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Everything posted by Coffeewinewater

  1. I only know who Joe Rogan is because my husband watches UFC 🙄. I know he used to be an actor and because I recognize his name I have seen articles about his views he sound like a lunatic. I loved Pete's smackdown of Meghan. Interesting that just like with Sunny, Meghan tries to get the other person to agree with her point before she finishes. She said to Sunny, I think you agree with me then yammered on and on. Only to have Sunny say no I disagree lol. With Pete she went on and on about he went everywhere during his campaign and spoke all different people. So he must be on board to moving out old standards....only to have him. Explain in a very polite way why she's wrong 😄
  2. I expect Meghan to support a Joe Rogan moderating a debate. But come on Sara did you completely not hear Sunny., he's a racist homophobic misogynist pig, not an every man like MM says. I know the one currently in the white house is good with JR hosting a debate but no. We have stooped so low in this country, that we forget there are things we shouldn't do just to "shake thing up'. Unbelievable. I heard MM giggle about the dead husband smh. Who cares if Joy hasn't watched tiger king or whatever it's called. Not everyone has. I started to watch and quickly said nope, I can't, Watch this garbage. And I have been known to watch some garbage, it just looked awful.
  3. I only watched this part. I had to turn it off. I'll watch later. I thought the exact same thing. As she's about to bring a child into this world you would think her mind would be on the future of this world and what kind of world her children will live in. Then I stopped and realized that I'm forgetting who I thinking about. Meghan unlike the other woman doesn't actually give her opinion. She is always telling us what middle America is concerned about. So if she is concerned who knows but her team doesn't care and that is what she's sharing with us. Now the fact that she doesn't see the irony that a trust fund princess that has either lived in NYC or LA since graduating high school is telling America what "real" Americans care about, is pretty hilarious 🤷🏽‍♀️
  4. Lol, I also looked at Twitter. She really does deny it. I'm guessing she didn't watch the show. So she didn't know. As much as Dorinda acts like she's a straight talker, Dorinda lives in denial about a lot of thing. I can't remember what episode it was but Lu and Dorinda were getting into it and Lu says something like "you want me to be honest, you want me to tell you the truth?" Dorinda starts screaming "no, no, I don't!" Leah starts making a shocked face, Dorinda thinks Leah is agreeing with her. Leah tried to explain that she agreed with Lu. That told me everything about Dorinda. She's good with if you never call her out. Her drinking her mean bullying behavior. She doesn't want you to be honest with her. My point is of course she didn't watch the reunion she knew she came across like an asshole.
  5. I have to rewatch also. I didn't even understand what the hell was happening. I'm glad I didn't delete it. As far as Tinsley "lieing" about her relationship meh, I had a very close friend that had an on and off relationship for a couple years. At first she'd tell me everything we'd have drinks and I'd boost her up, forget him he was a jerk ect. Cut them being back together , then apart. She eventually stopped telling me about him. Not because I was judging her. But i assumed she was embarrassed. When we talked long after he was gone. I was right she felt like we kept having the same conversations and it was embarrassing lol. That's why I think Tinsley stopped telling them about every hook up and break up with Scott.
  6. That's all fake BS maybe for her in laws, who knows. Years ago she was hanging out With Tila Tequila often, not exactly a prude and her fav housewife is Erika Jayne....Pat the Puss is her signature move😄.
  7. Yeah, I don't think Meghan will share much about her child. Some people are like that. With Meghan I think it is because she thinks it will take attention away from her. I have a friend on Facebook that hides her daughter's face in pics she shares 😄 it's so bizarre. I would love to see Meghan do that😄. @BLONDIE0332 as you know I share endless pics of my son. She actually told me I should do the same with my sons pics 😄
  8. Yes you are correct. I had the timelines mixed up. It was just plain odd.
  9. Nothing happened. Literally nothing. Whoopi was finishing up with Sunny or was it Joy (?), and moving on to Meghan and then Meghan freaked 😄 #just moveonidonthavechildren😥. I think they just didnt get to her fast enough 🤷🏽‍♀️. I also don't care about the Melania, Ivanka gossip. I wish they hadn't even talked about that. The money is the important part and the Trumps throwing SWW under the bus is why she wrote the book, focus on that.
  10. The answer to your first question. Yes, she knows no other way. Snotty is her superpower. I noticed she was almost in tears, after she mumbled about not having kids to move on, wth? what was that about? They were getting to her. She really is the most fragile sensitive bad ass I've ever seen.
  11. Thank you for reminding me of this. What was she talking about? I know the right are fake outraged about Nancy's hair/mask BS. But I really don't know what she's was talking about, bad week for Biden and Pelosi? I must have missed it. I just knew she would bring up Nancy. Wasn't it Meghan that constantly used say people have to stop being outraged by small things in regards to trump 🙄.
  12. Maybe you're right. However Meghan loves being the only conservative voice. Hell, when Abby (her friend) was still there, Meghan constantly referred to herself as the lone conservative voice on the show. ETA ah, I just thought about your comment. This probably why Meghan seems to dislike Sara, Meghan loves to play the victim 😄
  13. Haha, at first looking at I thought she fell the shower and decided to take a selfie.
  14. A heads up? Wtf? Meghan really is a delusional princess. I hate that goes out her way to explain why she believes Trump did say these things. It's ridiculous because, I know if her father wasn't personally attacked by Trump she would be questioning the truthfulness of the article. I think I'm so over her "he attacked my father" I don't feel any sympathy for her. She can turn a blind eye and find any excuse for Trump until it comes back to her family. Sorry sis, you lost me. The children at the border never outraged her. Sara, really? You can't say if you believe Trump said those things GTFO. He has a pattern, even a Fox News correspondent confirmed portions of the story. She really annoyed me. Almost more than Meghan, almost. I understand Joy's frustration talking to SHS. The woman is infuriating. Not enough Sunny. I did laugh when SHS was talking about how much Trump did for the black and brown communities and Sunny was laughing. MS13 will be your neighbors 🙄 ETA, I know they all have time limits now. But I wish Sunny or Joy had explained to Sara the importance of why some have to stay anonymous. Ask the ambassador to Ukraine, Colonel Vindman.
  15. Aaron has asshole written all over him. I didn't enjoy him last season even while I did enjoy Denise. This season 🤮 to both of them. I dislike him so much I felt a bit of sympathy for PK when he was trying to have a conversation with Aaron. 😄that really says alot about how much I can't stand Aaron.
  16. I love the name. Iris is a name I have been hearing a lot lately. Alice is another name becoming popular.... I'm not as crazy about Alice my ex sister in law was an Alice🙄😉. Sunny added on Instagram some pics of her dog that passed away in the last day or so😔. I hope she's ok. That's such a hard thing.
  17. I don't even think Kyle had to go looking. Garcelle had an issue with Kyle you could see it if you watched the season. Kyle probably is friendly with people who manage different parts of the charity. Let's face it all these women are catty, the chances that they associate with other snarky gossip loving catty woman is highly likely😄. One of those "friends" of Kyle could have thought Garcelle was going after Kyle and informed kyle that Garcelle never followed through with the payment. And Kyle used the info to strike back. I could easily see this happening, I could also see anyone of the other women doing it to someone one they had issues with.
  18. I agree. I don't really think Garcelle is classier or above this show or other women. She's catty and fake like the rest of them.
  19. Yes, you are correct, it was Joanie I was thinking about. It seems she hasn't been around much. That's probably why mistook Elyse for her.
  20. I don't like Garcelle. Or Denise. And I'm ok saying that.
  21. I'm just getting around to watching this full episode. I love my phone and I'm usually not to far from it but I hate having conversations on it in public. Luann facetiming with Ro, ugh, so obnoxious. Hasn't Elyse (?) Been around since the first season with Ramona? Or am I thinking of another dark haired woman? Elyse did seem pathetic at Leah's party ,I'm so embarrassed for her😄. Sonja cracks me up.. she sees young men and she's happy happy😃. Luann's tragic childhood....payless 🥿👞👢👟😁. Dorinda's daughter has a coat that matches Dorinda's pants 😄
  22. Love John Oliver. Sunny always there with facts.
  23. Yes, I know.😉😄
  24. In all fairness, who dont? 😉. Dolly is pretty amazing.
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