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Everything posted by Coffeewinewater

  1. Ok, since we are guessing, I pick USS America McCain. Or is that too basic?
  2. I was just reading the thread about the new season. I can't comment on that thread but I just want you all to know I spit coffee all over myself at the idea of Meghan naming a daughter Juana McCain πŸ˜„. I don't care what she names her kid they will be Juan or Juanita McCain to me. πŸ˜†. I dont know what she's having but both make me laugh especially Juana ( Juanita because she'd little) πŸ‘Ά
  3. Data has more of a heart than Meghan. I love Star Trek the next Generation.
  4. Janelle from big brother.
  5. Aww, don't feel judged lol. I always say that I'm not a sweets person because when I find something delicious I want to the other person to see how much I really like the sweet. I'm really craving pineapple on pizza now. Poor katie she sounded out of breath lol, the end of pregnancy is incredibly tiring. I wish I had cooked more with my mom and my older kids when they were young. But like my mom, I am a bit of a control freak and like doing things on my own in the kitchen πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ. No cooking from sunny?
  6. Rinna and most of these women are hypocrites. And while, I don't think Garcelle was body shaming anyone, she imo new she was asking the question to make Rinna uncomfortable and shade her. From the flashback clip it was something they had already talked about. So I think Garcelle wasn't looking for a legitimate answer (conversation) about body issues. As Teddy said people's body issues come from many places. I'm sure Garcelle knows that. Not that I care if Rinna is put on the spot, because Rinna has done the same to others.
  7. I think Lisa and Denise were Hollywood friends. Lisa Rinna has always seemed like a big phoney to me, years ago on Good Day LA Jillian and Lisa Rinna would always act like they were good friends, girls have to stick together in this town blahbla. Then one day Rinna (co hosting) asked Jillian something maybe about her husband or kid I can't remember, but this was before Jillian had children and she wasn't married 😁. Well she was divorced. Same feeling with Eileen and Rinna. Knew each other but not real friends, of course they grew closer because of the show. And I think that's the case with Denise and Lisa. The show probably wants them to act as if they were close, and that's why Rinna invited Denise into this friend group. Of course, we know how this works, we aren't new😁
  8. Finally caught up. I dislike Denise and Garcelle.... so fake and phony and that's saying something lol.
  9. How unaware are these women talking about each other's drinking issues πŸ˜„. I'll comment more later. Pretty drunk and that dark chocolate chex mix in the pantry is calling meπŸ˜ƒ
  10. I did too. Tribute to John Lewis. "Get in good trouble " love that phrase.
  11. Lol, that was amazing. Meghan looked shocked. Sunny looked delighted to let Meghan know who the guy really isπŸ˜„πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½.
  12. Yes, 11 to 13 can be beyond awkward for some girls. Bodies are changing hormones are running wild. Genetics are also a big factor. Everyone is different. Yes, I forgot about them doing their own prep. Probably why some of the food is very simple. I'll never forgive Alex for boiling hotdogs though πŸ˜„πŸ˜‰.
  13. Clinton does a half hour cooking segment on Instagram on Fridays, you can see the past ones. I binged about 4 Saturday morning lol. It's hilarious and he usually plays a game too. If you haven't watched you should.
  14. I dont see why Alex should keep her daughter off tv. If GZ has his daughters on, why can't Alex? I don't think she is mentally challenged and even if she was still no reason she should be banished from the show. So, she's not a petite cutesy girl like GZ'S daughters. If she and Alex are comfortable with her appearing on The Kitchen isn't that all counts.
  15. Even mentioning it, is mean girl behavior. It looks like Meghan is paying a compliment to Raven but it's really telling ALL the ex cohosts they get shit talked. And of course the question is really about Meghan not Raven πŸ˜„.
  16. If SNL ever does another sketch about the view, I wish someone would scream "you are not in politics!" πŸ˜„
  17. And immediately said no one is trying otherize AOC because they are scared. Sunny never said they were scared. I'd love to know what Meghan thinks the GOP have been doing. Making the "squad" the others making them the boogeyman. Dehumanizes them. Meghan herself has done it.
  18. Are these women clutching Pearls over Brandi and Denise hooking up? Or are they reacting to the cheating that Brandi is saying that Denise is asking her to keep quiet about? I think it's the cheating because if you watch Brandi give her oscar performance, Kim gestures with a pointing finger just Brandi gets to the "Aaron will kill me" supposedly said by Denise. πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ idk, just interesting. Yeah, Brandi bringing up thruple, weird.
  19. Well she admits to having sex with Charlie Sheen🀒, same difference. I don't think I like any of these women lol, seriously they all pretty unlikable. At some point years ago when all these show were new to me, I felt like I had to like some of them and dislike the others. I have grown as a woman and realize they all suck πŸ˜„. And still I watchπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ
  20. Lol, I noticed that. And that smirk like she wanted so badly to correct Joy. Meghan got lucky and was probably told during the break who Jennifer Holiday was.
  21. I sat down to watch tv and this was on my dvr. What? I forgot about Shas, the season was on months ago and I watched it, most it. The reunion was a complete surprise. I forgot most of their conflicts. Until the words Naked Jenga were saidπŸ™„
  22. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ana-navarro-ivanka-trump-goya_n_5f0f62ebc5b65426947a9866 This is dated yesterday (15th). Meghan said the same thing on today's show πŸ˜„. Stealing Ana's jokes.
  23. Wow, yeah I guess. I was a bit surprised by the disdainful way she spoke of him this week. I thought wow, she's changed her tone. Of course it's all about her team.
  24. I haven't watched today's episode yet, but when did Meghan turn against Dr. Fauci? I stopped regularly watching for months, and only started recording again this week. I remember when this whole coronavirus first hit all the ladies loved Fauci including Meggy.
  25. Wasn't that incredibly fascinating to watch? She tells Whoopi she's happy to talk about it. (I have assume that whoopi didn't just pull the idea out of nowhere. I think Meghan told a producer she didn't want to talk about that. The look on Whoopi's face gave away. ) Of course Meghan being Meghan, talked and talked but never really actually touched the subject they were speaking on. Except when pushed. But to your question, yeah I don't know how she turned it into a Meghan the only Conservative in media and how great The View is, especially her lol.
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