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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Another Amy Gumenick interview. Not really spoilery: http://collider.com/amy-gumenick-arrow-season-3-interview/
  2. Hmm. Interesting. Amy Gumenick (Cupid) actually auditioned for the role of Laurel Lance. I've never seen her in anything, but something tells me that she would have been an improvement. Per the interview: Maybe Team Arrow should use her as a resource. Point her in the direction of the bad guys and let her eliminate them.
  3. Oh my gosh. Rogelio from Jane the Virgin has his very own twitter account. Did anyone else see this? Too funny. https://twitter.com/RogelioDeLaVega
  4. Ah, OK. It's not important. I was just wondering if things were a lot quieter this year than last. It seems like people aren't as excited.
  5. I'm kind of curious how the Nielsen's TV Twitter ratings for this season compare to last. Does anyone know where I could get that information? I have the season 3 ratings, I would just need season 2 info.
  6. Regarding episode nine: I'm fully prepared to hate this episode. I'm having flashes back to The Promise and the way that episode was hyped. I hated that episode so much and was shocked when it got pretty good reviews and people were giving it an 11/10 rating (although I did have a good laugh when the ratings came in and that episode like tied for series low. Haha).
  7. I'm actually quite bitter that in many cases, the EPs seem to know what the problems are, they just don't actually understand them. I'm fairly certain that they know how popular Original Team Arrow trio is. They had that line last season "It started with the three of us. It's time we got back to that." Well, instead of "getting back to that," we've added Roy and Laurel into the mix. I'm fine with Roy, he doesn't bother me much and I don't care if he's hanging around. Not so fine with Laurel (actually that's a huge understatement). It's like they know that there are people who don't want her as part of Team Arrow ("I'm not part of your team and I don't work for you"), but they started the season with Laurel calling The Arrow her business partner ("you catch them, I cook them") and she's been hanging around the Arrow lair for half of the episodes this season (episodes 2, 4, and 6). Really, if you aren't part of the team, why are you hanging out with the team??? They also understand that people have issues with Laurel. But in their minds, the issues stem from the fact that Laurel didn't know the identity of The Arrow and she wasn't in fishnets yet. So, we have Slade tell her who the Arrow is and to get her in on the action, we insert her into the Arrow Cave, which is exactly what people who love Original Team Arrow trio don't want. As far as the fishnets go, we have the EPs telling us that you can't just put on a jacket and go out and fight crime, or you'll get yourself killed. Olicity is popular, but again there is a misunderstanding about what actually makes this couple interesting. We're going to fix this relationship with some on again/off again crap. No, no, no. This is not what people want. At all. The flashbacks are pretty polarizing, I think. I encounter a lot of comments where people mention that the flashbacks are one of their least favorite parts of the show. So now we're going to have At this point, I don't believe anything that comes from the mouths of the EPs or actors, and I don't think I will ever trust any of them ever again :(
  8. The Flash gang don't know the identity of The Arrow right? I guess they find out because the new TV Guide has a photo in it with Cisco, Caitlyn, and Lyla in the Arrow cave with Roy, Diggle, Oliver, and Felicity.
  9. I'm just hoping that this "emotional" scene involves anger and yelling. Lots and lots of anger and shouting from Diggle.
  10. Maybe Ray is there to show Oliver that he can be a superhero and a normal person doing normal people things like dating/falling in love, but the EPs could have saved themselves a lot of money and given that responsibility to Diggle. Diggle is basically a superhero without a costume, and he's showing Oliver that you can have a future with the person you love. It pretty much seems like Diggle has the things that Oliver wants, so that's kind of why I'm thinking that the EPs have an ulterior motive where Ray is concerned. Ray isn't really necessary for the story that they're trying to tell.
  11. Orange is the New Black. I had to bail on Hannibal in season one. Ugh, it was so disgusting. I felt bad because I like Hugh Dancy, and Mads Mikkelsen was great, but god the gore was awful.
  12. I totally agree. Oliver has loads of problems and Felicity has been hurt one too many times. This should be enough to keep them apart for a while. But maybe they are throwing Ray in the mix because they intend to try and spin him off into his own show. They're probably thinking that it worked with Barry, so it will work with Ray. Attach him to Felicity and people will love him! Actually, I have no idea what is wrong with these EPs...they tend to complicate things when there's a much more logical way of reaching their intended goal.
  13. There's some new spoilers posted over in the other thread. So Diggle has "his most emotional scene" with Laurel in episode 10. I really hope that we get at least one meaningful Diggle/Felicity scene before that. I really think that his "most emotional scene" (probably about Oliver missing/being presumed dead) should be with Felicity, but whatever. So we're going to see flashbacks to a young Nyssa? Why are they wasting time on stuff like that instead of the things that people care about?
  14. Which is exactly why I think that the EPs are going to do it. They are nothing if not consistent with their terrible, horrible, no good, very bad ideas.
  15. I would definitely prefer a situation where Oliver pursues a single Felicity but she's just too afraid of being hurt again, so she shuts him down (for a while). But, haha, these writers are probably going to go the most obvious route: love triangle.
  16. I think that it all boils down to the EPs needing an excuse to keep Felicity and Oliver apart. If Felicity and Ray decide before the mid-season break that they just want to be platonic friends, there's nothing to keep Olicity from happening pretty quickly when Oliver returns in episode twelve (or thereabouts). Felicity likely has abandonment issues from the men in her life leaving her, but I'm not sure that she'd be able to refuse Oliver for very long if he's aggressively pursuing her when he returns. I think that they are going to throw Ray in the mix so Felicity has a reason not to be with Oliver at first. Later on in the season, I think that she'll be perfectly happy with her relationship with Ray, but she'll decide that it's not enough because she loves Oliver and wants to be with him. You know, that red pill/blue pill thing that people have been mentioning. ETA: Yes, I think that this is dumb and absolutely not the only way to go about keeping the two apart, but the EPs are not very original.
  17. I had mentioned elsewhere in the forum that I started watching Orange is the New Black in Arrow's slot on Wednesday. It's really good and surprisingly funny! I watched three more episodes this weekend and could have binge-watched the entire first season, to be honest. I'm sad, though, because I can't do Netflix, so I'll have to wait for the next season to be released on DVD before I can watch it :( Don't know how things will shape up for the rest of the first season, but I'd recommend the show to people at this point.
  18. I pretty much agree with your whole post. I think that there's no way they're going to give us Olicity as soon as episode twelve, so they need to write in some sort of roadblock to prevent that from happening in February. Sara was a roadblock last season, and I think that Ray is going to be the roadblock this season. I think this is why the EPs are moving the Ray and Felicity relationship along so quickly...we need to have them dating before Oliver goes missing/leaves in episode nine. 'Cause I think that there's no way that Felicity would receive some heartfelt goodbye from Oliver in episode nine and then jump into a relationship with Ray in the two months that Oliver is gone. Speaking of heartfelt goodbyes...this big scene that's supposed to happen between Oliver and Felicity better be in person. I don't want a goodbye over the comms because that would totally suck. I feel that a passionate goodbye kiss might be appropriate as well :)
  19. I watched that Hallmark movie featuring Brandon Routh, The Nine Lives of Christmas. Oh my gosh it was so cute. I'm always hesitant to watch anything with animals in it because I'm afraid that it will be sad, but this wasn't sad at all. BR plays a fireman who buys houses, fixes them up in his free time, and resells them. This cat, Ambrose, just sort of invites himself into BR's life. This movie has all of the staples of a good Hallmark movie: romance, a little angsty human drama stemming from a misunderstanding, and a happy ending. If you love cats and Hallmark movies, watch this. Seriously, Ambrose the cat cracked me up.
  20. How about Oliver gets hurt (cracked ribs), and after an entire season of no physical contact, she has to wrap some bandages real tight around his abs. I second the gift exchange. If that doesn't happen, I hope that Oliver at least remembers to wish Felicity a Happy Hanukkah. You just know that she's probably going to have plans with Ray, though. Felicity's been doing a lot of crying this year. Oliver can wipe away the tears like Hook did for Emma over on OUaT. Aww, that was so sweet.
  21. And I love that all of the Olicity fans probably knew immediately exactly which gif I was talking about :)
  22. So CH knows who the killer is and thinks that we'll hate that person? It's probably him, haha. How long ago was that interview? Oh, how I would love it if Laurel was actually Sara's killer. Sure, it wouldn't make much sense since Laurel was on the ground when Sara's body fell from the roof, but I have faith that these writers could invent some ridiculous story to explain that all away...just retcon those last two minutes of The Calm right out of existence. Poor Felicity, she's going to be so broken. Abandoned by another man that she loves when Oliver disappears for two or three episodes (this is speculation, of course). If everyone thinks that he's dead and then Oliver returns, maybe it'll be Felcity who decides that she doesn't want to be involved with a man that will end up dead on a slab. That's a substantial roadblock to their relationship, right? Cue ten more episodes of the two of them avoiding a romantic relationship for reasons.
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