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Claire Voyant

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Everything posted by Claire Voyant

  1. Actually, it's apparent that it really isn't saying much to maybe be smarter than the average Brown. That bar is set pretty low. I think Janelle's problem is not that she lacks intelligence, but that she has very little to no self-esteem. My fervent hope is that she's finding her own self-worth without a self-absorbed, sick-in-the-head, dickhead of a man along with 3 other willing-to-be-abused sister wives looking for any chance to drag her down 24/7. Polygamy is just so very, very wrong no matter how indoctrinated and brain-washed someone may be in it. It's unnatural and creepy at its very core.
  2. Kotex Skid Mark Brown is a real *******. Never have I ever felt such repulsion towards someone I don't even know. His pouty mouth makes me want to punch it. He was never going to go for custody of Truley. If he did, he'd have to open himself and all his financials up to the court and that wasn't a happenin' thing. He'd also have to hire an attorney and pay a court appointed amount of child support as well, and that's never going to happen, either. Christine will be lucky if he even sends a birthday card to that little girl. He'd have to remember how old she is and actually buy a card and send it to Utah...and oh horrors, what if Utah got his DNA that way and hunted him down for his polygamous behavior??? 😮 Paranoia and massive delusion, thy name is Kody Skid Mark Brown. So, Mr. IlovemyselfIthinkI'mgrand noodle-air head needs to take a long dance off a short dock and disappear into the black void of an alligator infested swamp. What an absolute horror of a human waste thing he is.
  3. I'm never going to need to insert my own swear words when posting, again. Leaving it up to the imagination of all those who have zero respect for that worthless ***** Kotex Brown skid mark is genius. Your description of him as a frizzy hairball of empty threats and stupidity is just too apropos! Hard to elaborate on that piece of perfection. ❤️
  4. I think a "dissolution of partnership" for their situation rather than divorce would be more fitting under the circumstances.
  5. Kotex thinks Yasabel has been listening to Christine for too long and therefore she thinks he's an ogre. He has never once considered what he's done. Not once giving thought to how he's been treating Yasabels mother for years and years and how it may have affected his daughter and his other children. No thought to his never being around her or her mom for much of anything, not even life or death situations. Clueless dickhead. Not a drop of introspection exists in his psyche. Only blame and criticism toward others. He apparently thinks his children are as stupid as he is. When he and Janelle we at the B&B he just sauntered on past Janelle as she was' trying to make her way down those wobbely, temporary steps of the RV without a glance. No helping hand, Kotex? Sore arm??? He'd havegiven one to Sobbyn I'll bet. I get that Janelle is the one who wanted that RV, and yes, she can do it herself when your manly-man self isn't around, but when you ARE there, the least you can do is help her.... or anyone else for that matter. You know...pretend you care a little bit for someone other than your own damn self. Try to remember that courtesy is something you just DO for others when you're able. He's just SO disgusting. Arrogant jerk.. Janelle isn't fooling anyone. She wanted that RV and is determined to keep it, so that when Savanah leaves Janelle will have a ticket to ride wherever and whenever she can find a campground. Not my idea of a fun time, but it is hers, so good on her. I wish her well. Hopefully she can get away from him before he annihilates her self-esteem completely. She really can't have much left, despite her grousing. If she did, she'd have stayed gone the first time she left his sorry hide. .
  6. I agree, but then why did he marry a woman desperate to have one? Talk about a conflict of interest. Not good for a happy, healthy marriage no matter how much he may have thought he could control his new wife. It was and is unfair to Shaeeda who seemed pretty upfront about her ideals and aspirations. Billie Boy not so much.
  7. In Angela's world, it's all a stage. Sick, perverted drama, thy name is Angela. She needs another face lift. The last one is proving to be nothing short of a dismal failure and she looks worse than she ever did before. Of course, we all know that beauty is only skin deep, so maybe they should just skin her. 😉
  8. She needs room for wet bars and inventory storage for all bajillion dollars' worth of Lularuba fashions she has to keep close at hand, don'tchaknow?
  9. Look up trash in the dictionary and there's Angela's picture. She's too sick in the head for anyone to take anything she says seriously. She's a reality tv chasing loser. Why anyone bothers with her ilk is a mystery to me. She is not entertaining, she's sickening. She needs to get gone before she flips out completely and really hurts someone.
  10. I couldn't agree more. Even though I feel sorry her mom died, it doesn't take away from the fact that she's a nasty piece of work. Seriously. Who would think of doing such a thing? Talk about venomous. Did Meri ever even make a decision as to just exactly where her lot was going to be on that parcel of land??? First it was in the trees, then it wasn't the trees and then no one was sure how the parcel itself was going to actually be sub-divided.... I mean, one would think if you're going to bitch about Janelle's RV being parked on your lot for 120 days, you should at least know where it actually is.
  11. Nah. Sweet Eddie didn't accuse Lillibet of being a lesbian. He simply asked her if she was a lesbian. You know, one of those things a soon to be husband needs to know. 🙄 SO dumb. 🤣
  12. I'm a little miffed at Christine for not telling Truly what's going on. Too many people coming to visit and little ones have no concept of keeping a "secrud". It appears Truly will find out next week when she overhears her mother having a conversation over the phone, but still..... WTH Christine. Kids need to know FIRST and there never has been nor ever will be a good time to tell them. The sooner the better. Dang. Kotex is second guessing Christine leaving? He's just profiling for the camera. I don't believe a word he says. Not.a.word. Won't be long before he turns on Janelle, if he can just figure out a way to get rid of Meri once and for all. Too bad, Kotex Kid, the Meri likes her fame and money. You're going to be stuck with her unless a for real Sam shows up someday. Good luck with that. I would really like if Christine would find a younger, seriously good-looking, monogamous, super NICE, rich guy that Kotex's kids all loved. I really wish her success in her new life. Still, I hope she stays partner free for at least 3 years or better. IMO, it takes that long to heal up from a divorce or breakup. At least that was my experience. Gotta give Tony credit for knowing that a man has his hands full keeping one woman happy, nevermind 4 jealous hens. A very wise young man. 👍
  13. That woman would be the last person I'd ever leave my little children with for any reason or for any length of time. WTF???? I have zero respect for any of these people. I always feel a little sick inside whenever I see or think of those little ones. I can't imagine how they have much of a chance with the dysfunctional family they have to live with. Every.single.one. I can't think of a single person on these shows who amounts to a hill of beans in the parent or pet owner department. Worthless P'sOS can't even take care of themselves, and they keep bringing innocent children. into their chaos. I wouldn't give a single one of them a friggin' silk plant let alone a sentient being to care for.
  14. Janelle will be off and running in her RV once Savanah is finished with school. There she'll go and the RV will break down somewhere with some kind of problem all RV's have sooner or later. Not sure what her plans are when she's stuck somewhere in the middle of bumf*ck Texas on a hot, miserable, dusty day with an AC that doesn't work. Or a shower with only a trickle of water. Or a toilet that won't work. Or electricity that won't turn on. The list is endless with something that bounces down the road for days. Nightmares come in all shapes and sizes. Janelle may seem country, but she's not into being uncomfortable for any length of time. I wish you lots of luck, Janelle, cuz if you run off with your new RV, you're gonna need as much as you can get along with lots and lots and lots of money. Meri, we were all there when you got catfished. Save your disappointment for yourself and your banana and leave Christine out of it. Go live at the B&B and be all whiny there. No one cares anymore. Kotex, you ugly emmereffer. I don't mean your looks, either, but I'm referring to your inside rot. You said it yourself. You're pathetic. P.a.t.h.e.t.i.c. You get more pathetic every, single, dang day. I hope you and Sobbin' are miserable together, because I'm willing to bet when it's just you and her, she's going to get plenty sick of you. You won't be cock of the walk anymore when all your hens leave the roost and Sobbin' has no one left to get you off of her for a minute. She sure was working overtime to make you stay at Christines on the couch or a cot in order to work it out with her. I bet you're nothing but a PITA to her lately. Polygamy Patriarch Pouty-face Kotex, you are quite the lamebrain. How's that polygamy business been working for ya? Leave it to some narcissist dolt like you to want more than one wife when you can't even keep one woman happy. 🙄
  15. Googled for that info and read that it's anywhere from $25,000.00 to $40,000.00 per episode. I think that's combined with all of them, but not sure. Probably depends on how many of them are in each episode. Either way, it's less than I thought it was going to be and more than they deserve, imho. Kotex can fritter that much away in no time, I'm sure. Hiring architects and land surveyors and moving 4 wives and a kabillion kids on a whim takes money. I know moving can kill a decent bank account in no time flat. I know this because hubby and I moved a lot due to his job and we made Gypsies look like homesteaders. Unless Kotex is big into the stock market and made money that way, I can't see how any of them have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. I honestly believe he's that worthless. Of course, there's that extra money he's saved keeping his kids away from decent healthcare and home birthing... Arrrrgh! He's such a puke-faced slubberdegullion I can't stand it. 🤮
  16. All Kooter has to do is tell those women who's the damn boss and that they're all going to live in his dream mansion together now that the trouble-maker is gone. They were all making affirmative noises until Christine threw a wrench into the woodpile and wanted to move to Utah. So go for the gusto Mr. Big Stuff. Puff out that manly-man chest and beat on it with your bark callused fists. I'm sure they're all still greatly impressed with your PATRIARCIAL PONTIFICATION. Line up girls, the decision maker is about to step on your heads. It's strange to watch this bs unfolding when we already know what happened. Seeing Kotex act like he does and talk like he does is nauseating. He's such a pathetic, POS. How those women have put up with that nonsense for all the years they have is a mystery I simply cannot comprehend. What a cruel, egomaniacal, user-loser he is. I don't understand the appeal. Never have. Never will. Kinda glad I don't get it, really. It's nice to have enough self-respect for myself and mine than to do something so foolish and unnatural with some freaky thing like him.
  17. Janelle was married once before Kotex, to Meri's brother, I believe. SUCH a small world is polygamy, isn't it? I think Janelle is happiest when she's left alone. Kotex is perfectly fine with that because Janelle is much too heavy for his ego and besides, there's no place for him like Robin's Roost. I also think Janelle knows she's not sexually desired by Kotex due to her weight and keeps her weight on in order to keep his weight off, if you kwim? I doubt she finds him one bit attractive other than the few comments she's made about his looks and that's her eye that's beholding the asshat, certainly not mine. Any woman knows those looks, whether you like them or not, are worthless if the guy is ugly inside and Kotex is FUBAR ugly. She just wants to be alone until she needs something she can't do herself, which has become less and less a problem as she ages and figures out that a woman needs a man like Kotex like a fish needs a bicycle. That would explain why she likes to fish. Ha! Anyway, it wouldn't surprise me if Janelle walked one of these days, but she's pretty set in her ways and she's money motivated. Sister Wives is lucrative if nothing else. She may very well leave once that mess of a show is cancelled. I would hope so, but I don't think a single one of those people have been bred for their cunnin'. Meri is on the internet claiming to stay on account of she luuuuvs Kotex, so there's that for a demonstration of pure stupidity along with some unsettling masochistic tendencies. I can't stand her, but my heart breaks for her at the same time. Poor, pathetic dummy. And also she lost her mama. That's hard. Meri! Back up a little bit the next time Kotex takes a swing at your self-esteem. He can connect with more force that way.
  18. Kids aren't stupid. Truly knows exactly where she stands with her father and that's waaaay behind Robin and her kids. She's not worth visiting, or getting a phone call from him, either. He's much too busy, don'tcha know? It takes time to scrape the bark off trees. I'm sorry for the kids, but the lessons they've been taught about polygamy so far, seems to be holding them in good stead when it comes to their choosing a monogamous or polygamy. Not one of them are impressed with polygamy so far, which is a very good thing, imo. As the old adage goes: Proofs in the puddin'. I'm so sick of Krappy Kootie I could spit. He is as self-absorbed as it gets. It's all about poor, pitiful him, the injustice of his trying to be the best husband and father in the world, and that mean, ungrateful Christine. IMO, she needs to get a heck of a lot meaner and keep what's hers. I read somewhere she gave up her house to him. Doesn't sound mean enough to me. I hope he had to pay her SOMETHING if that's true.
  19. Kevin, you worthless POS. LOOK at your caged dog, will you? Emmereffer. Take a second to let it out at least long enough to go potty and be allowed to run a little. Geeeeez. I didn't think I could dislike these people any more than I already do and then they show that poor, little dog quietly waiting to be let out. Locked up for God only knows how long, and that piece of pond scum doesn't even acknowledge its existence. It doesn't even ask to be let out to relieve itself. It obviously knows that crying and being happy he's home is futile. And wtf is wrong with those who are filming that crap about those pig people???? How about showing some compassion and giving Animal Control a call???? Inhumane, uncaring bastards, the lot of them. I'm beyond disgusted. Then, just when you think out of that mess of sicko's maybe ONE or TWO of them could be redeemable, along comes Amber to show us all that while they can glibly talk the talk they can't seem to walk the walk for very long. I'm sure she's sorry now, but had she not been pulled away from Puppy, I shudder to think what damage she would have done. I'm not fond of Puppy, but holy cow. Just get yourself away. Abusers are always really sorry afterwards though, aren't they? Makes me wonder how long she'll be able to last until someone else, like a boyfriend's mouthy kid maybe, up and pisses her off? Does she say oops, it's just a part of my character to choke them out?
  20. Obviously, Tayler hasn't been very receptive to much in the way of help, considering her past and present choices obviously manifesting themselves as anything other than bad ones. TLC is paying her more money than she's probably ever seen in her entire lifetime. One can only hope and pray she puts some of that little windfall away for her children, but I doubt it. Those poor, sweet, innocent little ragamuffins don't appear to have ever been put anywhere near what one would consider her first choice in responsibility. She just wants a man and apparently any man will do as long as he's a user and a loser and downright stupid. I have no real clue what Brittany is so upset about Marcelino texting her old girlfriend in the threesome she was so intent upon getting him participating in. Marce didn't get all up in her face for diddling around with her. What did she think was going to happen? Happily ever after? I really hoped she was just a smidgen brighter than that, but alas. She's not. It seems like they are all as dumb as posts. She just needs another tattoo, preferably black and ugly. As for the Sara and Shawn wedding/baby gender reveal, I'll be surprised if it lasts until the baby is born. What a farce. It'd be funnier if children and babies weren't involved. I'm willing to bet Desperately Dim Destiny's baby isn't her current husbands. Shawn apparently has yet to figure out where children actually come from. Crimeny, I'm surprised he hasn't loaded all these women up with STD's while attempting to impregnate anything that will lay with him. Ugh. I do not understand. He seriously makes my skin crawl. Needs his teeth done for starters. 🤢 Now, Chazz comes along and is all hot to trot all over his new "wifey". He really is too old for the games he likes to play and the bs he's willing to overlook in order to play them. He just needs to pay the ladies, go away and save up his $$$ for the next birthdays lap dance. Meanwhile, anxiety-ridden, pathetic, spider-eyed Branwin can apparently only get hot for men as long as she's not married to them. You gotta wonder. She's a pretty nasty piece of work. Daonte kind of deserves whatever he gets. Talk about a slow learner. He's pretty dang determined to make a fool of himself any chance he gets. I felt sorry for him at first, but that went away in a hurry. He just leaves me scratching my head and laughing. SUCH a silly dolt. The other Britnay...she's a spoiled bridezilla. She's going to get Ray in so much financial trouble! I hope he doesn't end up back in prison due to her self-absorbed, greedy, needy, I Want What I Want and WILL Have What I Want dream wedding ceremony. He's never going to be able to keep her happy before then or afterwards no matter what he does. If she could only love someone half as much as she loves herself, they might stand a chance, but I don't think that's ever gonna happen.
  21. I'm praying for Archies recovery and for Shannon and her girls. It can't be easy being the beloved pet of someone who can afford to keep you alive, albeit "sad". I'm praying his sadness isn't comprised of debilitating pain. I just hate to think of any animal suffering. Particularly for a lengthy period of time. It's been months of him scratching himself raw. I hope she and her girls can love him enough to let him go with dignity, thoughtfulness and mercy if letting go is necessary. I know from experience just how difficult it is to let them go. They never live long enough. However, I firmly believe that when the breath of life returns to the One who gave it, He will then feed that lively creation of His with fruit from The Tree of Life. Heaven is a good place to be.
  22. Mr. Botox-Filler man. Sure wish he'd fix his nose, since he has full access to Dr. Nassif who I think is a genius at his craft. I have to admit, I DO like Dr. Terry much better when his wife isn't around to bully him and he's on his own show. Good thing he's so talented at what he does or his beloved would have dumped his poor, sorry hide a long time ago. I have to admit, he's not exactly Doctor Debonaire, but he can sure fix up some botched boobs. Also, I think he and Nassif make for a good tag team.
  23. I would think it'd be especially scary when Emily undoubtedly has enough of her own demons to deal with, never mind the danger of swallowing any of Gina's overflow of creepy, crawly, dirty things. I can't figure out why none of them ever once consider asking the Holy Spirit for help, since that's the only real way to get rid of evil entities once and for all. Jesus ousted them in about 2 seconds. Where there is light, there is no room for darkness.
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