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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. OK, from the eonline interview: He's going to fuck this up, isn't he? I would actually say that most people probably want a relationship with plenty of progress and build-up. Not off/on crap. Ugh! So yeah, I think Laurel is suiting up by episode eleven.
  2. As always, MG's interview annoyed me. Especially this part: Unless she is brought back alive, I don't really care.
  3. So, this episode will feature Ted pretty heavily, Ray is possibly getting flashbacks this season, and dead Sara is possibly getting flashbacks. I don't really care about any of this stuff...I'd like to see more of the characters who have been with us for three seasons, not more of characters who are going to leave or are DEAD!
  4. She had mirakuru in her system, I tell you. Someone's going to go and visit her grave and find a big ole' hole in the ground where her body used to be. She clawed her way out of that damn pine box and is conveniently waiting until Laurel suits up to show up and reclaim her rightful spot as BC. (I will also accept a DoppelSara situation if we can't go with the mirakuru plot).
  5. Yes, and tricking the audience into watching doesn't really work that well because going by some of the half-hour ratings that have been posted, people will just tune out if they aren't enjoying what they're watching, anyways.
  6. Ha! You're probably right, and here I am trying to figure out who the heck it could be. I mean, I don't really care...just as long as she stays away from Oliver permanently.
  7. ^You'll have to fill us in if anything juicy happens. It could be more entertaining than the actual episode! Sadly, my internet sucks so I can't watch stuff like that :(
  8. Actually, there's a couple of things I'd like to ask J.R. Ramirez, but I don't think they'd make for an interesting read in an interview. I'd like to know if he had a screen test or whatever that's called against KC. Because if this was the actor that had the most chemistry with her, we are all doomed. I'd also like to know if he is going to be her love interest this season. That's spoilery, though, so I can't imagine that he'd answer that. I also want to know if he's coming back later this season. Based on spoilers, I think that he finished filming this episode and hasn't been back yet, so who knows? Obviously, if he's not coming back he won't be the love interest. I've been thinking about the Laurel love interest spoiler, and I wonder if maybe Tommy is coming back from the dead. I suppose resurrected Tommy could be her love interest, but Laurel would have to really embrace the dark side if she's going to be with him, because you just know he'll be evil if he returns.
  9. Episode seven actually looks pretty good to me. Ray's a little crazy, but I won't mind seeing him shirtless. Cupid looks funny, and if this episode is Laurel-lite, that's a plus in my book. And I'm not going to lie, I'm here for Olicity. The Oliver/Felicity interactions don't have to be overly romantic every episode, but I do want to see some movement on that front as the season progresses. 'Cause if Olicity is not happening, there's just not enough to keep me tuning into this show.
  10. I forgot about the flower shop spoiler that came out. Wonder what that was all about? Probably nothing important. Making Ted a former vigilante would make sense if he was going to continue training Laurel. Then he could offer her more fighting tips besides boxing. But he's going to disappear after this episode, so I don't see the point of the vigilante thing? Maybe to show Laurel that you have to channel your anger in more productive ways, I guess.
  11. Oh, Ted goes on the run? I missed that part from spoilers. I knew that he was accused of murder and Laurel was supposed to be helping him. Must not go that well. I watched that Guilty video clip without audio. This week's episode looks like another one I won't remember in a year. You all can let us know if Ted's acting gets any better (not counting on it).
  12. I wish I knew how to quit you, show. But I'm afraid if I stop until things are good again, I'll be so far behind that I'll never be able to catch up. I did a similar thing with Supernatural and now I'm like 9.5 seasons behind. Never getting current with that one, that's for sure :( I'm hoping maybe the EPs will adjust the trajectory once they receive feedback. Ha, who am I kidding? That's totally never going to happen. If they didn't get the memo after season two, they aren't going to get it now. I feel like this entire season is going to be a bust. ETA: I just re-read my post, and I realize it sounds like I quit Supernatural because I didn't like it. That's not the case, it's just that I was like two seasons behind and I intended to catch up but I never did, so now I'm seriously 9.5 seasons behind. The half season I saw was good...don't know how things went from there, though.
  13. Anyone watching Jane the Virgin? It's totally soapy and over the top, but Jane and her family are very sweet, and her father is hilarious. I'm also really enjoying Scorpion, even though it is sort of ridiculous. It makes me laugh and keeps me entertained, which is a lot more than Arrow is doing these days.
  14. But will Legends survive Sean Bean?? I was watching Enlisted this weekend and saw Brandon Routh shirtless. Looking forward to seeing that on Arrow. Yes, I'm shallow.
  15. ^I'm like three episodes behind, so that was a little spoilery, but I kind of figured that was the way it was going to go, anyway. Maybe he's the next Sean Bean.
  16. I was disappointed in Death Comes to Pemberley as well. I found Jenna Coleman insufferable! I kept falling asleep during the thing and didn't find it that interesting. I really wanted to like it because of Matthew Rhys and Matthew Goode...oh well.
  17. I've been thinking a lot about that photograph of the stunt lady BC, and I'm thinking it almost has to be Laurel. Making Laurel into BC as soon as episode eleven just seems to accomplish many of the things that the EPs are trying to achieve this season. So, as others have stated, I believe that Oliver will be missing at the end of episode ten. It's even possible that he is left dangling off of a cliff, and Team Arrow thinks he is dead. This is the cliffhanger that we are left with until the show returns again in mid-January. With Oliver temporarily out of the picture, this allows Laurel to strap on the fishnets. 'Cause you know that if he was around, he'd do everything in his power to prevent this. He might be more open to Laurel as BC if he returns and sees that she's been doing a fine job without his assistance. This benefits Laurel because now the writers have something to do with her character in the second half of the season. Oliver's disappearance also allows Felicity to grow closer to Ray, while further reinforcing the idea that maybe Felicity should avoid a romantic relationship with Oliver. This is the third man in her life that she has loved but been abandoned by. If Oliver is gone because he left voluntarily, or if he let those left behind think he was dead when he had the opportunity to contact them and let them know otherwise, I imagine that Felicity will feel completely betrayed. It gives Diggle a larger storyline as he will probably be out fighting crime while continuing to train Roy (and maybe even Laurel). Finally, this would also benefit Oliver as he sees that the city continues to stand even if he isn't there to fight crime. He sees that there are other heroes out there who can shoulder the burden of watching over Starling City. Maybe this would allow him to see that he can be both The Arrow and Oliver Queen, so he sets out to get Felicity back. Just one thing. Please, for the love of God, do NOT have Oliver staring at a picture of Felicity while he is missing. That's one parallel that I don't want to see! Full disclosure. I don't want the story to play out this way, but it seems a likely scenario to me. Who knows, though, maybe I'm way off base here.
  18. Yeah, I'm just making fun of how fast they burn through stories and how they like to shock! the audience. I don't really think that Ray and Felicity will be engaged or anything like that. That would be horrible, seriously.
  19. From the spoilers that we have so far, I think it's very possible that the photo of BC is Laurel, not Sara. I googled photographs, and Sara's costume looks nothing like the one in the picture. The costume in the photo has way too many buckles to be Sara's. I wonder if the outfit looks anything like what Laurel wore when she beat that guy up with the baseball bat (I would check but I deleted that episode off the DVR). Since we know that KC is probably getting a mask soon (based on the head mold photo), I assumed that she would be fighting crime this season. Eleven episodes is sufficient time for that to happen, right? At the pace that these EPs move, I'm assuming that yes, they do think that this is appropriate. Episode # 11 is called Midnight City. I don't know anything about comics, but from googling, it looks like there was a Doctor Midnight (or Dr. Mid-Nite) and he dated Black Canary. Wonder if this has anything to do with the title name. Complete speculation here. I think that it's possible that Oliver is the one "left behind" in episode ten. Maybe he goes off with the LoA. While he is away, Laurel, Roy, maybe Ray, and possibly some others watch over the city and fight crime (HA!). Oliver comes back and sees that the city was just fine without him, so he decides that he wants to be a real boy. He can be The Arrow AND Oliver Queen. He will decide that he wants to fight for Felicity, but at that point she will probably be engaged to Ray or something rage-inducing like that.
  20. It's starting to feel like an Oprah giveaway with Laurel and Ray getting masks. "You get a brand new mask and you get a brand new mask! You all get brand new masks!" They need to slow down here.
  21. Yes, I would certainly prefer most of Laurel's storyline to involve training with Ted at his gym. Maybe things don't go so well for Ted in the next episode and Laurel's not able to prove his innocence so he gets carted off to jail. I know that they said Laurel would have a love interest, so either it will be Ted, it was supposed to be Ted but that idea was nixed, or it's someone she hasn't met yet. Maybe Ted's apprentice or Ted's father, conveniently named Ted Sr., can train Laurel and she'll fall madly in love with him.
  22. My problem with Ted is his acting...he doesn't have any emotions. He always sounds like he's reciting his lines. Doesn't look like he gets any better based on the small scenes of him in the next episode. He wasn't that bad on Emily Owens when I rewatched his scenes prior to this season. Maybe this is why Ted isn't going to be around much this season. They probably intended for him to have a larger role and be Laurel's love interest, but possibly scratched that after watching him in action. Yikes!
  23. I thought that the EPs were serious about presenting Ray as a viable alternative to Oliver, but I'm not sure why Felicity would go for him at this early stage. He's smart, rich, and seems like an OK work colleague, but I'm not seeing any sparks there. It definitely seems way too early for a kiss, but I guess that we have to move through their relationship quickly so they can break up before season's end.
  24. OK, I'd be fine with it if it played out that way. As long as he doesn't turn into a giant ass the next time he sees Felicity.
  25. If the fern abuse is about the kiss, it's a little off-putting because Oliver is the one who won't allow himself to be with Felicity. And then he's going to get pissed that she's kissing another guy? Is she not allowed to get on with her life? C'mon, Oliver!
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