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Everything posted by AntiBeeSpray

  1. Damn. RIP sir. He wrote a lot of my favorite Jefferson Starship songs!
  2. Word. RIP Mr. Reynolds. Same here. It was my first introduction to him, apart from when he was on the Golden Girls. Will be watching Improbable tonight. Really enjoyed him in that XF ep.
  3. I like it as a yogurt. But I'm no fan of what they're doing there with it.
  4. Yes. That's the one. I hate it with the heat of a thousand suns.
  5. Ah. Yea. They should list it as Murphy Brown: The Reunion, so people don't mistakenly think that it includes the old episodes as well. Ah well. I don't get it, so it doesn't matter to me.
  6. I think CBS All Access is doing that as well. So it's another good option. For anyone who doesn't get Antenna TV.
  7. Update on Murphy Brown: Jim is going to be in three episodes! :) Source: https://buffalonews.com/2018/08/04/diane-english-feels-timing-is-right-for-return-of-murphy-brown/ https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/entertainment/a22639448/murphy-brown-cast-reboot-candice-bergen/ More about the reboot! Source: good housekeeping
  8. This! Noooooooo. Didn't mind it then, but this is one show that does not need a reboot!
  9. Which is really great! Haven't seen that many other shows that offer that.
  10. Illustrator for the Golden Sun series, Hiroshi Kajiyama, has passed away. :( https://gonintendo.com/stories/314013-golden-sun-illustrator-passes-away Damn. This one hits hard. I love that series. Just played some of the first game tonight (second play through). Condolences to his family and friends. RIP sir and thanks.
  11. Found about these ones from a friend some years back... I really love them.
  12. Ah I'm pretty much the reverse there, I've never found her to be all that funny. Sometimes, sure. Guess their humor is subjective.
  13. Yea it's nice to see him back in action! We can always use more mayhem (in terms of the commercials)!
  14. I love those brand new Mayhem man commercials for Allstate! :) It's nice to see him again. https://www.ispot.tv/ad/dIbd/allstate-mayhem-ring-bearer-song-by-the-dixie-cups https://www.ispot.tv/ad/dIOh/allstate-mayhem-weddings
  15. Found a bit more about Koko and her celebrity friends: http://www.newsweek.com/koko-robin-williams-mrrogers-video-meet-gorilla-foundation-989070 Source: newsweek
  16. That's pretty much where I'm at with this. Glad that she's not getting one red cent from it.
  17. Cool. That had to take a lot for him to do so.
  18. I didn't love Lucy (meaning I Love Lucy). It's ok, but after learning she stole from Red Skeleton (the Vitameatavegamin routine), it left a bad taste in my mouth. Source: http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/1989-05-27/lifestyle/8905270148_1_red-skelton-jokes-lucille-ball Wasn't thrilled about Rocky and Bullwinkle doing that with Bullwinkle as well. He's a rip off of Clem Kadiddlehopper. http://jimhillmedia.com/alumni1/b/wade_sampson/archive/2006/05/09/wednesday-with-wade-more-quot-making-fun-of-the-mouse-quot.aspx https://books.google.com/books?id=2KvcAgAAQBAJ&pg=PT259&lpg=PT259&dq=clem+kadiddle+bullwinkle&source=bl&ots=1ArwVu_yxn&sig=xVmZWArES6lxLh9WSm2R1UCmPSw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwir-pe25uLbAhXsz4MKHaJEDUcQ6AEIUDAJ#v=onepage&q=clem kadiddle bullwinkle&f=false Can still watch the cartoons since I love them... but it sucks that they ripped off Red Skelton.
  19. Very well said. Those poor characters never had a chance with the kid. It's beyond heart breaking. :(
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