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Claire Voyant

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Everything posted by Claire Voyant

  1. What polygamists should get to live in is a defunct no-tell hotel building and just renovate the place to house every single family member with their own separate living quarters. Buy one with an indoor pool, too, and keep the pond scum out of it. Much healthier in the long run.
  2. You'd think a sister wife or two would have learned something from Meri's little on-line picadillo/farce/endless joke material fiasco. 🙄 Gotta admit. There are times when my sympathy has a hard time finding any of the empathy needed to feel sorry for these characters sometimes. I find myself wanting to give them a swift smack upside their vapid little pin heads and yell to their face...."Snap out of it!" I sincerely hope Christine isn't so desperate for love she ends up easy pickings for another smarmy thing like Kotex was/is. One has to question her taste in men, after all. I, too, hope they are careful with the unstable public as well as their personal, private relationship with each other. I really do wish her well and hope her next serious commitment proves to be pure and strong.
  3. They make him feel like a real, busy, busy manly-man. By simple osmosis when wearing them, he can be assured he looks the part of a travel-trailer leveler. Sadly, the gloves provide him little guarantee for any success.
  4. Look at his eyes. He's not faking. He's loco and has lost his sh*t. He's over the top angry and only at Christine. The other two sister wives don't get near the venom he so fluently spews toward Christine. I keep wondering why he's so over the top about her but can't really get a pinpoint on it. He didn't like her, didn't love her, didn't REALLY want to marry her, didn't think she groveled enough to her sister wife queen Robyn, didn't like her venting to him about ALL the wives ALL THE TIME, and I'm amazed he hasn't blamed her for the war between Russia and Ukraine. Be that as it may, he's not kidding and I'm more than a little glad that Christine is in Utah and he's afraid to go there. I'd worry about her safety. His countenance is terrifying and there's no reasoning with him about a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. He's nuts. Stupid and crazy is not a good look. I'd feel sorry for Sobbyn, but she made her bed, now she gets to sleep in it with an unstable jackass. Hope she never gets a solid night's sleep ever again. Watch your back Sobby and behave yourself. Remember...if they'll do it with you, they'll do it to you.
  5. I didn't like her from the get go and when the fishy cat-fish bullshit started, she ended up dragging Leon into the gutter along with her. I'm not getting over that with her anymore than I got over that sort of thing with my own mother, who did the same thing with my father and because I was my mother's "best friend", she confided in me. Mommy had a lover and my dad was clueless until the day he wasn't. My heart was stomped on and I've never recovered. My sister is even more bitter than I am and that's a lot. I don't like Kotex, but imho, you don't drag your children into the muck and mire of cheating on a partner, however dysfunctional said relationship may be. Just pack your stuff and leave if you can't deal with your situation. Meri had to have known she'd been played once Kotex divorced her so he could marry Sobface in order to be able to adopt her children and make them all a part of the fambily. Geez. Meri had that marriage certificate of theirs framed and hanging on her bedroom wall!!! After that, she was chopped liver. Yet, rather than take a break or go for counseling, go to their church, temple, synagogue or wherever, she drug Leon into her mess. NOT cool. Zero sympathy from me. Right after that fiasco, I said Kotex would NEVER forgive her. He said over and over he was done with her, felt unsafe for a variety of reasons he never elaborated on, but NOW she gets the hint? Ug...no. Not buyin' what she's sellin'. She stayed for the show's almighty fame, and its paycheck. Naturally, Meri was angry with Christine for upsetting the TLC applecart and for no other reason. Meri is just plain nasty and she and Robin got along at first for a good reason. There was no love lost between Meri and Christine. Christine just learned to stay out of her way, unlike Janelle who doesn't particularly give a rip snort if someone likes her or not. (Which drove Meri and ultimately Kotex to distraction). She's never been that interested in anything other than her own business. IMO, Meri got what she asked for. Sobyn Robyn came to the fambily and instantly knew whose buttons to push and when to push them. Christine was jealous for good and fair reason. I'm no fan on polygamy, in any way, shape, or form, but it doesn't take a believer to see the chaos that ensued once Crybaby Sobyn joined the circus. She undermined every sister wife, every chance she had, and she did it with the full-on approval of Kotex who justified her chicanery with his own skullduggery. They deserve each other, but I doubt Sobyn will be happy without other sister wives around to backstab.
  6. Also, if only there were something like a flashlight you could hook onto the book and it would emit a soft light you could read by, but not so bright as to shine onto your trying to sleep partner. Then again, using something like that would take being thoughtful of someone other than yourself. Never mind....
  7. I'm so sorry that you lost your dad. Losing a parent makes you feel like you're kind of an orphan in a strange and unfair way. My heart goes out to you. Kotex's MAJOR dramatics over his MINOR Covid symptoms make me want to massage his jugular veins and give him some wall-to-wall counseling with a baseball bat. Here you go, jerkoff...how does this make your head and throat feel??? 🤬
  8. He'd have said the house brought nothing but bad memories and he just couldn't bear the pain of it all. How was he supposed to know his broken heart would mourn for the joy and rapture of his life with Christine? Sorry, Janelle...can't be around you and Savanah as long as you're living there, so me and Sobyn want to rent it out so I can come to your apt. and do my bitching there. Now show some RESPECT and do what I say.
  9. Also, because they know only too well that they're going to be damned if they do and damned if they don't in the long run. Janelle tells the kids what Kotex told her to tell them. Apologize to Robin or else. Now, he SAYS he changed his mind and it's all Janelle's fault his ADULT children don't want to see him, because she told them what he wanted her to tell them, but supposedly changed his mind about telling her what to tell them. 🙄 That devious Janelle. SUCH a troublemaker. It's probably because she's in cahoots with that damned Christine who wouldn't even hang in there with him, despite the fact that he NEVER loved her. All he sacrificed TRYING to love her and she up and leaves his sacrificial hide. What DO these thankless women want from him? Oh, woe is the Kotex kidney bean. THEN, he has a near death experience with Covid! Ran a 99.8 fever and no one even cared. 😢 Boo effin' hoo. Poor baby. And, and, and HE has daddy issues, too. 😩 And, and, and it's hard being the husband of so many women when you have to work at making them all happy and they won't respond to demands, abuse and neglect. Polygamy is hard on the man.
  10. If that's the case, if I were Christine, I'd have gone and hung out on some corner somewhere. I hear it's easy to get a tricky trick if you have all your teeth... and voila`, divorce done now. Pretty simple if you ask me. 🤣
  11. Meri was "gone" the very second Kotex found out about the boyfriend...who turned out to be the girlfriend...who catfished Meri. I knew he'd never in a kabillion years forgive her for it, for it all to have taken place on national television??? Just no. His self-inflated ego couldn't handle that. What I WISH would happen: Robin leaves his sorry hide for some loser of a guy she meets online. As she drives away in Kotex's big azz truck, throwing up a huge dust cloud, he and Meri stand side by side in the middle of the road watching and coughing as the dust settles on their heads. Meri turns to Kotex, and says, "Well. Looks like it's just you and me living forever on your eternal planet in the sky, baby cakes. I say we plant banana trees." 🍌
  12. I've been so disgusted with this last episode I have honestly been at a loss for words. Gabe, that poor, sweet, young man. Stuck with a zipper-head father and an honestly wicked, untrustworthy step-mother, sister-mother, sister wife, whatever she is. I ache for Gabe and his other siblings who outgrew their father at the age of four. Personally, I don't believe that anything involving more than one spouse is ever honored by God. Certainly not the one I know. Every story involving multiple wives in the bible is a story outlining man's alienation from God when more than one wife is taken. If anyone can show a positive outcome from any story talking about multiple wives, I'd like to read it. I don't believe God ever ordained polygamy. It's a man-devised thing and we all know how men can and do resist learning any kind of lesson, whether it be one thought up by man or given by God, if it doesn't suit them. I give the dipstick patriarch of the Brown family as a prime example of hard lessons remaining unlearned. Talk about willful ignorance. 🙄 Old Joe Smith the human founder of this religion was wrong about so many things, it's little wonder the only treasure hunt where he claimed to have actually dug stuff up was pointed out by a spirit he didn't even bother to question. We're supposed to try the spirits not submit to them just on a sudden manifestation. Oh well, to each their own, but my days of being led around by a man-made spiritual nose ring are long gone. I don't see much happiness in the Browns life and how they expect happiness in their future eternity is beyond me. I'll bet his eternal planet is riddled with sulfuric volcanos.
  13. FWIW, I doubt Leon honors much of anything except personal agendas.
  14. I hope not, because otherwise he'll insist that Truely has to come for visitation then and there. You know...so she can shovel. That way it will be all Christine's fault.
  15. Kotex talks just to hear himself talk. Doesn't give a flying fig that none of it makes sense. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain....
  16. Kotex, you lame-brained, babbling jerk. You loved Christine. You never liked Christine. You didn't care to have any kind of relationship now that she was no longer playing brood mare for you and nanny to any kid a sister wife wanted to drop off at her house, but you're heartbroken she's leaving your dumb azz. Your kidneys burn in the back end of you for loving Christine. You want to buy Christine's house. You never want to look at it again. Go sell one of your priceless de-barked logs and buy it yourself since Janelle won't fork over the cash and will do whatever the hell she wants anyway. Wait! No! Here's the answer!!!!! If a woman doesn't show you your manly-man respect, just punish her by doing some more of absolutely nothing. That will fix her red wagon. Works every time. 🤣 Ya know, if you let Sobyns nanny go you could save even more money!! We all know nanny's ain't cheap. Especially ones who toe the line and obey ALLLLL your Covid protoculls. Oh wait... but she got Covid. Hmmm. I bet you and the sobster wondered how that happened what with her and her family being so careful and all. She still workin' for you? Disinfecting the mail? Wiping off the Post Toasties? Drawing Sobyn her bath? Then, next week we get to see Sobyn on her death bed with it. I wonder whose fault that will be. 🙄 Meri, you silly cow. (No offense to cows) People are mean because they quite simply can't believe how stupid you are. Seriously. Janelle. For Pete's sake!!! Run. Pack up that camper and move to Utah. Hook up to a campground with the facilities you need and park there until you get stronger and in better financial shape. You'll have a sweet future without that dweeb of a husband and sister wives who don't even like you. All they're good for is gaslighting you every time you turn around. I'd bet money these people pull the wings off of flies.
  17. Yeah. A aig. Just whut she needs to complete her ridiculous, totally dysfunctional relationship with pathetic, mealy-mouthed Mikull. An innocent being to torture until the day she effing dies. Nasty old crack. She can literally make my skin crawl. Those fingernails for example. What toxic waste lurks under those filthy things? Eeeek. 😮 🤮 🏃‍♀️
  18. That first pix of Angela....is she about to give birth or is she getting ready to take a pee? How grotesque. I'd feel sorry for her if she weren't such a violent, dirty, ugly, old hag. I bet she smells like stale cigarette smoke and b.o., along with an overabundance of nose stuffing, really cheap perfume. 🤢🤧
  19. The only one ever given a knife to the kidneys has been poor, little Truely and I find it disturbing that Kotex used that particular organ to describe his "pain" for trying so desperately to LOVE Christine. What a prick. I simply can't imagine WHY Christine didn't care to spend the rest of her life and then eternity with him on the celestial planet. 🙄 Oh, and Truely...are you happy to be moving? WTH kind of a question was THAT??? Let me stand here next to you, ever mindful of Covid protoculls and act like the 5 year old boy child I am.... unable to even stand still. But hey, we can facetime and chat on our Iphones sometime. I know we never did it while we squestered away during Covid, but hey. First time for everything. Someone take a 2x4 and lambast that peckerhead and his favored wife good and proper, puhleeeeeeeze. I'd feel SO much better. They're insufferable and just horrid, horrid excuses for human beings. Polygamy. What a sick, perverted and dysfunctional way to live.
  20. All Kotex's hard work??? He's insufferable beyond belief. Like all Christine did for those years was eat nachos and have the nanny take care of the kids? He never said boo to bitchy Meri. Mykelti needed to mind her own damn business. Christine still needs to learn how to say NO. Kotex needs to just stfu and go.far.far.away. He willingly cuts off his nose to spite his face. He's swamp scum ugly both inside and out. The only reason Robyn wanted Christine's girls over to her house was to use them to rub Christine's nose in getting them to like her. She continued to use them for free babysitting and housecleaning. I've no doubt they were useful and more than helpful little nannys. She couldn't care less about them even now other than to hurt Christine, knowing that sort of thing hurts a mom's heart, knowing they still want a relationship with her. IMHO, Christine has shown nothing but grace through this nightmare called polygamy. Those girls were and still are simply too naive to figure out that Robin was as devious as she is, because not many people have that much guile. So far, the boys are the one's who know who and what their father truly is. It's why they stay away. No one likes being constantly berated all the while being used for free labor. Little wonder that Jenelle's son-in-law moved so far away. Kotex loved him the best only because he worked that poor kid half to death.
  21. Even if made up, how would Sobbyn know if Christine was ever with another man or not? As if it was any of her business in the first dang place. Stupid goiter gremlin. I had to laugh when Kotex said this "divorce" delegitimizes everything he worked for. Really? Got news for ya Kotex. Your lifestyle was never even remotely legitimate in the first dang place. As for the "reason" Christine left his sorry hide.... I'd say it's a combination of so many things that nobody could even count that high. One after another, after another until at long last, she couldn't find a single reason to "legitimize" any of it. A dog deserves better than Kotex ever gave Christine. I'm happy for her escape. Late is better than never. As far as her saying it was for her kids...well...when you see her without Kotex, her interaction and happy relationship with her kids is a lovely thing. I'm sure they weighed heavily in the kabillion reasons to leave that short-sighted, narrow-minded, abusive POS. You go with your bad self, Christine. Run as fast as you can and don't look back. I pray you find and marry a strong, kind and sweet man who loves YOU because you're you. You deserve that kind of legitimacy in your life.
  22. Thanks a lot, Dobian!!!! Those things have always looked like she has two big, ol', leeches sitting above her eyeballs and I've been waiting for them to start squirming around. Now, you've got me breathless with anticipation for the third one to be born. LOLOL 🤣
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