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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Supergirl adjusted down in the finals: 0.8 and 2.651.
  2. Last week I gave the children some credit for seeming to make an effort, but nah, they're terrible shits (except for Gerald, who is a precious puppy-saving cupcake). The girl was WAY too desperate for Max's attention (sorry, but I found it hilarious when he gave Margie-Bargie a resounding NO), and the one with a gun was a turd to his mother (when she needed help with the ceiling) and his sister (whom he called fat!). And I don't think I was supposed to have this reaction, but I laughed when the eldest boys shot the gun, fell down the hill, and nearly killed himself. LOL. I love that Louisa wrestled that book money out of her recuperating son's hands because frankly, he should be expected to step up and help his widowed mother, who is raising a family of five (plus pets) ALL ON HER OWN. And I love that Louisa made Spiros take a puppy, despite his objections. Speaking of Spiros...yeah, I totally ship him with Louisa. I know that in the first episode, one of the kids pointed out that he had a picture of his family in his taxi. But I think that was a misdirect. I don't think he's married, and I think he'll end up with Louisa. When he was comforting her during the son's surgery, it looked like there was one second where he thought about kissing her (or maybe it was wishful thinking on my part, ha)! I've not read spoilers, but I'm hoping she ends up with him :)
  3. I'm curious to see what the ratings do when he actually sleeps with the reporter (cause I totally think that's happening and is not just a rumor). I'm expecting a lot of rage from people who were promised a "HUGE Olicity episode" and instead get Oliver sleeping with a lady that's been around for three episodes. Ep. 506 might go even lower than a 0.6.
  4. The EPs have been relentless with the "writing away from romance" stuff (not always stated in those exact terms, obviously), and despite falling ratings/social media numbers, they still haven't started to walk back any of their previous statements. I know that people watching the show are saying that there are plenty of Olicity moments in the episodes, but honestly, it feels like the rug is going to be yanked out from under shippers. At this point, I'm expecting to hear that EBR is leaving the show, or that GA/BC version 3.0 is happening in season 5B. Maybe things are going to get much worse for shippers, and that's why the EPs are not doling out much hope :(
  5. I have also stopped watching the show for many of the reasons you have cited above. Finally free from Laurel, I thought that season 5 would return to the OTA dynamic that I loved so much. Instead, I was presented with a bunch of new masks that I have zero interest in watching. I no longer ship Olicity (baby mama drama was the final straw), but I find that the show works so much better when they are a happy, drama-free couple. The baby mama crap just ruined everything because Felicity was right to kick Oliver to the curb, but I also have no desire to go back to their season 1 and 2 dynamic where we're supposed to forget that they were ever engaged. I don't care about the new love interests. I suffered through Ray and that was enough for me. This season was supposed to be "grounded" and "back to basics," yet I've seen spoilers about I am SO irritated that Flashpoint was allowed to affect Arrow. I hate that the shared universe allowed Barry Allen to make changes to a show that he isn't even part of. Sara Diggle hates it too. Finally, That was the final piece of news that did me in. HARD PASS.
  6. Continuing discussion in bitterness thread.
  7. Ouch. That's a new series low, isn't it? Hemorrhaging viewers here, yikes! Yay for Lethal Weapon, though, that show is awesome.
  8. Had no idea what this was about, but I'm so glad I watched! My, the children are BRATS (except the youngest), but I think this move to Corfu is already starting to affect them positively. The boy with the gun is trying to learn the language (for a girl, but still, at least he's making an effort) and the girl has had a lightbulb moment about how very different men and women are treated in the world. Why is the sex-crazed writer trying to set his mother up with Popeye when she has two yummy appealing options in Gerald's new animal-loving friend and the taxi driver? I don't know which way we're going there, but I like both men at this stage. I hope this continues to be as charming and hilarious as it has been so far because I'm loving it.
  9. I was thinking it would be an Olicity kiss, or sex. I don't think it will be a full reunion this early (what do I know, though. I don't have any inside sources), but rather just some crumbs to make sure shippers tune in after the midseason break.
  10. I know it's only week 2 of Arrow, but I just find it bizarre that they saw their shitty ratings from the first two episodes, and the social media numbers are likely down, but they haven't started to walk back some of the statements they've made regarding romance on the show. I mean, I'm not an Executive Producer, but I think my strategy might be to try to keep fans by offering them some reassuring words. The fact that they aren't doing that makes me wonder if it's because lots of bad stuff is coming for Olicity, and they don't want to piss fans of the couple off even more by giving false hope. I don't know.
  11. Hmm, I'm not convinced that there will be an Olicity reunion by February. It makes no sense to me why the EPs keep releasing interviews that are turning the people who enjoy the Olicity aspect of the show away from the show/social media. I'm kind of ??? about why they keep pushing the "we're writing away from romance" stuff so hard if they just intend to put the couple back together soon. Like, people are reaching their breaking points, so a bit of hope might be good if you expect the shippers to still be around by the time the reunion happens. Don't get it at all.
  12. Look, I don't watch Arrow anymore, but I find it really fucking infuriating that Barry just erased the last four years of a show that he isn't even part of. Maybe most events post new timeline are the same as they were before...or maybe not. Who knows? I guess Oliver and Felicity's first kiss didn't really happen at the hospital as witnessed because Sara was never born there (never born at all, in fact...hey thanks, Barry!). This shared universe sure is totes awesome. /sarcasm
  13. Never said they were. Called him an "unofficial adopted member of the West Family." Joe raised him as he would his own son, loves him as he does his own children (more actually, IMO, sadly), and I think he even calls him "son." Doesn't seem a stretch to say Barry is part of the West Family. Spoilers seem to indicate that they might be abruptly dropping the Kara/James relationship right as they cast a hot, age appropriate dude who is not a blood relative of Kara's, so yeah, I'm going with "love interest."
  14. I definitely don't see the network putting a stop to a Kara/Mon-El romance. This is a network of ship-stalls, love triangles, and lead characters sexing up siblings. Change "House of El" to "West Family" in the above quote, and you've just described the lead character in the CW's top rated show. The network seems to have no issues with a Barry/Iris romance, so I don't see them interfering here, either. Tbh, part of the reason this character was even brought in was probably specifically for ship-stall or replacement love interest purposes. It's how the CW rolls.
  15. *Whispers* I actually quit Arrow, but I thought I'd ask the question here cause I figured at least one of you knowledgeable people would have an answer for me. Thanks! With those ratings, I won't be shocked if we suddenly start hearing less about new masked rookies/writing away from romance, etc. and more about "core characters"/Olicity finding their way back to each other. Unfortunately for the EPs, like a half of a season has already been written/filmed, and if their viewing audience starts to bail because they hate what's on screen, they are kind of fucked (at this point, can't really change what's already on film---can only adjust what hasn't been written yet).
  16. Question: Do DVR viewings count towards ratings even if you aren't a Nielsen's household? I read that they do, and that if you watch the entire show without fast-forwarding through commercials, it counts more towards ratings than it would if you ff. I usually DVR various shows I want to help in ratings, start the DVR a minute or two after the live broadcast starts, and watch all commercials to give the show my ratings. But am I doing this all for nothing??
  17. Oh man, poor Tom. I like the guy, but I just know that Cameron's going to destroy him next week by 1.) refusing to go to Tokyo with him and/or leaving him OR 2.) cheating on him with Joe. I swear, each Cameron/Joe scene is so tense, and every time they speak, I expect one of them to pounce on the other. Joe, in particular, doesn't seem to be over Cameron, based on the way he's always creeping up into her personal space. Gordon has been pretty great this season...I'm afraid he's going to die. I haven't always enjoyed him, but this season he's been a good dad to his girls and a good friend to Cameron. I hope they aren't redeeming the character before killing him off :( I wonder if Cameron is going to go and work with Gordon (or Gordon/Joe) on this NSFNET business. It would be kind of neat to circle around to that season 1 trio again, but only if we would continue to see Donna and Bos every week as well.
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