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Everything posted by Coffeewinewater

  1. I was shocked at Ramona telling Leah and Tinsley to clean up πŸ˜‚wtf? Who does that? More importantly wth didn't Ramona hire help for the weekend? Is she new? Did she really think these women would be cleaning up for her? I mean moner can't even unpack her own bags on vacation. I don't even understand what Dorinda wants from Tinsley? Is Tinsley supposed to call her everytime she and Scott hookup then hang out for a few days, then realize they get on each other's nerves, so they go their separate ways, till they get that itch again. The tattoo conversation was stupid, I'm not a tattoo person but why are these loons sitting around judging people who have tattoos? These women, really? They have all displayed cringe worthy behavior hell some have behaved absolutely vile on camera but they are clutching pearls over a tattoo? So ridiculous. I can't stand Ramona and maybe she was being shady to Lu but, I would think Lu would like a room away from these big drunks on vacation. She can go to bed when they let loose at night screaming fllashing their bits and pieces to the camera (at least they dont have tattoosπŸ˜‰) you would think that a private area would be welcome to Lu.
  2. Thank you for the info, very interesting. I remember Shawn Christian from way back in the "As The World" days.
  3. I'm finally getting around to watching Ruby Herring Mysteries 3rd episode. I think I missed the second episode and only half paid attention to the first episode. I'm so glad they replaced her dad from the first episode. They looked the same age, I thought he was her love interest, lol as I said I wasn't paying close attention. I want to enjoy this series. I like the idea of a crime reporter.
  4. I dont like Dorinda's hair either. I think it looks like Nene Leakes hair from a few seasons ago. Not a good look imo.
  5. I just googled Micheal Che and Leah, I couldn't remember her last name either. The story popped up first choice. She called him out (he's on snl) for "hating woman" and being rude to her ect. He released the text, she comes across as desperate and insane. He basically didn't want to talk to her and she just kept sending text and saying odd inappropriate things. It's pretty funny. It's worth reading if you're bored. I'm not really feeling Leah but other howives have changed my mind in the past. So we'll see. Lol, I just saw the post above mine.
  6. She was always probably like that to some extent, but being on this show probably makes it easier/more appealing to have "no filter" or as I see Ramona, a self absorbed entitled asshole πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ I Can't stand her but wasn't expecting to see Ramona full on ugly cry in a restaurant with people around her on the first episode. I was a bit surprised by that. I could see if they were at Dorinda's house mid season drunk out there minds. Regarding Leah's text exchange with Michael Che, how incredibly embarrassing πŸ˜„
  7. Sonja's daughter was at boarding school, how is her daughter going off to university any different for Sonja? I heard her say the daughter came home on weekends but I'm sure there were many weekends she was with her father. I'm not buying the boohooing from Sonja about empty nest.
  8. "Ramona with her extra order drink. She's exhausting" Yes πŸ™„. Remember when life was simple and all she needed was a pinot grigio IV? Lu and Sonja talking at each other on the park bench both trying to explain to the other it's about "me". And not hearing a damn thing the other said, Cracked me up. I thought oh these lunatics are back lol.
  9. I watched, I used to like it when it was on Netflix. @msrachelj, ha Disney show, now that you mention it, yes it did remind me of that. It's the fist show after a bit, so I'll give it another chance. I have nothing but time right nowπŸ˜‰. I can't put my finger on it but something just seems off.
  10. The Geoff story is awful to watch. I was really hoping Alya would really go in on him once she realized he was writing the bad reviews. I need him to get found out soon. Ali, what happened to him? I thought he was handsome when he first appeared on the street. Wow, he looks like hell. And while I'm being superficial, Maria's hair look pretty bad too 😁. Everyone on corrie seems so isolated. There seems to be little interaction with other characters except 2 or 3 per storyline. It feels like we go forever without seeing characters. Tim, Sally, Peter, Jenny, Rita, Mary ect.
  11. Am I the only one who thought Teresa has crush on Evan? Jennifer is just an awful person. I can not like a housewife but understand why some like her. Jennifer there is no there, there. ...she sucks.
  12. I love this post. I will share a little tmi but wth, my husband had an affair and we separated a few years ago. I never spoke to the other woman. The idea of calling her and degrading myself by letting her see me hurt or angry was never going to happen. I of course had words for my husband but once I got it out of my system I never again let him see me cry over that BS in front of him. That's the only advice I have given friends. Never hand over your power to the other woman by calling and begging or threatening her, she dont care.
  13. Omg, I thought the same thing, lol. I'm sorry I'm sure Kenya is going through it, but she's clueless in how her actions shape people's views of her. Yeah, I dont want to see a woman treated poorly but Kenya's own treatment of women and rubbing their nose in shit to give her a storyline is completely disgusting.
  14. I'm only 20 minutes into the show, and what captures my attention ?Marlo's box of Grey Goose VodkaπŸ˜‚πŸΈπŸΈπŸΈ
  15. You're probably better off looking it up online. I'm terrible at explaining stuff. But to me it's basically a lot of telling us how sensitive dems and women are. I'm sure others will see it differently. It's just tiring being part of a group that clearly truly want better for people and people on the same side saying ...you suck.
  16. I'm done. I tried with BM. Tonight is bullshit! Caitlin Flanagan can fuck off!
  17. What are you talking about? Whoopi never eats, forgets to eat altogether, has to be reminded to eat. She just doesn't care about food πŸ˜πŸ˜‰
  18. I was wondering is Sara allowed to speak on her show? Wow, she had a lot to say 😁. I liked Sara fine and would take her over Meghan (the reason I almost never watch) she just talked so much.
  19. Her facial expression made me giggle. She might not have had a meltdown but I think she took it personally. I mean she takes everything else personally, why not something that applies to her, lol. I enjoyed the show today. Joy's comment about Helen Gurley Brown made me spit coffee out. I haven't watched in a while but I'm glad I tuned today.
  20. I'm pretending Donna Brazil was talking to Meghan πŸ˜‚
  21. Yes, very very gently 😁
  22. 😁 Joy: she's a Dr? Whoopi: yes she's a helluva Dr. πŸ˜‚ this alone was worth watching today.
  23. I wish I could I could feel bad for Kenya, it would make me feel better about myselfπŸ˜‰. Seriously though. Just for what she did to Tanya alone makes me think "mmmhmm, karma." But when I think of everything over the years I lol, and "πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½,karma😁" Even in this episode she had to be nasty about she(Kenya) had a husband while Tanya didn't.....Has she met that asshole husband of hersπŸ™„? Nene and WWπŸ™„, I'm glad I fast forwarded through Nene scenes.
  24. I recognized JG because of her husband. I loved him in :The New Adventures of old Christine." Which is when I learned he was married irl. I hope Darlene decides not to have a baby. I knew the couple wanted more from Jackie, it was hilarious though. I hope they share some info about Crystal at least to give viewers a little wink that they hear our complaints. I also loved the old clip. Yes that was the bingo episode. If you all remember in that episode Crystal does complain to Rosanne, when she tells her that she's pregnant, that Ed is almost never home. And she's frustrated with that. (confirming Dan's prediction when he found out they were seeing each other)
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