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Claire Voyant

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Everything posted by Claire Voyant

  1. My dad told me, when I was in 9th grade, not to ever misbehave and make a teacher mad enough at me for them to use corporal punishment, because whatever happened in school was going to happen again when I got home. Mind you, this came from a man who never spanked me. Even so, I behaved myself and respected authority. My dad was true to his word and I wasn't willing to push my luck.
  2. I have a younger brother I feel that way about. His choices were pretty lousy and I didn't approve of his behavior one iota. So we don't speak for the most part. Last time I spoke to him was at least 5 years ago or more. I still love him. Always will. But I have little respect for him and don't particularly like what he's chosen to do to people. I understand the love/like differences more than I wish I did, that's for sure. I miss the brother I used to know.... I'd have a big problem with Michael, I can guarantee that much for sure. That little gnome seems determined to go back to prison. Maybe it's where he feels safe and finds the structure he needs to live his otherwise chaotic life.
  3. I always told my children there was nothing they could ever do that would make me not love them, but just because I loved them didn't mean I was going to love everything they chose to do to themselves or others. I'll be there for any fall out and madness and mayhem, but don't ask for my approval or sympathy. My bff and my hubby often refer to me as Little Miss I Told You So. 😄
  4. Our dog is 17 years old. Her vitals are strong, but her confusion is getting worse. Her pain is manageable with pain medication, but she is having accidents from not being able to move fast enough to get where she needs to be to do her business. Soon, we are going to have to make the difficult decision to let her go and I can't tell you how painful it is to not be ready to do what NEEDS to be done. Years ago I had to put the best dog I'd ever had to sleep. A tumor had burst in her stomach. She was in such pain, I couldn't get her euthanized fast enough, but 3 weeks later I went through a bout with Transient Global Amnesia. I guess I kept asking where Holly was, over and over and over. So stress isn't something to ignore or make fun of. If 911 came to help Tinsley, then what does it matter if it was a human or animal she was in panic mode over? Be pretty awful if she had called for help with her beloved Bambi and then had a heart attack or fainted or something due to her grief and stress. She may be young, but I'm living proof that stranger things have happened. As for BetheME, she can just go lay down by her damn dish. Usually I'll make excuses for her due to her shitty upbringing, but her continued hostility toward Tinsley regarding her love for her pets is getting out of hand. Beth needs to get over herself.
  5. I wish I could like this post more times than once. I'm so very sorry your family has had to suffer such a devastating, senseless loss at the hands of some fool who chose to drink and drive.
  6. I would correct you if you were wrong, but you are probably right, so I won't even try. 😉 I've been known to miss a few things since I have a tendency to watch television while doing other things. If he didn't have what it took to end it's misery, then I'm sorry I got so angry at him and called him a name. Still...poor planning on his part caused incredible agony for that animal. Kinda sad all the way around.
  7. It seemed like he was waiting around pretty close to it, but maybe not close enough to end it's pain. I'm sure you're right, but I'm a tree-hugging, cry-baby, bleeding heart, sensitive thing when it comes to nature and life and giving due respect for it all, if you kwim? Taking life of any kind is a serious issue for me. I'm a realist. I know things have to die in order to survive, but I want it done and over with as quickly and efficiently as possibIe. I don't like hearing hunting stories about gut-shot animals running for miles or getting their legs blown off. Or, like that poor, magnificent moose...suffering for hours before finally succumbing to it's wound. I'll never understand the thrill of a kill, yet both my parents hunted, so there ya go. 🤷‍♀️ I AM relieved he was able to harvest so much of it and that it didn't get lost. Although, in the arctic I'm sure it would never be wasted even if a hunter didn't get a chance to harvest it. Scavengers would be happy. It was just so heart-breakingly sad and brutally ugly. 😭
  8. This! I couldn't agree more. If Lulu doesn't have a "problem" then why would she put her beloved Cabaret on the line by drinking alcohol? Who does that and why? Being an entitled skank doesn't explain that particular kind of gambling-on-your-life behavior, unless she's hooked on that shit. Ain't no mimosa worth losing a new career and going to jail for, I don't care what anyone says.
  9. Not fond of this season. Bad enough they have to kill stuff to survive, but to wound an animal as massive as a moose and then stand around for hours waiting for it to die as it drowns in it's own blood is unconscionable. What? No more arrows to end it's misery? You miserable fucker. Then. The rabbit puppet. W.T.F. Just. Plain. Disgusting. Show some respect for the life you took, you stupid moron. I hope she gets tape worms and fleas.
  10. OMG! You are so talented with your writing and imagination skills it's making me green with envy! I've admired your posts since I first came to these boards. Please promise if you ever write a book, that you'll let us all know. I'd buy your musings on these NYHW in a New York Minute. Or anything else you choose to pontificate on for that matter. Hell, I don't even have to agree with you to sincerely enjoy your postings. ❤️ You have a gift, fer sher.
  11. Interesting to watch Michaels reaction to Meghan's "infidelity". Really, Mikey? Really? Did'um's get'ums feewings hurted? Your manhood questioned? Is your queenie-queen a Jezebel? ROFL Now, since the mistress refuses to cooperate with playing Calvin Ball, you run back to the wife and the children she's ultimately responsible for. You braying, mouth-full-of-shit, dumb-ass. Brittney's felon bff should have gotten life. Two people dead over a spat about a television set. W.T.F. I don't want her out in society and getting her panties in a twist over something nebulous like that, again. Ain't nobody safe from that kind of stinkin' thinkin'... Our justice system seems very flawed sometimes.
  12. There's a reason those people were in prison and why it seems to be a revolving door for most of them. They obviously weren't bred for cunnin', if you kwim?
  13. 🤔 Hmmm. I think you're right. However, given her track record, wherever she goes....whatever state of mind she chooses to put herself in...if she's in her cups or not....there she's gonna be...poor, delusional thing.
  14. I was surprised at the ho-hummy-ness of the wedding dress. I just expected something more...figure flattering, I guess. I'm sure it was everything Ms. Brittney ever dreamed of, complete with Prince Charmeleon. She would settle for nothing less. Geez. Jax is still mad at his mother??? Oh, well. Maybe she'll up and die and he can blame her death for his getting a divorce from Brittney. Or.... Maybe he can blame his sister for not telling him ma was dying and he can take it out on James when they have another sit-down and James exposes him for the dumb ass he is. The ensuing fisticuffs could make for some mighty, stellar headlines. Get them another 15 minutes on their public walk of shame fame! Lala! What are you doing to yourself? Please. Stop. 😧
  15. Was it just me or did the continuity of this episode kinda suck? Dorinda had a flood and so her fish room is under construction. I wonder who will fight for their right to be the first to sleep in it when it's finished. If I were Dorinda I'd decorate it in Early American Tarantula, lead them in blindfolded and let it be a big surprise. Insert evil laughter. Bwahahaha....🤣 😈
  16. Those poor kids. All that money to what end? Money can't buy you class, but in their case, money CAN buy their mother. She's got a big For Sale (Cheap) sign written in red neon running across her forehead. I wonder what they'd give for a mom who actually cared about their welfare before her own.
  17. I've noticed that most of the poundticipants are severely depressed. Some of them almost never smile. If they do smile, it rarely reaches their eyes. I get so sad for them and I always hope that if it's clinical depression, that they are getting the medication they need. With clinical depression you can write a thousand letters To Whom It May Concern and it will still do nothing to alleviate that overwhelming feeling of hopelessness and dispare. Milla seemed to be able to at least smile and help herself when necessary. She showed exactly what is meant when losing weight is referred to as hard work. It's one thing to recognize you have a problem and quite another to choose to do what it takes to get it under control. Food...booze...drugs...hoarding...it's all a struggle when it's you and getting control over a rebellious body that has never been denied a single morsel of whatever it whines for. Anyway, it was wonderful to watch a success story and see the reality of what must be endured to cross the finish line and step into the winners circle with a smile and an optimistic outlook. I wish Milla the best, because she is reaching for and attaining the best.
  18. I hate to break it to her, but she's still got a wet-head that needs a hell of a lot more than a mere 8 months to dry out. She's not thinking straight, because she's still dealing with her pickled brain. No one stops drinking and goes back to being themselves in such a short time. She is gonna need a loooot more time and determination to even get close to normal thoughts and/or behaviors. Her idea of an AA meeting is just another forum for her to entertain the audience. It has nothing to do with her being a mental cripple using booze as a crutch. There's also the importance of coming to grips with her alcoholism in the first place. She says some of the right words, but she doesn't truly seem to connect with the reality that she's an ugly, out of control drunk who has no concept of what getting sober and STAYING sober truly entails. I picture her writing her book with a big, old glass of wine at the ready. Me thinks the former countess protesteth too much, too often and way too soon.
  19. Listening to the talk that Ramona and Bethenny had regarding their childhoods made me sad for both of them. It clarified a lot of the juvenile behavior that manifests when they are under any kind of stress. It's as if they simply stopped maturing at a very young age and are still reactive whenever something happens that they have no control over. Both seem to have interrupted growth patterns at a variety of their life stages. Ramona mostly acts like she's about 10, but Beth's tantrums are more of what a 5-6 year old would display when overly excited. Not too much adult reaction to draw from during her emotional meltdowns. That said, I think they would both benefit from intensive, on-going therapy. Luann reminds me of this joke: What's the difference between a drunk and an alcoholic? Drunks don't have to go to those stupid meetings. Luann needs to stop drinking. She hasn't stopped, because she can't. IMHO, all of those women have a drinking "problem" which means they are all in dire need of an intervention and some serious drying out time. If I have a friend on a diet, and her favorite food is donuts, I don't serve donuts. Likewise, if someone is working on their sobriety, I don't serve liquor nor do I even drink a glass of wine around them. Why would I subject them to such temptation when they are at their most vulnerable? For what? A drink I don't even need? I don't much care for Luann, but she needs more than a Cabaret show to keep herself sober. Lu needs to be around people who actually give a shit about her enough to put the booze away when she's with them. I get that it's up to her to stop, but she's still standing on extremely shaky, boozy ground. Even when she states how much she'd like to drink, those women gloss over it like she never said anything. WTF? Sonja is plainly and simply too dirty for me. I can't deal with her. She makes me uncomfortable. She's dirty minded and dirty with her body. Her whole demeanor is repulsive. When she throws herself on a couch or bed and lifts her legs up like she's a two year old, I want to smack her exposed ass with a riding crop and give her a few days worth of time out. Good thing she only hit her thick head when she fell. No worries about getting hurt that way. Dorinda...is a very unhappy drunk. Barb needs to go away. I can't identify with her one iota.
  20. Just when I think I'm going to channel my inner feel-sorry-for-the-food-addicts self, along comes someone like Jennifer and PFFFT...I'm back to my snarky self. Honest to Pete, that woman is about as toxic as it gets. I'm so glad Marissa finally got herself away from her. Too bad it wasn't a lot sooner. Now, I hope she can stay away from her for good. Selfish pig woman. 🐷
  21. Wait. Isn't the object of a drinking game supposed to be that you get to take a drink every once in a while? I fear we will all perish from thirst waiting for a correct pronunciation from that silly twit.
  22. As I see it, one way to handle the countess would be to truly understand that there will be no winning with her. Ever. Not never. You get nothing. No consideration. No gratitude. Lu is a taker. She doesn't know HOW to give. How do you give what you haven't got? We can expound on the glory of peanut butter, but if there isn't any in the cupboard, don't expect to get served a sandwich slathered with the stuff. Why BetheMe (many thanks to Neurochick for this apt nickname) or anyone else expects gratitude or a thank you from Lu, when Lu can't even give her own children their fair share of anything is beyond me. Her own blood means nothing but dirt under her feet if they get in the way of her greed. She has no clue why Bethany preferred to go home to "watch her daughter sleep" rather than sit in some stinky bar watching Lu do her performing bear tricks for the umpteenth time. All she needs to do is add a bicycle to her routine and growl about class while she spins in circles.
  23. It seemed to me that Dr. Now was well aware of what was going on with Rena whenever he questioned dumb ass about things. He knew about the abuse for example and I doubt Lee would have said boo. Lola also seemed privy to things I bet Lee would have never admitted to. So, I think you're right. There was probably some kind of restraining order on Lee and Rena wanted a full on separation, show or no show. She was in dire need of emotional support, so I would certainly hope that Dr. Now and the shows producers, etc., wouldn't leave her to flounder alone.
  24. Probably because they couldn't if they tried. She was just so awful. It took me a loooong time to get over that stupid woman's behavior. When she decided to stay with him, you could have knocked me over with a feather. Poor Doug. When she had her baby's ears pierced, I wanted to slap the shit out of her. Little baby's don't need earrings and in my mind, tattoos or piercings on the body are something someone should decide to do for themselves when they're old enough to know what they want done and where they want it done.
  25. Hubby and I were having a fight when we were first married. He wanted to hit me so bad. Raised his hand....letting me know. So I said, "Go ahead. Hit me. HIT ME! But you better just keep on hitting until you get it out of your system and are too tired to hit me anymore or you kill me, because it's going to be the last chance you get to ever lay a hand on me, again." We've been married 42 years and we still squabble, but to date I still have all my teeth. 🤩 My sister always said that any bastard who hits a woman has to sleep sometime. LOL Seriously though, Lee is a worthless POS and I hope Rena stays away from him. Ms. Lola needs to go back to school and get a clue about what abusive people should do to get themselves under control. Throwing an "adult temper tantrum" is what made Rena leave the worthless, ass wipe in the first place. It also gets hapless victims killed.
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