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Everything posted by AnnMarie17

  1. Oh, yes, Vicki is a BIG FAN of Vicki. She's the only one I'm aware of, however...
  2. Kyle's "they're real diamonds" comment about her fugly hat took me back to Dana and her "$25,000" sunglasses...same exact try-hard energy, bragging about spending obscene money on horrendous accessories. Why can't we get some rich bitch who has actual good taste????
  3. "Did Sutton have a stork?" ..... best. moment. of. the. show. I 💗 Garcelle.
  4. We're currently watching it on YouTube (not YouTube TV, just regular YouTube). We just searched for "MAFSUK 2023 Full Episodes" or something like that and dug around to find it. Now that we've watched 20-some episodes of it this season, it just comes up as soon as we search. It airs Mon - Ths and this week is the penultimate couch episode...so I think the season will finish up next week.
  5. We watch on You Tube. Sometimes you need a VPN (which we do have) and sometimes you don't...it just depends on what you can find. We're currently watching MAFSUK without a VPN.
  6. Water would be beautiful....water would be everything... Sweet jeezus, could she not just ask for a glass of water?! She irritated me with the over-the-top way she greeted Sutton and then immediately again with the freakin' water request. If we never ever see her again it will still be too soon. Plus her shoes didn't go with her outfit. I think the biggest change in Kyle is one year of sobriety. Not having alcohol to dull things can change EVERYTHING. She could focus on her girls, buy a never ending parade of new shit, produce terrible shows, fight with her sisters, and have many margaritas to take her mind off of any unhappiness with her life. Now her girls are grown, the terrible show was canceled, she's still buying new shit, the margaritas are gone...and she's left with a big empty house and a husband who works 24/7 and most likely cheats. She's PISSED and nothing will take the edge off of it now. Whoever called her a teenager nailed it, IMO. She never learned how to be an adult so she's an asshole teenager with a million grudges and millions of dollars. Let me pull up a chair 'cause this shit show should be entertaining! The private plane, the Berkin bags, the $3k bday gifts...these people are LOADED (or at least pretending to be) and that is what I'm here for. After NYC and OC it feels so good to have a cast with multiple WEALTHY people...back to the eye porn, please (that is in reference to material goods, Ericka, I'm not looking for actual porn, ya grifting moron).
  7. I was diagnosed with endo at 15, so I've been dealing with it for over 30 years now and can speak with a little knowledge, although it is, of course, different for everyone. Endo is a painful, chronic condition that can, but doesn't always, impact fertility. The tissue can spread FAR beyond the reproductive organs, I've had it removed from as far away as my lungs, but it's also on my bladder, bowl, intestines, body wall, etc... It's invasive and nasty. I agree with many of you, chronic health conditions do not make you a good candidate for this type of show. I'm sure it could work out for some folks, but I think the vast majority of people would prefer (expect?) to be matched with someone without that added challenge.
  8. We watch MAFSUK and MAFSAustralia every season and LOVE them (currently watching this season's MAFSUK and it's as good as ever). They move SO much faster and the weekly dinner parties/commitment sessions are damn entertaining. Watching the US version requires a LOT of fast forwarding and even skipping some entire episodes (last week's was the first we watched this season and we only watched the ceremonies) because it's 90% filler and repetition of scenes. This year's American cast seems okay-ish. It's still fun, to me, to watch the ones who "basically married myself", or declare their partner "perfect" ten minutes after the ceremony, quickly come to realize that this person is a *stranger* and you don't know them AT ALL. Every year I wonder how they fell for being on this show...but I'll take it as it's the perfect mindless TV I enjoy after a long day.
  9. I'll sit at the unpopular table, but I thought it was fun to see Terry and Heather dancing around, celebrating their house sale. If I sold my house for double what I spent, even at the miniscule amount I paid for my house (compared to Chateau Dubrow), I'd dance around, too! That's life-changing money! Heather often comes off as "too cool for school" so seeing her joy at the sale was fun to me. 99% of this show has become drinking and fighting, seeing some joy felt good. However, Terry did spoil it almost immediately. Heather said something about where they would go next and instead of saying something sweet like "anywhere with you" or "wherever you're going"...he said something about wherever they go it'll be in private jet. Barf. I'll go drink my Veuve outta the bottle by myself now....
  10. Not sure if you'll see this since I'm quoting you from almost three months ago, but if you could share the name of the English ER show you watched, I'd be very grateful. Thank you!
  11. My husband walked in the room and asked me who was wearing the "beaver pelt"...I love that man.
  12. She is leaning on that accent HARD this year, combined with a pronounced vocal fry....and 9.9 times out of 10 she has absolutely nothing of relevance to say. I now fast forward through her talking heads and scenes where she's having a one on one with someone. I just can't stand listening to her.
  13. It. Is. Bonkers. We caught up on Hulu yesterday and we had such fun watching these nutters! Watching how they say one thing to their friends and another to their partner or the person they WANT to be their partner...I cannot wait for the movie night where they get to see what was said behind their backs! "I'm too pretty to be treated like this." 🤣
  14. Happy to see some other folks watching! We're watching on Hulu; this is really our summer treat, we love it. We usually wait until the weekend and then binge the episodes we want to watch (skipping the Unseen Bits and recaps). So far I'm not really like ANYone, which is fine with me...I'm happy to just snark away at everyone.
  15. Tamara's daughter was brought up repeatedly, both with her bedroom pointed out on screen and in the discussion with Sandy/Eddie. Isn't that the child that asked her mom repeatedly not to involve in this nonsense...or was that a different daughter? I can't imagine jumping back into it in the very first episode if that was the daughter that asked to be left alone.
  16. I always assumed that was a Bravo condition because there is alcohol served at every function. Last night people were driving themselves when they had their (annoying) children with them, but were driven to/from every outing where they would get together to screech at one another over alcohol.
  17. Which is an even dumber defense, you literally just don't answer the call...my 75 year old mother is expert at it, ask her for advice, Shannon.
  18. Quoting myself is vaguely narcissistic, BUT....there's a playlist on Spotify...happy days!! I'm streaming already!
  19. I wish Netflix would release those songs, I'd stream the heck out of them while I'm working. I love them!
  20. This writer nailed the way I'm feeling about Nate's storyline thus far: https://www.thebiglead.com/posts/ted-lasso-has-a-nate-problem-01gyyxycpt8s
  21. Yep, there are eight episodes in Season One. You can stream them all now if you have PBS Passport (which you get by being a sustaining member of your local PBS station). Disclaimer: I work for PBS. 😄
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