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Everything posted by Coffeewinewater

  1. I've been thinking this all season. It looked like spray hair like Joe Gorga lol. But wig sounds more realistic.
  2. Are they really? I don't keep up with these people off show. It's not like they are houswives or something , lol.
  3. I can't stand Kathryn but if Cameron wanted her there isn't that her right it's her baby shower. I thought it was rude of Patricia to only invite the people she wanted. I've only thrown 2 baby showers. One for my sister I asked her for a list of friends and family she wanted there. She handed me a list of around 100 people lol. I handed back and asked her to cut it down by at least half . I told her she didn't win the lottery she was having a party for her new baby, lol. The second was for a young woman I worked with who didn't seem to have much and not too much family around. Again, I asked for a list of her friends and family. She only had about 2 people, so I asked if it was ok to invite some of my family and friends (I promised they gave great gifts). If she had said no, I would have been fine if it was just her grandma and great aunt and couple other women from work. I just wanted her to get as many gifts as possible. I get not wanting to be around Kathryn. I'd rather do almost anything instead of hanging with Kathryn ...but then again I'm not filming a reality show with her.
  4. Ohh, I like Miss Coffee lol. Funny or stupid story it was supposed to be coffeewaterwine - what I basically drink but I got it mixed up lol. Obama is everything!! Tracy Morgan tapping his hair was hilarious.
  5. I actually had some one I know say this. They were going to wear pearls on the day of BB's funeral. I guess Meghan had the same idea. I just said mmmkay to the person I know lol. I thought Sunny was going to mention the meme I saw of Obama making Melania smile.....it said "one more thing Obama can do that Trump can't." It cracked me up.
  6. Yes, I thought the same thing. That's also why I think alot of child actors are messed up....well many reasons I'm sure. I once watched a movie and the child's character was being kidnapped and held at knife point. I can't remember the movie. As I watched the scene unfold I couldn't think of anything else but how dramatic that would be for the 6 year old kid, who was sobbing.
  7. I hate when people say this, it's so ignorant. So of course Kim would say that. So what am I invisible because I am a person of color. Bye Kim.
  8. Oh geeze I hope he's not leaving. I've read about so many of the actors leaving. I hadn't heard of him. Most I don't care if they leave, but if David wasnt on the street it would be odd.
  9. Yeah, why did she have a segment of her own on one of the last episodes? I don't care about Amber's cousin. Her baby daddy issues are not of interest.
  10. Omg ,yes! I must have blocked that out. I gasped when I heard that. These childhoods sound like complete nightmares. The whole episode was hard to watch.
  11. I pretty much just finished these episodes too. I loved that Gemma didn't take any crap from Toya and LeAnn. The nerve with those too. LeAnn and Peter need to get Simon some help, he's gonna be the next Pat. I hate Pat but the actor is good. The scenes at the light house with Eileen were excellent. I got up and turned on a small light lol. I also loved all the shots of the street as the police arrived. The long shot as Nicola gets out of the car was interesting. It's weird that two characters Tim and Gemma, that I completely disliked at first, I now cheer for. David and Craig's stories break my heart.
  12. My heart broke for 7 year old Matt. The young people's voices creeped me out. Damn Amber. I can't imagine why Matt didn't want to cuddle, and really just wanted to be left alone. He was probably raw with emotions and it was more than likely the memories and images were running through his head and didn't want to be touched.
  13. Yeah, she makes smh. If I remember correctly she wasn't asked to gain 50lbs, I think it was about 15 lbs. She's was/is so thin and tall it wouldn't have looked bad on her. It probably would have made her look much better. I remember her talking about it on the view and was just shocked she just refused. Enjoyed MM free shows . I can't stand the mooch but I don't want to throw stuff at my TV .
  14. What the hell was Sonja going on about regarding Ramona’s contractor? Sonja kept saying "she (Ramona) loved Mario ....the contractor! " it was so freaking odd. First because I've watched this show from the start and know what a snob Ramona is, she isn't dating her contractor. It felt at least to me that Sonja just wanted to keep saying the name Mario. She is a mean friend....I can't stand Ramona but I believed her and would have been pissed as well that Sonja was acting like she knew there was a relationship there. Lu singing, oh lord I busted out laughing. I don't think Dorinda was drunk, I just think she had it with Sonja. I'm glad she said you're still talking about a divorce that happened almost 20 years ago. Everytime Sonja adds the divorce into laundry list of reason she's stressed or whatever, I think damn how long ago was that damn divorce, move the f on.
  15. Me too, and she didn't want "refugees" coming to Texas after Katrina destroyed New Orleans. Lol, "why are laughing?" was as someone else put it, Golden hahaha. I liked the interview.It was good, they asked him tough questions but were respectful. Well except MM. I hope Comey can survive the rest of the day after being taken down by MM lol. Hilarious she did nothing but but show what an ignorant entitled brat she is.
  16. I did as well. I enjoy her attorney's I don't give an f about who Trump is attitude. Stormy has no responsibility to Trump's family, that's all on Trump. MM trying to guilt her was disgusting. MM doesn't hold the man in the white house feet to the fire but does with anyone who dares to go against him....spare me the fake ass outrage over concern for the family or the "Make America Horny Again" title.
  17. I've been thinking the same thing. Amber will move by the time the baby is a year old. She says she can't leave Leah but we all know a new baby nu Matt and a house on the beach is all Amber is dreaming about. Leah has a great family with Gary and Kristina and Amber knows it. If she cared about her daughter she'd made time for her after Matt og was out the picture. I loved that Amber thought at her worst time, depressed, drinking ," not doing that many drugs" lol, was the time to get pregnant with a new man.
  18. Yeah, that would be shitty. Idk. If I believe Liz would have " approved " all that was said. I also don't have reason to believe Naomi is lying. Lol, sorry I'm not trying to sound wishy washy, I just know divorce is complicated.
  19. I can't blame Liz, for tweeting that. They have children together, it doesn't benefit her to have all this talked about on camera. Sometimes when you have children and divorcing an asshole you have to be a grown up even if you don't want to be. Now, saying that, I loved that JD had a wtf look on his face when Naomi went in on him. Lol. Also liked her mocking his laugh. Thomas is a creepy scumbag and pos, but Katherine let's not rewrite history. You a nutcase who made yourself look awful. You and Liz are not in the same position. Katherine did handle herself well at the party, so that was good.
  20. I was clapping hard for Sunny. She was on fire. I love this Sunny.
  21. I have no idea I saw it on Facebook a View group. With the question "who wore it better? " several people said they did remember Sunny wearing it. I don't remember it. Do any of you remember sunny wearing this dress? So you remember it, lol. What do you think that's about? A simple black dress, maybe. Why would the people who dress them think to do this? Bright yellow cat dress, stands out lol.
  22. Has anyone seen the pic of sunny wearing the same yellow cat dress that Meghan had on today lol? I saw it on Facebook but can't link it. I did it lol.
  23. I'm sorry for your loss. Good to hear you're happy. I understand it can be scary. A friend went 10 years after husband died without even trying to meet someone. She was happy with her life as it was. Then she met a wonderful man . It scared the hell out of her. She said she didn't realize how much she missed having a partner until she had one again. Russ did seem a good match Carole.
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