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Everything posted by Coffeewinewater

  1. I couldn't stop laughing at Joy shrugging her shoulders when Meghan was shrieking about being tired of hearing Republicans don't care about education 😄 Why does Meghan still not understand people mean the Republicans in office ? Educate yourself Meghan 😉
  2. Alex made boiled hotdogs 🙄
  3. Me too. I also couldn't believe they all acted like it was so offensive to say it. Caroline's ghetto answer was pretty cringey.
  4. She was pretty impressive. I know most don't Porsha seriously but she definitely had some good information and advice. W. Kamau Bell was also a guest and he also seemed impressed by Porsha.
  5. I think you're right. I know all these shows and woman are very calculated and aware of how the "storyline" will play out. This season seems even more so. Who's on who's side seems to be depending on how they think producers want it to play out.
  6. I don't care about BH anymore. I was watching and drinking a glass of wine and I eventually started reading my emails. Finally I just changed it. It's still on my DVR, half the show I didn't watch. I'm so not interested in anything these women are arguing about. Denise is offended for kids? But it's all on camera while they film a tv show, m'kay. Rinna is a shit stirrer, m'kay. Kyle, idk even know what's going on with this storyline. I'm more upset I wasted my wine. I could have saved it , for the looney NYC women. I guess I have to go buy more 🍷😉
  7. This! I don't even understand why Leah is screaming. She gets drunk and wants to just scream? 😄 is that fun ? LoL. Idk, I was bit drunk, maybe I missed something 😉😁
  8. Yes, listening is the key. As women for years were silenced. When a woman can get her story told that helps and possibly get justice. I always thought that it was listening to her story and not just shutting it down. Because "he's rich, your husband, he was just flirting" Believing no matter what seems unhealthy and not productive.
  9. I'm really curious why she didn't go there as soon as she could. Being outside helps. Didn't she say early on that her husband was the one that didn't want her doing anything outside? I dont feel sorry for Meghan she has options most don't. She talks out both sides of her mouth. "Hunker down be so afraid you dont even take a walk or open everything up everyone wants to get back to regular life" huh? Blaming President Obama for the "cultural war" stfu Meghan. Meghan smirking and bringing up Bret Kavanaugh wtf? Were Joy and Meghan confused or just forgot how that played out. I'm glad Sunny explained it.
  10. Omg this. I thought maybe this what really happened. Of course I dont know but it's interesting to think about. Sonja as always is gross.
  11. I'm sure there were plenty. John is John I don't know if I'd spend time with him but damn everyone seemed to throw his and Dorinda's bad behavior on him. I feel like I really dislike all these women. Luann going to Leah's and doing that snooty ass talking head. Woman your drunken ass was arrested trying to beat up a cop. Save me the bs about Leah's shabby apartment. I bet cells are pretty shabby in south Florida jail, just saying. Shut up Ramona and Sonja. All these woman are so damn full of themselves. And now I really want an apple cider doughnut 😋
  12. I ff Rinna and those daughters. I did watch Lois at the dinner because all the other women were there. But omg yes she's trying so damn hard to make Lois happen. Am I wrong or did Rinna not go see her parents for years? That is until she got on the show and took her daughter's and they were blinded by fat people 😎😉
  13. Wouldn't you just love to see Jennifer make an issue out of it with Gracelle 😁😄😆
  14. I dont either. I don't dislike her necessarily, I just don't like people who always want to be seen as edgy. I don't understand the name of clothing line? How is married to the mob in anyway related to Leah? I don't understand grown people who have to flash the middle finger when having their picture taken. I don't understand why Leah thinks it's rare that she gets along with her ex? 🤷🏽‍♀️
  15. Ramona has always acted like she has somewhere better to be. That is who Ramona is, superficial (they all are to some extent) she's more interested in being seen, than being with "friends". I can't stand her and never have, but I felt pity for her as she praddled on about having to be seen at fashion shows. I'm sure she thinks her life is fab, and might be to some but she seems like a sad lonely woman. Ramona eating oysters 🤢 only less disgusting then Dorinda describing Ramona eating oysters 🤮 Omg, Lu sauntering over to get her hair did at the fashion show lol, wtf. Another housewife that never changes 😄. Entitlement thy name is Luann. Sonja is so crazy. She does my head in. You crazy bat calm down. No one is taking your fashion show that seriously 😄 Are Tinsley and her mom making the crying together a thing? Because I'll pass on that if they are.
  16. So I'm finally watching....I'm sorry those taco shells, really? I'm not saying dont use them. I'm Mexican-American and I have used them(shhh) but warm them in an oven or even microwave. The heat helps them. GZ's daughters are lovely. Katie is so cute preggers. Alex arranged cucumbers? I love cucumbers and have actually been eating them almost everday, as well as Radishes. Cucumber sandwiches, cucumbers with tajin, with hummus. I'm just surprised that Alex just sliced cucumbers for her dish.
  17. Katie baby's name....Kale😂.
  18. I couldn't stop laughing at her serious clothes comment 😄. Now we know why she dresses in those ugly outfits. Why so serious???😄
  19. Absolutely. It drives me insane when she and others do this.
  20. Why do Democrats President always have to consider Republicans and Independents for cabinet appointments, but the same is never suggested to Republicans, Meghan? Does Meghan not realize many people of color live in the "rust belt"? 😂😂😂 Joy saying Oh my god! Out loud as Meghan rambled on and on, hilarious.
  21. Thank you! After I posted that, I thought oh man am I just being bitchy 😄. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that🙂 There is so much stuff on every space of that kitchen.
  22. I watch John Oliver every Sunday. I was shocked he had that segment on Wendy lol, it did make laugh. Why is she eating constantly on her show?? I haven't watched Wendy in forever and after seeing that clip on JO I don't think I will😂 On a positive note, I can say I am enjoying seeing hosts homes, well a small piece of it. Wendy's looks awful. Fyi another person's real home surprised me was Rachel Ray. I happened to watch her show a couple Monday's ago her home looks cluttered. 🤷🏽‍♀️
  23. I watched yesterday's show and they have gotten better at taking turns.😉 Yes, she said it's a cultural thing wtf? Then later said she doesn't understand the 2nd amendment narrative? Um Meghan that's what sunny was asking. Why the hell bring a gun to a protest about opening the country? It's ridiculous. Of course Meghan had to say it was a cultural thing before actually understanding Sunny's point.
  24. The Kenya, Shamea story is why so many can never feel sympathy for Kenya. I totally believe that story. Did she do it to make Porsha look like a bad friend like Porsha thinks 🙄, I don't know these women make everything about themselves. I think it was mostly just to be in the middle of attention. You have to be a special kind of nutty to know that someone will not call you out. By saying , what are you talking about that's not true? I want to believe I would say that but I also know I try to be polite and not ruin a friends moment. That's why I believe Shamea didn't say anything.
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