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Everything posted by AntiBeeSpray

  1. Hell No moments... Reyes being reduced to a bad guy in X Files season 10 and 11. It made no sense and didn't fit her as a character as well. CSM being brought back at all in the aforementioned seasons. Especially since he was blown up in 'The Truth'! M and S being reduced to shells of who they were. Same goes with their relationship. And their son being pretty much evil. Ugh. CSI basically throwing Gil/Sara shippers under the bus in one episode more than once (it was the one when Gil left Sara a note once they divorced iirc). It made me sick. House leaving Cuddy and becoming a slut (sorry, but there's no better word for what he did). Hated it and still do with a passion. When Cordelia became pregnant with Connor's child in Angel. Ugh.
  2. So hyped to see Jim in tonight's episode! I cannot wait. :)
  3. So this. I used to like Castle due to that. But then I didn't... for how things were going BTS. That really bled out into the show itself and made it uncomfortable to watch. It's too bad too since it used to be fun to watch. Exactly. And past a certain point it got to be annoying and insulting. S10 and 11 went back to that bs and honestly I was rolling my eyes at it more than actually enjoying a lot of it. Choose a side and go with it. Enough's enough. That brings me to another thing -- teasing shippers and treating them like crap. I hated it back in the day and s10 was so bad there that I almost walked away from the show entirely. No one deserves to be bullied and gas lit. How can anyone have any fun watching a show when the people working for it, Fox, CC and so on are acting like pieces of work towards them? That may not be a tv trope, but that along side the will they/won't they bs just made the entire experience a bad joke. Also add in the fact that the actors didn't seem to have much say in s11 (especially -- minus Glen's episode and his brother's). It was just what CC wanted went and honestly that blew up in flames if nothing else. The show worked in part thanks to what the actors brought to it. Fair enough. I did as well. And I liked the ones towards the end. Basically any episode where the characters remotely felt like themselves. It's why I didn't care for who/what they were in s10/11 in CC's eps. They felt like mere shells.
  4. Yea it is, but there are fans who liked the stories as well. Agreed. It worked a bit back then, but trying to go back to that bit the show in the butt. I cringed during s10 and 11 at times. There was no chemistry at points between M and S. CC had squeezed the last drop from it and left us with forced crap. That said, I appreciated the moments that didn't feel like that.
  5. Found a really nice interview he did with Vulture back in August: http://www.vulture.com/2018/08/joe-kenda-homicide-hunter-investigation-discovery.html
  6. Cannot stand Maggie. Both from last season and this. She gets on my nerves. Just like Negan. I can understand why she's doing what she's doing, but I still do not like her.
  7. Yep. And the gall... he said that he was FORCED to pair them together. Frank Spotnitz said recently that Chris never wanted the characters to grow or evolve. And that goes with his (CC's) line of thinking that he was forced to have them together. Thing is, at least for the most part, it made the show stronger for it. Heck even Frank knew that. I'm para-phrasing here, but he said this in 2016, that fans liked the show for the characters and not the scary stories (not all fans, just a general thing here). He had a better view of the show than CC ever did. CC managed to run the show and its characters over. This includes Reyes. Only it wasn't. It came down to D and G's chemistry. That said, I liked it as well. CC is about the only show runner I've ever seen who's squandered chemistry as much as he did. To a point. CC even knew that it could only go so far. Yet he had to go back to that platonic well and managed to screw things up by wanting to have his cake and eat it too. Meaning having them break up, only be working friends who occasionally screw each other. Worked for s7 when it was new. Didn't in s11 when they had a son together and a history. Ugh. That said, if I were a new fan, I would probably be a Noromo. Don't need to put up with 1013's, Fox's and CC's bs and game playing.
  8. Yea. Just going by his behavior, more than anything else for what it's worth. Other guess I had in mind was Johnny Depp.
  9. *Fixing my July 2015 post about the innuendo from Fatal Fashion: Perry: Ok... Della, call Ken. He then walks away and as he does so, she looks at him with a small, satisfied smile on her face. Della: I already have. ( Meaning she forgave him... and all's right in that regard >:) -- and in regards to calling Ken (missed that part of the scene, but it still has such double meaning there, very clever of the writers and of the actors! (the way that the scene was played was brilliant and that last bit of line delivery... said sooo much))
  10. Ran into something similar with Perry Mason. It took me two times to catch a doozy in one of the movies.
  11. Oh heck yes. I miss that dartboard! It was a character all its own. :)
  12. I have no real problem with it. *shrug* I'm fine with how she plays it.
  13. Oh I see. Thanks. Was it right at the beginning of the episode? I came in a few minutes late.
  14. I didn't catch the Charlie Rose joke. What part of the episode was it in?
  15. Definitely. Word. Finally someone to call her out on stuff.
  16. Fair enough. I agree on that end. And at least she learned from it. Agreed in terms of Miles, but yet... that's Miles in a nutshell. Hopefully he'll simmer down some what, but I don't expect it to go away as it's a part of him as a character.
  17. I can see what you mean in terms of her son talking with her. That, I wasn't a fan of. That said, I can see where he was coming from by not walking out of the press briefing. Not letting the administration have their way. I don't think it was meant as preachy. I viewed it as her son reminding her of what she told him before. But I can see how it could be taken as such.
  18. It's only the second episode! Will and Grace took some time before everyone was full in the groove. Only part that I kind of rolled my eyes at was a Watergate joke that Miles did. Outside of that, I liked the episode.
  19. Word. I liked how Glen and Darin characterized them as well in s10 and 11.
  20. Word. I have a smartphone, but I don't use it for much else than a couple of games, texting and phone calls. I don't do anything fancy with it. I listen to music either on my laptop or on my ipod. Yep. Word. It'll be interesting to see how things unfold there.
  21. Word. And as for her having a flip phone, I don't see why it is such a big deal. It fits her as a character to not care about technology. *shrug*
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