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Claire Voyant

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Everything posted by Claire Voyant

  1. Jen is a drunk. Plain and simple. And worse, she's married to someone who's never had a drink, drugs or anything else to alter his state of being if he's to be believed. Imagine having to sit next to your sloppy drunk spouse, smelling their putrid breath as they struggled to have a cognizant conversation about the trials and tribulations of your lousy marriage while drinking good, good, really good, good, good wine. Hic* Belch. Time for a real intervention and not a Heather Dubrow Marriage Counseling Service Dinner along with other sphincter clenching know-it-alls who, despite all their wealth, are dirt poor in soul and spirit. I'll never like Emily. What a shit stirrer. It's like she can't wait to vomit up any kind of tea she's been served in confidence along with a few digs of her own imaginings. Need a friend? Don't call her. Need a lawyer? Same advice. Her husband is still a nasty little dick. They deserve each other. Auntie Em can keep telling him how wonderful he is, while sits there and agrees with her. Gina is young and impressed with money. I'd feel sorry for her if she weren't so shallow. Shannon has Archie. He's her saving grace.
  2. The only good thing about this joke of a "reality" show has been to prove to people that polygamy is strictly some mortal man's idea and not Gods idea and has never really worked. What a colossal failure! God didn't create Adam and Eve and Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robin and any other hapless female that would pump out kids by the half dozen or more. And it just keeps on failing, like the proverbial house of cards. No surprise, but really kind of sad, because it's ALWAYS the innocent kids who are forced to live the pig-sty lifestyle the parents choose to live in. I've read in the bible about all those wives men insisted on having and I have yet to see anything truly positive written about the joys of multiple wives. Nothing good seems to have ever come out of a harem or the marrying lots of women business. Not even for the kings. MHO In fact, more than once the idol worshiping wives influenced their husbands to worship their false Gods and we all know God doesn't like that. Hence the commandment to have no other Gods before Him. Be that as it may, I have seen nothing in this religion that shows any kind of blessing or honor from God for fornicating with multiple women. Just another commandment they break, apparently in order to give God the raspberries. I don't know who they think they're kidding other than themselves. No matter how much they pontificate on how wonderful their after death celestial life is going to be with the great and powerful Kodick on some nebulous planet somewhere in space...I ain't buyin' it. Same as I ain't buyin' Lula-ohno rags and drinking snake oil slough water for my gut health. As the old adage goes, I was born at night, but not last night.
  3. If I were you and another customer service rep told me not to transfer THEIR customer to THEM, I would keep transferring the calls to them, like it or not. Particularly since it's been made abundantly clear that helping certain customers is NOT a part of your job. I'd follow up any conversation with a text and advise said customer service rep to take it to the supervisor if they don't want to help with their customers. Use lots of syrup and play dumb like the rest of them. I'd make sure that any message I sent was copied to said supervisor/s. IOW, always cover your azz. Keep copies of e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. and start taking notes in a special little notebook you can keep in your purse with you at all times. Your scoldings are being written out, and kept on file, so turnabout is fair play. I know how frustrating this is, having been in customer service for my entire career life. Remember, too, that HR can be your friend. Not always, I know, but they are usually more than a little aware of the laws and don't like trouble from any department. You have rights you may not even be aware of. 😉 It's good to be retired, so you just hang tough. You'll get there. If they want to fire you, fine. Unemployment is for just that type of situation, but whatever you do, don't quit in a snit! No sense screwing up your benefits, if you kwim? I pray that God will show you favor. 🙏
  4. Sign me up! I'll forever be a member in good standing as long as my feet are bare! 😄
  5. I have a picture of a very dirty, little me (around 3 or 4 years old) sound asleep on the neighbors' front porch steps with my dirty, little feet bare and my equally dirty, little shoes placed neatly beside me. Never liked shoes. Or sox. Or slippers. Or boots. Now, I'm old and nothing has changed. I'm barefoot now as I post this. I live in north MN and it's minus temps here, but I wouldn't hesitate to go outside without footwear for a quick trip to the garbage can or to shake a rug or feed some little critters if necessary. Some people just weren't meant for shoes...or sox...or even slippers. My toes get claustrophobic in shoes. I hate when I can't wiggle my toes. I love that Truely gets to play in bare feet. It's a wonderful thing. 🙃
  6. Judging by the Brown family antics, I'd say surge is an understatement. :D Seriously though, I think people are so full of fear these days that many are losing touch with reality.
  7. In the sister wife breeding program, three of Kodick's wives are nothing but retired brood mares in the herd. Bordering on worthless. Maybe that's why the Toad is such a d*ck. He's PO'd that they aren't willing to have more kids and so he has no further use for them whatsoever. Oh...he'll build them a house, but he's not loving them anymore. He can only have sex with someone he loves, so he says, so apparently, he falls out of love with women who dare to think for themselves. He is really looking the worse for wear these days, isn't he? Hateful, squinty-eyed, seething with fury. He's kind of evil in his abusive treatment of his family. He is not a nice person, and he creeps me out more than usual these days. He needs serious mental health attention, and he's not getting it. I hope he does himself in before that wrath turns on someone innocent. He's like a ticking time bomb. MHO Good luck Robyn...with Christine out of range, your sobbin' days may increase exponentially from now on. You may actually end up shedding some real tears for once. Better stock up on those tissues. No more fake tears for you, my dear. Your beloved has lost his favorite bitch to mentally kick around and you know how it goes. If you can't abuse the one you want to abuse, then abuse the one you're with. He won't be able to help himself.
  8. Kode the Toad man is so very, very ugly angry. He's mad at all those wives for not doing what HE wanted to do. Never mind they picked up everything and went wherever! He's mad at Meri and refuses to forget or forgive her for a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g and the catfish has nothing to do with it? Yeah...riiiight. Maybe Meri is as gay as her daughter and she just needs to fess up and quit hiding behind polygamy and the Toad. She can spout how much she loves him all she wants, people know that she was more than ready to leave him for an imaginary friend while balancing on a slippery banana peel. He's mad at Christine, because all those years she was the punching bag and suddenly she grew a backbone and refused to be his whipping post anymore. Poor Toady...she wrecked his happy, one BIG house, family dreams. He'll never forgive her. She's worthless to him now mainly because he doesn't need her to babysit anymore. That, and where does she get off not being willing to live without love? She never complained about that before! Janelle. She's not fooling anyone other than herself. She likes not being bothered much by the Toad. She likes it a lot. She's having a hard time dealing with his abuse of her kids, but she likes the TLC money and being relatively free from having to do much of anything for the Toad. ...and what's with the dividing of the children? We have Meri's kid. Christine's kids. Janelle's kids and Robyn's .kids. Where do the Toad's responsibilities lie? He's SUCH a creepy monster.
  9. Medusa is cuter and much more sensitive toward others.
  10. My mother had an affair and felt I was more her friend than just her daughter, so I was dragged into it. I loved my dad and it was a horrible thing my mother asked of me. It's not something any child, no matter their age, needs to be privy to. Not ever. I was so relieved when my dad found out. It's been years and my parents have been dead for many years and I'm still stuck with that memory. Not fun. I don't blame Mariah for any "hard" feelings she may have. You don't just get over anything like that. Your parents are still your mom and dad and no kid needs that shit. My heart always hurts for Mariah. Meri is a class-A, self-absorbed bitch. As for Meri and Kode the Toad, they deserve each other. I wonder if he has to house her on his planet in the afterlife or does she get her own planet where she can build her own house in the trees or not in the trees or only partly in the trees, but maybe next to some polluted pond? At this stage of their relationship, I'd say that their heaven doesn't sound like much fun. Eternity, here we come. Ah yes. Polygamy. I wonder how things will go for Kode the Toad and Sobyn who claims she married him for the polygamy lifestyle? Wouldn't it be great if she left him for a guy named Sam who had a penchant for bananas and had lots of wives to keep him busy and out of her house? Here ya go, Toady, you got abandoned. Ha!
  11. I was hoping one of those women would eventually wise up and fortunately for Christine it was her. Now for the others.... I think the only reason they stay is for the $$$ from taping the show. Particularly Meri. She.is.stuck. I'm sure her heritage house has been a millstone around her neck during these Covid years. As for her relationship with Kode the Toad...I knew he'd never get over her "affair" with what she thought was another man. Never gonna happen. Just another reason to stay and play with his favorite wife RobChyn. I sincerely wish Christine had thrown Kody's junk in a dumpster outside HER house one piece at a time instead of boxing everything up nice and neat and orderly for him. Maybe pour a couple of gallons of bleach all over the top when she finished throwing it away. He could have gone dumpster-diving for his crap if anything survived. It would have been a beautiful thing, but I'm not a nice person so.... there's that. Kode the Toad has always favored Sobbin' Robyn and for the life of me I can't figure out why, other than they are so much alike in their laziness and their air-headed ways. That and she buys hook, line, and sinker into his stupidity like the sucker fish she is. Oh well. No brains, no headaches. Go Sobyn
  12. Poor Jax. Poor, pitiful, jonesing for his next hit, ragey, sweaty Jax. I hate to break it to him, but his choices are catching up to him. Not gonna be pretty without some kind of intervention. If I were James, I'd have taken MY drink out of Lisa's greeby paws and she'd have been wearing it. Seriously, where does she get off? ICK. I cannot STAND that c-word cow. She really is awful. Raquel is NOT as stupid as she'd have people believe. Brittney, you're in for the ride of your life, and it has nothing to do with when you was a little girl in the south dreamin' of your spectacular weddin'. Hope that weddin' holds you in good stead, cuz you are fixin' to be pulled through the wringer and hung upside down to dry. The fun has just begun with that loser you choose to be the groom at your dream wedding. Please, please, please don't make a baby with that greasy, vile, toad of an addict you chose to be your husband.
  13. One would think that would be your first priority when choosing to bring a pet home from anywhere, let alone when you pick one up from some stranger off the street. Reptiles have very specific food, temperature and humidity requirements to their habitat. You can't just throw them in an aquarium and hope for the best. They are God's creatures with feelings and if you accept the responsibility of caring for one, then do it to the best of your ability. All Schwartz needed to do was forego a few drinks and he could have gotten that little lizard the best veterinary care around. He's a cruel, ignorant dick who chooses to remain ignorant while he slowly tortures little animals to death and then says how bad he feels about doing it. Zero comprehension or empathy. I hope he and his Morticia-wanna-be wife stay married. They deserve each other.
  14. I'm going to tape them from now on and FF to the end. Then, if they're still fat, I won't watch. It's getting too depressing to listen to the same, lame excuses and down-right stupidity over and over. I have to say that watching this woman stuff herself with a breakfast for 12 was morbidly fascinating However, when she stuffed an entire slice of french toast into her gaping maw with room to spare, it became more than a little repulsive. I've never seen anyone shovel in food like that. I felt then and there she was probably going to be another failure, because she's an obsessive, eating machine and hunger has nothing to do with whatever her issues are. Where's Lola when we need her???
  15. My sentiments, exactly. Looks like a plastic, 50 cent find from a garage sale and even at that I'd only offer a quarter. LOL .
  16. Which, imvho, makes it all the more imperative to take it to a veterinarian when it seems "depressed". What an asshole idiot. Just because it's a lizard doesn't mean it should be ignored until it finally dies from a long and painful death. Had they done that to a dog or cat, people would have had a fit. As it is, a harmless, little reptile was deliberately abused until it finally died from who knows what kind of torturous demise. People are so mindlessly cruel it makes my heart hurt. If it's not up to snuff in the cuddle department, no one seems to give a shit if they suffer or not. Speaking of mindless cruelty....I don't even care for Kristen and I hurt for her. Not satisfied watching her boyfriend avail himself of her insecurity, Stassi and Katie compound her misery by treating her even worse than Carter ever dreamed of. WTF is wrong with these people? Oh...you're not happy? You cry all the time. Well....then you can't be OUR friend. GAH! Kristin is far more fortunate than she knows right now.
  17. I "slut" shamed no one. I stated my opinion, which I still stand by. The fact is that Lala had more than one partner and it only takes one Also, you can pick up diseases with the mouth during oral sex as well as transmit them, so I don't understand how vagina's touching or not had anything to do with anything.
  18. I saw you had acknowledged that you were wrong about the timeline only after I had already quoted your post and posted mine, so please accept my sincere apology if I inadvertently upset you. Also, I'm well aware that body parts are washable. However, I don't much care whether it's a freshly bathed vagina or a squeaky clean penis involved, there are "gifts" that can still be shared that have nothing to do with outwardly clean private parts and everything to do with a myriad of sexually transmitted diseases. I choose to stand by my comment. Enjoy your day. 🙂
  19. She came out about her bisexuality long before the pastor kerfuffle. I've known she was bi since she was with Lala which, btw, still skeeves me out since we have been made privy to some of where and with whom Lala's pooter has been. 🤮 Ariana is depressed for a reason. She desperately needs professional help. Not a friggin' part-time job at SUR with feigned concern and an occasional pep talk from her boss while she serves her tea.
  20. Tomato, tomahto, potato, potahto, versails, versighs, dame, dahm...damn...let's call the whole thing off. 😉 A sneak peak of Arianna's birthday present?
  21. Watched WWHL and James was on. He said he's 9 months sober. Yay, James!!!! Hopefully he can stay the sober course. My concern is that he's not doing it for himself, but to keep Raquel around. I think his little Faline scared him by threatening to leave his drunken, abusive ass if he didn't shape up and take his sobriety seriously. Time will tell, but I truly wish them both the best. Brittany and her "I'M" GETTING MARRIED butcher hollar yodel on the balcony was, as usual, only all about her. Jax was like, "Me, too." 🤣 Old Jax has met his match in the self-absorbed department. In fact, I'll bet she's going to teach him just what having an out of control ego is all about. Those two deserve each other so bad, I can't WAIT for the Karma Tornado to touch down. I give Brittany about a year or so to surpass Katie in the "married with a weight problem" department. After the first kid it wouldn't surprise me in the least if she gets a bit slovenly. I doubt Jax will be able to make her happy for long. Nor will he be able to keep her in the style to which she intends to become accustomed. Ya know, I could almost feel down right sorry for him if he weren't such a smarmy, little prick.
  22. If she chooses to believe that her eternity is to spend it with this horn-dog, joke of a man on some nebulous planet built just for them somewhere in the universe, then it's pretty difficult to feel much in the way of sympathy. I just have to scratch my head at the belief system they spew out every so often. Discernment is sorely lacking in their world. At least this polygamy shit-show is exposing the reality of polygamy for what it is...a lose-lose situation for everyone involved.
  23. What's up with Robyn saying they are like sisters with one brother when they're all together? Then comes Kody's talking head to say he's a "little" brother and if it weren't for his sheer stark, masculine confidence he would just wither. 🤮
  24. Jax, Jax, Jax. You want to know why you would buy the cow when you're getting the milk for free? For the same reason you don't buy the bull if it doesn't know how to service the cow. ;)
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