I'm so happy this show is back. It feels like a fantastic lover is back and bringing me "coffee" every morning, that's how thrilled I am.
Sonja, yowza WTH is going on in that th?
Ramona still a snob that is rude beyond words. I can't stand her but she did look good as Brittany
Carol running is definitely Phoebe Buffet, lol, I died watching her run.Carole randomly smoking while the rest of them were screaming and totally sloshed was hilarious.
Luann I'm embarrassed for you, that's really all I have ....oh except that wig, holy hell! That's wasn't even what Diana Ross' hair looked like but I'll just leave it at that.
Tinsley, love the shade she threw at Carole, "I'm not "sure what you're eating these days'. Since so many said Carole ate vegan with Adam, and junk pre Adam. I think they really like each other as friends(C&T )and make more sense as girlfriends, than Bethany and Carole do.
Bethany good on her for the all the charity work. If people need to humble Bragg, so be it. As long as people are getting help. I feel bad about her dog. Thats never easy on anyone who loved their pet. It is heartbreaking. I do Wonder what's going on with Bethany and Carole.?
Dorinda, damn woman. Drink some water between cocktails. It will absolutely help you not be a drunken sloppy mess. As Dorinda bitched and moaned (and proceeded to get a drunken mess) about Sonja not coming over , did Dorinda ever mingle with her other guests? She seemed to stay in that spot and drink and drink never greeting or talking to anyone but the howives.