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Everything posted by Pothunter

  1. I liked the episode but, yes, these people are just way too emotional. I gave up on Discovery and Picard because of this and other stupidities. SNW is more of an ensemble so miles better to my thinking.
  2. Agreed. I was being a "suspicious bastard" like Sam Vimes. Cynic that I am, it struck me that the man probably accomplished what he set out to do without damaging himself too much.
  3. I may be wrong, but Amell's actions could have been deliberate to generate publicity about himself and his show. Entirely possible that a lot of people read the various articles and decided to give Heels and / or Arrow a try. Doesn't the saying go "There is no such thing as bad publicity?" Just a thought that struck.
  4. Liking the show but really getting annoyed that the woman hardly ever seems to bathe or comb her hair. Maybe cut the hair short if she does not have the time. The CIA head appears to be afflicted with the same bad hairstyle problem. Sorry, the hair thing is really getting to me. I keep mine short. Cannot abide straggling strands around the ears, face and neck.
  5. The main bad guy (not revealed yet) sent the message to the intern (most likely scenario). John had no idea that the intern had survived the explosion.
  6. The intern is a baddie, and was very much trying to hurt John and get the fob away from him. He did not help John in any way in the station / precinct, his goal in jamming the door was to prevent the police from intervening while he attempted to get the evidence from John. The intern was finally unable to take the evidence because the woman (forget her name) rammed the car into him, which allowed John to pick it up and jump into the car.
  7. Question: How boring can a show be? Answer: Ask Picard. He will give you all the lengthy and boring details. For me, new Trek is the worst thing on television. Apart from Strange New Worlds. Hope that remains unsullied by this insistence on creating a central character and boring the dickens out of the audience with infuriatingly stupid family-related plots. So disappointing, annoying, earnest, joyless, and pedantic 😞
  8. Jenkins was the first one, during the opening credits. He said 'liaisoned'. This usage is becoming fairly common in TV and film writing, unfortunately. The difference between 'we' and 'us' is fading 😬
  9. Lovely episode. Only problem was that everyone was saying liaisoned instead of liaised. So many people involved, surely someone could have corrected the usage.
  10. I really liked the Fitzcairn episodes. Especially Stone of Scone and the one with the country house murder.
  11. This show is good but Josie and her plot line belong in some other show. The tone, energy and the momentum do not match at all.
  12. Terrible camera work. Too close to the faces, too much movement and too many editing cuts.
  13. I have been reading Rex Stout, and this reminded me of Nero Wolfe's solution for defective dictionaries in the book titled Gambit :) One of the "intolerably offensive" mistakes is the suggestion that 'imply' and 'infer' can be used interchangeably.
  14. Great episode. Minimum political content. Alan Alda has taken on Michael J Fox's role on The Good Wife.
  15. The problem with Star Trek: Discovery is that there is no discovery. That aspect may come later, but right now it seems as if they have made a 10-hour movie rather than a sci-fi series that can last a few years. The Klingon plot should have evolved in the first season, in parallel with exploratory episodes, and these first two episodes should have been the last two of the season. The Klingon makeup is dreadful. I pity the poor actors.
  16. In terms of Liv taking on the characteristics of the victim, they have gone from subtle shades to heavy-handed strokes. Which is a shame.
  17. From what I have gathered, they are all demolition experts in those areas.
  18. I just saw a photograph of the candidates shaking hands and felt a shudder of revulsion on behalf of Hillary Clinton. The very idea made me feel sick to the stomach.
  19. I love the opening credits of the Australian show Offspring. The style is that of a View-Master reel, clicking sound, movement and all, and they show the classic viewer model at the end of the sequence. It's one of the older ones, with the sharp, pointed edges.
  20. I am re-reading the books and finding several things to pick at. I think J.K.R. did a great disservice to Ron Weasley. From a fine chess player (implying strategic thinking that could have been leveraged in later books), she turned him into an unlikeable jerk, good only for comic relief. However, I do love that scene in the HBP movie, where Ron has eaten the chocolates laced with love potion, especially the part where Harry sits on his bed and Ron sort of flows onto it almost simultaneously; that was beautifully executed. Rowling's romance writing skills are dreadful (the monster roaring??!!), but she did a good job showing the friendship between Harry and Hermione. I am glad the movies added a bit more to that relationship. The detentions that went on till after midnight really annoyed me. Why did the school not have any protocols for punishments?
  21. Hunter: “Oh yeah … good old Shake & Bake.” Got a big laugh out of that one.
  22. Why are the writers giving NZT to all and sundry? I thought one dose was sufficient to sound the death knell if the drug is withdrawn.
  23. Based on his performance in The Man from U.N.C.L.E., I think Henry Cavill could be an excellent Bond.
  24. It is unfortunate and rather strange that he and everyone around him latched onto the wrong end of the stick. Did SA offer words of support to Ahmed before taking this stance? Doesn't one usually react to the obvious before addressing secondary issues? Always assuming the empathy is there for both aspects.
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