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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. "I'm Cupid, stupid." I'm sorry, but she looks funny. I might watch that one live, actually.
  2. I hope Oliver isn't getting that crazy over a kiss. If so, that's a major overreaction. Cupid looks entertaining. Since whoever Oliver was carrying out of the fire/explosion had on a black leather jacket, I'm pretty sure it had to be Laurel. Laurel to Ted: "I want you to teach me to get justice outside of the courtroom." I don't think taking the law into your own hands is justice, exactly...especially when you try to kill innocent people!
  3. I meant 18 more episodes in this season. While last night's episode was very good, and I would be fine watching that Oliver and Felicity relationship play out for a while more throughout this season, I'm afraid we're going to go straight back to the Oliver that we saw in the Sara/Corto Maltese episodes. I don't want 18 more episodes of cranky Oliver who is a jerk to Felicity because he can't handle his feelings. If they stick with the Oliver from last night and have him actually progress as a person, I'm OK with that.
  4. ^Haha, the lady's shoe flies off when Oliver tackles her onto the car hood.
  5. Oh my gosh, I'm not sure that I can hang in there if Felicity and Oliver aren't going to end up together until next season. I would like them to couple up before the end of this season, and then maybe either Felicity or Oliver has to conveniently go away for five months during the hiatus between seasons. Maybe they can't be in contact for those five months (or however long the break is between seasons), so when season four begins, it's the first time that they've seen each other since the end of season three. I would prefer that over eighteen more episodes of beating around the bush.
  6. Well, to be fair, I was only half-way paying attention. I like Caity, but some of her acting was iffy. The stalker in this episode was bat-shit crazy (I suppose most are, though). Spoiler alert regarding the fate of the pet in this episode (don't read if you like animals) .
  7. Yes, and I do not recommend that episode to anyone. It was horrible, just horrible. Do not watch if you have a fondness for pets, that's all I'll say.
  8. So what you're saying is that Roy is the next innocent bastard that Laurel is going to try to kill/order someone else to kill :) I thought that this was a big Laurel/Ted episode, but it looks like it's being promoted as a Roy episode. Either way, not must see. I like Roy, but he's better in small doses.
  9. Forgive me if this is a stupid question, I'm not on any social media so I'm not sure how this works. This is sort of a general facebook question regarding the photos that were posted this week on the CW Arrow's facebook page. If a photo gets 20,000 likes, where does that number come from? Is it based on the comments people make on the photo? For example, if somebody posts a not-so-nice comment and 200 people "like" that comment, does that count in the 20,000? Basically I'm asking if a photo can have a lot of likes because a lot of people hate it. Does that make sense?
  10. Hope the ratings for this episode are wonderful. Fingers crossed.
  11. I didn't appreciate how they showed scenes of Oliver/Roy, Laurel/Ted, and Thea/Malcolm sparring and then had Thea ask "What do normal people do on their day off?" Next scene is Felicity working out. Felicity is not normal, she's remarkable. Am I right? Mama Smoak was adorable. I wasn't sure about the casting when it was announced, but I loved her! The scene where she was telling Felicity that there was none of her in Felicity was heartbreaking :( Laurel got a little vicious with the cop who was trying to tell her that she didn't have the authority to give out orders. "I'm acting District Attorney!" How the hell was that guy supposed to know when you found out literally five minutes earlier? Another perfect opportunity for Laurel to tell her dad about Sara was squandered. Oh my gosh, I loved Felicity ripping the gun out of Cooper's hands and pistol whipping him with it!!! Awesome. Ha, Felicity telling Oliver, "Turns out he wasn't as dead as I thought" and Oliver admitting he has some experience with that. Oh God, I hope Roy didn't really kill Sara. That would just be so dumb. This felt so much like the Arrow I used to love. Easily my favorite episode since season 2A. Sadly, next week I'm back to reading comments before watching. Like some others here, I think that the only other episode that I can stomach watching live is the crossover episode.
  12. Just think what a different show Arrow would have been this season if The Flash didn't get picked up and Barry remained on Arrow instead. We could have watched Barry fighting crime alongside The Arrow, Barry would have made sense as a barrier to the Felicity/Oliver romantic relationship, and we wouldn't have lost some of the writers/EPs who moved over to work on The Flash. Sigh. I would have quite preferred that to what we're getting now.
  13. So, I finally got around to watching this one and it is one of those episodes that I won't even remember in a year. Not great, if you ask me. A few observations: This episode was sooo dark that it was very hard to see what was going on when I was watching. Thea's hair looked like a Troll Doll when she was upside down. Remember those creepy things? Laurel has become so blonde that even though I knew better, for a split second, I would think Felicity was in the Arrow Cave. I hope that Matt Nable is a helluva fighter, otherwise I don't really get the casting there at all. I'm not even going to comment on Laurel but I'll just say if anyone feels the need to vent at any time, feel free to PM me privately because I love laughing at the snark. I was speaking to my mom about Felicity after the Flash, and I told her that now Superman is on Arrow and he shares scenes with Felicity. She tuned in Wednesday to watch this episode but didn't even make it all the way through. She would watch if this show was centered around Smallville's Oliver, but she finds Arrow way too dark, depressing, and gloomy. Can't say I blame her after how this season is shaping up.
  14. The only thing that makes any amount of sense to me is that the EPs like KC/Laurel and that's the reason that she's still on the show. If they didn't like her, I imagine that they would have just written her out by now. If it's some contractual thing that stipulates that KC must be BC, then why did they wait so long to give Laurel any progress towards that path, and why did they kill their perfectly viable BC alternative in such a heinous manner? I would think that if the EPs had to honor KC's contract and make her BC before getting rid of her, they would have kept Caity Lotz waiting in the wings. If it's higher-ups demanding KC stay on the show even though the EPs don't want her, would the EPs really risk tanking their show by intentionally highlighting Laurel's flaws to make her as unlikable as possible while they make her more prominent and give her a more important storyline? No, I think that the EPs like KC and believe that they are actually writing an interesting and engaging storyline that will turn us all into Laurel fans. Nothing else makes sense to me.
  15. This is what I'm most bitter about as well. I was under the assumption that the EPs had taken note of what people enjoyed in the first two seasons and were going to incorporate more of that into the show. Love Original Team Arrow trio? Ha, we'll fracture the original team and add new members. Want a more intimate season? Ha, we'll add new recurring characters, focus on the action, go a thousand miles per minute, and make our regulars act OOC to drive the plot. Laurel is your least favorite character? Ha, we'll insert her into the Arrow lair and double her screentime. This is feeling like season 2B all over again, only worse this time.
  16. Wait, I'm confused. We think it's going to go down 0.2 or 0.3 to a 0.8/0.7? Or are we saying that it is going down to a 0.2 or 0.3 rating in the 18-49 category? Sorry if this is a dumb question. It must be the first one, right?
  17. I watched New Amsterdam but I don't really remember anything about it except that Jaime Lannister was the lead. I probably even have the entire season that I recorded onto VHS somewhere around here... What the?!! Excuse me while I wipe away the laughter tears.
  18. I'm more of a dog girl myself. I'm pretty sure that my dogs have it better than me...memory foam beds, doggie heating pads, doggie beds for outdoors so they don't have to sit on the grass. They are absolutely spoiled, but I wouldn't have it any other way :)
  19. Well personally, I generally enjoy reading the negative posts. They let me know that others are feeling the same way I am about the show. So I say post away! I'm actually bitter that this season is turning away regular posters on here. I like reading everyone's thoughts and it sucks that people who were on here frequently aren't checking in as much anymore :(
  20. So we have Laurel gaining more screentime as the show tries to re-establish her as leading lady and Felicity off with Ray Palmer as Laurel tries to convince Oliver to let her fight crime alongside him (not right now, but all throughout this season). I think that this is probably why I feel like Felicity is being shoved aside and replaced when in reality, she's probably not.
  21. You know, it's very possible it's more of an anticipation of what is to come. Last episode we had Oliver comforting Laurel, and I had expected a scene with Oliver hugging Felicity or clasping her hand or something but I never got it. This episode we didn't have any solo Oliver/Felicity scenes, but we did have the Oliver/Laurel scene where she asked him to train her. Next episode, Felicity is not really even going to be around since she'll be over on The Flash. I know that if Laurel becomes BC, she will be right alongside Oliver fighting crime. And to get to that point, I imagine that the writers will need to improve Oliver and Laurel's relationship. So I can see them using Felicity's distance from Oliver right now as a way to do that. Not sure if that makes any sense.
  22. So, I forced myself to sit down and watch the episode. It's actually much better for your blood pressure if you take a day to read comments before viewing. Here's my thoughts: I agree with whomever said that the guy playing Ted Grant is a worse actor than KC. He was so stiff in his first scene that it sounded like he was just reciting his lines. As I said in another thread, they should have hired someone who oozes charm and charisma. I'm not expecting some great epic romance between the two if that's the route the writers decide to take. In fact, your days are probably numbered, Ted. Corto Maltese scenes: SA did look really good in that shirt he was wearing this episode. I liked the Thea/Roy conversation, and it was consistent with the fact that Roy has always been a pretty good boyfriend. Diggle running all Terminator-styles to catch Shaw and rip him out of the Jeep was awesome! I thought that Laurel was completely fine in the AA meeting, but every tolerable Laurel moment is counteracted with a scene where she's either unlikable or an idiot (or both simultaneously). I didn't laugh at her getting her ass beat, but god that was dumb. Because you are a lawyer who is duty-bound to uphold the law, it would make sense for you to find some loophole to take this guy down within the parameters of the law. Be clever and use your brains. Or a baseball bat. You know, whichever. I agree that the hospital scene would have been the perfect moment for Laurel to tell her father about Sara's death. But I imagine that she's saving that little tidbit of info for later, so she can finish him off. While watching this episode, I actually had the same thought as others that it feels like they are getting Felicity out of the way for Laurel. I don't actually believe that the EPs are going to try out O/L at this point, but it does feel like Oliver is distancing himself from Felicity while working on his friendship with Laurel. I don't like it and it doesn't feel right. Despite the EPs proclamations that Laurel and Oliver are friends, the sister swapping, lying, impregnating another woman, etc. tell me otherwise.
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