him in the wig though. I was sad that Jason took Spencer's side because that means he is officially in even more danger. He can survive falling down an elevator shaft and walk out of the hospital, but maybe A will be more forgiving since he actually helped frame Ali. The three baby book and "that was a good day" lines point to the twin theory. Same with the line where he said "you have a knack for remembering things differently." I thought the Grunwald and Alison scenes were interesting. The way she said her name made me think she knew that she wasn't Alison.
  21. I wonder if the random reappearance of the cicadas and focus on Bellamy's birthmark indicate that THIS is where the writers were going to go at the end of Season 1. They totally glossed over both of those things until this episode. I wonder if they saw the handwriting on the wall and thought that maybe they should try that one thing they were going to originally do before they messed up. Maybe Pastor James was originally supposed to be the focus of this season.
  22. Lol, this episode. This whole series has been so transparent. You can see in each episode where the writers looked at viewer feedback and decided to go in a different direction. Last episode they saw that Pastor Tom and his boring wife weren't working so they dropped them (not even a mention of Rachel tonight), they saw the factory storyline wasn't working so they dropped that, and tonight they saw that Bitchy Grandma wasn't pulling in anything but the lols from the audience so they dropped her and her demons. This new pastor seems to be another shift for the show. I feel like they've changed directions too many times now.
  23. Do we know for sure that Jill is texting and calling DerickDillard throughout the day? Just curious--I'm not up on my Duggar gossip lately but I'm curious to know what was said and how much she's doing it.
  24. Are we supposed to really believe that Mrs. D is Black Widow? Is that real or just an unreliable dream? Speaking of which, are the flashbacks that Mona showed Ali reliable? I don't trust this show one bit. We gathered quite a bit of information but I don't even know if we can use it. The best part of this episode was Troian breaking character when they revealed A's surprise with the lights. Her face very clearly said "I'm 30 years old and I'm stuck on a show where Christmas lights are supposed to be threatening."
  25. We all know how Josh feels about tattling, per Jill's engagement special. He would let her do whatever she wanted, just to prove that he wouldn't "run and tell mother."
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