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Claire Voyant

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Everything posted by Claire Voyant

  1. Meri hasn't seen her resident ghost, yet. 😞 Odd. One would think deceased relatives of these religious wizards would be happy to leave their hard-earned planet to go haunt some ramshackle house they resided in once upon a time, when they were living and breathing on planet earth.
  2. I think you're right, but they appear to be sorely lacking in the discernment department. The good thing about these polygamy shows is that it doesn't take long to figure out that for all their lip service to the cause, polygamy is NOT a healthy or a nice thing. In most scriptures I've read, I've never actually seen anything very positive when it comes to relating to that particular lifestyle. Even the "good" kings were tripped up more than once by their gaggle of wives. Makes me wonder what it takes for some people to get a clue.
  3. I thought Kalani was a vision as Morticia in red. HA! Her Kolinic Kousin It was less visionary and about as necessary to the show as black mold would be in the walls.
  4. Maybe Ickie swallows. :p Okay...now I've gone and made myself need a puke icon. She needs to define moral fiber, because apparently her definition and mine are not the same. I'm at a loss as to where she gets off on asking anyone such a thing. Made me want to roundhouse slap her. How ridiculously, pathetically, vapid can one woman get? More than one screw loose with that one. I want to have hope for Tamra, but she's always so dang mad at everyone. The girl needs a chill pill these days. I'm sure she's stressed, but being stupid with the drinking binges isn't helping. Now, she's mad at God because He won't play the bargain game with her. We've all played it.."Oh, God. I promise. I'll be good, I'll go to church. I'll stop swearing....honest...just give me what I want right fucking NOW. What? No answers I want to hear? I'm gonna get drunk and break my damn foot while running nekkid in and around the hot tub. That will show YOU! Not my fault you didn't give me what I wanted when I wanted it, God. See what you made me do?" Seriously, she's waaaaay to old to be having the temper tantrums she's been displaying this season. So unbecoming. It may be her body to do with as she pleases, but it never hurts to err on the side of caution when you're a mom and being filmed while putting on public displays of nonsense. Her children will have to live with her foolishness for the rest of their lives! What a legacy. Poor Shannon is so hurt. Her eyes are so sad. :( My heart aches for her. Divorce is painful and I don't care what nonsense Little Miss IKNOWEVERYTHINGABOUTDIVORCE Gina wants to word vomit out. Even when it's the right thing to do, it feels wrong for a very long time. It'll be nice to see Shannon when she heals up and David is but a distant memory. I hope she doesn't make the same mistake and end up with another creepy-crawly guy. Sometimes women have "types", if you kwim? Emily and Shane are quite the love birds, aren't they? Mr.and Mrs.Warmth and Charm. Such scintillating conversationalists. Yawn. Kelly will hopefully, eventually, maybe settle down, but for now her love-tank appears to be almost as unquenchable as Ikie's bottomless pit.
  5. Wait. What??? Amazon is an insult? Really? So all this time whenever I've referred to myself as Amazon Woman, I've been encouraging the importance of being nothing but a size 0? How hypocritical of me. Well, I'm sorry if I struck a nerve, BQ. That wasn't my intent. Still, it's obvious Emily is no petite, frail little woman, but she has a husband who isn't much bigger than a horse jockey and a size 0 himself, and they don't even appear to have much of anything in common. I don't feel the love, I guess. I'm not impressed with either one of them so far, Anyway, I'm sorry if my reference to an Amazon Woman will hurt the tender sensibilities of all the innocent young girls out there reading this forum. If they use your tape measure I guess I am a horrible example. :(
  6. I'm afraid our Umber's ditz ship done sailed off into Lamebrain Lake of the Lost. She seems a little fried and it's not just her hair I'm talkin' about, either. I think, despite his arrogance, Dave would appreciate a bit more of a meeting of the minds. Amber seems a bit...involved with Amber thoughts and one doesn't need to dive very deep to keep up. I pity her children if Paisley is any indication of the attention they'll receive. Yeah, I know they'll survive,, because kids are tough, but I hope she'll be able to keep up with the demands of a child. No sleeping in, Amber honey. Wakey, wakey, eggs and bacey. :D
  7. I feel your pain with him and Emily. He's a little bitch married to an Amazon woman and they just don't compliment one another in the least. I like their dog, though. Cute little bugger, just sat with Kelly. How sweet was that? Kelly got some points for having that little hound like her so much. Dogs know nice. :D
  8. Yessss!!!!! It's one thing to be distant and quite another when you won't even LOOK at your husband after being gone for an hour, a day, a week or however long. How would anyone feel with a greeting of nothingness???? It made me really lose respect for her and her grasp on simple common decency. Like you, I'm an animal lover and I get that she missed the dogs, but it made me sad for Bobby and I hope she is kind enough to let him go if she can't muster up enough "like" for him to even look at him and smile after being away for days. Telling him she'd miss his coffee didn't do much for me, either. She's been a taker so far and there's nothing charming about it even if she does occasionally ask if he wants her to do something. Initiative, Danielle. Just care enough to DO something besides hand over your debt and move into his house.
  9. I agree. He'd be an awesome stay at home dad. If he can learn to deal with the ice maiden, they could work. I just think Bobby is going to be more needful as time goes on and i fear Ms. Danielle isn't going to be able to say those magic words nearly as often as he or any partner deserves to hear them. So, I vacillate on whether I want them to stay together. I'm thinking she needs to loosen up a little bit before she hurts Bobby. She won't WANT to hurt him, but she will and when she does...will she really be able to care?
  10. Acknowledging his existence when she got home from being gone for several days, for starters. No eye contact with him as she greeted all the dogs first. I'll admit that dogs are kind of difficult to ignore in their zeal to see their owners, but poor Bobby followed her around the place like a love-starved puppy, too. I don't know if I'd be all that happy to play fourth fiddle to three dogs and I love all animals. I get that she's distant, but that was a bit much, even for me. Poor Bobby.
  11. LOLOL ? But...but...they were and still are in luff...! :D I'm voting for Dave and Burnt Umber. The treatment of Paisley has made me truly dislike them with the intensity of a thousand suns. Another couple who deserve each other. I'ma have to pray about it before I give my final answer, tho. ;)
  12. I stand corrected and hang my haid in sham. :( You're right. I had a pet rock once and it was far more scintillating to look at and listen to than Ryan's mug along with his boring mumbo jumbo.
  13. Tristan and Mia: If ever two people deserved each other it's these two. Tristan's petulance is annoying as hell. Man the fuck up and deal with the reality you've allowed yourself to become mired in, Tris. In all actuality it's no longer Mia's fault that you didn't walk earlier on. Stop dragging out the inevitable and take a hike, rfn. You'll both be healthier for it. Do you pull the wings off of flies, too? Just stop it. And change those butt ugly pillow cases and blankets for something a little cleaner looking. I keep thinking they must reek with old perfume, after shave and donut crumbs. The ever present poutiness in both of them is most distracting and unbecoming. I don't like these two very well. .I kind of hope that they stay together. It would serve them both right. LOL Dave and Burnt Umber: Just....no. You two selfish, swine ass wipes! Paisley needs toys and a kitty tree. Self-centered jerks. Bobby and Danielle: Only if Danielle can pull her head out of her ass long enough to take a breath and take a long look at the nice young man she has been gifted with and learn to appreciate him. She's pretty aloof. I wish Bobby well if she chooses to stay with him. Maybe he can stay home and be a house husband and take care of the children while she fulfills her destiny with work. .
  14. I never quite understood Brianna's infatuation with Ryan. The boy needs a good smack upside the head for the most part and has the personality of a rock. If he has domestic violence issues, Brianna has made a mistake letting him separate her so far away from her family and friends. Never a good thing when there are control issues. Sadly, Brianna was raised by her control-freak of a mother so she may not only be used to it, but she may actually be convinced it's the way she needs to live. I don't like Vicki, but if I were her, I'd be frantic and I'd be booking flights to Bri's house every weekend until I felt my daughter was safe or ready to run. Ms Moneybags can spend her $$$ on flight tickets instead of useless cosmetic surgeries. Nothing is going to help that pig-faced skank anyway. She could come out looking like Elizabeth Taylor and she'd still be fubar Ick. Can't hide her kind of ugly. It seeps out of every pour in her slimy body.
  15. Hey, hey, hey! That's my spirit animal you're talking about! :p I'm pretty sure that all the housewives on any of the shows will get more or less $$$ depending upon the ratings they bring. It's obvious that the more outrageous they behave, the better the ratings and I'm sure the nicer the monetary reward. A salacious and voyeuristic public won't pay much for anything less than blood and guts. Get down and dirty and the money will be there. All the people we love to hate get paid big bucks BECAUSE we love to hate them. Sadly, that's the nature of the beast. I try not to let that knowledge interfere with my good time, though. LOL I still love to hate Vicki, but in all honesty, what's to like or respect? Her love-tanked, Cancer-gate fling with Brooks did her in. She could join a nunnery and I wouldn't ever trust her. She can take her own particular moral compass and put it where the sun don't shine and a doctor doesn't want to go.
  16. I totally agree. If those two are having a nice time with each other, and are obviously very private people, I can't understand why they were chosen to try to humiliate with a foolish sex therapy session on national television. Gag me with a spoon and..."Thanks but, no thanks, I'll just stand here by the door and you can explain how all this is supposed to help a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g." Amber is 36 years old and sucks the life out of anyone in her path. I'd feel more sorry for her, but she's too old to be playing the helpless, hapless female bullshit. She's emotionally draining. I wouldn't want to be around a steady diet of her and that's just a fact of life. Dave's no smooth talking Romeo, but he tries to be as honest about things as he knows how to be. Amber can't be bothered to wash socks, yet she's supposed to automatically be his choice for the mother of his children???? WTF, Amber. You can't take care of a silk plant. Poor Paisley needs more toys and some attention. Next weeks preview looks like poor Dave is making a HUGE mistake talking to another female...and OMG! She's a BRUNETTE. This aughta be good. :D Tristan and Mia. Ew. That is all.
  17. OMG, Amber! Take a breath! He sets up a romantic date and tells her she smells so good that it's almost overwhelming and she has a hissy fit. Really? I'm pretty sure he meant that she smelled so good he was overwhelmed at the nice fragrance, not that he needed a gas mask ffs. She's just SO dumb and always looking for the worst in him. Doing to him quietly what she blames him for doing whenever he says the wrong thing, which in her vapid head is all the time. Her hair is falling out because of bleach overlap, and it's breaking wherever that happened. She could lose it all in one brush out if she's not careful. But will she concede and be herself for a change? Not for him, she won't. She really isn't a very nice woman. She needs to stay alone. No one is going to be able to make her happy. She likes being miserable too much. Tristan needs to run, but he's too intent upon the sex right now. If he thinks Mia would've had sex with him if she hadn't been arrested, he's sadly mistaken. I fear our Tristan hasn't always been the most popular guy around and is thinking with his u-no-whut. I'd venture to say that until the newness of the sex abates, he will be easy to manipulate with an "I'm sorry" and a blow job. No dummy, Mia. Bobby and Danielle are pretty cute. Lots of happy dogs and dog days in that family if things work out. :D
  18. She may have, but I don't see her as being that observant toward anyone other than herself. Besides, a deal is a deal. Trust doesn't manifest itself while the person who promises something refuses to do it. He, apparently, held up his end of the bargain since she had no ammunition to come back at him with. She actually offered to do the laundry when they were discussing the chores. He offered taking out the trash and something else...doing some cooking or dishes, I think. Personally, when he brought up the division of labor, I'd have told him to go fuck himself. WTH? He wouldn't even pick up the toilet paper little Paisley unwound in the bathroom. Lazy ass. If there's dust and it bothers you before it bothers your partner then do some dusting. Floor needs sweeping? Get out the broom. My EX used to write, "Dust me", on the furniture. He was a Dave. The time it took him to do that, he could have wiped the dust away himself. There's are reasons some people don't get along. Amber doesn't need or want more friends, doesn't like her rating, doesn't like being a brunette, doesn't want to keep her word. It's been petty crap like that, that makes her more annoying to me than Dave is and I agree with you, he's plenty annoying. Those two just need to call it a day and move on. The experiment isn't working for them.
  19. Poor Dave. Having to accept Amber's apology and give her a lukewarm hug...how painful. He had all he could do to hug her. No warmth there whatsoever. He doesn't appear to like her much at all, and really....why should he? She really seems to have some self-respect issues, but her self-absorption is more than a little off-putting. Her balking at doing any laundry despite her promise to do it is annoying. Deal with reality Amber and do something nice for Dave, like keeping your promises. I'm not fond of Dave, but he has legitimate gripes. That said, I honestly think that Amber having dated one of his friends was the killer from the get-go. Don't know what those "boys" may have talked about, but I'll bet dollars to donuts it wasn't very flattering for Amber. If these two decide to stay together, I'll be surprised.
  20. Sonja should start her very own Diapers for Diva's, Astronauts and Skanks business. They must be see-through. No missing out on baring your dumb ass for the world. Ramona can interior design the offices, now that she's proven her designing prowess and her *yawn* originality. Lu could sing the commercial jingle in her Daddy Sang Bass voice and belt out: Money Can't Buy You Shit 'specially when you're so full of it. Dorinda can sing alto, but her harmony skills will need some fine tuning. Tinsley can ring the triangle chimes and have special pillows made: What happens in your diaper....Stays in your diaper. Carole will design any and all costumes necessary when filming commercials for the business. A few feathers and viola, we will start a whole new fashion trend. Bethenny can wear her skinny girl jeans up on the platform while she conducts the orchestra. That way no one will know if she has diapers on or not. :D
  21. Mia wants to move into Tristan's place because it's more nicer? More nicer??? What a ditz. Tristan, pull your head out and take a deep breath. Mia isn't worth you wasting anymore time trying to figure out what's a lie and what isn't. She doesn't know the difference between a lie and a truth. Amber is a hot mess, but Dave is a simmering one. She's got self-esteem issues and he has a superiority complex. She's not religious and, quite frankly, I don't think he is either, but I have a feeling he will be more than happy to use her lack of faith against her. Dave not even picking up unrolled toilet paper off the bathroom floor and leaving it there for Amber because it's her cat, says it all for me. It's not like little Paisley has a house full of toys. I saw nothing for her to play with. And it's also not as if she urinated, pooped or puked all over the floor. It was dry PAPER FGS. Could have been all picked up in less than a minute. What a jerk. I really don't like him for that. Bobby's mom didn't look very happy at the dinner. Gee. I wonder why. I agree with everyone else that Danielle needs to tone down those poor Groucho Marx eyebrows, but in the grand scheme of things she seems to be a pretty decent human being. I love her for taking care of homeless dogs. The puppy was so happy to be with her. She could be a serial killer and I'd probably excuse her because of her love for dogs. LOL
  22. They say beauty is only skin deep, but I don't think she'd pretty up even if we skinned her. :p
  23. The rapist maybe recognized her and was afraid of getting a STD. She really grosses me out. She's so dirty in so many ways.
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