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Everything posted by Coffeewinewater

  1. I find it comforting too. I'm not sure why but I really like the show, I never "loved" it the past but in the last couple years I look forward to seeing a new episode on Saturday morning. I've cut out a few shows that stress me out , the kitchen is one that I relax and enjoy with coffee even if I never make any recipes. πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ I also agree that when one host is gone the show seems off. Last week Jeff and Geoffrey were making something in a segment and it was only them no Katie or Sunny. Seemed odd. As much as Sunny's screaming can be too much, I missed the background chatter πŸ˜„.
  2. June 2009, ugh Fiz and her constant whining to see "her John". Did the writers really think people wanted more John Stape and Fiz? I notice people complain about Fiz alot (Facebook) I absolutely believe she changed for the worse with the introduction of JS. And I'm seeing it on full display in the episodes I'm watching. The whining and crying about why Rosie went to see him (John gave Rosie (150,000 pounds yeah I was like wtf?).
  3. I haven't watched Wendy in forever but might have to go to YouTube and watch this. Wendy's workout sounds hilariousπŸ˜‚. Ok, just watched it ....hey, hey , hey( twisting arms)lol, so funny. The best part was the legπŸ˜‚. I couldn't even listen to what she was saying, because she clearly had no idea what she was talking about. Next time anyone asks me about my workout , I'll just Vogue for them and say hey,hey hey, bend leg while I sit πŸ˜‚
  4. Hahaha, this made me spit out waterπŸ˜‚. Nema seems fake as hell. So I'm thinking his ex girlfriend/ assistant wasn't actually his girlfriend at the time of the almost kiss with GG. She was just helping him out to get a storyline for the show. The breakup seemed fake at the time πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ. Actually everyone on this show seems fake. Adam ugh, I used to feel bad for him(well sort of) because Reza is vile, They deserve each other. I only watched half this episode because there was an old episode of Midsomer Murder on that I only watched 4 times. I decided to watch it again.
  5. Bear Grylis wtf? Did that really happen? I just have no words. Why? I love John Oliver, I think I'm just burned out on politics, even political comedy.
  6. I get new episodes after 4 Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I just looked this weeks are there. 17th 2 episodes 19th 2 episodes 21st only one episode but its 45mins. I haven't watched yet. Probably tomorrow.
  7. https://www.toledoblade.com/local/2006/02/28/Double-murder-trial-begins-in-Fremont/stories/200602280053
  8. Meghan on the view once described her Grandmother as having strong opinions and something like Granny wasn't afraid to share them, a take no prisoners attitude. We don't necessarily know if Grandma McCain thinks Meghan's nasty attitude is a bad thing. Meghan being a spoiled entitled princess didn't happen once she joined the View.
  9. Thank you! I forgot about Crystal working at the casino. There was absolutely no awkwardness between Darlene and crystal at the time so the little Ed storyline makes no sense to me. Is it weird that I hear Crystal's voice when I read "little Ed"?πŸ˜„
  10. I'm almost done with 2008. Christmas is over. Sadly Maria seems insane to everyone even though she's right Tony had Liam killed. However this made me laugh so hard. Maria painting Murderer on Underworld doors. Norris Emily and Becky looking on and Norris pointing out she misspelled it πŸ˜„. The back forth between he and Becky, hilarious. Meanwhile Audrey is trying to talk down a crazed Maria. Aww Becky fixed it. ❀😁
  11. I watched the clip online, it is truly disgusting. Anyone who thinks WW is an ally to the LGBTQ + community has to be shown that clip. Holy hell that is nasty. I have known Wendy was homophobic for a while and haven't watch much, mostly because she's boring and vile. That sad apology was pathetic. I'm not saying people dont misspeak. However that was a deliberate speech she has had in her mind for a minute. So disgusting.
  12. Mike's poor daughter. That whole conversation was inappropriate. He should have stopped it before it got to "never being in love before". And hearing the girl cry in her room ugh! Kenya sucks! Dont talk about her wig on camera but it fine to talk on camera about someone's partner possibly trying to cheat. Cookie lady's story was lame, that was BS.
  13. Oh that's right. I forget about the new family, probably because I sometimes ff through their scenes. So they live in E&N's house. It looks so different but now I remember the hole in the wall looking into Ken's 😁. And yes I also now remember Mary did leave because Dev's kids wanted their own room....right 10 years late lol. It is interesting that the writers did this episode. Maybe they are getting a lot feedback about how much people miss and love old corrie and need some touchback, sometimes. I did that song stuck in my head all day yesterday. 🎢Dont rock the boat baby 🎢
  14. I loved Friday's episode. Great seeing all these women we almost never see. Mary and Eileen I can't remember the last time I saw them. Carla has really changed so much. I like her relationship with Roy. I just wish she had more of storyline. Sean going back to Eileen's was nice. Seb is living with Emma? Uh, she can do better. Who lives in the house that Emily and Norris lived in? Mary is living at Eileen's, when did that happen? I used to able to keep track of who lived where. Maybe it's because I watch old and current episodes, I'm confused 😁
  15. πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½ πŸ˜„
  16. I watched the clip of the exchange between WG and MM. I thought WG was trying to make a good point. MM was being an idiot (per usual). MM made the fight about HER age and WG was simply telling her she'd been around long enough not to put everything on Romney. Whoopi never even said that. It was Meghan who tried to put words in Whoopi's mouth. She wanted a fight because she can't stand Romney and he's get praise for doing the right thing. Whoopi really set her ass on fire when she dared to mention her father in the same conversation as Romney. Meghan quickly turned the argument she started around to make herself the victim. I laughed at MM saying she wouldn't accept a cabinet position for Trump if he asked because of her dislike for him unlike Romney even though Romney just met with him like many even Meghan's family. She really thinks she's in politics πŸ˜„ Life in Meghan's head must be hard. Trying to please all those voices. She's a grown woman who doesn't know herself. Her father did her a disservice in pushing her to do the View. She's a mess.
  17. Sunny was on fire! Loved it.
  18. Loved this episode. I could listen to all 3 scientists all day. So intelligent and articulate. Have they done an episode in the past that was not about "celebrities"?
  19. Oh that's so interesting about deidre. I'll definitely look into it. Oh I sort assumed it was Jack, as I read vera makes a comeback visit. πŸ™. What I find interesting/annoying is that we often don't get throw back references. Toya and Fizz being great mates. It took some time but they eventually really were friends. Now you wouldn't think they knew each other.
  20. It's interesting watching characters like David. I really like David currently. But holy hell he was a terror to Gail and everyone around him. Carla was absolutely stunning. Everything about her was stunning, hair face, body clothes. The death you're referring to is it Ashley's or Jack's? I've read about all the characters. So I know about most of the outcomes both deaths are probably so sad. I'll probably tear up for both deaths, unlike Wooden Maria who can't seem to shed a tear for the stillborn baby.
  21. She does crack me up. I love her protectiveness of Haley and Roy. I'm at the point where it looks like she's getting close to Jason. And Vera just died πŸ˜₯
  22. I finally understand some people's dislike of Michelle Connor. As you know I'm watching old episodes. Omg! why did Michelle and Steve ever become a couple? From the start she didn't seem that into him and now as a couple (January 2008) she seems always pissed at him or at the very least annoyed with him. Karen with all her faults seemed to love Steve. Even crazy Tracy seemed really into him. I haven't watched Becky and Steve relationship yet. I'm looking forward to it, as I'm enjoying Becky. I'd kill off Geoff, he's awful. I'm still watching the current episodes but they're pretty boring. I'm not sure if I mentioned it on here before but what the hell is going on with the show? The scenes are so empty. The Rovers always seems completely empty. No one is on the street except the main characters. Hire some background actors corrie!
  23. This latest episode was particularly sad to watch. I usually tear up at some point watching this show mostly out happiness/pride for the subject finding out about family they never knew. However this episode left me with such sadness for all 3 women's families.
  24. I'm confused why is Aliya going to manage the Bistro for the new owner, sorry forgot his name. Isn't she busy enough running her own restaurant? She is part owner right? With Geoff keeping her grandmother at home cleaning constantly, who's running it, Geoff?
  25. Same here. I haven't watched except a couple fridays and that was a chore because of Meghan. She truly ruined this show for me.
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