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Everything posted by AntiBeeSpray

  1. So much this. Loved her in Destiny's Child. But these days... I avoid anything Beyonce like the plague. Can't stand her. Her ego and arrogance get on my nerves. She's good at what she does singing and dancing wise, but like what you mentioned, she isn't the greatest EVER.
  2. Been playing a lot of Pokemon Crystal lately. Still love this game! Just got my 3rd badge today. Now onto training up the Abras I have.
  3. This was just pure class. Last ep of Johnny Carson's show. Got teared up watching this back when it first aired.
  4. Yea fair point. Both of them are that way, aren't they?
  5. This commercial by Rover.com... I hate it, it's very annoying.
  6. I'm still seeing this stupid commercial on tv... I wish they'd stop it.
  7. Definitely. Elizabeth's own arrogance and ego is going to bite her in the butt and with Paige taking cues from that kind of behavior, it's not going to help her any. Philip has always been the more stable one and it's too bad that the both of them aren't giving him any respect as of now. Word. She seems intent on letting things burn. She hates America that much.
  8. https://www.theringer.com/tv/2018/4/17/17248358/harry-anderson-obituary-night-court-magic This was a good read about him.
  9. Meghan McCain -- cannot stand her at all. All of her talking over people gets on my nerves. Have to mute her every time that I watch the View.
  10. Ah. Yea but maybe she should have gotten grounded then. Her behavior was unacceptable. Yep. She is a winner that's for sure. (sarcastically meant) She's got a big old wake up call coming her way.
  11. Been catching up on the series. Up to season 7 so far. Liking a lot of the eps and Ham is doing well, both him and Perry are having some nice interactions together.
  12. Word. My mom wouldn't have put up with that. No party for you. Harris is such a brat. She got on my nerves.
  13. That's great! I really liked seeing him on again. Sad as things were between David and Darlene. The chemistry was still alive and kicking. Kudos to him and Sara for bringing it. Laurie Metcalf had me laughing my butt off as Jackie. The way she reacted to her mom having sex in the old folks home was priceless. XD The look on her face is what I'd look like as well. Estelle Parsons did a wonderful job as Bev! Loved seeing her back on the show.
  14. Markie Post about Harry Anderson: (copying and pasting it since it shows up as a block of text via instagram) https://www.instagram.com/p/BhrzEYmDTUTEv_6OUsa9sy7VwzAauD3cR6Flv40/ He was truly a good egg.
  15. Some of his recordings are on the article SMITHW6079 linked to.
  16. Word. I loved him on 'Wait, Wait'. RIP Mr. Kasell. RIP Mrs. Bush.
  17. Good point. They ended up turning him into nothing more than a plot device.
  18. Agreed. They're now at the old soap standard of stabbing one another in the back. Eep.
  19. Yea but at least then it was a bit tolerable. They finally crossed the line for me last night.
  20. Word. I cheered when that happened, but when they let that SOB live, I was pissed. He's not going to change. He's a piece of work. That said, I'm no fan of Daryl, Maggie and Jesus going after them and being the new baddies (possibly). I can understand why, but it makes me possibly not bother watching. Rick and them are getting on my nerves a bit too. As for Carl, I can understand what he wanted to do, but the thing is, he didn't know that it's the world and that things don't always work out the way that you want them to, that people have their own motivations, no matter what.
  21. I know. I loved Judge Stone! That show was awesome. RIP Sir.
  22. Same here! I grew up watching him as Sarge in Toy Story. RIP sir and thanks.
  23. Yep. It's like he's Wile E. Coyote at this point and Philip is the Roadrunner. Yep. But yet he did eat a full meal earlier... That said, I agree. It's so sad :(.
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