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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. It premieres Sunday on Showtime, but you can watch it on Showtime's site for free right now, if you like (or the edited version on DirecTV's Audience Network).
  2. My DirecTV is showing it on The Audience Network (channel 101) this week. I watched it last night. The twisty thing they did half way in had me going, "What the??" I'm also intrigued by the ending, so I might have to watch it. It's got some great actors/actresses in it (Dominic West, Maura Tierney, Joshua Jackson, Ruth Wilson).
  3. All I know is that I consider Team Arrow to be Oliver, Diggle, and Felicity. The EPs can tell me that Roy is the fourth member, but I will never accept any other members outside of the trio, whether it's Sara, Lance, Roy, Barry, or Laurel. Anyone else is free to create a Team Arrow out of whatever members they like. Fine, whatever :)
  4. Wait, there are two kisses? I admit that I am trying not to be too spoiled, so I haven't been reading or watching a lot of the stuff in here recently so that I'll be surprised on Wednesday.
  5. I find that I'm frequently not on the same page as Guggenheim. I remember that SA and Guggenheim majorly hyped The Promise, and I hated that episode. It was a waste of an hour that I felt contributed nothing to the story. Also, I'm pretty sure that Guggenheim has no idea what the Emmys actually are.
  6. I feel like the actors/actresses in Broadchurch were much stronger than they are on Gracepoint. I'm really having a problem with the American actress playing Ellie, in particular. I don't think she's very good, and even though Olivia Coleman was pretty hostile towards David Tennant's character on Broadchurch, I thought that they had nice chemistry. I'm seeing no chemistry between the characters in Gracepoint. I kind of chuckle at the unspoiled viewers trying to guess who the killer is in Gracepoint. Well, just take every single shady person on the show (which will eventually be practically every single person in this town) and chuck them out the window. There were no clues to point to Ellie's husband, and he didn't act suspicious at all (as far as I can recall). That's the major reason I wasn't overly impressed with the story on Broadchurch. They basically just threw a bunch of highly suspicious people in the mix to distract us for eight episodes before revealing that the real killer was none of those weirdos.
  7. How are people liking Capaldi's Doctor Who? I gave up when Matt Smith left because I didn't care too much for Clara and I don't really care for Peter Capaldi either (although, he was good playing a villain on The Musketeers). I just didn't think that Capaldi had enough charm or charisma for the role, but how is he doing? I might come back for the next Doctor if it is an actor that I like.
  8. I hate that the names are Gracepoint and Broadchurch. I actually have to sit and think for a few seconds to remember which is which. I know that the names are so completely different, but yet they are vaguely similar, if that makes sense. It's quite confusing, but that's probably just me.
  9. I should have said "most English accents on the TV shows that I have seen are fine and easily understandable." I'd probably be doomed in a real-life situation :)
  10. I really struggle with the Scottish accents on Outlander, especially Jamie's. Closed-captioning has become my friend when watching that show. Most English accents are fine and easily understandable. I have BBC America, but I like to watch a lot of shows that they never plan on bringing over here, so I just usually order the DVDs from overseas. It's awesome because shows over there generally come to DVD immediately after the last episode airs. There are some great British shows, but one thing that annoys me is that a lot of time you get one, two, or maybe three seasons and that's it. I've watched a lot of things that get canned after a season or two. It also sucks that you get maybe six to thirteen episodes, and then you have to wait another nine or ten months to get another season. I mean, over here we bitch about having to wait three or four months...try waiting almost a year! It also seems like some British actors don't have a whole lot of loyalty to their shows. They fulfill their contracts, and then they are out. It really sucks when you're watching a show, and then one of your favorite actors gets killed off because they decided to leave the show. Of course that happens in America as well, but money is a powerful motivator here, and it seems like actors will stick with their shows for much longer.
  11. Just a couple of random things. I would not have even known that was Nick Nolte if I hadn't read it here before watching the episode. Also, Danny's mom looked so young that she could be his sister. Finally, I didn't think that the actress playing Ellie was very good. The part where she was kicking the lockers was absolutely hilarious and that's definitely not what they were going for there. I have seen Broadchurch, and while I thought that it was majorly overhyped and not nearly as clever as it was made out to be, I definitely preferred the acting in the original. Ellie and David Tennant's characters in Broadchurch had chemistry right away, even though Ellie was pretty hostile towards him, and that seems to be lacking in this version. I'll still tune in because I like David Tennant, but I'm hoping this gets better.
  12. Yes, I'm pretty sure this is what happened. This is the reality that exists in my head as well. I think that it was Las Vegas, actually. Vegas was that one with Dennis Quaid and Michael Chikis :) I remember that show and how they decided to stick Danny with Molly Simm's character. Years after Las Vegas ended, I saw Nikki Cox (the actress who played Danny's childhood BFF) on a Ghost Whisperer rerun. She had gotten those lip injections and looked awful. I know that's not nice, but she was so beautiful I don't know why she did that. Anyone watch Gracepoint? I've mentioned this before, but I watched the original when it was shown on BBC America. I thought that the scenery and performances were stellar, and I enjoyed the relationship between Ellie and Hardy, but I didn't think that the story was anything spectacular. I thought that it was way overhyped by people, but a lot of people seemed to like it, so what do I know? Anyways, I tuned in to see Gracepoint last night. I think that it's pretty much the same story verbatim, and I was not impressed with a lot of the acting. I especially didn't like the actress who played Ellie, so that's probably going to be a major issue.
  13. My main issue with Lost came from all of the ridiculous happenings that were never explained. I thought that it was this carefully crafted show and all of these mysteries would be revealed at some point. I started to feel dread close to the end of season six, wondering how they would have enough time to give me all of the answers that I needed. Oh, my mistake. It was about the characters (I think that the showrunners actually said that). All of this weird shit that happened totally didn't matter at all and would never be explained. FU show!
  14. The Lost and Battlestar Galactica finales completely ruined the shows for me. I felt like I had wasted years of my life on something that was so utterly disappointing. The fact that Ronald Moore is involved in Outlander scares the crap out of me because I have been down that road before, and it didn't end well. With Outlander, there is already a series of books in existence, so he shouldn't be able do too much damage there. Even if the final book ends in a disappointing way, I don't see Outlander making it nine plus seasons, so the story on the show will probably be left more open-ended.
  15. Or a possible murder-suicide with Layla killing Will and then killing herself. That would be just soapy enough for this show, but I hope it doesn't happen because I like Will. They need to get him away from Layla and back with Gunnar because the Will/Gunnar friendship was awesome.
  16. "It's a team. There are no sidekicks." Haha! Yeah, sorry Roy, but you're a sidekick. Even if he's undergone massive training, I will still never accept Roy as an equal to Oliver and Diggle. I like Roy, but that's just crazy. I am happy that Roy and Felicity might have a cool relationship because EBR and CH seem like awesome friends in real life. ETA: Didn't realize that the above video has already been posted before. I like the text excerpt because a lot of the time, I don't bother to watch the videos (shouldn't be doing that at work).
  17. I loved Matt Saracen, so I had to take Julie too, I guess. I think that FNL made a big mistake in making some of the kids as old as they were. Some of them graduated, but then the show decided that they wanted to keep certain actors around, so some of the storylines were stupid. I didn't like Matt's whole storyline involving art, but I wanted him to stay on the show. They should have just made the characters freshmen and that wouldn't have been a problem. I have to say, I did love how they sort of rebooted the show in season 4 . The show also had a pretty satisfying finale, so I was happy about that.
  18. Binge watching can sometimes be great, but there are times where it has backfired. @wonderwall mentioned Gilmore Girls being on Netflix now. I really liked GG when I watched the original run, but then ABC Family started showing reruns years later. I would watch it daily and damn, Lorelai and Rory were insufferable! I think that marathoning it like that actually ruined any fond memories of the show that I had. Maybe it's just Lauren Graham because her character was awful on Parenthood, too. I bailed on HIMYM around season three, I think. I got the impression that they were going to drag out the mother reveal for as long as they could. I'm glad I gave that one up because I know the finale left more than a few people quite ragey. I would have been furious, I think. I need to give up Grey's and Scandal. I don't even like them anymore, so why am I still watching? I just don't know how to quit you, shows.
  19. See, I'm one of these people that has a very difficult time dumping a show. I'm usually loyal to the end even if I'm at the point where I hate the show. Gosh, I hated Lana and I didn't really even care about Smallville by SEASON 10 (really...shows should NOT go on for that long), but I just could not bring myself to stop watching. I had to see it through to the end. I eventually had to drop NCIS and CSI because I got the impression that those shows were never going to end, and I wasn't even interested anymore. I think that shows should go for five seasons max. How many shows actually remain interesting ten seasons in? I'm glad to hear that Supernatural is still pretty good, though, because I'm ten seasons behind on that one. I watched part of the first season, and I had intended to catch up at one point but never did. I thought it would eventually get cancelled and then I could catch up, but it just. won't. die!
  20. I always laugh when SA says he's not going to choose between Laurel and Felicity. Yes, that would be a good idea so as not to anger fans of either. Unfortunately, he does a terrible job of coming of as unbiased. I'm paraphrasing here: "There's just one woman for Oliver this year and that woman is Felicity, " along with "I don't think that we'll see Oliver and Laurel together again. The ship has sailed on that romance." Then there were earlier interviews where he talked about turning the script pages looking for an Olicity kiss and thinking, "Maybe next time" or saying he's "all for it" when talking about an Olicity romance. Dude, you're definitely not coming off neutral here if you aren't saying the same about Laurel as well. Maybe he has said the same about Laurel (beyond the first season, specifically), but I've not seen it.
  21. I know that some people talk of bailing on Arrow season 3 because of Laurel. Is there a show that you've given up on because of your dislike of a specific character? I apologize in advance, because I know that there are fans of this show on here. I had to give up The Good Wife last season. I liked Alicia up until then, but she became so smug with the storyline last year, that I got to the point where I couldn't even stand her. Then, episode 15 happened (I won't spoil what that is, but people who watched probably know what I'm talking about) and I just gave up. I watched the next episode to see the fall-out from the events of episode 15, but then I was out for good. One show that I'm really happy that I gave up was Bones. I saw commercials showing what happened in last week's episode, and I would have been furious if I was still watching that show. I gave Bones up because the Bones/Booth relationship was just so mishandled that it really ticked me off. I'm still bitter about that, to be honest.
  22. Is it me, or does Clare Bowen look not so healthy this season? Her face has gotten so thin. I noticed last episode but didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to sound mean. Maybe it's the new hair-do or something but I hope that she's OK. I definitely noticed that Luke was far less psycho this episode. He's still a jerk for making Deacon go on tour with him when the two clearly don't get along, but I'm sure that this is all going to blow up in his face. I guess that it makes sense because the writers needed to create a scenario where Rayna and Deacon are still going to see each other fairly regularly, so maybe this was their way of doing it. Rayna will see Luke while she's on tour, which means that she'll have to see Deacon too. I think that this episode was the brattiest that Maddie has been so far. I wish that Rayna would get a clue and see that her children need her right now. She's so focused on her own career that she's missing out on watching her children grow up. Jeff mentioning to Juliette that she's packed on a few pounds? Not cool, Jeff. Not cool. You don't tell women that they are looking a little chunky. Jeff is such a douche that I'm so glad that the baby is actually Avery's instead of his. I hope that Derek Hough is not being brought on as a love interest for Juliette. I would actually find it more believable and interesting if he was somehow a love interest for Will instead. Don't think that will ever happen, but I would prefer it.
  23. My favorite part of that scene was Deacon's smile after the punch. He was so pleased with the fact the he was able to get under Luke's skin. Ha!
  24. If my main issue with Laurel was a fixable one, such as writing, I would be more open-minded about possibly tolerating or liking her at some point in the future. I won't be fast-forwarding her scenes, but if Laurel becomes as unbearable to me as she was in the second half of season two, I will do what I did last season. I went from watching live to reading episode comments before bothering to watch the episode. If the episode sounded kind of meh, I would wait several days to go back and catch the missed episode.
  25. With Sam Heughan, it's the facial hair (and extra 40 lbs. of muscle). He looks fine in the pre-Outlander photos, but not fine if you know what I mean. Clean-cut men...just not my type. I find Stephen Amell so much more attractive when he's got the facial hair going on. I agree with your point about actors or actresses becoming more attractive after seeing their personalities through interviews and such. I've always thought that Chris Pratt was a cutie, but some things that he's said in post Guardians of the Galaxy interviews have made me think he's just an awesome human being too. From what I've seen, Sam Heughan seems like a really sweet guy as well. He's so lovely when interacting with Caitriona Balfe.
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