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Everything posted by deirdra

  1. I didn't even recognize CZJ in that clip from the show she's on. She had someone else's eyes and face.
  2. Victor was reading a paper because EB's script was in it. Perhaps his eyesight makes it too hard to still read the script on his phone.
  3. She'd probably just declare bankruptcy. All the other wives have. Kootie couldn't provide for them & the children, yet Robyn wants to have another kid. He'll be 65 when Areolabella graduates from high school and already has 3 grandkids. If he wants to see little ones, go visit them! (post-Covid), especially since he only seems to like them when they are little.
  4. I agree with you, but in the past bad cops remained on full pay while the investigations take place. This is a start. But we will need to pay attention to the investigation to make sure it does not evaporate.
  5. Yes, I just came here to mention that. Also, did Whoopi not listen to or understand Sunny's second legal announcement? The Virginia police officer that pepper-sprayed and handcuffed the Black Army lieutenant during a traffic stop was fired, not let off the hook.
  6. And, when you can buy 6 inexpensive onesies for the price of a designer onesie, there are plenty of others to put on them when they puke, poop, pee or spill something on themselves.
  7. If I recall, Meri almost missed getting her pic of the key moment while disrupting not just her entire fambly, but other parents seated behind their old and new spots in the auditorium.
  8. Once she's done identifying serial killers, CeCe Moore can start tracking down deadbeat dads. It helps that Mormons are so good at keeping genealogical records.
  9. Now I want to see pics of Cindy & MeAgain at 6 months too. And Ben too.
  10. It is curious that the Fryer family considered Carrie to be part of their family. Perhaps she remained LDS when Sheryl (1992) & Janelle (1993) married AUBers 3 yrs before Merlin Fryer died.
  11. Carrie appears to be her half-sister, the daughter of Sheryl and her second husband, Merlin Bartholomew Fryer. His obit mentions Carrie and her half-sisters by his first wife but not ex-2nd-wife Sheryl or former step-daughter Janelle.
  12. The side-by-side was remarkable, as is the crazy talk. But Charles Manson had better hair and less beady eyes.
  13. Eating 2-5 types of beige carbs and little to no protein at each meal/snack probably causes Janelle's perpetual brain fog.
  14. Meri's commenters aren't really "haters" as she calls them, they are hypocrisy finders who call it out when they see it. Meri can be really blunt and her thought processes seem to work faster in conversations than Janelle's, but she is often obtuse and talks around and around a subject. You'll know she's mad at you but not exactly why. So this fambly never seems to be able to get to the root of their problems.
  15. Kootie is such a narcissist who thinks he is always right that he probably expects viewers will agree with his views in the solo rant in his car and how how unreasonable Meri & Christine are being compared to him.
  16. A couple of days ago Devon speculated that Chance would return home to a baby. If Abby knows nothing, why would he assume Chance will be away for at least 8.5 more months? That just brings to light how stupid this rushed surrogacy to single motherhood story is. If TPTB want to end this story, why not go all out, with Abby interfering with Mariah & Tessa's privacy so that they move out of Grand Central Baby Station and Mariah goes to work on her career for a change, then Devon wants to keep his firstborn since he has no luck with women.
  17. She may have gone off during the pre-show meeting, garnering her another enforced time out. I hope they dock her pay or vacation days.
  18. In Alberta they are known as "Ukrainian planetarium ceilings"
  19. Why doesn't ReyRey put a GPS tracker on Sharon's vehicle? Is there a powder shortage in California? Everyone's faces have been looking sweaty or greasy for more than a week.
  20. Everything is backwards in the world of selfies.
  21. I'd like to see Sister Whatshername respond on Twitter to say that MeAgain was only in detention once in her entire life at her private girls' country day school because she wore eye makeup and wouldn't shut up when her teacher was talking. And I'm sure detention at her school was nothing like being with the gang members & drug addicts in a poor inner-city public school.
  22. Kootie should have planned to legally marry each wife for 10 years and a day so they can all collect his full Social Security and bleed the beast royally. Christine would have just finished her 10 years by now and he'd be on to Robyn.
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