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Claire Voyant

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Everything posted by Claire Voyant

  1. I had a friend diagnosed with bipolar disorder and when she went manic, she acted A LOT like Sonja is acting. Just talk, talk, talk, talk all the time. She got to be quite a handful when the hallucinations started. Her ex had to travel a few hundred miles to get her and his kids out of jail in some unknown little town in South Dakota. She was on her way to join an Indian Reservation so she could become an Indian and live there. 😕 Nothing made much sense when she hit manic. Prior to that, the disease manifested with her being depressed and sleeping almost 23 out of 24 hours a day. It's a scary thing, mental illness. One can only hope Sonja will get the help she needs no matter what it is. Mental illness, booze, drugs or all of the above.
  2. So, I wonder if Dorinda and Sonja will get a cease and desist letter from Lulabelle's lawyer anytime soon. đŸ¤Ŗ What's good for Dorinda's goose is good enough for Lu's gander, I'm sure.
  3. Katie really is a piece of work. I'm thinking that she needs to call on the witch she hauled Stassi to in order to get rid of Stassi's "demon/s". There are two, pearly-white, winged penises in prominent positions on the alter after all. Must be a reason. Perhaps the Witchy Woo could do a little song and dance with some kind of seltzer down Tommy's pants and viola`, a perpetual hard on for sad, disappointed, room-to-spare Katie.
  4. Geez, I hope it isn't based on inheritance crap. I hate all the bickering and squabbling that can happen over that kind of thing. Money isn't worth it, if it alienates and fractures your family. Then, again, you don't get as screwed up as Jax is without a modicum of dysfunction in your upbringing, I wouldn't think. I shudder to think of what the reality of it all truly is. Hopefully, this rift will be something they all choose to overcome. Maybe then they can eventually allow the man to reside lovingly and peacefully in their hearts and memories. In truth, I do feel sorry for Jax and his family. I just always wish Jax would work on feeling a little more empathy for someone other than himself. Then, again, for all we know he and his mom had a Come to Jesus meeting and mom said no more enabling from me. Either put the booze and nose candy down, or else don't darken my door, again. 🤷‍♀ī¸
  5. Anyone who can write a book, whether it's a good book or a bad book has my respect, however grudgingly given. There's more to that girl than meets the eye and I hope like hell she can stay away from the Adderal. Beau is a performer. It's what he does and who he is. Those people seem to be pretty in tune with their own sensitivities as well as those of others. I don't mind Beau at all. Now, his fruitcake mother is another story, but they all seem to have parents who are sorely lacking in elementary parenting skills. LOL Speaking of which, Jax needs to stop being mad at his mother. Particularly if she was honoring his father's dying wishes, however painful though they were. He lost his father, but ffs, his mother lost her husband of 40+ years. BIG difference. Jax just can't seem to ever get past himself. Ever. Not for a millisecond. I'd feel a lot more sorry for him if he weren't just too damn old for such pitiful, little, baby boy, nonsense. Not everyone needs or wants to take their last breath with their loved ones standing around, grim-faced and crying, as they watch them struggle to die. Death can be a pretty ugly thing and not necessarily peaceful. Also, not everyone plans on dying when they do. Or maybe his parents didn't want to face the reality his dad was truly dying. Easy to deny death and hope isn't easy to let go of at times like that. It's okay though. Brittney will take care of everything. She's been ready for him since she was 5 years old. 🙄
  6. Maybe it's a measuring device for when her damn head is laid on the chopping block. * Place center fence post here ---> x ...for effective guillotine placement of scrawny neck. 🤐
  7. Sweeping makes my back ache like a s.o.b. and a leaf blower will do the work in seconds. No moving of lawn furniture necessary for the most part, either. I should be your neighbor. I don't usually mow or leaf blow until later in the afternoon. I'm kinda wonderful like that. 😉
  8. The best invention under the sun is a leaf blower. Don't ever use a broom. (Especially if they aren't broken to ride. 😉 ) Sweeping kills your back. A leaf blower does it all. Magical. Mystical. Marvelous! Trust me on this one.
  9. I hear you. My heart simply broke for poor, defenseless, little Marley. 😩
  10. YIKES! I'm so sorry for you! Hopefully they won't bring the value of houses in your Valley too far down until they run out of money and have to move. 😟
  11. Because that's what bullies do. It somehow validates them if they can completely ruin someone's life. I don't blame James for hating them. I don't find much in the way of redeeming qualities in them, either. Just a nasty pack of Tasmanian Devils trying to justify their unjustifiable behavior while they sanctimoniously rip another human being to shreds. I'll never really understand that sort of thing and I don't even want to try. I'll take James over any one of those jackasses. At least, with James, you won't have to hire someone to watch your back. He faces you while he goes for your jugular. 😄
  12. I would bet that after a few years of marriage, sweet lil' ol' Brittney, bless her heart, will be putting Katie and her weight "problem" to shame. Also, Brittney is THEE biggest bitch in that entire group of biddies. If she were marrying anyone other than Jax Taylor, I'd be feeling sorry for him. That sweet, little, southern belle is going to rule the roost with an iron fist and a free-spending hand, so Mr. Jax had best learn to work hard and behave himself, or we may very well have another Lorena Bobbit on the run with hubby's penis in tow. HA! đŸ¤Ŗ Lala! Stop mutilating your pretty face! OMG What the hell have you done to your mouth????? I'm also getting sick of hearing, "but what about MEEEEE????" whenever one of those harpies tries to justify their hypocrisy toward James. What about me, what about I, what about MYSELF????? Don't you dare call Katy fat, or Brittney a hillbilly, but calling James' family all kinds of names is just fine. W.T.F. Bullies with a mob mentality have always pissed me off and that's what they do with James. They know they won't stand a snowball's chance in hell with him on a one on one basis, so being the pack of human hyena's they are, they attack en mass. Not a good look for any of them. Pathetic, really.
  13. LOVE!!!! These women are all so vile and repulsive. I don't care about any of them anymore. I get more disgusted at their behavior than amused, which makes me even more disgusted with my own damn self for wasting so much time. They're all waaay too old for the shit they say and do. They are becoming absolute housewife horrors of what too much easy money can and will do to pollute someone's very soul.
  14. You just brought this old saying to my mind: Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.
  15. Lala's taking a nap and is that an arm that's going across Raquel and James? So odd... Nice to see a picture of Jax without a swollen Rudolf nose, even if it is photo-shopped. All his surgeries will be for nothing if he's burned a coke hole through his septum.
  16. It is good to be queen. 👸 Just keep genuflecting at the appropriate times and the queen might let you live for another season. 👍
  17. What I don't understand is the double standard. It's a-okay to call Raquel stupid, but don't you dare call Brittney a hillbilly. Really? They were all screeching at the same time when Raquel tried to speak. Can we say rude? Inconsiderate? What's that girl done to them to deserve such derision? If she wants to bed a man whore, it makes her no different than Brittney, who's bedding one of the biggest whore mongers there is. It's okay to say outrageous shit to James, but when he returns in kind, because he's almost always more clever and often hysterically funny with his insults, they all but have a hemorrhage when he's finished with them. Seriously, how often do they need to piss on an electric fence in order to get a clue that it's not going to be much fun?
  18. I'm still a James fan. That pack of bully-wolves have been hounding and nipping at that kid (and I do mean kid) for years. Enough, already. Grow the eff up. Yeah, James has an ugly temper and says vile things, particularly when drinking to excess, but those things he says are also often true. Plus, that little gang is well aware of his vicious, sarcastic, down-right mean tendencies, yet will bait him at the first opportunity they can find and then cry when he eviscerates them. Sorry, but playing rough shod with James gets people hurt. No one on that show has a leg to stand on in the ethical or moral department. Step back and take a dang breath, children. A little honest introspection never hurt anyone.
  19. Unflattering to say the least. Who told her she looks good? Did they keep a straight face when they said it? What is she going for? Is she a Ruth Bader Ginsberg wanna be now? Geez. She looks like she needs to get her hair washed and styled.
  20. Well, ya know....just because we're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get us. 😄 I firmly believe that these people want any kind of attention they can get. Negative or positive attention beats no attention at all when it comes to the media and how lucrative it can be. Also, I haven't been around the boards here for long, but I would venture to bet that anyone who would actually try to dump you into the same fake crap and real stupidity category, would be in for a very rude awakening. 😉
  21. Some people will come up with the lamest crap trying to justify what they have done to wound someone's soul. He's outwardly okay to look at, but inside that ego of his lurks the heart of a spirit-sucking kind of leech. My heart goes out to Brittney's parents. Her father in particular, since he seems only too aware of what Jax is. I wouldn't want the likes of Jax the Ripper near any daughter of mine, that's for damn sure.
  22. I feel sorry and I also worry for that dog. Although I understand why James is the way he is, he's still an abusive ass. I seriously doubt he'd be any different with an animal. I can only hope I'm wrong. ☚ī¸
  23. Okay, wtf was up with the witch oracle and her twin, winged peens on display on her Alter of Antlers Past? I'm in awe that no one burst out laughing when said oracle started her rant chant and push against Stassi's unwanted demon. Pretty sure I'd have opened one eye and ended up peeing myself a little. I wonder what that little song and dance with a little seltzer down their pants cost them? So scary stupid.
  24. Can't stop now! There are planets to plan for! Galaxy's at stake!
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