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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. I mean, where is Grant's other hand? Is he even doing any lifting? Amell's bulging veins confirm that he's doing most of the work.
  2. Well, I live in a fairly rural area where affordable internet options are limited. My internet service provider only allows me to download 250 MB of data in 24 hours. Pretty sure I couldn't even watch one 42 minute-long episode without going over that limit. I tried to watch an episode of The Good Wife once...took me three days to see the thing without using up my data allowance. So, sadly Netflix is not an option. It's a bummer too, because I want to see the last season of The Killing, season 4 of Longmire, and seasons 2-3 of Orange is the New Black. Oh well :(
  3. I have a feeling that SA, even on his worst day, still look hella good shirtless, so I'm not sure why he's nearly killing himself to stay in shape. Maybe just do a normal person work-out regime or something?? That would probably be completely adequate. In an interview, KC mentioned something about finally being able to do something that she had been practicing, and she was so excited about it. It can't be the salmon ladder, right? No way.
  4. ^Ooh. That's incredibly disappointing. I'm not kidding when I say that shirtless Oliver was the only reason that I continued to tune in during season 1. I don't even remember many of the episodes that season...I just remember a lot of scenes of Oliver working out. Shirtless. Bummer.
  5. Well, the salmon ladder returns in 3x08, so that sweating line could be about Oliver/Sally.
  6. Yay! Netflix saved Longmire from cancellation. Unfortunately, I won't be able to see it. Boo :( http://www.tvguide.com/news/netflix-longmire-season-4-1089465.aspx
  7. ^I don't watch Game of Thrones, so only know that Jaime and Cersei are siblings. But a major "eww" to the stuff under the spoiler tag. Of the couples that I'm familiar with on that poll, Oliver/Laurel are the only ones that had major major anti-chemistry.
  8. Yeah, I was waiting to see if Oliver/Laurel win so that I could make a comment about how bad their relationship must be if they beat out incest. Pretty damn bad, that's for sure.
  9. I would just like to add a little bit to Jlina's recap. When Walter's sister, Megan, was getting in the car so that Walter could take her back to the facility that she lives at, she pulled out a beaded bracelet and asked Walter what it was. Turns out that when they were kids, Megan was really sick (with a fever or something?) and her family didn't think that she was going to make it. So Walter took her bracelet so that he'd have something to remember her by if she died. He'd been hanging on to it all of these years. You could try Body of Proof Season 3. I don't think that you need to see the first two seasons to follow what is going on, and that season features Mark Valley as Elyes Gabel's cop partner . Yum!
  10. USD Poll: Which of these dysfunctional couples should never be together again? You can vote for 2 options: http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/11/usd-poll-which-of-these-dysfunctional.html
  11. Haha! I thought that this was funny. Kind of a backhanded compliment: https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/537059000148180993
  12. Problem is, I actually like the Olicity relationship, but I'm not at all enjoying how it is playing out either. I'd say that the EPs have epically failed if they've managed to disappoint fans of the couple as well as those who are against or indifferent to the pairing. Maybe epic failure is the theme for the season. Season 3A is being driven by the mystery of who killed Sara. Does anyone fucking care? I don't think that I've seen one person comment about how intrigued they are by this mystery. Most seem to want the murder solved so that we can move on to something more interesting. The EPs actually seem to be quite talented when it comes to disappointing an array of fans this season. There are Olicity fans who are not happy with how the relationship is playing out, people who don't care about the romantic relationships who are not happy with how Olicity is playing out, fans of Sara who are angry that she's dead, people who dislike Laurel that are unhappy with what Sara's death means, fans of Oliver that are not happy that he will be , etc. Seems to me that the EPs have just managed to turn off a lot of fans with this season's storylines.
  13. I hope that in episode 9, Felicity tells Ray, "You're everything I want in a guy, you're just not the guy I want." With that relationship declared as strictly friendship, I would dread the post-break episodes a little less.
  14. I'm super aggravated because Sara had the LoA association. There was no need to kill her and then come up with some convoluted plan that leads us back to the LoA/Ra's when we already had a character with the connections. Sara knew that world, she lived that world. If they had used Sara more sparingly this season, I would have been more than happy to have a full episode of Sara or Sara/Oliver infiltrating the LoA while showing us Sara flashbacks to her early days training with Nyssa. That would have been awesome. Ah, what could have been.
  15. Guggenheim has mentioned that season 3 is all about identity. Am I The Arrow, or am I Oliver Queen? Obviously, we know that Oliver is pretty successful when it comes to being a hero. But he's kind of a failure when it comes to being a human being. I think that this season is about Oliver striving to be The Arrow and Oliver Queen, and the pieces have already started moving in place. Oliver went to Corto Maltese to retrieve Thea. He's living with her, having popcorn movie nights, and slowly starting to tell her the truth about some of the things that he's kept from her (like the fact that Robert survived, made it to the life raft, but then killed himself). He's trying to repair his relationship with the only family that he has left. Oliver is actually starting to effectively mentor Roy. He's training him (actually training him, not just advising Roy to slap some water) and refusing to give up on him. At some point, maybe Oliver will actually decide to fight to get his company back. Finally, yes, part of the point of this season is for Oliver to be with Felicity. Romantic relationships are a part of life. Normal human beings get to date, fall in love, get married, have babies. Why can't Oliver have this too? He can have this too and I'm hoping that along with The Arrow fighting crime, we're going to get to see Oliver's personal life again...see him doing normal people things like hanging out with his sister (check!), going to his friend's house for dinner (check!), or cooking a romantic dinner for his girlfriend.
  16. I want to know what happened to Julien's leg. I don't think they've said yet, have they? I'm assuming that he's injured during the 2006 investigation of Oliver's disappearance. There was a lot of flashing from present day back to 2006 in this one. With the main characters, it's easy enough to tell which year we're in because of hairstyles, but there were a few times with side characters that I had to double-check what year it was (like with the pedophile guy). I wonder what the heck the journalist was talking about when he threatened Emily by telling her that he'd tell the police what she and her husband had done. Hmm. And what's up with the wealthy guy, Ian? Something shady is going on there, but it will probably just turn out to be a red herring.
  17. Wow, the son of the British polish officer (played by Jason Flemyng) looked just like little Oliver. At least, I think so. Eh, all little kids look pretty much the same to me :) I'm surprised that Emily didn't blame Tony for losing little Oliver. I'm assuming that part comes later and is the reason that their marriage breaks up. Or it could be the drinking. Yeah, probably the drinking. I like how social media was used to track all appearances of the boy in the yellow scarf. But seriously, what are the chances that a second-hand shop would keep such detailed records of their items? Not likely, but I suppose they had to get things progressing somehow. At the end, before the picture on the wall was revealed, I was wondering what Tony could have possibly been looking at that would have made him react like he was. Good job show. They've shown that little stick figure in like all of the promos for the show (and of course they showed Oliver's drawing earlier in the show), so I immediately recognized it. This show has some fantastic actors/actresses, and I'm really wondering if they're going to find Oliver. I wish I could just binge-watch the entire series in one sitting!
  18. Anyone watching The Missing over on Starz? The first two episodes have aired so far. It's intriguing right now...hope it doesn't all fall apart by the end, though.
  19. Haha! Nobody should take relationship advice from Oliver Queen. Just basically do the opposite of whatever he says. I like how they're advertising 10, 11, and 12 as a 3-part trilogy about Laurel. But then episode 13 is called "Canaries," so really it's a four-part story. I was thinking that I would tune back in for episode 12 so I could see Oliver's return, but now I'm thinking that I'm out until at least episode 14. I'll still watch them all, but I'll read comments before doing so. I find that it gives me some time to prepare myself so that I don't just come on here and rage-post away. The only thing that can entice me to watch live is if Oliver and Felicity actually begin dating for real in those episodes.
  20. I actually hope that not many spoilers are posted. If the spoilers are available, I won't be able to resist looking. I just want to know how much screentime Laurel has in The Flash portion of the crossover (hope it's like 10 seconds, ha!), and I want to make sure that speculation on the stupid Canary Cry is purely speculation. If there are any good Oliver/Felicity moments, I'd like to know about those too (not specifics, though). I find that when you're majorly spoiled and know exactly how the episode is going to play out, it's kind of a let-down.
  21. Well, at least Brandon Routh is aware of what some are saying about Ray Palmer: https://twitter.com/BrandonJRouth/status/535286821836435458 I do feel a bit bad because he seems like a nice guy in real life.
  22. Hmm. An Oliver/Felicity love scene? Here's what I want. The latest Imagine Dragons jam playing in the background: Oliver carries Felicity to the bedroom where they start undressing each other in front of windows with undrawn curtains, allowing anyone from the street to watch. Haha! Just kidding. But seriously, if a 10 is sex, then this 9 rating better involve more than just a kiss. It better be like a passionate make-out scene with roaming hands and bodies pressed against the wall, or I'm gonna be disappointed.
  23. Yeah, I'm basically expecting it to make zero sense. Haha! In fact, sense can't even enter into the equation. With these guys, you have to think about which suspects will give them the most story in the back half of the season. SA described it as "convoluted," right? That doesn't sound promising.
  24. Well, assuming Thea is actually the killer, I say let Laurel go after Thea, thus pissing Oliver and Malcolm off. I would love to see Laurel try to hold her own against someone trained by the LoA.
  25. Colin Donnell was on The Mysteries of Laura this week. And no, he did not play the murder victim. I couldn't tell you if the episode was any good, though, since I wasn't even half-ways paying attention.
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