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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Wasn't there a push for the US to go metric, and we just noped that so hard? I did like that Jean Luc guy on Kyle XY, but he plays such a douche on Baby Daddy that it has actually affected how I feel about him in real life. So I imagine that Emily had to bleach her hair to put the lavender color in it? Then she's going to have to dye it blonde again when they start filming? I wonder how damaging that is on your hair? And she has natural curls, which in my experience means your hair is extremely dry to begin with. Eek.
  2. Lots of Doc Holliday in this one, which is just A+ in my book. I was reading an interview with Tim Rozon, who plays Doc (which I just posted over in the media thread), and he talks about having eternal life and being trapped in that well where Wynonna went to dig up the gun: Did that happen in the first episode? I had been wondering where Doc had been living prior to Wynonna coming back to Purgatory...in the well, apparently. I guess I need to go back and watch that episode again (there's a marathon late Saturday April 30th into Sunday, by the way). Still don't care much about Dolls. His story has the potential to be interesting, but I don't get much from the actor. He needs more personality, I think. Doc is mysterious and charismatic, Waverly is adorable and perky, Wynonna is snarky, and Dolls is...just kind of bland.
  3. Here's an interview with Tim Rozon, who plays Doc Holliday. It does include a few tiny spoilers, one of which has already been shown in previews for upcoming episodes.
  4. Outside of Manu Bennett, the casting on The Shannara Chronicles was horrible. DJ Doucheface was a total casting fail. After the finale, I read some spoilers, and of course I can't find them again, but it sounds like
  5. The Flash sounds like a mess this season. If anyone tries to tell me that The Flash's writing and adherence to comic canon makes it the superior of the three DC shows on the CW, I will just laugh and laugh...and laugh! It sounds just as problematic as Arrow and LoT, tbh.
  6. I've never read any Batman comics, but for some reason I always had the impression that Jim Gordon was supposed to be a squeaky clean guy. Is that not the case? He seems pretty corrupt over on Gotham, but I've missed a bunch of episodes and barely pay attention when I do bother watching, so I could be wrong about that. I've lost interest, but I keep tuning in because I guess I'm crazy like that.
  7. Whatever she was three hours late to this weekend is what I'm talking about. I thought it was the wrap party...but maybe it was the brunch? I'm not following all of the tweets and various stuff that closely, so I'm not sure which it was. Brunch I guess? I would have been long gone before KC ever showed up is all I really know.
  8. Having dealt with a chronically late sister for many many years, unpunctuality makes me RAGE! If you're one of these people that's always late, I won't be riding anywhere with you, and I won't be meeting you anywhere, either. With KC's history of being late to cons, this weekend's wrap party, and other various events (I'm sure), I'd be willing to bet money that she was exactly like that on set as well. Oh, I would be so pissed if my co-worker was constantly putting us behind schedule because she was off doing her eyelashes, or taking selfies, or whatever. Yeah, I'd totally party like it's 1999 after said co-worker had been fired.
  9. I'm frequently behind on every show I watch, so I try to spoiler tag stuff on here (I'm not on any social media so that's not an issue) because I don't want to ruin it for anyone else who is behind or plans to binge-watch at a later date. I've been spoiled about a lot of shows accidentally, and it sucks. Over on TWoP, someone posted a HUGE Homeland spoiler (regarding a death) in the Arrow forum a week or two after it aired. Like, why? It's very easy to simply spoiler tag stuff and not ruin it for someone who is behind, so I always tend to do that with big deaths and plot points, even if the show is several years old.
  10. The show was dropping hints in the first few episodes, but as someone who is not a fan of westerns (or history), even the clues didn't help me, ha! There's the fact that his name is Henry and Doc Holliday's real name was John Henry "Doc" Holliday (thank you, Google). I think Henry also mentioned that he was Wyatt Earp's right hand man, but again, that wasn't much help to me. Black Badge Division guy is the weak link for me, and I would like to get rid of Bobo as well (completely random, but that actor has always reminded me of the lead singer of Korn). I like everyone else well enough, though. Waverly is adorable, and I totally ship Wynonna and Henry, even if I'm not sure if the guy is supposed to be good or bad.
  11. John and Aeryn were one of my fave couples. Ben Browder and Claudia Black had insane chemistry. I shipped Klaus and Caroline...still do, actually. I always got the impression that Joseph Morgan would have loved to see it happen, but Candice King seemed against it. I might have continued watching The Originals if Candice King had moved over to that show, but instead we got Leah Pipes. No thanks! I originally shipped Stiles and Lydia, but after years of nothing but small teases, I kind of lost interest and moved on to Lydia/Parrish. Of course, now it looks like we might(?) get back to Stiles/Lydia, but I'm not sure I care anymore? My Hundred ships didn't work out too well for me...
  12. Next time less subtle with the hints, maybe? I was definitely not getting the impression that anyone had any inside info. And also, please spill the beans on any BTS info you have regarding KC :)
  13. I didn't realize that Arrow wasn't on last night. Figured it out when I checked my phone for episode spoilers at 7:30 and there was nothing. Oops. I continue to watch Blindspot, and I continue to NOT enjoy the main guy. His acting has improved, but I still get absolutely no spark between him and Jane. If I have to choose, I prefer her with the new guy (don't even know his name). He's better looking and they have more chemistry compared to Jane and FBI guy. God, OUaT is SOOO boring this half-season. I want Zelena to go away forever, I want to leave the underworld forever, and oh yeah, please give me lots of Captain Swan stuff because at this point, it's the only reason that I'm still watching. Orphan Black returns tonight, and 12 Monkeys returns on Monday. I'm really loving the ads for 12 Monkeys...I think I'll enjoy the direction they've decided to take this season. My poor DVR can't handle much more, though. I'm down to 6% and I'm so far behind on every show ever *sobbing*.
  14. I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I have one huge problem with iZombie---Major. I've never really cared much about the guy, but I pretty much hated him after he left the dog on the bus. I'm not a fan of the actor--I find him majorly (ha!) bland---but I think I could have cared about him if they had cast someone with charisma. His storyline is okay, but I definitely don't ship him with Liv, and I fear that he's the endgame guy. Bleh!
  15. WWLD---What Would Laurel Do? Some acceptable answers include: Jump onto zipline before it anchors itself, jump off a building (without warning) and expect someone to catch you, beat up a hospital patient, go after a guy with a baseball bat, use blackmail, dig up and transport dead body, chain up feral soulless woman in basement.
  16. That's my first time seeing the Oliver/Laurel kiss. *shudders* Do not want!
  17. My "favorite" part of the round table: Curtis can replace Felicity, and that would be totally fine, but someone replacing Laurel just as quickly would be "disrespectful"? Laurel's dead. Trust me, she's not going to care. In fact, if she cared about her teammates at all, she would probably want them to have adequate backup in the field so they stay safe.
  18. I hate myself for even writing this, but in The Flash comics, isn't Iris Maybe they'll go with an Earth 2 version instead. But maybe not since apparently they stick to canon and would be punished for straying, or something like that.
  19. Where are the death rumors coming from? Just curious. I don't watch, so I really don't care who dies, but I won't be surprised if they just replace whomever it is with the Earth 2 version of that character. If this is what they end up doing, my guess is that if the Earth 2 counterpart was more popular than the Earth 1 version, well...bye-bye. Would Caitlyn/Killer Frost fit that description? I don't even know.
  20. I'm going to spoiler tag so I don't ruin it for anyone. HUGE Sleepy Hollow spoilers ahead!
  21. During season one of Sleepy Hollow, I remember seeing all of these cute interviews with Nicole Beharie and Tom Mison. Now, I admit that I don't go seeking that stuff out anymore, but has there been much of that this season? Maybe I'm just missing it all? Another thing that I find strange is after SH's shitty second season and the way their prior showrunner nearly got them cancelled, I fully expected the Abbie/Ichabod ship to be full steam ahead. But there hasn't been this large push to put the couple together, so I was thinking BTS problems? Maybe?
  22. Off topic, but I had been wondering about weird BTS stuff possibly happening over on Sleepy Hollow, and now I'm just...hmmm. If anyone's heard anything (involving cast members), please let me know in the Small Talk thread :)
  23. Pretty sure Black Siren is just a one-off. I'm guessing she'll be gone after shark man eats her, or Barry kills her, or whatever.
  24. Gotta be more sure than the level of sure we were when we were sure that Arrow would never kill off Laurel.
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